Dept of Politics & Public Administration

Research and Scholarship 2005


Researcher : Au LK

List of Research Outputs

Au L.K., The Governance of Government-Owned Railway organisations in Hong Kong: Integration and Autonomy in Changing Times. Hong Kong, HKU, 2005, 1213 pps.

Researcher : Burns JP

Project Title: Reform and Development theme
Investigator(s): Burns JP, Chan RCK, Fu H, Gan Y, Leung HF, Leung JCB
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Seed Funding for Strategic Research Theme
Start Date: 05/2005
The long term goal is for HKU to become the premier regional center for research into China's reform and development. We seek to collaborate with all colleagues who are interested in the area to achieve the highest levels of academic excellence in our own research and to provide useful policy advice to governments and other relevant bodies.

List of Research Outputs

Burns J.P., "Civil Service Reform in China", Governance in China. Paris, OECD, 2005.
Burns J.P., "Enhancing 'Executive Accountability' and the Hong Kong Government", In: Anthony B.L. Cheung, Public Service Reform in Asia - Reform Issues and Challenges in Japan, Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Chinese University Press, 2005, 125-156.
Burns J.P., "Out of date, out of touch", South China Morning Post. Hong Kong, South China Morning Post, 2004, A19.
Burns J.P., "Rural Public Finance Study, Hua County, Henan Province: Field Visit Study Report", Contribution to the World Bank. Beijing, The World Bank, 2005.
Burns J.P., "Structural Bias and Illicit Business-Government Relations in Hong Kong: the Case the Cyberport", The 9th International Research Symposium on Public Sector Management, Milan, Italy, 6-8 April 2005. Italy.
Burns J.P., "The Policy Process in the Hong Kong SAR", In: Akira Nakamura, Public Reform, Policy Change and New Public Management: From the Asia and Pacific Perspective. Tokyo, EROPA Local Government Center, 2004, 51-78.
Burns J.P., "Why the civil service should be halved", South China Morning Post. Hong Kong, South China Morning Post, 2004, A15.
Burns J.P., Government Capacity and the Hong Kong Civil Service. Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 2004, 468 pps.

Researcher : Caulfield JL

List of Research Outputs

Caulfield J.L., "The Politics of Bureau Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa", Journal of Public Administration and Development. London, Wileys, 2005, Vol. 25, No. 3: 12 pps.
Caulfield J.L., Agencies: How Governments Do Things Through Semi-Autonomous Organizations. Houndmills, Palgrave, 2004, 315 pps.

Researcher : Chan JCW

Project Title: Social organizations and civic engagement: a typological study of organizational altruism and collaboration
Investigator(s): Chan JCW, Chan E.Y.M.
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Small Project Funding
Start Date: 11/2002
To study the relation between social organizations and civic engagement.

List of Research Outputs

Chan J.C.W., "Confucianism and Human Rights", In: Rhona K.M. Smith and Christien van den Anker, The Essentials of Human Rights. London, Hodder Amold, 2005, 55-57.
Chan J.C.W., "Exploring the Non-familial in Confucian Political Philosophy", In: Hahm Chaihark and Daniel A. Bell, The Politics of Affective Relations: East Asia and Beyond. New York, Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield, 2004, 61-74.
Chan J.C.W., "The Nature and Problems of Governance in Hong Kong" (in Chinese), In: S.M. Chiu, When Church Meets Politics: Theological Reflection on Political Praxis. Hong Kong, Logos Publishers and Bible Seminary of Hong Kong, 2005, 69-84.
Chan J.C.W. and To B.H.P., "What is Democracy?" (in Chinese), Ten Questions for Democracy. Hong Kong, HK Democratic Development Network, 2005, 3-16.

Researcher : Chen K

List of Research Outputs

Chen K., Nationalizing Society, Identity Politics, and Foreign Policy Strategies: Taiwan's Mainland Policy, 1988-2000. Hong Kong, HKU, 2005, 400 pps.

Researcher : Cheung PTY

Project Title: The evolving relations between Hong Kong and mainland China since 1997: balancing between political autonomy and economic integration
Investigator(s): Cheung PTY
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Small Project Funding
Start Date: 11/2003
To examine the evolving political and economic relations between Hong Kong and Mainland China since 1997. The focus is to investigate when and why the central government in Beijing attempted to assert its authority and defend its political interest, to shore up the authority of the HKSAR Government, and to coordinate the economic development of Hong Kong and Guangdong province.

Project Title: The politics of policy making in Hong Kong since 1997: agendas, politics and policy dynamics
Investigator(s): Cheung PTY
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Merit Award for RGC CERG Funded Projects
Start Date: 01/2005
Refer to hard copy

Project Title: The politics of policy making in Hong Kong since 1997: agendas, politics and policy dynamics
Investigator(s): Cheung PTY
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)
Start Date: 01/2005
To study the politics of the policy process of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by systematically examining the patterns of policy dynamics across different policy areas between 1997 and 2004.

List of Research Outputs

Cheung P.T.Y., "The Changing Cross-boundary Interactions between State and Society in South China", Grassroots Democracy and Local Governance in China During the Reform Era, an international conference organized by the Chinese Association of Political Science and Centre for China Studies, National Chengchi University, Taipei, 2nd-3rd November, 2004.. Taipei, 2004.

Researcher : Choi JW

Project Title: Conflicts, inconsistent decision making, and policy drift: the case of a North Korea nuclear issue, 1993-1994
Investigator(s): Choi JW
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Hang Seng Bank Golden Jubilee Education Fund for Research
Start Date: 03/2004
Completion Date: 12/2004
To study conflicts, inconsistent decision making, and policy drift: the case of a North Korea nuclear issue, 1993-1994.

Project Title: Evolution of institutions and its impact on the economy in East Asia
Investigator(s): Choi JW
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Seed Funding for New Staff
Start Date: 03/2004
Completion Date: 07/2005
To investigate the causal relations between institutionalization and economic performance of East Asia through an empirical analysis.

List of Research Outputs

Choi J.W., "From a Corrupt to a Clean Society: Institutional Success and Challenges of the ICAC", In: Jon S.T. Quah, Corruption and Accountablility in Asian Pacific Countries. Singapore, Marshall Cavendish International, 2004.
Choi J.W., "Governance Structure and Administrative Corruption in Japan: An Organizational Network Approach", Public Administration Review. USA, 2004.

Researcher : Chou KP

List of Research Outputs

Chou K.P., "Implementing Recruitment and Selection Reform in the Civil Service of China in the 1990s: An Application of Ambiguity-Conflict Model of Policy Implementation", Public Administration and Policy. Hong Kong, HK Public Adm. Assn., and Dept. Public & Social Adm./City U., 2004, 12, No. 2: 83-114.
Chou K.P., "The Conflicts and Ambiguities in Implementing Compensation Reform in the Civil Service of China, 1993-2000", Third International Convention of Asian Scholars (19th-22nd August 2003 in Singapore). Singapore, 2004, 33pps.

Researcher : Francesch HMDM

List of Research Outputs

Francesch H.M.D.M., A "disciplined governance" approach to government-NGOs relations: the structures and dynamics of environmental politics and management in Singapore. Hong Kong, HKU, 2005, 318 pps.

Researcher : Hogan MV

List of Research Outputs

Hogan M.V., Sovereignty, State and Security after the Asian Financial Crisis: the Case of Indonesia and South Korea. Hong Kong, HKU, 2004, 280 pps.

Researcher : Hu RW

Project Title: Explaining political-economic paradox in cross-strait relations: a 'transnational' relations approach
Investigator(s): Hu RW
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Incentive Award for RGC CERG Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date: 07/2003
After the Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1995-96 , the semi-official dialogue channel was shut down because of the political gridlock over the "One China" principle. But, on the other hand, trade and investment across the strait began to boom. Rapid developments in socio-economic relations are transforming the relationship and have delineated other areas of interactions between the two societies. How could this situation come about? Why could political relation and economic integration run in parallel? Are political unification and economic integration mutually exclusive or inclusive? What are the future prospects for cross-Strait relations? This study will address these questions.

List of Research Outputs

Hu R.W., "China and East Asian Cooperation", Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs: Bridging a Divided World Through International Cooperation and Disarmament, October 4-9, 2004, Sheraton Walker Hill.. Seoul, South Korea, 2004.
Hu R.W., "China's Central Asia Policy: Making Sense of the shanghai Cooperation Organization", In: Boris Rumer, ed., Central Asia at the End of the Transition. Armonk, New York, M.E. Sharpe, 2005, 130-151.
Hu R.W., "Competing Patterns of Regionalism in East Asia: New Dynamics and New Roadmap", 2005 International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, March 1-5, 2005.. USA, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005.
Hu R.W., "Foreign Policy and Area Studies", Current State of International Studies In Northeast Asia, jointly organized by the Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA) and Peking University School of International Studies, November 27-28, 2004, Beijing, China. Beijing, 2004.
Hu R.W., "Globalization, Pluralism, and Securitizing Nontraditional Security Issues in China: the Case of SARS", Bringing Politics Back In: Globalization Pluralism, and Securitization in East Asia, Korea University, October 16, 2004, Seoul, South Korea. South Korea, 2004.
Hu R.W., "Globalization, Pluralism, and Securitizing Nontraditional Security issues in China: the Case of SARS", Bringing Politics Back In: Globalization, Pluralism, and Securitization in East Asia, October 16, 2004.. Seoul, South Korea, Korea University, 2004.
Hu R.W., "Shanghai Cooperation Organization: New Perspectives", The Mongolian Journal of International Affairs. 2004, No.11: 129-151.
Hu R.W., "The Political-Economic Paradox and Beijing's Strategic Options", In: Edward Friedman, ed., China's Rise, Taiwan's Dilemmas, and International Peace. New York and London, Routledge, 2005, 23-38.

Researcher : Kwok RYF

List of Research Outputs

Kwok R.Y.F., "A Quantitative Study of the Roles of Functional Representatives in Social Policy Deliberations and Voting in Hong Kong 1998-2004", The Conference on the 2004 Legislative Council Ections, organized by the Political Development of Hong Kong Research programme, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 8th April 2005. Hong Kong.
Kwok R.Y.F., "The Voting Behaviour of Functional Representatives", Conference on Functional Constituencies: Where to Now?, organized by the Centre for Comparative and Public Law, Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 2004.
Kwok R.Y.F., "尋找賢能的故事", Conference by the distributed to the media on 10th September, 2004. 香港.
Kwok R.Y.F., "香港應該保留功能界別選舉嗎?", In: 馬嶽, 民主FAQ, 2004.
Kwok R.Y.F., "香港應該保留功能界別選舉嗎?", In: 香港民主發展網絡學者, 民主十問, 香港, 香港民主發展網絡, 2005.
Kwok R.Y.F., "Functional Representation in Hong Kong:Tyranny of the Minority?", "中國的社會變化與政治學研究:問題關注與研究方法"學術研討會,中山大學政治與公共事務管理學院政治科學系和中國人民大學國際關係學院政治學系聯合舉辦,中山大學,廣州,2005年6月25-26日, 廣州, 2005.
Kwok R.Y.F., "尋找賢能的故事 " --- 制度篇, 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Kwok R.Y.F., "立會應正視選舉日混亂調查", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004, A29.
Kwok R.Y.F., "七一上街,告知特首民意", 國是港事 --- 香港經濟日報, 香港, 香港經濟日報, 2005, A36.

Researcher : Kwong KK

List of Research Outputs

Kwong K.K., Patron-client Politics in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, HKU, 2004, 254 pps.
Kwong K.K., "民主黨處理醜聞四大失誤", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Kwong K.K., "選情影響輕微 民主黨應禁候選人離境", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.

Researcher : Lam WF

Project Title: Choosing institutions for state-society synergy in Hong Kong
Investigator(s): Lam WF
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Small Project Funding
Start Date: 11/2002
Completion Date: 10/2004
To understand the design and viability of the various institutional arrangements that Hong Kong government adopts to manage and facilitrate collaboration links between the government and society of Hong Kong.

Project Title: Asian irrigation in transition: a comparative study of the change of local irrigation institutions in Taiwan, Thailand, and Nepal
Investigator(s): Lam WF, Shivakoti G.
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Merit Award for RGC CERG Funded Projects
Start Date: 12/2003
To identify and document the changes of the context of irrigation management in Taiwan, Thailand and Nepal in the last two decades; to assess how the macro changes affect the incentives, opportunities and constraints of farmers at the local land; to explain how and why farmers in different settings have adjusted, or failed to adjust, their local irrigation institutions in response to change.

Project Title: Asian irrigation in transition: a comparative study of the change of local irrigation institutions in Taiwan, Thailand, and Nepal
Investigator(s): Lam WF, Shivakoti G.
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)
Start Date: 12/2003
To identify and document the changes of the context of irrigation management in Taiwan, Thailand and Nepal in the last two decades; to assess how the macro changes affect the incentives, opportunities and constraints of farmers at the local land; to explain how and why farmers in different settings have adjusted, or failed to adjust, their local irrigation institutions in response to change.

List of Research Outputs

Lam W.F., "Designing Public Agencies for Service Provision and Production: Comparing Irrigation Agencies in Nepal and Taiwan", Conference on the Role of Public Administration in Alleviating Poverty and Improving Governance, December 6th-8th, 2005, Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institute of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG), Kula Lumpur, Malaysia. Malaysia, 2004.

Researcher : Lam WM

List of Research Outputs

Tong I.L.K. and Lam W.M., "The Women's Movement in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR", Emerging Social Movements in China, 23rd-24th March, 2005, the University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 2005.

Researcher : Lee E

List of Research Outputs

Lee E., The Outstanding Dissertation Award , Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT. 2005.
Lee E., Why Did They Comply While Others Did Not?: Environmental Compliance of Small Firms and Implications for Regulation., MIT. 2005.

Researcher : Lo SH

Project Title: Sport, politics and society in Hong Kong
Investigator(s): Lo SH
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Low Budget High Impact Programme
Start Date: 11/2001
Completion Date: 10/2004
To understand the relationships between sport and politics; to relationships between sport and society in Hong Kong.

Project Title: The "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and Macau: theory and practice
Investigator(s): Lo SH, Yee H.S.J.
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)
Start Date: 09/2002
Completion Date: 08/2004
The project attempts to understand the theory and practice of the "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR. The project will use a multiplicity of research instruments, such as in-depth interviews with officials and political elites, and surveys of how the people of Hong Kong and Macau assess the operation of the system.

List of Research Outputs

Lo S.H., "中央民主派關係無突破", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Lo S.H., "選舉報道傳媒成政治工具", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Lo S.H., "民建聯須民主化", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Lo S.H., "做好八件事加強政府執政能力", 香港經濟日報, 香港, 香港經濟日報, 2004.
Lo S.H., "特區領導應向澳門學習管治", 論壇 --- 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.

Researcher : Mushkat M

List of Research Outputs

Mushkat M. and Mushkat R., The Political Economy of the Constitutional Conflict in Hong Kong, Tilburg Foreign Law Review. The Netherlands, 2004, 11, No 4: 756-781.
Mushkat R. and Mushkat M., International Law and Game Theory: A Marriage of Convenience or Strange Bedfellows?, New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2005, 2: 101-126.
Mushkat R. and Mushkat M., The Political Economy of Constitutional Reform in an Externally-Constrained Environment: China's Shadow Over Hong Kong and Strategies to Minimize it, Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law. 2005, 30: 15-36.
Mushkat R. and Mushkat M., The Political Economy of International Legal Compliance: Pre-1997 Predictions and Post-1997 Realities in Hong Kong, U.C. Davis Journal of International Law & Policy. 2004, 10: 501-518.
Mushkat R. and Mushkat M., The Political Economy of Non-Majoritarian Institutions: Constitutional Implications for Hong Kong, Journal of East Asian Affairs. 2005, 20: 143-164.
Mushkat R. and Mushkat M., The Political Economy of Recasting the Constitutional Debate in Hong Kong, International Journal of Applied Philosophy. 2005, 19:1: 63-72.

Researcher : Skene CL

List of Research Outputs

Skene C.L., Democracy in the Era of Globalization: Explaining Authoritarian Practices in Asia and Latin America [Dr. C. Skene was honoured the Best Dissertation Award (Ph.D. category) 2004-2005 by the Hong Kong Political Science Association]. Hong Kong, HKU, 2004, 526 pps.

Researcher : Tang JTH

Project Title: Trust and identity in Southeast Asia: an empirical study
Investigator(s): Tang JTH, Thomas ND
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Small Project Funding
Start Date: 11/2004
To conduct a pilot survey on trust in a number of selected Southeast Asian states; to quantifiably understand the impact regionalisation in Southeast Asia has had on individuals and societies; to explore the development of a truly regional identify in Southeast Asia.

List of Research Outputs

Tang J.T.H., "The Changing Regional Security Agenda in Post-September 11 Northeast Asia", In: Annelies Heijmans, Nicola Simmonds, Hans van de Veen, Searching for Peace in Asia Pacific: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities. Boulder, Colorado, 2004.

Researcher : To BHP

List of Research Outputs

Chan J.C.W. and To B.H.P., "What is Democracy?" (in Chinese), Ten Questions for Democracy. Hong Kong, HK Democratic Development Network, 2005, 3-16.

Researcher : Tong ILK

Project Title: The changing face of the all-China Women's Federation in the Era of economic reform
Investigator(s): Tong ILK
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Other Funding Scheme
Start Date: 09/1992
To investigate and document the changes in self-perception, nature, and functions of the ACWF and its local branches during the past ten years of economic reform in China, with a view to drawing implications for gender equality under market socialism.

List of Research Outputs

Tong I.L.K., "Engendering Human Security in the age of Neoliberal Globalization", Gender and Sexuality. 2005, Inaugural Issue: 169-181.
Tong I.L.K. and Lam W.M., "The Women's Movement in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR", Emerging Social Movements in China, 23rd-24th March, 2005, the University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 2005.

Researcher : Wang KQ

Project Title: The prospect of a Sino-Japanese free trade area
Investigator(s): Wang QK
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Seed Funding for New Staff
Start Date: 10/2002
To investigate the feasibility of the free trade area between the two countries and providing an initial assessment of the prospect of the free trade area.

List of Research Outputs

Researcher : Wang QK

Project Title: The prospect of a Sino-Japanese free trade area
Investigator(s): Wang QK
Department: Politics and Public Administration
Source(s) of Funding: Seed Funding for New Staff
Start Date: 10/2002
To investigate the feasibility of the free trade area between the two countries and providing an initial assessment of the prospect of the free trade area.

List of Research Outputs

Wang Q.K. and Curley M.G., "Poverty as a Non-Traditional Security: Experiences of China's Parthnership with Multilateral Donor Institutions on Poverty Alleviation", In: Ramesh Thakur and Edward Newman, eds., Broadening Asia's Security Discourse and Agenda. Tokyo, The United Nations University Press, 2004, 72-96.
Wang Q.K., In Search of Common Ground: Neoliberal Institionalism and China's Relations with the United States in Multilateral Institutions. Westport, Conn., Praeger, 2004.

Researcher : Wong WK

List of Research Outputs

Wong W.K., "Localisation in the 2004 Presidential Election Campaign in Taiwan: An Iconographic Approach", China Perspectives. Hong Kong, CEFC, 2004, No. 55.
Wong W.K., "愛國變愛權,兩制成一制", 香港經濟日報, 香港, 香港經濟日報, 2004, A35.
Wong W.K., "投票率見證港人挺身或退讓", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Wong W.K., "中央出招幫倒忙?", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Wong W.K., "民主黨將一落千丈?", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Wong W.K., "立會選舉中方因素引而不發", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Wong W.K., "中方協調政團?牲", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Wong W.K., "親政府與泛民主派嚴峻考驗 立會提名期結束形勢初探", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.
Wong W.K., "立會選舉改變勢力分佈關鍵", 明報, 香港, 明報, 2004.

Researcher : Yu WY

List of Research Outputs

Yu W.Y., Democracy and Intra-Party Democratization: The Cases of Taiwan and Hong Kong. Hong Kong, HKU, 2004, 442 pps.
Yu W.Y. and 余 振., "港澳的政治發展---親中勢力和民主派的角力", In: 余振,余永逸,鄺錦均, 雙城記II, 澳門, 澳門社會科學學會, 2004, 205-222.
Yu W.Y., "港澳台關係與發展", In: 余振,余永逸,鄺錦均, 雙城記II, 澳門, 澳門社會科學學會, 2004, 223-240.

-- End of Listing --