Journalism & Media Studies Centre

Research and Scholarship 2005


Researcher : Abraham T

List of Research Outputs

Abraham T., Twentieth Century Plague, The Story Of Sars. Hong Kong/Baltimore, Hong Kong University Press/Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004, 165.

Researcher : Chan YY

Project Title:A critical analysis of the "actual malice" standard in libel litigation in Taiwan in the context of globalisation of libel law
Investigator(s):Chan YY, Balin R.D.
Department:Journalism & Media Studies Centre
Source(s) of Funding:Low Budget High Impact Programme
Start Date:11/2001
To examine the "actual malice" standard in libel litigation through a critical analysis of landmark court decisions in Liu Tai-Ying vs. Ying Chan, et al, in Taiwan.

List of Research Outputs

Chan Y.Y., Ethnic minority issues: how to report them right?. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Journalist Association, 2004.
Chan Y.Y. and Weisenhaus D., Hong Kong Media Ownership Trends: A Case Study of Conglomeration, Expansion and the Rise of the Market Principle, 1st International Conference on Asian Media Research. Singapore, 2004.
Chan Y.Y., Impartiality of News and Current Affairs Inherent in an Increasingly Polarized World View, 極端化新聞報導趨勢下之媒體中道價值, Symposium: Media on the move. 「台灣電視媒體大未來」國際研討會, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan Public Television Service, 2004.
Chan Y.Y., Teacher seminar on the Learning and Teaching of Integrated Humanities. Hong Kong, Education and Manpower Bureau, 2004.

Researcher : Cho L-F

List of Research Outputs

Cho L.-.F., Beijing 2008 Olympic Watch: Working for a Better Beijing, Beijing Youth Daily. Beijing, 2004.

Researcher : Lih AA

Project Title:Collaborative network-based systems for participatory journalism
Investigator(s):Lih AA
Department:Journalism & Media Studies Centre
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding for New Staff
Start Date:11/2003
To investigate the systems, technologies, and communities that have facilitated the rise of modern participatory journalism.

List of Research Outputs

Lih A.A., Implications of the Online Commons and for the Media Industry, Cybermedia Publishing Group. Bangalore, India, Cybermedia Publishing Group, 2005.
Lih A.A., New Media and Tsunami Coverage, Disaster Reporting Symposium. Shantou, China, Shantou University, 2005.
Lih A.A., Participatory Journalism and Asia: From Web Logs to Wikipedia, 13th Asian Media Information & Communications Centre Annual Conference: ICT & Media Inputs & Development Outcomes Impact of New & Old Media on Development in Asia. Bangkok, Thailand, Asian Media Information & Communications Centre, 2004.
Lih A.A., The Foundations of Participatory Journalism and the Wikipedia Project, AEJMC 2004 Convention: Communications and Technology Policy. Toronto, Canada, AEJMC, 2004.
Lih A.A., The Online Commons and Citizens Media, India Institute for Journalism and New Media. Bangalore, India, India Institute for Journalism and New Media, 2005.
Lih A.A., Wikipedia: A Case Study in Networked Collaboration for Participatory Journalism, Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) 5th Annual Conference. University of Sussex, England, Association of Internet Researchers, 2004.

Researcher : Mustain ED

List of Research Outputs

Mustain E.D., Narrative on the International Stage (moderate panel of international nonfiction writers on literary journalism), Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism. Cambridge, United States, Harvard University, 2004.
Mustain E.D., SARS, Hong Kong and the Media: A Study of Crisis Management, International Conference on Asia Media Research. Singapore, 2004.
Mustain E.D., The JMSC Method (presentation on teaching of English-language news writing), Symposium on English-language Journalism Education in China. Shantou, China, Shantou University, 2005.

Researcher : Plott DA

List of Research Outputs

Plott D.A., Business and Financial Journalism in an Age of Globalization, Hong Kong, Lehigh University, 2005.
Plott D.A., Business and Financial Journalism in an Age of Globalization, Hong Kong, Colgate University, 2005.
Plott D.A., From Asian Miracle to Asian Nightmare: The 1997-1998 Financial Crisis, Hong Kong, University of Richmond, 2005.

Researcher : Qian G

List of Research Outputs

Qian G., The Qing Dynasty's Navy and Li Hung-chang. 大清海軍與李鴻章, Hong Kong, Chung Hwa Book Company Ltd., 2004, 262 pages.

Researcher : Weisenhaus D

List of Research Outputs

Chan Y.Y. and Weisenhaus D., Hong Kong Media Ownership Trends: A Case Study of Conglomeration, Expansion and the Rise of the Market Principle, 1st International Conference on Asian Media Research. Singapore, 2004.
Weisenhaus D., Article 23 and Freedom of the Press: A Journalistic Perspective, In: Fu, H., Peterson, C and Young, S., National Security and Fundamental Freedoms: Hong Kong's Article 23 Under Scrutiny. Hong Kong, HKU Press, 2005, 277-301.
Weisenhaus D., Countdown Preparations for Journalists, The Journalist. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Journalist Association, 2004, 9-11.
Weisenhaus D., Hong Kong's Free Press: Overshadowed by Beijing, IPI Global Journalist. Missouri, USA, International Press Institute, University of Missouri, 2005, 22-23.
Weisenhaus D., Hong Kong/Greater China Media Ownership Trends, 13th Annual Conference of the Asian Media and Information Communication Centre. Bangkok, Thailand, 2004.
Weisenhaus D., Media Law Education for Journalists in Hong Kong, Asia Pacific Media Educator. Wollongong, Australia, University of Wollongong, 2004, 15: 160-165.
Weisenhaus D., Media Law Education for Journalists: Lessons from Hong Kong and the United States, Media Law Conference. Beijing, PRC, Communication University of China, 2004.
Weisenhaus D., Newsgathering Practices: How Hong Kong Journalists Operate in the Newsroom., Annual Conference of the Association on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (AEJMC). Toronto, Canada, 2004.

Researcher : Wu HY

List of Research Outputs

Wu H.Y., The Role Confliction and Its Reason of radio Television Hong Kong, 論香港電台的角色衝突及其緣由, China Media Reports. Hong Kong, China Media Report Magazine Office, 2005, 8: 95-98.
Wu H.Y., 尋找港大人文傳統, Wenweipo. 文匯報, Hong Kong, 2005.
Wu H.Y., 名家留下的足音 - 尋找港大人文傳統, Wenweipo. 文匯報, 2005.
Wu H.Y., Xinwen Zhexue. 新聞哲學, Beijing, China, Xin Hua Publishing Limited, 2004, 328.
Wu H.Y., 大報紙時代——黨報改革八十年. Guangzhou, China, Nan Fang Daiby Press, 2005, 293pg.
Wu H.Y., 對電視亂象的若干倫理思考, 新聞記者, 上海, 2004.

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