School of Chinese Medicine

Research and Scholarship 2005


Researcher : Cao K

List of Research Outputs

Cao K., Effect of Chinese Herbs for tonifying Shen,Invigorating Pi and Promoting Boold Circulation and Huosui Tablet,Huosui Onintement on Hematoatopoiesis,GM-CSF,EPO and IL-2 in Rats with Hemolytic Anemia, 補腎、健脾、活血中藥對溶血性貧血大鼠造血及GM-CSF、EPO、IL-2的影響, 中國中西醫結合雜志, 2005, 25(suppl.): 91-93.
Cao K., SAR症治對比分析, 中西醫結合防治傳染病(熱病)學術研討會, HONGKONG, 2004.
Cao K., SARS的中醫藥治療, 中醫藥治療SARS的作用與貢獻研討會, 香港醫管局, 2004.

Researcher : Chan STH

List of Research Outputs

李 瀚.旻., 毛 樹.松., 鮑 昰., 劉 繼.芬., Chan S.T.H., Wong Y.Y., 孫 一.德. and 羅 德.慧., 張大釗教授治療慢性肝病中醫規律研究,, In: 主編: 李俊峰, 中國藥物與臨床, 中國山西,中華醫院管理學會, 中國藥物與臨床雜誌社, 2004, 4 (11): 821-823.
李 瀚.旻., Chan S.T.H., Wong Y.Y., 毛 樹.松., 孫 一.德., 羅 德.慧., 鮑 罡. and 劉 繼.芬., 張大釗治療慢性肝病的臨床療效分析,, In: 主編: 康廷國, 中醫藥學刊, 中國,沈陽,中華中醫藥學會, 中醫藥學刊雜誌社, 2005, 23 (1): 43-46.

Researcher : Chen BB

List of Research Outputs

Chen B.B. and Tong Y., 姜黄抗癌作用及机制最新进展, 中國新藥與臨床雜誌, 2005, 6: 568-572.

Researcher : Chen J

Project Title:Mechanisms of extracts of Dioscorea Panthaica Prain et Burkill (黃山葯) in protecting cardiomyocytes from hypoxia-reoxygenation injury and regulating lipid metabolism
Investigator(s):Chen J, Shen J
Department:School of Chinese Medicine
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding for New Staff
Start Date:08/2004
To evaluate the properties of antioxidant, lipid-modulation and cardioprotection of the herbal medicine Dioscorea Panthaica Prain et Burkill (黃山葯).

List of Research Outputs

Chen J., 山豆根有效部位的發現, 中國發明專利, 2004.

Researcher : Chen RQ

Project Title:Developing a novel scientific approach for clinical research of Chinese medicine using menopause as a model
Investigator(s):Chen RQ
Department:School of Chinese Medicine
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:02/2005
B) To analyse gene expression in subjects with KDS-Yin and KDS-Yang, who are identified with the validated KDS Scale.(Note:KDS-Yin: A pattern of pathogenesis in Chinese medicine: Kidney-Yin-deficiency syndromeKDS-Yang: A pattern of pathogenesis in Chinese medicine: Kidney-Yang-deficiency syndrome)

Researcher : Feng Y

List of Research Outputs

Feng Y., Differential Sensitivity-corticosteroids Between Cd95 (apo-1/fas) And Cd95 Ligand By Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (pbmc) From Human Autoimmune Disease And Healthy Donors , In: Warwick P Anderson, Viiith World Conference Of Clinical Pharmacology. Australia, Blackwell Publishing, 2004, 31: A66.
Feng Y., 腸瘤消對大腸腺瘤及其癌變患者術後鞏固治療的臨床觀察, In: 胡熙明, Journal Of Traditional Chinese Medicine. China, 中医杂志社, 2004, 45: 78-79.
Feng Y., Multiple Assessment Methods In Education Of Chinese Medcine, In: Steve Frankland, The First International Conference On Enhancing Teaching And Learning Through Assessment. HKSAR, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2005, 1: 134-135.
Feng Y., 中藥學的教學構思和實踐, In: 孙光荣, 中國中醫藥現代遠端教育, China, 中國中醫藥現代遠端教育杂志社, 2004, 2: 38-40.
Feng Y., 中药不良反应与毒性中药的双重作用, 大公报, 2005.
Feng Y. and Tong Y., 中藥標準化與中醫藥學教育、科研, 慶祝香港中藥從業員 協會十周年會慶特刊, Hong Kong, 香港中藥從業員, 2004, -: 65-68.
Feng Y., 香港“五加皮”藥材使用現狀及整理, 慶祝香港中藥從業員協會十周年會慶特刊, Hong Kong, 香港中藥從業員協會, 2004, 83-84.
Feng Y., 中藥應用簡介, In: 龐鼎元系列中醫藥學術講座, Hong Kong, 2004.
Feng Y., 含毒性中药须规管使用, 明报, Hong Kong, 2005.

Researcher : Shen F

List of Research Outputs

Shen F., 痹和痿與相關骨疾病證的關係., 中醫正骨, 2004.
Shen F., 雙髖蛙式位X線正位片診斷先天性髖關節脫位的一種測量方法, 中醫正骨, 2004.

Researcher : Tong Y

Project Title:Experimental study of Erxian Decoction on blocking apoptosis of ovary granulosa cells in middle-aged female rats
Investigator(s):Tong Y, Shen JG, Chen J
Department:School of Chinese Medicine
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:01/2005
refer hard copy proposal

List of Research Outputs

Chen B.B. and Tong Y., 姜黄抗癌作用及机制最新进展, 中國新藥與臨床雜誌, 2005, 6: 568-572.
Feng Y. and Tong Y., 中藥標準化與中醫藥學教育、科研, 慶祝香港中藥從業員 協會十周年會慶特刊, Hong Kong, 香港中藥從業員, 2004, -: 65-68.
Ng S.M., Ng H.M. and Tong Y., The role Chinese medicine clinic in the detection and management of mental disorders – a social psychiatry perspective, Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2004, 45 supp: 11-12.
Tong Y., 四君子汤对慢性应激大鼠行为学及免疫指标作用的研究, 成都中医药大学学报, 2005, 2: 38-40.
Tong Y., main ritual honored guest, International Conference & exhibition of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products (ICMCM 2004), 2004.
Tong Y., Main ritual honored guest and director, Infectious Diseases Conference: Chinese medicine and Western medicine, 2004.
Tong Y., The Reform and the Practice of Bachelor of Chinese Medicine in the University of Hong Kong, 2nd International Symposium on Education of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2004.
Tong Y., Specially invited guest,Beijing Chinese Female Healthy Research Institute, 1st Symposium “Chinese Gynecology Symposium, 2004.
Tong Y., The Reforming and Practising of Bachelors of Chinese Medicine (Full-time) Program, The 3rd International Congress on Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2004.
Tong Y., The Services Coordination and Union Pattern of Chinese and Western Medicine in China Hospital, The 5th Tung Wah group of hospitals-Eddie Wang Symposium - Chinese and Western Medicine Treatment, 2004.
Tong Y., Scientific Research Development Approach in School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, HKU TCM Workshop, 2004.
Tong Y., Traditional Chinese Medicine Education and Personnel Training, 3rd PongDing Yuan Internationnal Symposium on Traditionnal Chinese Medicine, 2005.
Tong Y., Specially invited guest, and branch chairperson, International Chinese Medicine Academic Conference, 2005.
Tong Y., Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Education, Publication the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Shanghai Chinese Medicine Magazine and the Chinese Medicine Research and Development Forum, 2005.
Tong Y. and Cao H.X., 中醫基礎理論, 普通高等院校十五國家級規劃教材, 2004.
Tong Y. and Yin H.H., 中醫基礎理論, 高等中醫藥學院校教學參考叢書, 2005.

Researcher : Wong YY

List of Research Outputs

Wong Y.Y., 中醫藥在試管嬰兒助孕技術中應用 2 例, In: 主編: 胡熙明, 中醫雜誌,, 中國,北京,中國中醫研究院, 中醫雜誌社,, 2005, 46.(6): 457.
Wong Y.Y., 邱 幸.凡. and 張 六.通., 情志抑鬱與香港婦科腫瘤的相關性研究,, In: 主編: 胡熙明, 中醫雜誌,, 中國,北京,中國中醫研究院, 中醫雜誌社,, 2004, 45: 18-19.
Wong Y.Y. and 羅 德.慧., 辨證施膳防治抑鬱症, In: 主編: 廖清泉, 東方食療與保健雜誌, 中國湖南,國際東方藥膳食療學會, 東方食療與保健雜誌社, 2004, 10: 38-39.
Wong Y.Y., 第二屇(上海)國際東方藥膳食療學術研討會, In: 譚興貴, 國際東方藥膳食療學會, 中國深圳, 國際東方藥膳食療學, 2004.
李 ......, 毛 樹.松., 鮑 昰., 劉 繼.芬., Chan S.T.H., Wong Y.Y., 孫 一.德. and 羅 德.慧., 張大釗教授治療慢性肝病中醫規律研究,, In: 主編: 李俊峰, 中國藥物與臨床, 中國山西,中華醫院管理學會, 中國藥物與臨床雜誌社, 2004, 4 (11): 821-823.
李 ......, Chan S.T.H., Wong Y.Y., 毛 樹.松., 孫 一.德., 羅 德.慧., 鮑 罡. and 劉 繼.芬., 張大釗治療慢性肝病的臨床療效分析,, In: 主編: 康廷國, 中醫藥學刊, 中國,沈陽,中華中醫藥學會, 中醫藥學刊雜誌社, 2005, 23 (1): 43-46.

Researcher : Wu J

Project Title:Anti-cystic hyperplasia of breast herbal medicine research
Investigator(s):Wu J, Chow LWC
Department:School of Chinese Medicine
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:05/2001
To study anti-cystic hyperplasia of breast herbal medicine.

Project Title:Anti-prostatomegaly herbal medicine research
Investigator(s):Wu J, Leung SYL
Department:School of Chinese Medicine
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:06/2001
To study the effectiveness of anti-prostatomegaly herbal medicine.

List of Research Outputs

Wu J., 'Anti-cancer herbal medicine', School of Chinese Medicine, HKU. 2005.
Wu J., 'Health care in Chinese Medicine', 香港中西醫結合學會, 2004.
Wu Y., Wu J., Lee D...Y., Yee A., Zhang Y., Kiani C. and Yang B...B., Versican Protects Cells from Oxidative Stress-Induced Apoptosis, Matrix Biol. . U.S.A., 2005, 24(1): 3-13.

Researcher : Yiu YM

List of Research Outputs

Yiu Y.M., Strategy and approaches of acupuncture clinical research on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome , Fifth International Symposium on Clinical and Academic Research of Acupuncture & Moxibustion and Exhibition. 2004, 273-275.
Yiu Y.M. and QIU M.Y., 慢性疲勞綜合征的中醫研究概述, 中醫雜志, 中醫雜志, 2004, 45: 14-16.
Yiu Y.M. and Qiu M.Y., 中藥治療香港地區慢性疲勞綜合征的臨床觀察, 上海中醫藥雜志, 上海中醫藥雜志, 2005, 39: 12-13.

Researcher : Zhou J

List of Research Outputs

Zhou J. and Jin R., 5. Influence of Blood Pressure of Excessive and Insufficient Patients with Hypertension after High Intensity Electro-acupuncture, Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture & Moxibustion. 2004, V23N11: 19~20.
Zhou J. and Jin R., 6. Influence of Distinct Current Intensity of Electro-acupuncture on Blood Pressure of Excessive Patients with Hypertension, Acupuncture Research. 2004, V29, N4: 286~288,295.
Zhou J. and Jin R., 7. Investigation and Analysis of the Feeling and Pain Thresholds in Patients with Acute and Chronic Pain, Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine.. 2005, V11,N2: 88~90.
Zhou J. and Jin R., 8. Changes of Microcirculation of Rabbits with Microcirculation Obstacle after Electro-acupuncture at Renzhong Point, Guangxi Journal of TCM. 2004, V27(8): 24~25.
Zhou J. and Jin R., Influence of Blood Pressure of Bleeding Shock Rabbits after Distinct Intensity Electro-acupuncture, Chinese Emergency in Chinese Medicine. 2004, V13N10: 683.
Zhou J. and Jin R., Influence of Blood Pressure of Excessive and Insufficient Patients with Hypertension after Middle Intensity Electro-acupuncture, Journal of Acupuncture & Moxibustion in Clinic. 2004, V20N9: 28~29.

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