Research and Scholarship 2004


Researcher : Bhatt MS

List of Research Outputs

Bhatt M.S., Participatory Strategies in Income Generation Programmes for Poor Women in India. 2004.

Researcher : Chan AKW

List of Research Outputs

Chan A.K.W. and Wong W.L., Gendering Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 2004, 772.

Researcher : Chan WH

List of Research Outputs

Chan W.H., For Love of the Country: Excursions in (the) New Territories of Urban Hong Kong's Identities, Place, Memory and Identity in "New Asia". Singapore, 2004, 26.
Chan W.H., Solidarity and Hierarchy in the Reinvention of Village Food in Hong Kong, International Conference on the Production of Food and Foodways in Asia. Hong Kong, 2004, 12.
Chan W.H., Xinjie Weicun yu shequ Xiangxiang, 新界圍村與社區想像, Pipan Sikao, chuangyi Jiaoxue: Xianggang Shequ Jiaoyu. 批判思考創意教學:香港社區教育, Hong Kong, Centre of Asian Studies, HKU, 2004, 1: 43-62.
Hase P.H., Lee M.Y. and Chan W.H., Shequ yu fengshui: Fengshui yingxiang xia chengxing de Shang Hekeng Cun, 社區與風水:風水影響下成形的上禾坑村, Pipan Sikao, chuangyi Jiaoxue: Xianggang Shequ Jiaoyu. 批判思考創意教學:香港社區教育, Hong Kong, Centre of Asian Studies, HKU, 2004, 1: 21-42.

Researcher : Cheng KS

Project Title:A ritual approach to the local past-life regression theraphy
Investigator(s):Dr. Cheng J.K.S., Prof. Kwan S.M.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date:07/2003
To understand the local PLRT movement at a decriptive level by utilizing both indigenous categories and those suggested by ritologists, especially Victor Turner; to articulate the negotiation of (pseudo) religious and community identities through ritual practices and hence the role of ritualization in giving a (pseudo) religious movement its impetus; to explain and interpret the transformations brought about by PLRT as a religious phenomenon.

List of Research Outputs

Cheng K.S., De-construction of New Age of Movement and Holistic Health, The Journal of Theologies and Cultures in Asia. Hong Kong, Programme for Theology and Cultures in Asia, 2004, 3: 121-154.
Cheng K.S., Family Constellation: Healing Body and Mind Through Revealing Living and Dead Souls, Spirituality, Religion and Holistic Health - To Breakthrough the Boundary Situation, 11 June 2004. Hong Kong, The Nethersole Instit. of Cont'n Holistic Health Education.
Cheng K.S., 不合格的「小預算案」, 信報財經新聞10月30日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 沙士調查報告暗地狠批, 信報財經新聞10月9日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 包容同性戀孕育創造力, 香港經濟日報9月27日, 香港, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 莫再將經濟數據指鹿為馬, 信報財經新聞9月24日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 研究內地投資移民枉費心機, 明報9月5日, 香港, 明報報業有限公司, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 香港應打造國際性體育產業, 信報財經新聞8月30日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 香港公營醫療應該北闖, 信報財經新聞6月5日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2004.
Cheng K.S., 香港「潛在」加「自然」失業率逾8.3%, 信報財經新聞5月3日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2004.
Cheng K.S., 名嘴「封咪」與香港新聞自由排名, 信報財經新聞5月20日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2004.
Cheng K.S., 融合深圳高科技產業,香港經濟再起飛, 信報財經新聞8月16日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 千五億元都會重建計劃, 信報財經新聞8月4日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 十一月二十三日後的假想, 信報財經新聞2003年11月28日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 公營房屋政策應該大改動, 信報財經新聞12月20日, 香港, 信報有限公司, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 保競爭力排名靠港人自力更生, 香港經濟日報12月20日, 香港, 2003.
Cheng K.S., 外企減聘港人盼CEPA扭乾坤, 香港經濟日報1月21日, 香港, 2004.
Cheng K.S., 公屋超額減租罔顧中產利益, 香港經濟日報3月31日, 香港, 2004.

Researcher : Chin JK

Project Title:Publication of "Thailand in Classical Chinese Texts"
Investigator(s):Dr. Chin J.K.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:The Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies
Start Date:07/1998
To complete and publish a major new book - 'Thailand in Classical Chinese Texts".

Project Title:Emigration from Mainland China
Investigator(s):Dr. Chin J.K.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date:09/2003
To study current emigration from mainland China, and as a solid basis for further studies on Chinese migration and family business.

List of Research Outputs

Chin J.K., Overseas Teochews and Their Migration Experience, In: Lee Chee Hiang (ed.), Teochew Merchants and the Rice Trade of Hong Kong. Singapore, Global Publishing, 2004, 355-375.
Chin J.K., Reducing Irregular Migration from China, In: Frank Laczko (ed.), International Migration, Special Issue: Understanding Migration between China and Europe. Washington, D.C., USA, Blackwell Publishing, 2003, 41.3: 49-72.
Chin J.K., Tse F. and Chan K.W., Studies on the History of Overseas Chinese, Chinese Minorities and Religion. 韓振華選集之五:華僑史及古民族宗教研究, Hong Kong, Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong, 2003, 510.

Researcher : Curley MG

Project Title:The development of the NGO sector in Cambodia and Vietnam: implications for state-civil society relations
Investigator(s):Dr. Curley M.G.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date:06/2003
To analyse the emergence of the NGO sector (indigenous and international) in Cambodia and Vietnam to assess its impact on the ongoing development of state-civil society relations in those countries; to survey and document the size and nature of the indigenous NGO community in Cambodia and Vietnam, and analyse relationships between indigenous and international NGOs; to conduct the fieldwork and research as part of a planned book project on 'The NGO Sector in Transitional Asian Economies: China, Vietnam and Cambodia Compared'; to draw comparison between the emergence, and/or the lack thereof, of an independent NGO sector in Cambodia and Vietnam, to that of other transitional countries in the region, notably China.

List of Research Outputs

Curley M.G., China and Southeast Aisa. Diplomacy during the Cold War and After by Rabindra Sen Howrah, The Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. Singapore, Cambridge University Press, 2004, 35.2: 355-383.
Curley M.G. and Thomas N.D., Human Security and Public Health in Southeast Asia: the SARS Outbreak, Australian Journal of International Affairs. Australia, Carfax Publishing, 2004, 58, No. 1: 17-32.
Wang Q.K. and Curley M.G., Poverty as a Non-traditional Security Issue: Experiences of China's Partnership with Multilateral Donor Institutions on Poverty Alleviation, In: Ramesh Thakur and Edward Newman (eds.), Broadening Asia's Security Discourse and Agenda. Political, Social and Environmental Perspectives. Tokyo, Japan, United Nations University Press, 2004, 72-96.

Researcher : Gan Y

List of Research Outputs

Gan Y., 政治哲人施特勞斯─古典保守主義政治哲學的復興, 香港, 牛津大學出版社, 2003, 168.
Gan Y., 北京大學與中山大學改革的初步比較, 21世紀經濟報導7月31日, 中國廣州, 2003, 32.
Gan Y., 華人大學理念與北大改革, 21世紀經濟報導7月3日, 中國廣州, 2003, 32.

Researcher : Ip SLS

List of Research Outputs

Ip S.L.S., 譯, In: Crabb L.著, Finding God. 裏外更新尋主面, 香港, 天道書樓, 2003.
Ip S.L.S., The Phenomena of Post-Modern Culture in Contemporary Chinese Literature. 中國當代文學中的後現代文化現象, 2004.
Ip S.L.S., 蘇東坡的悼亡作品研究, 蘇東坡與宋代文化學術研討會, 2003年8月8-9日, 香港, 香港大學中文系, 2003.
Ip S.L.S., ?伊德的後殖民學說在當代中國, 陳寅恪與中國文化研討會,2004年1月30日, 中國, 徐州師範大學, 2004.

Researcher : Lam LG.

List of Research Outputs

Lam L.G..., The Role of Major Hong Kong Companies in Hong Kong's Socio-Economic Development: 1978-1993. 2003.

Researcher : Law CK

List of Research Outputs

Yip P.S.F., Law C.K. and Law Y.W., Suicide in Hong Kong: Epidemiological Profile and Burden Analysis, 1981 to 2001, Hong Kong Medical Journal. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Medical Journal, 2003, 9: 419-426.
Yip S.F. and Law C.K., 2030規劃 高估人口, 明報論壇2003年12月11日, 香港, 明報報業有限公司, 2003.
Yip S.F. and Law C.K., 改善人口素質 面對挑戰, 明報論壇200年12月12日, 香港, 明報報業有限公司, 2003.

Researcher : Lee PT

Project Title:Banker and banking business in modern China: conference and publication of the diaries of K.P. Chen
Investigator(s):Dr. Lee P.T.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date:07/2001
To study banker and banking business in modern China: conference and publication of the diaries of K.P. Chen.

Project Title:Configuring the business culture of Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei: a documentary history of six Shanghai business corporations in the twentieth century
Investigator(s):Dr. Lee P.T.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hong Kong Research Grants Council Competitive Earmarked Research Grants
Start Date:07/2003
To explore various aspects of the business culture which originated in Shanghai, with particular reference to the archives of four to six important Chinese companies; specific to examine the dynamics of business culture of Shanghai during 1910s-1930s and how the culture was spread to Hong Kong and Taiwan in the 1940s-1950s; to trace and compare the business culture of Hong Kong and Taipei, and their return influences on Shanghai, from the 1980s to present; to study how Shanghai has successfully relied on its social, cultural and business networks in tapping business talents and financial resources from Hong Kong and Taipei; to document the company archives of four to six Shanghai companeis (they will be selected from: Far Eastern Group; Oriental Engineering Works, Ltd.; Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co., Ltd.; Wing On Textile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank; Hsu Yung-tsu Accounting Firm; and Lih Hsin Accounting Firm) with significant business relationships with Hong Kong and Taiwan; to create a collection of oral history interview records on entrepreneurial activities of the owners and the managerial employees of the above six companies.

Project Title:Configuring the business culture of Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei: a documentary history of six Shanghai business corporations in the twentieth century
Investigator(s):Dr. Lee P.T.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:RGC Projects (Block Grant Funded)
Start Date:07/2003
To explore various aspects of the business culture which originated in Shanghai, with particular reference to the archives of four to six important Chinese companies; specific to examine the dynamics of business culture of Shanghai during 1910s-1930s and how the culture was spread to Hong Kong and Taiwan in the 1940s-1950s; to trace and compare the business culture of Hong Kong and Taipei, and their return influences on Shanghai, from the 1980s to present; to study how Shanghai has successfully relied on its social, cultural and business networks in tapping business talents and financial resources from Hong Kong and Taipei; to document the company archives of four to six Shanghai companeis (they will be selected from: Far Eastern Group; Oriental Engineering Works, Ltd.; Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co., Ltd.; Wing On Textile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank; Hsu Yung-tsu Accounting Firm; and Lih Hsin Accounting Firm) with significant business relationships with Hong Kong and Taiwan; to create a collection of oral history interview records on entrepreneurial activities of the owners and the managerial employees of the above six companies.

Project Title:The making of banking business in Shanghai: politicians, managers and employers in the Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bnaks, 1910-1950
Investigator(s):Dr. Lee P.T.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Fulbright Hong Kong Scholar Program
Start Date:01/2004
To study the business of banking in modern Shanghai, which is a new exploration in the area of Chinese economic history; to study the economic development of Shanghai and assess the importance of Shanghai as a financial center of modern China, and its connection with the inner parts of China; to examine the political effect or government intervention in banking business of China during 1910s-1940s; to examine the formation of integrity and profession of banking business of China.

List of Research Outputs

Faure D. and Lee P.T., A Documentary History of Hong Kong Economy. Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2004, 368.
Lee P.T., A Brief Dicussion on the Studies of Company History of Hong Kong, 略論香港企業史研究, The Institutional Changes in the Development of Chinese Companies. 企業發展中的制度變遷, Shanghai, China, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, 2003, 360-372.
Lee P.T., The Hong Kong Networks of Fukien Merchants: Case of the Hong Kong Fukien Chamber of Commerce , International Conference on History and Culture of South Min (Fujian), 6-8 December 2003. Taiwan, National Kinmen Institute of Technology.
Lee P.T., The Recollections of Living in Shanghai of the Cantonese in the 1940s: An Analysis of Oral History Accounts, Memoirs and Auto/Biographies, Symposium on 160th Anniversary of the Opening of Shanghai as a Treaty Port, 1843-2003, 14-16 December 2003. Shanghai, PRC, Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
Lee P.T., The Sojourning Shanghainese in Hong Kong in the 1940s, Conference on Cultural Relations Between Shanghai and Hong Kong: Connections and Interactions, 18-20 December 2003. Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004.
Lee P.T., Voicing from the Far: The Cantonese Family Networks in the Late Nineteenth Century, The Third International Convention of Asian Scholars, 18-22 August 2003. Singapore, National University of Singapore.
Lee P.T., Who's History: the Auto/Biography and Oral History Accounts Published in Hong Kong in the Last Fifty Years, Public Lecture on Hong Kong History, 25 October 2003. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of History.

Researcher : Metaparti SP

List of Research Outputs

Metaparti S.P., Maritime Security after 9/ll: The Shipping Industry's Response to the Terrorist Threat, Piracy and Non-traditional Threats to Maritime Security, 8 May 2004. Sweden, University of Lund.
Metaparti S.P., Round up of Maritime Security in South East Asia, 26 May 2004, Meeting of the CSCAP Maritime Cooperation Group . Hanoi, Vietnam, 2004.

Researcher : Mok KW

List of Research Outputs

Hui D., Ng C.H., Lee F.Y.S., Woo M., Yim W.Y., Au-Yeung S. and Mok K.W., Design, Baseline Study on Hong Kong's Creative Industries: for the Central Policy Unit, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. Hong Kong: Centre for Cultural Policy Research, HKU, 2003.
Hui D., Ng C.H., Lee F.Y.S., Woo M., Yim W.Y., Au-Yeung S. and Mok K.W., Digital Entertainment, Baseline Study on Hong Kong's Creative Industries. Hong Kong, Centre for Cultural Policy Research, HKU, 2003, 215.
Hui D., Ng C.H., Lee F.Y.S., Woo M., Yim W.Y., Au-Yeung S. and Mok K.W., Film and Video, Baseline Study on Hong Kong's Creative Industries. Hong Kong, Centre for Cultural Policy Research, HKU, 2003, 215.
Hui D., Ng C.H., Lee F.Y.S., Woo M., Yim W.Y., Au-Yeung S. and Mok K.W., Software, Baseline Study on Hong Kong's Creative Industries. Hong Kong, Centre for Cultural Policy Research, HKU, 2003, 215.

Researcher : Saint-Mezard I

Project Title:
Investigator(s):Dr. Saint-Mezard I.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date:03/2004

List of Research Outputs

Saint-Mezard I., India-China Relations: Issues, Trends and Emerging Scenarios by B.M. Jain, China-India Project Occasional Paper Series. Hong Kong, Centre of Asian Studies, HKU, 2003, 1: 19.
Saint-Mezard I., Les relations sino-indiennes depuis la fin des Années 1990: Entre coopération et rivalité en Asie (Sino-Indian Relations Since the End of the 1990s: Between Cooperation and Rivalry in Asia), CD-Rom des Actes Du ler Congrès des chercheurs francophones sur l'Asie centrale, méridionale et orientale(CD-Rom of the Proceedings of the First Colloquium of Francophone Researchers on Central, Southern and Eastern Asia), 24-25 September 2003. Paris, France, R?seau Asie, 2004, 1.

Researcher : Sinn EYY

Project Title:The creative learning and Hong Kong culture and society project
Investigator(s):Dr. Sinn E.Y.Y., Dr. Wong T.W.P.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hong Kong University Matching Fund
Start Date:08/1999
To facilitate teaching and learning of Hong Kong studies on tertiary level by compiling a series of textbook readers concerning those topics of significance such as popular cultures, literature, religions, history, politics and economic development.

Project Title:The creative learning and Hong Kong culture and society project
Investigator(s):Dr. Sinn E.Y.Y., Dr. Wong T.W.P.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Teaching Development Grants issued by The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong
Start Date:08/1999
To facilitate teaching and learning of Hong Kong studies on tertiary level by compiling a series of textbook readers concerning those topics of significance such as popular cultures, literature, religions, history, politics and economic development.

Project Title:The impact of Chinese emigration on Hong Kong's economic development, 1842-1941. With special reference to the development of Hong Kong as an international port
Investigator(s):Dr. Sinn E.Y.Y.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hong Kong Research Grants Council Competitive Earmarked Research Grants
Start Date:12/1999
Completion Date:11/2003
To provide a focus to study certain aspects of Hong Kong's economic development; to contribute to the internationally important academic study of migration; to introduce methodological innovation.

Project Title:Creative learning: e-journal on Hong Kong cultural and social studies by students
Investigator(s):Dr. Sinn E.Y.Y.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Teaching Development Grants issued by The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong
Start Date:05/2001
To initiate the publication of the works of students, especially post-graduates; to help prepare students for the roles of researchers by familianizing them with discussion, paper submission and revisions; to bridge young and senior scholars locally and internationally.

Project Title:Interface projects 2000 - teaching critically and creatively: a proposal on Hong Kong community studies
Investigator(s):Dr. Sinn E.Y.Y., Dr. Wong T.W.P., Prof. Wong S.L.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong - Interface Project
Start Date:08/2001
To answer the urgent need of improving generic skills of students to acquire knowledge, which is indispensable for whole-person development; to bridge secondary and tertiary education, facilitating the teaching of the existing curriculum on the one hand, and break new ground in inter-disciplinary learning areas.

List of Research Outputs

Sinn E.Y.Y., Beyond Tianxia: The Zhongwai Xinwen Qiribao (Hong Kong 1871-1872) and the Construction of a Transnational Chinese Community, The China Review. Hong Kong, Chinese University Press, 2004, 4, no. 1: 89-122.
Sinn E.Y.Y., China Globalizing: People, Beliefs, and Ideas, The Chinese Diaspora in an Age of Globalization: Trends and Counter Trends, 24-25 October, University of British Columbia. Canada, Centre for Chinese Studies, Institute of Asian Research, 2003.
Sinn E.Y.Y. and Wang C., Do Globalization and Migration Undermine Social Cohension?, Social Cohension Conference, 28-29 November 2003, The University of Hong Kong. 2003.
Sinn E.Y.Y. and Wong W.L., Maintaining Immigrant Communities: The Organization of Yulan Festivals in Post-war Hong Kong, Place, Memory and Identity in "New Asia" Workshop, 25-26 May, 2004. Singapore, National University of Singapore.
Sinn E.Y.Y., Migration and Remigration as Cumulative Process: An Analysis of the Chinese Subethnic Landscape of Hong Kong, Area of Excellence: Hong Kong Culture and Society Programme Workshop, 26 September, Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong. 2003.
Sinn E.Y.Y. and Wang C., Moving Continuum: Migration, Remigration and the Layering of Identities, Subethnicity in the Chinese Diaspora Conference, 12-13 September, University of Toronto. Canada, 2003.
Sinn E.Y.Y., Preface, Power and Charity: A Chinese Merchant Elite in Colonial Hong Kong, With a New Preface. Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2003, ix-xxiii.
Sinn E.Y.Y., Prepared Opium from Hong Kong: The Chinese Diaspora as a Transnational Space of Cultural Consumption, International Society for the Study of Overseas Chinese Conference, 10-14 May 2004. Copenhagen.
Sinn E.Y.Y., The Gold Rush Passenger Trade and the History of Hong Kong 1849-1867, In: Richard Harding, Adrian Jarvis and Alston Kennerley (eds.), British Ships in China Seas: 1700 to the Present Day. Liverpool, England, National Museums Liverpool & Society for Nautical Research, 2004, 129-153.
Sinn E.Y.Y., Tse Tsan Tai, South China Morning Post, 100th Anniversary, Special Issue, 6 November 2003. Hong Kong, South China Morning Post, 2003.

Researcher : Sun WB

Project Title:The characteristics of entrepreneurs in Hong Kong and mainland China: a comparative study
Investigator(s):Dr. Sun W.B.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date:03/1998
To further understandings between entrepreneurs on the Chinese mainland and in Hong Kong practically, and to examine the characteristics of Chinese entrepreneurship in different business cultures, thus to analyze social and institutional changes in the PRC and Hong Kong theoretically.

List of Research Outputs

Sun W.B. and Wong S.L., 部分家族企業的調查與分析, 私營企業藍皮書:中國私營企業發展報告No. 4 (2002)【載張厚義】主編, 中國北京, 社會科學文獻出版社, 2003, 4: 126-147.
Zheng V.W.T., Wong S.L. and Sun W.B., Taking-off through the Stock Market: The Rise of Large Chinese Family Enterprises in Hong Kong, Workshop on Hong Kong Culture and Society, 26 September 2003. Hong Kong, 18.

Researcher : Thomas ND

Project Title:Australia and China - beyond friendship
Investigator(s):Dr. Thomas N.D.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date:07/2001
To study Australia and China - beyond friendship.

List of Research Outputs

Curley M.G. and Thomas N.D., Human Security and Public Health in Southeast Asia: the SARS Outbreak, Australian Journal of International Affairs. Australia, Carfax Publishing, 2004, 58, No. 1: 17-32.
Thomas N.D., 30 Years of Engagement, Re-Orienting Australia-China Relations 1972 to the Present. Aldershot, United Kingdom, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2004, 1-15.
Thomas N.D., An East Asian Economic Community: Multilateralism Beyond APEC, Asia Pacific Economies: Multilateral vs. Bilateral Relationships, 19-21 May 2004. Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, 23.
Thomas N.D., Chronology, Re-Orienting Australia-China Relations 1972 to the Present. Aldershot, United Kingdom, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2004, 247-268.
Thomas N.D., New Issues in East Asian Regionalism: Running Faster While Standing Still, Asia's New Regionalism Symposium, 15-19 October 2003. Champagne-Urbana, USA, University of Illinois, 25.
Thomas N.D., Re-Orienting Australia-China Relations 1972 to the Present. Aldershot, United Kingdom, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2004, 292.
Thomas N.D., Towards an East Asian Community: Implications of the EAVG Report, Asian Regional Governance Crisis and Change. London, United Kingdom, Routledge Curzon, 2004, 189-212.

Researcher : Wade GP

Project Title:The life and times of H.S. Lee
Investigator(s):Dr. Wade G.P.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date:07/2002
To study life and times of H.S. Lee.

Researcher : Wan CG

List of Research Outputs

Wan C.G., Customer Loyalty in Hong Kong's Cellular Market: An Integrated Framework and Empirical Study (Ph.D thesis). 2003.

Researcher : Wang C

Project Title:
Investigator(s):Mr. Wang C.B.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date:03/2004

List of Research Outputs

Sinn E.Y.Y. and Wang C., Do Globalization and Migration Undermine Social Cohension?, Social Cohension Conference, 28-29 November 2003, The University of Hong Kong. 2003.
Sinn E.Y.Y. and Wang C., Moving Continuum: Migration, Remigration and the Layering of Identities, Subethnicity in the Chinese Diaspora Conference, 12-13 September, University of Toronto. Canada, 2003.
Wang C. and Wong S.L., Home as a Circular Process: A Study of the Indonesian Chinese in Hong Kong, New Chinese Migrants - Globalization of Chinese Overseas Migration, 2004. Denmark, Copenhagen University.
Wang C., Re-establishing Networks: Capital, Power and Identity in the Making of an Indonesian Chinese Community in Hong Kong. 2003.

Researcher : Wong JS

List of Research Outputs

Wong J.S., The Rise and Decline of Cantopop: A Study of Hong Kong Popular Music (1949-1997) (Ph.D. thesis). ?語流行曲的發展與興衰:香港流行音樂研究(1949-1997), 2003.

Researcher : Wong SL

Project Title:The Chinese family enterprise: a comparative analysis and database
Investigator(s):Prof. Wong S.L., Prof. Gary G.H., Prof. Kao C.S.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hong Kong Research Grants Council Competitive Earmarked Research Grants
Start Date:09/1999
To investigate with solid empirical studies the nature of the Chinese family enterprise; to analyze these economic organizations and activities in their wider social, cultural and institutional context; to examine the changes of norms and values governing family relations and economic conduct against the background of drastic social and economic transformations in Hong Kong, the Mainland and Taiwan; to stimulate and facilitate further researchers on the topic by establishing an on-line archival network on Chinese family firms; to provide new inputs to the studies on the nature of the firm by describing and analyzing the nature of Chinese family enterprise and its developmental patterns.

Project Title:A study on the socio-ecomomic-political trends in Southeast Asia
Investigator(s):Prof. Wong S.L., Dr. Evans G.R.J., Dr. Wade G.P.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
Start Date:12/2000
To monitor and analyse the political, social, and economic changes occurring within the ten countries of Southeast Asia and provide timely reports on these changes and their likely effects on Hong Kong to the HKSAR Government.

Project Title:A regional role for Hong Kong: linking the University of Hong Kong with the Chinese Foreign Ministry
Investigator(s):Prof. Wong S.L.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:HKU Foundation Seed Grant
Start Date:04/2002
To study a regional role for Hong Kong: linking the University of Hong Kong with the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Project Title:Crisis and reintegration: indicators of social development in Hong Kong 2003
Investigator(s):Prof. Wong S.L., Prof. Kwan H.C., Dr. Leung S.W., Ms Wan P.S.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hong Kong Research Grants Council Competitive Earmarked Research Grants
Start Date:09/2003
To continue the Social Indicators Survey Series: to expand and open-up of the Hong Kong Social Information System: a Web-based data bank management system will be constructed to facilitate the public sharing of these machine-readable data via the Internet; to ininitate the quarterly Social Barometer Telephone Surveys; to organize the academic conferences and public policy forums; to strengthen the inter-regional collaboration to enhance the comparative dimension of the project.

Project Title:Crisis and reintegration: indicators of social development in Hong Kong 2003
Investigator(s):Prof. Wong S.L., Prof. Kwan H.C., Dr. Leung S.W., Ms Wan P.S.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:RGC Projects (Block Grant Funded)
Start Date:09/2003
To continue the Social Indicators Survey Series: to expand and open-up of the Hong Kong Social Information System: a Web-based data bank management system will be constructed to facilitate the public sharing of these machine-readable data via the Internet; to ininitate the quarterly Social Barometer Telephone Surveys; to organize the academic conferences and public policy forums; to strengthen the inter-regional collaboration to enhance the comparative dimension of the project.

List of Research Outputs

Sun W.B. and Wong S.L., 部分家族企業的調查與分析, 私營企業藍皮書:中國私營企業發展報告No. 4 (2002)【載張厚義】主編, 中國北京, 社會科學文獻出版社, 2003, 4: 126-147.
Wang C. and Wong S.L., Home as a Circular Process: A Study of the Indonesian Chinese in Hong Kong, New Chinese Migrants - Globalization of Chinese Overseas Migration, 2004. Denmark, Copenhagen University.
Wong S.L., 移民企業家:香港的上海工業家, 中國,上海, 上海古籍?版社, 2003, 202.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., A Study of the Chinese Family Enterprise in Hong Kong. 香港華人家族企業個案研究, Hong Kong, Ming Pao Publishing Ltd., 2004, 1: 263.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Examining the Transformation of Hong Kong Chinese Identity from the Evolution of the Hui-xiang-zheng System, 從回鄉證的沿革看香港華人對中國人身份認同的轉變 ─ 另一角度的分析, Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences. 香港社會科學學報第26期2003年秋/冬季, Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, 2003, 26: 59-80.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., From the Issuing of an Identity Card to the Transformation of Hong Kong's Identity: A Perspective, 從身分證的沿革探討香港華人身分認同的塑造和蛻變:一個理論的探索, Hong Kong Journal of Sociology. 香港社會學學報, 香港, 香港中文大學?版社, 2003, 4: 87-114.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Hong Kong Rice Policy: Past, Present and Future, 論香港食米政策的過去、現在和將來, The 5th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association. 第五屆香港社會學會年會, 2003, 23.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Immigration or Local: A Study on Hong Kong Chinese Identity after Handover, 移民與本土:回歸前後香港華人身份認同問題的探討, David C. Lam Insitute for East-West Studies: Working Paper Series. 林思齊東西學術交流研究所研究報告系列, 香港, 林思齊東西學術交流研究所, 2003, 19: 35.
Zheng V.W.T., Wong S.L. and Sun W.B., Taking-off through the Stock Market: The Rise of Large Chinese Family Enterprises in Hong Kong, Workshop on Hong Kong Culture and Society, 26 September 2003. Hong Kong, 18.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., The History of Hui-xiang-zheng and Identity, 回鄉證的歷史與身份認同, Ming Pao Monthly. 明報月刊2004年5月號, 香港, 明報?版社有限公司, 2004, 62-65.
Zheng V.W.T., Wong S.L. and Sun W.B., Unraveling Chinese Family Enterprise: A Study on the Early Life of H.S. Lee and His Family Business, The 5th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas, 10 May 2004. Hong Kong, 23.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., 論華人家族企業內部矛盾對企業發展的傷害或貢獻 ─ 以香港潮州家族企業為例, 第七屆世界華商大會紀念文獻, 馬來西亞吉隆坡, 馬來西亞中華工商聯合會, 2003, 415-424.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., 人口與社會發展:2004年香港人口問題民意調查簡報與評論, Hong Kong, Centre of Asian Studies, HKU, 2004, 50.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., 「預悲愈悲」─回歸以來的香港驗證自我實現預期理論, 明報月刊, 香港, 明報雜誌有限公司, 2003, 7: 27-30.

Researcher : Wong WL

Project Title:The constructions of domestic ideals in post-war Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Ms Wong W.L.
Department:Centre of Asian Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date:07/2002
To study constructions of domestic ideals in post-war Hong Kong.

List of Research Outputs

Chan A.K.W. and Wong W.L., Gendering Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 2004, 772.
Chan A.K.W. and Wong W.L., Introduction, Gendering Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 2004, xvii - xxxix.
Sinn E.Y.Y. and Wong W.L., Maintaining Immigrant Communities: The Organization of Yulan Festivals in Post-war Hong Kong, Place, Memory and Identity in "New Asia" Workshop, 25-26 May, 2004. Singapore, National University of Singapore.
Wong W.L., Male Authority in Cross-Border Families, Gendering Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 2004, 196-218.
Wong W.L., 口述歷史的技巧, 批判思考創意教學─香港社區教育《下冊》技巧和考察例子, 香港, 香港大學?洲研究中心及香港文化及社會研究計劃, 2004, 29-41.
Wong W.L., 香港口述歷史─集體記憶的採集, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Oral History Archives Project, 2004, 21 pieces of exhibits.

Researcher : Zheng VWT

List of Research Outputs

Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., A Study of the Chinese Family Enterprise in Hong Kong. 香港華人家族企業個案研究, Hong Kong, Ming Pao Publishing Ltd., 2004, 1: 263.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Examining the Transformation of Hong Kong Chinese Identity from the Evolution of the Hui-xiang-zheng System, 從回鄉證的沿革看香港華人對中國人身份認同的轉變 ─ 另一角度的分析, Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences. 香港社會科學學報第26期2003年秋/冬季, Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, 2003, 26: 59-80.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., From the Issuing of an Identity Card to the Transformation of Hong Kong's Identity: A Perspective, 從身分證的沿革探討香港華人身分認同的塑造和蛻變:一個理論的探索, Hong Kong Journal of Sociology. 香港社會學學報, 香港, 香港中文大學?版社, 2003, 4: 87-114.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Hong Kong Rice Policy: Past, Present and Future, 論香港食米政策的過去、現在和將來, The 5th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association. 第五屆香港社會學會年會, 2003, 23.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Immigration or Local: A Study on Hong Kong Chinese Identity after Handover, 移民與本土:回歸前後香港華人身份認同問題的探討, David C. Lam Insitute for East-West Studies: Working Paper Series. 林思齊東西學術交流研究所研究報告系列, 香港, 林思齊東西學術交流研究所, 2003, 19: 35.
Zheng V.W.T., Wong S.L. and Sun W.B., Taking-off through the Stock Market: The Rise of Large Chinese Family Enterprises in Hong Kong, Workshop on Hong Kong Culture and Society, 26 September 2003. Hong Kong, 18.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., The History of Hui-xiang-zheng and Identity, 回鄉證的歷史與身份認同, Ming Pao Monthly. 明報月刊2004年5月號, 香港, 明報?版社有限公司, 2004, 62-65.
Zheng V.W.T., Wong S.L. and Sun W.B., Unraveling Chinese Family Enterprise: A Study on the Early Life of H.S. Lee and His Family Business, The 5th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas, 10 May 2004. Hong Kong, 23.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., 論華人家族企業內部矛盾對企業發展的傷害或貢獻 ─ 以香港潮州家族企業為例, 第七屆世界華商大會紀念文獻, 馬來西亞吉隆坡, 馬來西亞中華工商聯合會, 2003, 415-424.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., 人口與社會發展:2004年香港人口問題民意調查簡報與評論, Hong Kong, Centre of Asian Studies, HKU, 2004, 50.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., 「預悲愈悲」─回歸以來的香港驗證自我實現預期理論, 明報月刊, 香港, 明報雜誌有限公司, 2003, 7: 27-30.

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