Researcher : Astarita C

List of Research Outputs

Astarita C., Book Review on China-India Relations: Political Strategies of Economic and Strategic Cooperation, The International Spectator. Abingdon Oxfordshire, UK, Routledge, 2009, 44: 134-136.
Astarita C., Book Review on Chine-Inde La Grande Competition, China Perspectives. Hong Kong, CEFC, 2008, 3, No. 75: 160-161.
Astarita C., Burying the Hatchet, India Business Law Journal. Hong Kong, Vantage Asia, 2009, Vol. 2, No. 8: 16.
Astarita C., China and India: An Unpredictable History Ups and Downs from 1947 to 2008, Royal Asiatic Society Monthly Talk, 12 December 2008. 2008.
Astarita C., China's Role in the Evolution of Southeast Asian Regional Organization, China Perspectives. Hong Kong, CEFC, 2008, 3, No. 75: 78-86.
Astarita C., The Evolution of the Image of China in the United States During the Cold War, China Report. Newbury Park California, USA, SAGE, 2009, 45, No. 1: 23-34.

Researcher : Cheng LMCW

List of Research Outputs

Cheng L.M.C.W., From Global to Local: The Cultural Complexities of Taiwanese Popular TV Dramas and their Social Implications, First International Conference on Popular Culture and Education in Asia. 2008.

Researcher : Chin JK

List of Research Outputs

Chin J.K., "International Emigration and the Building of Harmonious Society in Rural China: A Fieldwork Report" , The 39th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology. Yerevan, Armenia, 2009, 17 pages.
Chin J.K., "Migrant Entrepreneurs and Local Networks: Gangshang in Cambodia", International Workshop "Taishang and Gangshang in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study". Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009, 25 pages.
Chin J.K., "New Chinese Migrants in Central Europe: A Case Study on Czech and Slovakia", The 4th International Conference on the Chinese Overseas and Library Collection. Guangzhou, China,, 2009, 26 pages.
Chin J.K., Chinese Junk Trade and Chinese Merchants in Southeast Asia, In: Chang Pin-tsun, A Keynote Speech at the International Conference on Chinese Maritime History. Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Academia Sinica, 2008, 13 pages.
Chin J.K., Early Persian and Arabic Merchants in the South China Sea and Their Business Network, In: Wang Lianmao, International Conference Entitled "Islamic Culture and Chinese Maritime History". Quanzhou, China, China Association for Martitime History Studies, 2008, 23 pages.
Chin J.K., Maritime History Studies in China: A Report, In: Wang Lianmao, A Keynote Speech at the International Conference Entitled "Islamic Culture and Chinese Maritime History". Quanzhou, China, China Association for Maritime History Studies, 2008, 15 pages.
Chin J.K., Negotiating and Bartering on the Frontier: Horse Trade in Song China, In: Bert G. Fragner, Ralph Kauz, Roderich Ptak, Angela Schottenhammer, Horses in Asia: History, Trade and Culture. Vienna, Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2009, pp.203-217.
Chin J.K., In: 錢江、陳佳榮、張廣達, Overseas Travel Accounts of Imperial China: A Comprehensive Collection. 《歷代中外行記》, Shanghai, China, 上海辭書出版社, 2008, 1211 pages.
Chin J.K. and Wong S.L., People on the Move: The Transnational Migration and its Challenges towards Eurasia, 跨國移民及其對歐亞大陸的挑戰, In: 潘國城主編, New Silk Road Towards Harmonious World: Security, Cooperation and Development in Central Asia. 新絲綢之路與和諧世界─首屆歐亞國際學術論壇論文集, China, Xi'an Jiaotong University Press (西安交通大學出版社), 2009, 30-44.
Chin J.K. and Wong S.L., People on the Move: The Transnational Migration and its Challenges towards Eurasia, New Silk Road towards Harmonious World: Security, Cooperation and Development in Central Asia. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Policy Research Institute, 2009, 53-67.
Chin J.K. and Wong S.L., People on the Move:The Transnational Migration and Its Challenges towards Eurasia, 跨國移民及其對歐亞大陸的挑戰, In: Peter Pun, Wang Jun and Qiu Jin, The New Silk Road and a Harmonious World. 新絲綢之路與和諧世界, Xi'an, China, Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, 2009, pp.30-44.
Chin J.K., Series Book Editor, In: Chin Kong James (錢江), Overseas Chinese Studies. 世界華僑華人研究, Guangzhou, China, Jinan University Press (暨南大學出版社), 2008, No.1: 161 pp.
Chin J.K., Trends and Government Policies: Reducing Irregular Migration from China, In: Debashree Mukherjee, Human Trafficking: Challenges and Initiatives. Hyderabad, India, The Icfai University Press, 2008, pp.142-167.

Researcher : Chow MK

List of Research Outputs

Chow M.K., Twenty First Century Bimonthly, 二十一世紀, Fluid Identity: The Case Study of Koo Chen-fu. 流動的身份認同:辜振甫個案探微, Hong Kong, The Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK, 2009, 113: 108-116.

Researcher : Guan W

List of Research Outputs

Guan W., A Comparitve Study on Heritance Pattern in Japan and China (in Chinese), 中日傳統家族企業繼承模式的比較研究, 東西方文化發展中心家族企業研討會,2009年4月27日,新加坡和北京東西方文化研究發展中心主辦, 北京, 北京師範大學, 2009, 18.
Guan W., Confuscious Culture in Japan (in Japanese), 從中國的儒家文化與宗族關係看韓國與日本的儒家文化, 十八世紀日本文化與國際環境研討會, 2008年10月24日, 日本京都, 日本文部科學省國際日本文化研究中心, 2008, 5.
Guan W., From Marriage and Adoption Pattern to Kinship Structure: Japan and China Comparison (in Japnese), 婚姻・養子形態に見るに日中親族血緣構造の歴史的考察, In: 日本比較家族史學會論文集第五號, Comparative Family History Association of Japan. 歴史人口學と比較家族史, 東京, 角川學藝出版社, 2009, 130-166.
Guan W., Research Fund of 750,000 Japanese Yen, Sumimoto Foundation. 2009.
Guan W., 明の“大礼議”と江戸時代の“尊号一件”の比較 (日文), 中日家族文化的比較研究會,2008年9月12日, 香港, 香港大學語言文化學院, 2008, 20.

Researcher : Ho CT

List of Research Outputs

Ho C.T., The Era of Professionalism and the Development of the Family business: A case Study of the Koos Group, Joint CAS_CEFC_CERVEPAS workshop cum The Fourth Chinese Business History Forum. 2008.
Ho C.T., The Production arrangement in East Asia and the organization of Financial Capital: Hong Kong and Taiwanese Enterprises, 東亞生產布局與資本輸出的組織策略:香港與台商, Centre of Asian Studies and the Center for Asia-pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 2009.
Ho C.T., The Transformation of a Taiwanese Merchant's Identity: a Case of Koo Hsien-jung in the Japanese Colonial Period, 辜顯榮的多重身分認同, Twenty-First Century . 二十一世紀雙月刊, 2009, 112: 102-112.

Researcher : Hui C

List of Research Outputs

Hui C., Discussant on Hamashita Takeshi "Viewing Sovereignty from the New Perspective", Hong Kong International Relations Association Seminar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 10 June 2009. 2009.
Hui C., Hong Kong and HSBC's Roles in the 'South China-South China Sea' Commercial Network, International Conference on China's Diplomacy in the 21st Century - A New Perspective, jointly with Asia-Africa Development Research Institute, Development Research Centre of the State Council, PRC and International Realtions Research Programme, Hong Kong Instittue of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 26 March 2009.
Hui C., The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and the Overseas Chinese Commercial Network in East Asia, Yazhou Zhoukan. Hong Kong, Yazhou Zhoukan, 2009, 23, No. 13: 22-23.
Hui C., The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and the 1960s Financial Crisis, Yazhou Zhoukan. Hong Kong, Yazhou Zhoukan, 2009, 23, no. 12: 40-41.

Researcher : Lee PT

List of Research Outputs

Lee P.T., An oral history account on Shanghai department store business, 上海百貨業口述史訪談錄, Historical Review. 史林, Shanghai, Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of Social Science, 2009, 112: 32-41.
Lee P.T., Book-review of Sherman Cochran,“Chinese Medicine Men: Consumer Culture in China and Southeast Asia (Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard University Press, 2006).” , International Journal of Asian Studies. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, Volume 5, Part 2: 247-250.
Lee P.T., Caught between the left camp and right camp: The Hong Kong Film Circle during the Cold War, 左右逢源與左右夾縫──冷戰時期的香港電影界, International Conference on Society and Culture in the Background of Cold War. Jointly organized by the Center for Cold War International History Studies and the Department of History, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 14-17 December 2008. . 冷戰背景下的社會與文化國際學術研討會, 2008, 14.
Lee P.T., Caught between the left camp and right camp: The Hong Kong film circle in the cold war, 左右可以逢源──冷戰時期的香港電影界, In: Wong Ain-ling and Lee Pui-tak, The Cold War and Hong Kong Film. 冷戰與香港電影, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Film Archive, 2009, 83-97.
Lee P.T., Cold War and Hong Kong Filmmakers, Public lecture at Hong Kong Film Archive. 2009, 10.
Lee P.T., Control and Anti-control: The Daily Life and Embezzlement Issue of the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank's Employees in the 1930s., 控制與反控制── 1930年代上海商業儲蓄銀行的行員生活和舞弊問題, The Third World Forum on China Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, 8-11 September 2008.. 2008, 14.
Lee P.T., How America Shaped the Asian Studies Institution in Hong Kong, 1950s-1960s: A Preliminary Survey., Workshop on Development of Asian Studies in Comparative Perspectives: The US and its Asian Counterparts, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 16 May 2009. . 2009, 7.
Lee P.T., Institutional networks versus non-institutional networks: an analysis of the branch system of the Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank in the 1920s and 1930s , International Workshop on Historical Analysis of Market Order and institutions in China: Market Order in China Reconsidered. Jointly organized by the Takahashi Industrial and Economic Research Foundation and the Global COE Program on Raising market Quality and Integrated Design of Market Infrastructure, Keio University, Tokyo, 14-15 March 2009.. 2009, 20.
Lee P.T., Introduction, 導論, In: Wong Ain-ling and Lee Pui-tak, The Cold War and Hong Kong Film. 冷戰與香港電影, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Film Archive, 2009, 5-8.
Lee P.T., One Perspective to View the Connection of the Han-yeh-ping Coal and Iron Co. Ltd. with Japan: An Analysis of the Sun Baoqi's Loan from the Yokohama Specie Bank., 漢冶萍公司與日本關係的一側面──孫寶琦借款問題分析, Workshop on the Japanese Enterprises in Modern China, Osaka University, 2-3 August 2008. . 2008, 5.
Lee P.T., The Chinese Chambers of Commerce in Hong Kong before the End of the Second World War, 二次大戰結束前香港的華人商會, Conference on the Social Groups and the Social Transformation of Modern China, Normal University of Central China, Wuhan, 21-23 August 2008.. 近代中國社會群體與社會變遷學術研討會, 2008, 9.
Lee P.T., In: Wong Ain-ling and Lee Pui-tak, The Cold War and Hong Kong Film. 冷戰與香港電影, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Film Archive, 2009, 308.
Lee P.T., The Great Depression and the 1930s Chinese Economy, 世界大蕭條與1930年代中國經濟, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly. 信報財經月刊, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Economic Journal, 2009, 387: 82-85.
Lee P.T., The Shanghai Bankers at the Eve of Shanghai Liberation, 上海解放前夕的上海銀行家, Journal of Social Sciences. 社會科學, Shanghai, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, 2008, 338: 172-178.
Lee P.T., The United Front and Anti-United Front: The Shanghai Bankers in Hong Kong During the Late of 1940s and the Early of 1950s, 統一戰線と反統一戰線:1940年代末から50年代初めの香港における上海銀行家, In: The Shanghai History Research Association of Japan, Shanghai in Before and After the Establishment of the People’s Republic of China. 建國前後の上海, Tokyo, Kenbun Shuppan, 2009, 255-285.
Lee P.T., The concept of patronage and the government supervision and merchant management enterprises in late Qing China: an analysis of the Sheng Xuanhuai’s taking over of the Hanyang Ironworks in the year of 1896, 論「包、保、報」與清末官督商辦企業──以光緒二十二年盛宣懷接辦漢陽鐵廠事件為例, Historical Review. 史林, Shanghai, Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, 2009, 110: 28-38.
Lee P.T., The rightist filmmaker in Hong Kong during the cold war: The case of Evan Yang, 冷戰時期右派影人在香港──以易文為例, In: Grace Ng, Evan Yang’s autobiography. 有生之年──易文年記, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Film Archive, 2009, 18-27.
Lee P.T., To compete and also cooperate: The Hong Kong filmmakers caught between the left-right struggle during the Cold War., International Conference on Intellectual Exchanges and Historical Memories in East Asia. Jointly organized by the Northeast Asian History Foundation, Korea and Forum for the Study of East Asian History, Seoul, 5-6 December 2008. . 2008, 14.

Researcher : Ong KC

List of Research Outputs

Ong K.C., Book Review on Islamic Party Politics in Malaysia: A Comparison between UMNO and PAS (Chin Chong Foh, 2006), 評馬來西亞伊斯蘭政黨政治:巫統和伊斯蘭黨之比較(陳中和, 2006, 新紀元學院馬來西亞族群研究中心、 策略資訊研究中心聯合出版), New Era College Academic Journal. 新紀元學院學報, 馬來西亞, 新紀元學院, 2008, 5: 167-171.
Ong K.C., Multilingualism under Globalization: A Focus on the Educational Language Politics in Malaysia since 2002. 2009.
Ong K.C., Political Tsunami? Not yet!: The Looming Threat of a Malay Two-Party System in Malaysia, 灘頭狼藉,惟海嘯未至─「馬來兩黨制」的隱患, In: 孫和聲, 謝偉倫, After the Political Tsunami...: Sekali Air Bah, Sekali Pantai Berubah. 敢叫日月換新天:308 政治海嘯掀新章, 吉隆坡, 燧人氏, 2008, 51-57.

Researcher : Wong SL

List of Research Outputs

Chin J.K. and Wong S.L., People on the Move: The Transnational Migration and its Challenges towards Eurasia, 跨國移民及其對歐亞大陸的挑戰, In: 潘國城主編, New Silk Road Towards Harmonious World: Security, Cooperation and Development in Central Asia. 新絲綢之路與和諧世界─首屆歐亞國際學術論壇論文集, China, Xi'an Jiaotong University Press (西安交通大學出版社), 2009, 30-44.
Chin J.K. and Wong S.L., People on the Move: The Transnational Migration and its Challenges towards Eurasia, New Silk Road towards Harmonious World: Security, Cooperation and Development in Central Asia. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Policy Research Institute, 2009, 53-67.
Curley M.G. and Wong S.L., Conclusion: Undocumented Migration and the State/Human Security Nexus in Asia, In: Melissa G. Curley and Wong Siu-lun, Security and Migration in Asia: The Dynamics of Securitisation. London and New York, Routledge, 2008, 179-184.
Sun W...B... and Wong S.L., Is Hong Kong Entrepreneurship Declining, In: Helen F. Siu and Agnes S. Ku, Hong Kong Mobile: Making a Global Population. Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2009, 327-342.
Wong S.L., Decentering: The Rise of Hong Kong as a Network Society, In: Medha Kudaisya and Ng Chin-keong, Chinese and Indian Business: Historical Antecedents. Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill, 2009, 61-83.
Wong S.L., In: Leung Sai-Wiang, Wan Po-san and Wong Siu-lun, Indicators of Social Development: Hong Kong 2006. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK, 2008, 310.
Wong S.L., Wan P.S. and Leung S.W., In: Wong S.L., Wan P.S. and Leung S.W., The Changing Faces of Taiwan and Hong Kong in the New Century. 新世紀臺港社會風貌, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, 2008, 302 (in Chinese).
Wong T...K...Y..., Wong S.L., Wan P...S... and Zheng V.W.T., The New Face of Macao: Achievements and Challenges , 澳門社會新貌:成就與挑戰, In: T.K.Y. Wong, S.L. Wong, P.S. Wan & V. Zheng, Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009, 1: 1-250 (in Chinese).
Zheng V.W.T., Wong S.L. and Wang C.B., Absorbing Professionals from Mainland China to Enhance Hong Kong's Role as a Financial Centre, 輸入內地專才以強化香港金融中心地位的思辯, Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences No. 36 Spring/Summer 2009. 香港社會科學學報第三十六期2009春/夏季, Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, 2009, 1-30 (in Chinese).
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Attitude towards Trust, Future and Social Well-being: A Hong Kong and Taiwan Comparison, 對社會現況、前景與信任的態度:台港民眾的比較, In: Wong, Siu-lun, Wan Po-san & Leung Sai-wing, The Changing Faces of Taiwan and Hong Kong in the New Century. 新世紀台港社會風貌, Hong Kong, The Institute of Asian-Pacific Studies, CUHK, 2008, 1: 225-259 (in Chinese).
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Ho Shai-lai: A General from Hong Kong, 香港將軍:何世禮, Ho Shai-lai: A General from Hong Kong. 香港將軍:何世禮, Hong Kong, Joint Publishing (HK) Ltd., 2008, 1: 1-376 (In Chinese).
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Housing, Living and Society, 房屋、生活與社會, In: T.K.Y.Wong, S.L. Wong, P.S. Wong & V. Zheng (eds.), The New Face of Macao: Achievements and Challenges. 澳門社會新貌:成就與挑戰, Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009, 1: 23-54.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Identity: A Comparative Study of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, 身份認同:台港澳的比較, Modern China Studies. 當代中國研究, Princeton, N.J,., Center for Modern China, 2008, 101: 15 (in Chinese).
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Rice is Power: Inter-Ethnic Business Competition in Post-War Hong Kong, In: In: Jens Damm and Mechthild Leutner, Berliner China-Hefte 2009 Chinese History and Society. Berlin, LIT, 2009, 35: 80-97.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Social Trends: A Comparison of Subjective and Objective Indicators, In: Leung Sai-wing, Wan Po-san and Wong Siu-lun, Indicators of Social Development: Hong Kong 2006. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK, 2008, 245-283.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Unravelling the Identity Complexity of Ho Tung, 何東身份認同的心結, In: The Institute of Chinese Studies, Twenty-First Century Bimonthy. 二十一世紀雙月刊, Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009, 111: 65-75.

Researcher : Wong SN

List of Research Outputs

Wong S.N., 台灣總統大選投票有感 (A Note On Casting Vote For Taiwan Presidency 2008), United Voices. 聯聲90期(2008年10月), Hong Kong, Hong Kong United Alumni Association of Taiwan Universities, 2008, 90.

Researcher : Wong WL

List of Research Outputs

Chan A.K.W., Ng K.M. and Wong W.L., Raising Kids In An Insecure World: The Hidden Curriculum In A Parenting Magazine, Popular Culture and Education in Asia Conference. 2008.
Wong W.L., Hong Kong Jockey Club History Project - 21 Synopses with interview schedule, interviewee's biography, interview summary, keywords, indexed summary of interviews; and 6 verbatim transcripts., 2009.
Wong W.L., Hong Kong Jockey Club History Project - 55 interview meetings with 18 interviewees (July 2008-June 2009) , 2009.
Wong W.L., Making Home: Three Generations Of Chinese Immigrant Women In Hong Kong, The University Of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 2008.
Wong W.L., Making Productive Home And Doing Good Immigrant Women, Gender and Family in East Asia Gender and Family in East Asia International Conference 2008 . 2008.
Wong W.L., Ng K.M. and Chan A.N.I.T.A. .K.W., Parenting Magazines Teach you How to be a "Good Mom"., 1980至千禧年代育兒雜誌教你做個”好媽媽”, Mingpao Century . 明報世紀版, 2009.
Wong W.L., Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Oral History Project - 18 interview meetings with 8 informants (July 2008-June 2009), 2009.
Wong W.L., Ng K.M. and Chan A.N.I.T.A. .K.W., 〈理想母職:在累人的年代 育兒雜誌之文本初探〉(Ideal Motherhood in an Exhaustive Era: A Textual Analysis of Parenting Magazine in Hong Kong), 明報世紀版 (Mingpao Century), 2009.

Researcher : Zheng VWT

List of Research Outputs

Hung E...P...W... and Zheng V.W.T., Personal and Social Life of the Newly-Arrived Immigrants, 新移民的個人及社交生活, In: T.K.Y. Wong, S.L. Wong, P.S. Wan & V. Zheng, The New Face of Macao: Achievements and Challenges. 澳門社會新貌:成就與挑戰, Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009, 1: 145-162 (in Chinese).
Wong T...K...Y..., Wong S.L., Wan P...S... and Zheng V.W.T., The New Face of Macao: Achievements and Challenges , 澳門社會新貌:成就與挑戰, In: T.K.Y. Wong, S.L. Wong, P.S. Wan & V. Zheng, Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009, 1: 1-250 (in Chinese).
Zheng V.W.T., Wong S.L. and Wang C.B., Absorbing Professionals from Mainland China to Enhance Hong Kong's Role as a Financial Centre, 輸入內地專才以強化香港金融中心地位的思辯, Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences No. 36 Spring/Summer 2009. 香港社會科學學報第三十六期2009春/夏季, Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, 2009, 1-30 (in Chinese).
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Attitude towards Trust, Future and Social Well-being: A Hong Kong and Taiwan Comparison, 對社會現況、前景與信任的態度:台港民眾的比較, In: Wong, Siu-lun, Wan Po-san & Leung Sai-wing, The Changing Faces of Taiwan and Hong Kong in the New Century. 新世紀台港社會風貌, Hong Kong, The Institute of Asian-Pacific Studies, CUHK, 2008, 1: 225-259 (in Chinese).
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Ho Shai-lai: A General from Hong Kong, 香港將軍:何世禮, Ho Shai-lai: A General from Hong Kong. 香港將軍:何世禮, Hong Kong, Joint Publishing (HK) Ltd., 2008, 1: 1-376 (In Chinese).
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Housing, Living and Society, 房屋、生活與社會, In: T.K.Y.Wong, S.L. Wong, P.S. Wong & V. Zheng (eds.), The New Face of Macao: Achievements and Challenges. 澳門社會新貌:成就與挑戰, Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009, 1: 23-54.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Identity: A Comparative Study of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, 身份認同:台港澳的比較, Modern China Studies. 當代中國研究, Princeton, N.J,., Center for Modern China, 2008, 101: 15 (in Chinese).
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Rice is Power: Inter-Ethnic Business Competition in Post-War Hong Kong, In: In: Jens Damm and Mechthild Leutner, Berliner China-Hefte 2009 Chinese History and Society. Berlin, LIT, 2009, 35: 80-97.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Social Trends: A Comparison of Subjective and Objective Indicators, In: Leung Sai-wing, Wan Po-san and Wong Siu-lun, Indicators of Social Development: Hong Kong 2006. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK, 2008, 245-283.
Zheng V.W.T. and Wong S.L., Unravelling the Identity Complexity of Ho Tung, 何東身份認同的心結, In: The Institute of Chinese Studies, Twenty-First Century Bimonthy. 二十一世紀雙月刊, Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009, 111: 65-75.
Zheng V.W.T. and Hung E...P...W..., Work and Economic Situation of the Newly-Arrived Immigrants, 新移民的工作與經濟狀況, In: T.K.Y. Wong, S.L. Wong, P.S. Wan & V. Zheng, The New Face of Macao: Achievements and Challenges. 澳門社會新貌:成就與挑戰, Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 2009, 1: 119-144 (in Chinese).

-- End of Listing --