Researcher : Dhammajoti KL

List of Research Outputs


Dhammajoti K.L., Akara and Direct Perception: Vaibhasika versus Sautrantika , In: Sodo Mori, Buddhist Studies (Bukkyo Kenkyu). Hamamatsu, Japan, International Buddhist Association (Kokusai Bukkyoto Kyokai), 2007, XXXV: 1-34.


Dhammajoti K.L., Fa Ju Jing, the Oldest Chinese Version of the Dharmapada: some remarks on the language and sect affiliation of its original, "International Symposium on Textual Studies: New Development in the studies on Chinese translations of Buddhist texts". Organized by the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, Tokyo. 2006.


Dhammajoti K.L., In: as the sole editor, Journal of Buddhist Studies . Centre For Buddhist Studies,Sri Lanka, 2006, IV: 332.


Dhammajoti K.L., Sarvåstivåda, Dåråntika, Sautråntika and Yogåcåra: Some reflections on their interrelation, Journal of Buddhist Studies . Colombo, Sri Lanka, Centre For Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, 2006, IV: 182-212.


Researcher : Guang X

List of Research Outputs


Guang X., A Study of the Lesser and Minor Rules, 小小戒問題的研究, The Significance of Vinaya in the Modern Day Contex. 戒律的現代化意義, Taiwan, 2006.


Guang X., Bodhidharma and his meditation, 達摩其人及其禪法, In: Juexing 覺醒, Juequn Foxue. 覺群佛學, Beijing, Religious and Cultural Publication, 2006, 179-186.


Guang X., Buddhist Attitude Towards Material Wealth, 佛教對物質的態度, Tung Lin Kok Yuen Canada Foundation, Vancouver. 2007.


Guang X., Confucian and Buddhist Concepts of Filial Piety: A Comparative Study, 儒佛孝道觀的比較研究, Eastern Culture and Modern Society: Philosophical Dialogue among Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism, jointly held by the Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Department of Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), The Institute of Oriental Philosophy, Japan, and Soka Gakkai International of Hong Kong at CUHK. 東方文化與現代社會——儒、釋、道之哲學對話, Hong Kong, 2006.


Guang X., Did the Buddha have troubles?, 佛陀有沒有煩惱, Fu-Hui Buddhist Temple Society, Vancouver. 2007.


Guang X., The Buddha did not foster personality cult, 佛陀不搞個人崇拜, In: 方禮年, Mingpao. 明報, Hong Kong, Mingpao, 2006, 30: 1.


Guang X., The Buddha had no dogma, 佛陀沒有教條, Mingpao. 明報, Hong Kong, Mingpao, 2007.


Guang X., The Development of the Concept of the Buddha, the University of the West, Los Angels, USA. 2007.


Guang X., The Fumuen Nanbao Jing and Chinese Society, THE PHILOSOPHICAL ENCOUNTER CIRCLE: Philosophy, Religion and Culture organized by a group of young professors, Hong Kong. 2006.


Guang X., The Historical Buddha: A Personality Analysis, 佛陀人格的分析, Tung Lin Kok Yuen Canada Foundation, Vancouver. 2007.


Guang X., The Lokanuvartana Sutra: An Annotated Translation from the Chinese Text, 佛說內藏百寶經, In: Prof. Dhammajoti, Prof. Abeynayake, Journal of Buddhist Studies. Sri Lanka, Centre for Buddhist Studies, 2006, 4: 312-330.


Guang X., The relevance of Buddhism to Modern Society, the Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia. 2007.


Researcher : Jing Y

List of Research Outputs


Jing Y., Bereavement counselling and support in Buddhist Perspective, 5th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health. Hong Kong, 2006.


Jing Y., Filial piety in ancient and modern times. 孝道漫談, Hong Kong, Tung Lin Kok Yuen, 2007, 1: 140.


Jing Y., Life without Worries, 心無罣礙, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly. 信報月刊, Hong Kong, Man, Cheuk Fei, 2007, 364: 132-133.


Jing Y., Living in Harmony: Promoting Creative Synergy in a Stressful World, 5th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health “Living in Harmony: Promoting Creative Synergy in a Stressful World”. Hong Kong, 2006.


Jing Y., Study on the renewal of Vinaya--Theory and Practice, the Seminar on Significance of Vinaya in the Modern Day Context. Taiwan, Mahachulalongkornajavidayalay University and the World Chine, 2006, 142-151.


Jing Y., The Transformation of the Samgha and the emergence of three dimensions of the Vinaya, In: Prof. NA Jayawickrama, Prof. Ratna Handurukande, Pro. Y karunadasa, Prof. Oliver Abeynayake, Prof. S Galmangoda, Journal of Buddhist Studies. Sri Lanka, Centre for Buddhist Studies, 2006, 4: 270-301.


Jing Y., 中國佛教的三個發祥地, 饒宗頤教授九十華誕學術研討會, 2006.


Researcher : Rangama CT

List of Research Outputs


Rangama C.T., Esoteric Buddhist Influence of Sinhala Buddhism , Second International Conference of Sri Lanka Association for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, November 2006. . 2006.


Researcher : Sik HH

Project Title:

Orientation to life enhancement Project


Sik HH


Centre of Buddhist Studies

Source(s) of Funding:

Quality Education Fund

Start Date:


Completion Date:




To enhance the quality of learning and teaching of the New 2005 HKCEE Buddhist syllabus (NBS) as a mean to promote students’ personal growth and ability to cope with stress; to see if there will be any changes and/or improvement of the sense of coherence of students who take the NBS, and those students who take the NBS with additional training and workshops from the 'Orientation to Life Enhancement Project'.


List of Research Outputs


Sik H.H., "Orientation to Life" Enhancement Project and Life Education , “緣起的生命教育生命定向增進計劃 , A Harmonious World Begins in the Mind, Collected Works of the World Buddhist Forum . 和諧世界從心開始、首屆世界佛教論壇集、論文中文卷 , Peking, Religious Culture Publishing House, 2006, p. 215-223.


Sik H.H., A Buddhist Perspective on Affective Disorder, 2006 International Forum on Community Psychological Medicine. 2006.


Researcher : Yakupitiyage K

List of Research Outputs


Yakupitiyage K., The Abhidhamma Doctrine of Conditional Relations as the Synthetical Approach to the Dhamma Theory, Journal of Buddhist Studies, Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka. . Colombo, Sri Lanka, Centre of Buddhist Studies, 2006, 4: 82-108.


Yakupitiyage K., The World of Buddhism: A Search for the Common Ground , Second International Conference of Sri Lanka Association for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, November 2006. . 2006.


Researcher : Yao Z

Project Title:

A study of reflexive awareness: buddhist contributions


Yao Z


Centre of Buddhist Studies

Source(s) of Funding:

Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research

Start Date:




To exam the Buddhist theory of reflexive awareness with an emphasis on its pre-Dignaga development. Its significance is two-fold; on the one hand, the novel interpretation of major Buddhist philosophical schools challenges many conventional understanding of these traditions with regard to the issue of reflexive awareness; on the other hand, the articulation of the Buddhist theory of reflexive awareness contributes to, enriches, and throws light on contemporary study of the human mind, especially its reflexive nature, and invites a dialogue with contemporary sciences of the mind.


Researcher : Yeung CST

List of Research Outputs


Yeung C.S.T., (With Choy W.M.) . Risk assessment and safety planning. , (與蔡惠敏)。危機評估及安全計劃。 , Family violence: Working with battered women manual. . 《家庭暴力:處理受虐婦女手冊》。 , Hong Kong, Harmony House, 2006, pp. 61-82.


Yeung C.S.T., An overview of domestic violence. , 家庭暴力概述。 , Family violence: Working with battered women manual. 《家庭暴力:處理受虐婦女手冊》。 , Hong Kong, Harmony House, 2006, pp. 9-24.


Yeung C.S.T., (With Lai, Y.M., Lai C.T. & Choy W.M.). A women empowerment model. , (與賴綺雯、賴志德及蔡惠敏)。婦女自強模式。 , Family violence: Working with battered women manual. . 《家庭暴力:處理受虐婦女手冊》。 , Hong Kong, Harmony House, 2006, pp. 33-60.


Yeung C.S.T., In: , (Written by Dr. Sebo Ebbens) Life education: Choice, meaning and contemplative practices. . The University of Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, 2006, pp.141.


Yeung C.S.T., In: Buddhism and life education forum proceedings. , Buddhism and life education forum proceedings. . 《佛學與生命教育交流會論文集》。 , The University of Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, 2006, pp.1-72.

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