Researcher : Chan CH

List of Research Outputs

Chan C.H. and Soo Y.C., On Hu Qiaomu's Review of Chinese Chacterer Reform, 胡喬木談文字改革, In: 單周堯、陸鏡光, 語言文字學研究, Beijing, 中國社會科學出版社, 2005, 1: 254-265.
Chan C.H., The Teaching of Chinese Standardized Characters at the Tertiary Institutions in Hong Kong, In: Qing XL and Lai LX , Economic Globalization and the Responses of Chinese Language Education at Tertiary Institutions. Wuhan, Hubei People's Press, 2005, 341-347.

Researcher : Chan CM

Project Title:The use of Chinese classical idiomatic phrases in practical writings
Investigator(s):Chan CM, Wong KW, Lam KT
Department:Chinese - Chin Lang Enhancement
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:09/2001
To study the use of Chinese idiomatic phrases in modern Chinese practical writings with special reference to grammatical rules.

List of Research Outputs

Researcher : Chan KK

List of Research Outputs

Si C.M. and Chan K.K., Cantonese in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Greenwood Press, 2005, 184.

Researcher : Chan MS

List of Research Outputs

Chan M.S., "Element" and its Chinese translations in the Ming-Qing period, 明清時期對element一詞的翻譯, International Sinology. 國際漢學, 2005, 13: 196-212.

Researcher : Chan YC

List of Research Outputs

Chan Y.C., A Biographic Study on Wang Yun (1784 - 1854), 王筠研究小識, In: C.Y.Sin, Journal of Oriental Studies. 東方文化, Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong and Stanford University, 2005, 40:1&2: 116-128.
Chan Y.C., A Study on Fangyan Characters and their Standardization in Hong Kong, 論香港方言字及其規範, The 3rd Annual Academic Conference of the Society for the Study of Chinese Characters, organized by the Society for the Study of Chinese Characters and the Hebei University, 10-12 July, 2005, Hebei, China. . 中國文字學會第三屆學術年會, 2005.

Researcher : Chan Mak SY

List of Research Outputs

Chan Mak S.Y., A Study on the use of Traditional and Simplified Chinese Characters and Their Standardization in Hong Kong, 試論香港繁簡字的運用及其規範, Conference of the Society for the Study of Chinese Characters 9 July to 12 July, . 中國文字學會第三屆學術年會9/07/05-12/07/05, 2005.

Researcher : Cheng NL

List of Research Outputs

Cheng N.L., 從語言學到修辭學再到翻譯學: 關於拈連格和雙關格的翻譯問題, Journal of Nanyang Technological University: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Singapore, 2006.
Cheng N.L., <<薄海扶林>>, Hong Kong, Cosmos Books, 2006.

Researcher : Fung KW

List of Research Outputs

Fung K.W., Arab Seafaring in the 11th to 15th Centuries : Some Reflections on Nautical Astronomy of Zheng He's Maritime Voyages , 十一至十五世紀阿拉伯航海學(Arab Seafaring):兼論鄭和艦隊下西洋的一些航海天文學問題 , Bulletin of Ming-Qing Studies. 明清史集刊, Hong Kong, 2005, 8: 23-64pp.
Fung K.W., Arab Seafaring in the 11th to 15th Centuries : Some Reflections on Nautical Astronomy of Zheng He's Maritime Voyages , 十一至十五世紀阿拉伯航海學(Arab Seafaring):兼論鄭和艦隊下西洋的一些航海天文學問題 , International Conference to Celebrate the 600th Anniversary of Zheng He's Voyages of Discovery), July 13-14, 2005, jointly organized by the Department of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Museum of History, in association with the Asia-Pacific Research Institute, Peking University and the Hong Kong Maritime Museum . 鄭和下西洋六百周年紀念國際學術研討會, Hong Kong, 2005, 21pp.
Fung K.W., Japanese Activities and Transmission of Japanese Books in Hong Kong, 1868-1945 [Revised and enlarged edition] , 日本人在香港的活動與“和書”的流播(1868-1945) [增訂擴大版], In: P. T. Lee李培德 ed., Japanese Culture in Hong Kong. 日本文化在香港 , Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2006, 65-91pp.
Fung K.W., Lexicography, Cartography and Instrument Making: Matteo Ricci and Jesuit Science in China , In the Footsteps of Marco Polo: An International Symposium on Italy-China Cultural Exchange in the 13th--17th Centuries, March 23, 2006, Asian Division, The Library of Congress, Washington DC, U.S.A., jointly organized by Asian Division, The Library of Congress, Embassy of Italy / Italian Cultural Institute, Washington DC, The Honorable Henry E. Brown, Jr., U.S. House of Representatives; sponsored by NIAF (The National Italian American Foundation), Frank J. Guarini Public Policy Forum and Alitalia . Washington D.C., U.S.A., 2006, 25pp.
Fung K.W., Li Tianjing [1579-1659] and his Chongzhen lishu liyin [Introduction to Chongzhen Reign Period Treatises on Astronomy and Calendrical Science], 李天經及其《崇禎曆書曆引》, In: Archie C.C. Lee 李熾昌 ed., Textual Practice and Identity Making: A Study of Chinese Christian Writings, 1583-1949. 文本實踐與身份辨識:中國基督徒知識分子的中文著述1583-1949, Shanghai, China, Shanghai Guji Press, 2005, 202-226pp.
Fung K.W., Networking within the Asian Community in the 21st Century, International Conference on Dynamism of the East Asian Community (東アジア共同体のダイナミズム), December 2-4, 2005, jointly organized by COE-CAS (Center of Excellence, Creation of Contemporary Asian Studies) and The AHC (Asia Human Community), Waseda University, in cooperation with The Japan Foundation, Tokyo, Japan . Tokyo, Japan, 2005, 6pp.
Fung K.W., Star Dials, In: Yip Chee-kuen ed., Moving Stars, Changing Scenes . Hong Kong, Hong Kong Science Museum, 2006, p.135.
Fung K.W., Studies in the History of Natural Sciences. 自然科學史研究, Beijing, China, 2005, 24:3.
Fung K.W., Studies in the History of Natural Sciences. 自然科學史研究, Beijing, China, 2006, 25:1.
Fung K.W., Studies in the History of Natural Sciences. 自然科學史研究, Beijing, China, 2006, 25:2.
Fung K.W., Studies in the History of Natural Sciences. 自然科學史研究, Beijing, China, 2005, 24:4.
Fung K.W., The Establishment of Studies on Modern Chinese History of Astronomy: With Special reference to Gao Lu [1877-1947], Zhu Wenxin [1883-1939] and Gao Pingzi [1888-1970], 現代中國天文學史研究的建立:以高魯(1877-1947)、朱文鑫(1883-1939)及高平子(1888-1970)為例 , In: Joseph S. P. Ting丁新豹, Chow Kai-wing周佳榮, Wong Yin-lee黃嫣梨eds, Collected Essays on the Foreign-educated Students of Modern China. 近代中國留學生論文集, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of History, 2006, 508-529pp.
Fung K.W., The Fleet of Admiral Zheng He and Arab Nautical Astronomy , 鄭和艦隊與阿拉伯航海天文學, Special Exhibition of "揚帆萬里--鄭和下西洋紀念展" (Sailing West: Admiral Zheng He's Voyages), March 11, 2006, organized by Hong Kong Museum of History, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR Government . Hong Kong, 2006, 22pp.
Fung K.W., The Pearl River Delta Region and the First Exposure to the Western Science , 粵港澳地區與西方科學知識的傳入, Special Exhibition of "東西匯流--粵港澳文物大展" (East Meets West: Cultural Relics from the Pearl River Delta Region), November 13, 2005, organized by Hong Kong Museum of History, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR Government . Hong Kong, 2005, 32pp.
Fung K.W. and Lau T.Y.W., Vignettes on Kowloon City. 九龍城區風物志, Hong Kong, The Kowloon City District Council, HKSAR Government, 2005, 184pp.
Fung K.W., Western Surveying in Seventeenth Century China and Japan, The 22nd International Congress of History of Science, July 24-30, 2005, Beijing, China, jointly organized by International Union of History and Philosophy of Science, Division of History of Science, Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China . Beijing, China, 2005, 25pp.
Fung K.W., Xu Guangqi (1562-1633) and the Making of Western Star-dial in 17th century China , The 11th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, August 15-20, 2005, Munich, Germany, jointly organized by Institute for the History of Medicine, Munich University and Deutsches Museum; under the patronage of Dr. Thomas Goppel, Minister of Science, Research, and Art of the Free State of Bavaria, Germany . Munich, Germany, 2005, 13pp.

Researcher : Ho KP

List of Research Outputs

Ho K.P., Yearning for a Golden Past: Literati’s Nostalgia for the Wanli Era during the Ming-Qing Transition, “得福不知今日想,神宗皇帝太平年” ── 明、清之際士人對萬曆朝的眷戀, Chinese Culture Quarterly. 九州學林, Hong Kong and Shanghai, City University of Hong Kong and Fudan University, 2005, vol.3, no.3: pp.86-117.
Ho K.P., Yearning for a Golden Past: Nostalgia for the Wan-li Era by Literati during the Ming-Ch'ing Transition, ‘得福不知今日想,神宗皇帝太平年’──明、清之際士人對萬曆朝的眷戀, Chinese Culture Quarterly. 九州學林, Hong Kong and Shanghai, 2005, vol.3, no. 3: 83-113.

Researcher : Ho VWC

List of Research Outputs

Ho V.W.C., “Eunuch Disaster” or “Eunuch Politics”? A Study of Eunuch Involvement in the Ming Period, In: Paolo Santangelo, Ming Qing Yanjiu, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’ Orientale”, Italy. Italy, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici of the Università degli Studi, 2006, 2003-2004: 71-80.

Researcher : Hui CH

List of Research Outputs

Hui C.H., A study of Songji shouzhong kao. Hong Kong, Suwin Enterprises, 2005, iii+ 201 pp.
Hui C.H., Exposition of mistakes in Siku quanshu zongmu’s item Hongwu shengzheng ji, Guji Zhengli Yanjiu Xuekan. Changchun, China, 2006, 120: 38-39.
Hui C.H., Huangming Zuxun and Zheng He’s Voyages to the West, International Conference to Celebrate the 600th Anniversary of Zheng He’s Voyages of Discovery. Hong Kong, Department of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong & Hong Ko, 2005, 13pp.
Hui C.H., Interpretation and illustration on the New Secondary School Chinese History Curriculum: with special emphasis on Elective Modules 2-5, New Secondary School Understanding and Interpreting Chinese History Curriculum. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Education and Manpower Bureau, 2006.
Hui C.H., Reflection on Huangming Baoxun, Bulletin of Ming-Qing Studies,. Hong Kong, Department of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, 2005, 8: pp.1-21.
Hui C.H., Reflection on the Hongwu shengzheng ji, Journal of Oriental Studies. Hong Kong, 2005, 40:1&2: 28-38.

Researcher : Lai WY

Project Title:A study of Chen Yin-Ke
Investigator(s):Lai WY
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:11/2003
To review the studies on Chen in the last two to three decades and to study the latest published material in the Collection so that the contribution of this master of literary, historiographical, and religious studies may be introduced thoroughly. Citing the latest material, the introduction will be a primer to ordinary readers. On the top of the latest studies, it will evaluate Chen's thought of historiography.

List of Research Outputs

Lai W.Y. and Wong Y.K., My Alma Mater. 我的母校, Hong Kong, Toronto, Alberta, Hong Kong Univ, Toronto Univ and Alberta Univ, 2005, 236pp.

Researcher : Lau TYW

List of Research Outputs

Fung K.W. and Lau T.Y.W., Vignettes on Kowloon City. 九龍城區風物志, Hong Kong, The Kowloon City District Council, HKSAR Government, 2005, 184pp.

Researcher : Lee KS

Project Title:The Chinese writing system: Pinyin, Fanti or Jianhua?
Investigator(s):Lee KS
Source(s) of Funding:Louis Cha Fund
Start Date:07/2000
An appraisal of the Chinese writing system with a pragmatic perspective in the social context of Hong Kong.

List of Research Outputs

Lee K.S., A lecture entitled "The Standard of Chinese Language Proficiency for Undergraduates", Staff Seminar, the Community College at Lingnan University. Lingnan University, 2005.
Lee K.S., Cracking the Loan Words in the Shujing and Shijing, The Fourth Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities(Honolulu), organised by the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, January 11 to January 14, 2006. 14pp.
Lee K.S., Debates on the Poems of Depravity by Zhu Xi and Lu Zuqian: An Appraisal, In: Chinese Society of Shijing Studies ed., A Selection of Papers of the Sixth International Academic Symposium of Shijing Studies. Beijing, Xueyuan Press, 2005, pp. 393-419.
Lee K.S., Liao Qun, Archaeological Finds and the Studies on Shijing and Cuci, 詩騷考古研究, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2005, 11+293pp.
Lee K.S., Shi Jing Yan Jiu Cong Kan. 詩經研究叢刊, Beijing, Xueyuan Press, 2005, 9: 3+390+8.
Lee K.S., Shi Jing Yan Jiu Cong Kan. 詩經研究叢刊, Beijing, Xueyuan Press, 2006, 10: 2+320+9.
Lee K.S., Studies on Lu Zuqian's Dushiji, The International Conference on Lu Zuqian and the Intellectual Culture of Eastern Zhejiang (Jinhua), jointly organzied by The Provincial Steering Committee for the Development and Planning of Social Sciences in Zhejiang, The Municipal Political Consultative Assembly of Jinhua, The Zhejiang Normal University, The Zhejiang Guji Chubanshe, etc., November 18 to November 21, 2005. 24pp.
Lee K.S. and Huang L.G., The Annotations of Some Words in Song Poetry, 宋詩詞義例釋, Studies in Chinese Linguistics. 中國語文研究, Hong Kong, Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK, 2006, series no. 21: 65-73.
Lee K.S. and Ng C.W., The Chinese Writing System: A Study on Its Structure and Development. Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2005, 6+296pp.
Lee K.S., The Shijing Scholarship of the Ming Period, The Academic Seminar in Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of Jinan University, organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Jinan University, Guangzhou. Jinan University, Guangzhou, 2006.

Researcher : Leung SK

List of Research Outputs

Leung S.K., Establishing Bieshi: The Significance of a New Sub-Category under History in Chinese Traditional Bibliography, 說 "別史", Journal of Oriental Studies. 東方文化, Hong Kong, Chin Dept, HKU Center for Chin. Lang. Studies, Stanford U., 2005, 39:2: 205-230.

Researcher : Liem TH

List of Research Outputs

Liem T.H., 序言, Aura: A Visual Journal by William Lim (Bilingual). Hong Kong, Grotto Fine Art Ltd., 2005, 1p.
Liem T.H., Early Hong Kong Calligraphy: A Cultural Study , Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2004 (Bilingual). Hong Kong, Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005, pp.64-89.
Liem T.H., 藝術與政治, Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2004 (Bilingual). Hong Kong, Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005, pp.190-199.
Liem T.H., 藝術家與顧遇人──香港當代藝術的社會經濟點滴, Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2004 (Bilingual). Hong Kong, Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005, pp.214-221.
Liem T.H., Master Yang Shen-sum and the Lingnan School of Painting, Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2004 (Bilingual). Hong Kong, Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005, pp.28-41.
Liem T.H., New Senior Secondary Curriculum for Visual Art, Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2004 (Bilingual). Hong Kong, Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005, pp.98-107.
Liem T.H., New Senior Secondary Curriculum for Visual Arts: A Cursory Discussion, Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2004 (Bilingual). Hong Kong, Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005, pp.118-129.
Liem T.H., 前言, Resonate: New Works of Lam Tung-pang (Bilingual). Hong Kong, Grotto Fine Art Ltd., 2005, 1p.
Liem T.H., 序言, Significant Form: Paintings of Chow Chun-fai (Bilingual). Hong Kong, Grotto Fine Art Ltd., 2005, 1p.

Researcher : Liu MW

Project Title:The Buddha-nature debate in Early Tang
Investigator(s):Liu MW
Source(s) of Funding:Hsu Long Sing Research Fund
Start Date:09/2002
Completion Date:08/2005
To examine the background, the development and the significance of the Buddha-natrue debates in the period of Early Tang with the help of newly available materials.

List of Research Outputs

Liu M.W., The distinction between "Buddha-nature as principle" and "Buddha-nature as practice": Origin and development, 理、行兩種佛性說法的形成和演變 , Journal of the Center for Buddhiat Studies, National Taiwan University. 佛學研究中心學報(台灣大學), Taipei, Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University, 2005, 10: 119-149.
Liu M.W., The problem of tathatalambana-pratyaya-bija in the Buddha-nature debates of Early Tang, 初唐時期佛性論爭中的一乘問題, Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica. 中國文哲研究集刋, Taipei, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sin, 2005, 27: 167-183.
Liu M.W., Two controversy topics in the Buddha-nature debates of Early Tang: "Two vehicles of determinate lineage" and "existence qua transformation", 初唐時期佛性論爭的兩個相關論題:定性二乘和變易生死, Chung-hwa Buddhist Journal. 中華佛學學報, Taipei, Chung-hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, 2005, 18: 31-73.

Researcher : Si CM

List of Research Outputs

Si C.M., A Study on Cantonese Phonology and Verse Speaking. 粵音與朗誦, Beijing, China, China Social Sciences Press, 2005, 304 - 309.
Si C.M. and To Y...H., A Survey on Chinese Culture, 中華文化教學研究, Language Teaching No. 35. Hong Kong, Pearson Education North Asia, 2006, No.35: 22 - 28.
Si C.M. and Chan K.K., Cantonese in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Greenwood Press, 2005, 184.
Si C.M., To Y...H. and Wu T...M., The Quintessence of Chinese Culture. 中華文化承傳, Beijing, China, Peking University Press, 2006, 646.

Researcher : Sin CY

Project Title:European lexicon in Chinese before the opium wars
Investigator(s):Sin CY, Hsu TP, Yu Y, Chan AYS, Kwok BC, Siu KW
Source(s) of Funding:Louis Cha Fund
Start Date:02/1999
To build a database of European lexicon introduced in Chinese before the opium wars.

Project Title:Compilation of written scripts from the ancient state of Chu
Investigator(s):Sin CY, Lee H.K., Kwok P.F., Li X.Q.
Source(s) of Funding:Central Allocation Vote - Group Research Project
Start Date:06/2002
To produce the first complete and updated database of Chu scripts.

List of Research Outputs

Sin C.Y., Journal of Oriental Studies. 東方文化, Hong Kong and Stanford, California, USA, Chinese, HKU and Ctr for Chin Lang & Cultural Stds, Standord, 2005, 39:2: 144pp.
Sin C.Y., Journal of Oriental Studies. 東方文化, Hong Kong and Stanford, California, U.S.A., Chinese, HKU and Ctr for Chin Lang & Cultural Stds, Stanford, 2005, vol.40:1&2: 251pp.
Sin C.Y., Journal of Oriental Studies. 東方文化, Hong Kong, Stanford, California, U.S.A., Chinese, HKU and Ctr for Chin Lang & Cultural Stds, Stanford, 2006, vol.41:1: 195pp.

Researcher : Soo YC

List of Research Outputs

Chan C.H. and Soo Y.C., On Hu Qiaomu's Review of Chinese Chacterer Reform, 胡喬木談文字改革, In: 單周堯、陸鏡光, 語言文字學研究, Beijing, 中國社會科學出版社, 2005, 1: 254-265.
Soo Y.C., A Review Of Zhu Xi's Comment On Chen Liang and Lu Zuqian: The Case Of Sanguo Zinian, 看史只如看人相打:淺論陳亮《三國紀年》, The International Conference On Lu Zuqian And The Intellectual Culture Of The Eastern Zhejiang Held In Jinhua, China, November 17-20. 呂祖謙暨浙東學術文化國際研討會, 2005.

Researcher : Sun WL

List of Research Outputs

Sun W.L., "Keys to Verbal Ability", 沉默不是金, In: Ma Chun Miu, Breakthrough. 突破出版社, HK, Breakthrough Ltd., 2006, 142.
Sun W.L., Da Dong Qua, 大冬瓜, HK, Sunya Publishing Ltd, 2005, 56.
Sun W.L., Invited lesture to parents and teachers in various primary and secondary schools. 各小中學家v教師會講座, 2005.
Sun W.L., Novel--Xiao Sin de Jiao Bu Jian Liao, 小俽的腳不見了, HK, Sunya Publishing Ltd., 2005, 56.
Sun W.L., 溝通+高手, HK, Breakthrough Ltd, 2006, 136.
Sun W.L., 校園趣事多系列之《小欣的腳不見了》, HK, Sun Ya Publications (HK) Ltd, 2006, 1: 56.
Sun W.L., 校園趣事多系列之《種瓜得瓜》, HK, Sun Ya Publications (HK) Ltd, 2006, 1: 56.
Sun W.L., 校園趣事多系列之《大冬瓜》, HK, Sun Ya Publications (HK) Ltd, 2006, 1: 56.
Sun W.L., 校園趣事多之《上錯車》, HK, Sun Ya Publications (HK) Ltd, 2006, 1: 56.

Researcher : Tang CK

List of Research Outputs

Tang C.K., A Biography of Professor Chen Zhanquan, 陳湛銓教授傳略, Hong Kong Literature Research. 文學研究, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Literature Research Publication Company, 2006, 2: 33-42.
Tang C.K., A General Survey of the Academic Works of Professor Luo Kanglie, 羅忼烈教授著作概述, Hong Kong Literature Research. 文學研究, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Literature Publication Company, 2006, 1: 49-57.
Tang C.K., A Preliminary Investigation of the Red Bean Tree House Causerie on Poems , 《紅豆樹館詩話》初探, Journal of Oriental Studies. 東方文化, Hong Kong, HKU & Stanford University, 2005, 40: 129-138.
Tang C.K., The Flaws of Han Yu’s (768-824) Prose, 韓文指瑕, Journal of Oriental Studies. 東方文化, Hong Kong, HKU & Stanford University, 2005, 38: 132-152.

Researcher : Tsang CY

List of Research Outputs

Tsang C.Y., Book Review: Chen Xuelin zhu, Jin Song shi lun cong, 書評:《金宋史論叢》,陳學霖著, Journal of Oriental Studies. Stanford University, USA and The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Ctr for Chin Lang & Cultural Stds and School of Chinese, 2005, vol.41, No.1&2: pp.239-242.

Researcher : Tse YK

List of Research Outputs

Tse Y.K., Animal Words in the Book of Songs, 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Hawaii, January 11-14. 2006, 12pp.
Tse Y.K., On the Government Official Correspondence, Seminar on Official Chinese Writing, Official Languages Division, HKSAR, Hong Kong, July 7. 2005.
Tse Y.K., On the Word "Qianhuo", “潛火”說, In: Sin C.Y. and Luke K.K. eds., Yuyan Wenzixue Yanjiu . 語言文字學研究, Beijing, China Social Sciences Press, 2005, 188-193.
Tse Y.K., Text, Grammar and Rhetoric (CD-ROM). 篇章‧語法‧修辭, Hong Kong, E-Media Production Company, 2006.
Tse Y.K., The Use of Classifiers in Shijing, 《詩經》量詞的運用, In: Shijing Society of China ed., A Selection of Papers of the Sixth International Academic Symposium of Shijing Studies. Beijing, Xueyuan Press, 2005, 843-856.

Researcher : Tsui MH

List of Research Outputs

Tsui M.H., The Bibliographical Survey of the Writings of Wang Yuan, 王源著作考析, Journal of Chinese Studies. 中國文化研究所學報, Hong Kong, Institute of Chinese, CUHK, 2005, 45: pp.351-380.
Tsui M.H., The Evaluation of the School of Yan Li of the Literati during Late Qing Period with Reference to Cheng Chaoyi's Yanxue Bian, 晚清士人對顏李學派的評價--以程朝儀《顏學辯》為例, The Transformation of the Modern China and the World, Sep 10-11, 2005, Department of History, Peking University, Beijing, 2005. 近代中國與世界之變遷, 12pp.
Tsui M.H., Wang Kunsheng wenji and Juyetang wenji: An Analysis of the Compilation and Publication of the Collected Works of Qing Scholar Wang Yuan, 《王崑繩文集》與《居業堂文集》: 清儒王源文集編刊考釋, Chinese Culture Quarterly. 九州學林, Hong Kong & Shanghai, Chinese Civilization Ctr, City Univ of HK & Fudan Univ Press, 2006, 4:2: pp.264-294.

Researcher : Tsui MH

List of Research Outputs

Tsui M.H., The Bibliographical Survey of the Writings of Wang Yuan, 王源著作考析, Journal of Chinese Studies. 中國文化研究所學報, Hong Kong, Institute of Chinese, CUHK, 2005, 45: pp.351-380.
Tsui M.H., The Evaluation of the School of Yan Li of the Literati during Late Qing Period with Reference to Cheng Chaoyi's Yanxue Bian, 晚清士人對顏李學派的評價--以程朝儀《顏學辯》為例, The Transformation of the Modern China and the World, Sep 10-11, 2005, Department of History, Peking University, Beijing, 2005. 近代中國與世界之變遷, 12pp.
Tsui M.H., Wang Kunsheng wenji and Juyetang wenji: An Analysis of the Compilation and Publication of the Collected Works of Qing Scholar Wang Yuan, 《王崑繩文集》與《居業堂文集》: 清儒王源文集編刊考釋, Chinese Culture Quarterly. 九州學林, Hong Kong & Shanghai, Chinese Civilization Ctr, City Univ of HK & Fudan Univ Press, 2006, 4:2: pp.264-294.

Researcher : Wang A

Project Title:Body and empire: the techniques of social contestation in Han China
Investigator(s):Wang A
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:11/2002
To examines the use of the human body for negotiating social norms and political order during the formation of Han empire.

Project Title:Unification and division of the Qin and Han Empires
Investigator(s):Wang A
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:11/2005
The project aims to rewrite that history by synthesizing the large amount of new data with an original methodology. It will demonstrate that within the Qin and Han empires, there were sharp political divisions, deep social conflicts, and vehement power struggles. These conflicts and divisions were inherent in the process of unification, and were disguised by the ideal of unity. The ultimate object of this project is to throw new light on the history of China and on contemporary cultural debates about that history.

List of Research Outputs

Researcher : Wong KW

Project Title:Electronic rhetoric in Chinese
Investigator(s):Wong KW, Lam KT, Chan CM
Department:Chinese - Chin Lang Enhancement
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:01/2002
To analyse and comment on web sites and interactive multimedia CD-ROM titles written in Chinese so as to develop practical rules for integrating Chinese language with other communication media in the cyberspace.

List of Research Outputs

Researcher : Yeung HWO

List of Research Outputs

Yeung H.W.O., An Investigation of the Late Qing Establishment of the Chinese Consulate General in Australia and the “Thomas Jones Chia Shooting Case”, 論清季中國駐澳大利亞使館的設立與其外交人員觸犯當地刑案之始末, Journal of Oriental Studies. 東方文化, Hong Kong, China, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, 2005, vol.40, No.1&2: pp.163-180.
Yeung H.W.O., The Leisurely Mood and Innermost Thought of Wu-zhong scholars in mid-Ming Period, 明代正嘉間吳中諸士之閑憩表徵與內心詣向, Bulletin of Ming-Qing Studies. 明清史集刊, Hong Kong, China, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, 2005, vol.8: pp.65-130.

Researcher : Yeung KW

List of Research Outputs

Yeung K.W., On the Status of the Complementizer WAA6 in Cantonese, Taiwan Journal of Linguistics. Taiwan, Crane Publishing Co., 2006, 4:1: 48pp.

Researcher : Yeung MS

List of Research Outputs

Yeung M.S., "China-US Cultural Relations in the Nineteenth Century: A Study of Caleb Cushing's Documents and His Collection of Chinese Materials in the Library of Congress", 從美國國會圖書館藏顧盛文獻談十九世紀中、美兩國的文化交流, In: Chiu Ling-yeong, Bulletin of Ming-Qing Studies. 明清史集刊, Hong Kong, 香港大學中文系, 2005, 8: pp.261-324.

Researcher : Yu Y

List of Research Outputs

Yu Y., Developing The Course Of Practical Chinese Characters: Problems And Solutions II, The International Symposium On The Bilingual Studies And Teaching. 2005.
Yu Y., Developing the Course of Practical Chinese Characters: Problems and Solutions I, The 8th In International Syposium On The Teaching Of Chinese Language. 2005.
Yu Y., Interaction Of Language Environment And The Content Of Teaching, Language Teaching in the Era of Information. 2005.

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