Researcher : Dhammajoti KL

List of Research Outputs

Dhammajoti K.L., 1. Epistemological Doctrines in the Abhidharma Tradition: An Overview 2. Theory of Knowledge: Sarvāstivāda. 3. Theory of Knowlddge: Sautrāntika, National ChengChi University, Taiwan. 國立政治大學, 2009.
Dhammajoti K.L., Abhidharma and Spiritual praxis, Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies. 2008.
Dhammajoti K.L. and Yakupitiyage K., Buddhist And Pali Studies In Honour Of Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha . Hong Kong, 2009, 676+.
Dhammajoti K.L., Fa Ju Jing, the Oldest Chinese Version of the Dharmapada: Some Remarks on the Language and Sect Affiliation of its Original, In: Sodo Mori , Buddhist Studies (Bukkyo Kenkyū). Hamamatsu, International Buddhist Association, 2009, XXXVII: 1–38.
Dhammajoti K.L., Journal of Buddhsist Studies (JCBSSL). Centre For Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, 2008, VI.
Dhammajoti K.L., Opening speech at the International United Nation Vesak Day Celebration, Mahachulalongkorn University, Bangkok. 2009.
Dhammajoti K.L., Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma (4th, revised edition). Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU, 2009, 568++.
Dhammajoti K.L., The Doctrine of the Six-stage Mindfulness of Breathing, In: KL Dhammajoti et Y. Karunadasa, Buddhist and Pali Studies in Honour of the Venerable Kakkapalliye Anuruddha. Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU, 2009, 639–650.
Dhammajoti K.L., The Sixteen-mode Mindfulness of Breathing, In: Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti, Journal of Buddhist Studies (JCBSSL). Colombo, Centre For Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, 2008, VI: 252–288.

Researcher : Guang X

List of Research Outputs

Guang X., 'Filial Piety is called the Precepts’: Chinese Development on the Buddhist Concept of Filial Piety, 孝名為戒:中國人對佛教孝道觀的發展, In: Zong Xing and Dao Jian, Buddhism and Chinese Traditional Culture: celebration of Professor Yang Zengwen's seventy years birthday. 佛教興中國傳統文化:楊曾文先生七秩賀壽文集, Beijing, Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2009, 807-825.
Guang X., A Study of the Apocryphal Sutra: Fumu Enzhong Jing, In: Yong-pyo Kim, International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture. South Korea, Suk-ku Song, 2008, 11: 105-146.
Guang X., A Study of the Fumu Enzhong Jing, 《父母恩重經》研究, In: Fo Guang Shan , Buddhism and Contemporary Humanistic Concerns: Collection of Papers on Buddhist Studies. 《佛教與當代人文關懷-2008年佛學研究論文集》, Taiwan, Fo Guang Shan publication, 2008, 215-262.
Guang X., A series of six lectures on “Buddhist Lay Ethics in the Agama Literature”, the Macau Buddhist Association. 2008.
Guang X., A series of three lectures on Theravada Buddhist Philosophy: “Karma in early Buddhism: is it a determinism?”, “The Buddhist Concept of Dependent Origination” and “The Buddhist Notion of Suffering (Dukkha)”, Ching Chueh Buddhist Sangha University, affiliated to Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University of Thailand at Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2009.
Guang X., A series of three lectures on Theravada Buddhist Philosophy: “Rational Faith in Buddhism”, “The Historical Buddha: A Personality Analysis” and “Buddhist Idea of Transcending the World”, Ching Chueh Buddhist Sangha University, affiliated to Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University of Thailand at Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 淨覺僧伽大學(泰國朱拉隆功佛教大學台灣分校), 2009.
Guang X., A series of three lectures on “Buddhism and Society”: “The Buddhist Attitude Towards War and Peace”, “Buddhist Attitude toward Suicide and Euthanasia” and “Buddhist Attitude towards Nature”, The International Buddhist College, Hat Yat, Thailand. 2008.
Guang X., An Introduction to the Nagasena Bhiksu Sutra, In: K. Dhammajoti, Journal of Buddhist Studies. Sri Lanka, Centre for Buddhist Studies, 2008, 6: 235-249.
Guang X., Art of Happiness: A Buddhist Perspective, Summer Institute 2009: Asia as the Global Future organized by the Faculty of Social Science. 2009.
Guang X., Buddhist Monasteries in Sri Lanka, 斯里蘭卡佛教寺院簡介, In: Sik Sum Wai, Budismo em Macau. 澳門佛教, Macau, Macau Buddhist Association, 2009, 71: 10-17.
Guang X., Humanist Buddhism and transcending the world, 2009 Academic Conference on Humanistic Buddhism—Infrastructure and Prospects of Humanistic Buddhism and Engaged Buddhism, jointly organised by Fo Guang University, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Culture and Education. 2009.
Guang X., Textual evidence for Family Ethics in the late Master Shengyen’s Six-fold Ethics of Life, In: Hong Kong Baptist University, Civil Society and New Ethics in Modern Chinese Buddhist Discourse, A Workshop Dedicated to the Late Master Shengyen. Hong Kong, 2009.
Guang X., The Development of the Concept of the Buddha, In: Venerable K Dhammajoti and Y Karunadasa, Buddhist and Pali Studies in Honour of the Venerable Professor K Anuruddha. Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong, 2009, 393-409.
Guang X., The Education of Bhikkhus in Sri Lanka (Chinese translation of Professor Dhammajoti's conference paper), 斯里蘭卡的僧伽教育, In: Sik Sum Wai, Budismo em Macau. 澳門佛教, Macau, Macau Buddhist Association, 2008, 67, 68: 17-22.
Guang X., The Education of Bhikkhus in Sri Lanka, 斯里蘭卡的僧伽教育, In: Sik Sum Wai, Budismo em Macau. 澳門佛教, Macau, Macau Buddhist Association, 2008, 67.

Researcher : Ho DWY

List of Research Outputs

Ho D.W.Y., In: Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, Sunita who is both Dirty and Clean. 又骯髒又乾淨的尼提, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publications (HK), 2009.

Researcher : Hou WK

List of Research Outputs

Hou W.K., Lam W.W.T. and Fielding R., Chinese colorectal cancer (CRC) patients’ social relationship quality and negative affect., Tenth World Congress of Psycho-oncology, Madrid. 2008.
Hou W.K., Law C.C. and Fu Y.T., Does change in positive affect mediate and/or moderate the impact of symptom distress on psychological adjustment after cancer diagnosis? A prospective analysis., Psychology and Health. 2008, 1-15.
Hou W.K., Law C.C. and Fu Y.T., Psychological distress and well-being: Overlapped or distinct outcomes in the acute aftermath of cancer diagnosis?, XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin. 2008.

Researcher : Jing Y

List of Research Outputs

Jing Y., A Comparative Study of the Skandhakas and the Pure Regulations, 犍度與清規的比較研究, In: Wang Zhiyuan, Zong Feng. 宗風, P.R. China, 北京:宗教文化出版社, 2009, 1: 247-260.
Jing Y., Attaining & Balancing Your 3 Wealths-Material wealth, emotional wealth and spiritual wealth, Buddhist Fat Ho Memorial College. 2009.
Jing Y., Buddhist Perspective on Prevention of Suicide, 3rd Asia Pacific Regional Conference of International Association for Suicide Prevention. 2008.
Jing Y., 聖嚴法師的戒律學與「心六倫」對現代倫理的貢獻, Civil Society and New Ethics in Modern Chinese Buddhist Discourse -- A Workshop Dedicated to the Late Master Shengyen. 2009.
Jing Y., 佛智今用—如何「以平常心面對逆境」, Cosmo Books. 2009.
Jing Y., Devadatta's Personality and the Schism, In: Professor KL Dhammajoti (法光), Professor Y. Karunadasa, Buddhist and Pali Studies: in Honour of The Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha. Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong, 2009, 369-392.
Jing Y., Field study on the Curriculum Design of Chinese Buddhist Institutes , 汉地佛教院校课程设置调研报告, Second World Buddhist Forum. 第二屆世界佛1論壇, 2009.
Jing Y., Guided study to Dhammapada, Poutai Monastery. 2008.
Jing Y., Guided study to the Enlightenment Sutra, Guang Xiao Monastery. 2009.
Jing Y., Sik H.H., Wong W.P.J., Sik Y.C., Fung A. and Yeung C., "歡喜自在-緣來處處皆佛法"佛誕吉祥座談會, Hong Kong Buddhist Association. 2009.
Jing Y., 「心靈海嘯」與「金融海嘯」, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly. 信報財經月刊, 2008.
Jing Y., 祸福不二的人生, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly . 信報財經月刊, 2008.
Jing Y., 平衡人生的三種財富, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly . 信報財經月刊, Hong Kong, 2009.
Jing Y., 化解煩惱的三個層面, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly . 信報財經月刊, Hong Kong, 2009.
Jing Y., How Religion and Government Influence Each Other in China, Faith and Politics Institute Forum. 2008.
Jing Y., How do religion and family work together to provide individuals with stability, value, identity, and purpose?, Atlanta Multi-Faith Forum. 2008.
Jing Y., Impermanent Life, 無常的人生, In: 文灼非, Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly. 信報財經月刊, Hong Kong, 信報財經月刊, 2008, 376: 140-142.
Jing Y., Main features of Buddhist Ethic, Western Monastery. 2009.
Jing Y., Power of Compassion, Po Lin Monastery. 2008.
Jing Y., Pure Land in this world, Western Monastery. 2008.
Jing Y., Spirituality Education as Manifested in Picture Books for Children, Asia Pacific Conference on Children's Spirituality. 2009.
Jing Y., 輕安自在, Staff Development Day of Pok Kok Secondary School. 2009.
Jing Y., In: Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, Supermouse Pomp Pomp. 神鼠傲傲, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publications, 2008.
Jing Y., Synergy of multi-conditions to moderate the financial tsunami effect, 心靈海嘯與金融海嘯, Bodhi Society. 2008.
Jing Y., In: Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, Three Puzzling Questions. 三個莫名其妙的問題, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publications, 2009, 1.
Jing Y. and Ming M., Three Regions in China where Buddhism First Took Root , 中國佛教的三個發祥地, In: Jao Tsung-I, 華學, P.R.China, 上海世紀出版股份有限公司,上海古籍出版社, 2008, 9 & 10: 1490-1508.
Jing Y. and Wang B., In: He Xiaoshu, Jing Yin, Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, Three-in-one Whole Person Education Series. 三合一十全人格教育系列, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publications (HK), 2008.
Jing Y., In: Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, War for Water. 為水而戰, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publications, 2009, 1.
Jing Y. and Lee C.F., 佛智今用, Hong Kong, Cosmos Books Ltd., 2008.
Jing Y. and Lee C.F., 安忍精進——克服逆境的智慧, Hong Kong, Cosmos Books Ltd., 2009.
Jing Y., 化解煩惱的三個層面, 佛教聯合會中學部佛學科聯席會議, 2009.

Researcher : Lok WY

List of Research Outputs

Lok W.Y., 巧遇敦煌飛天, Hong Kong, Ming Pao (Ming Kok), 2008, 109.
Lok W.Y., 敦煌壁畫見大愛精神, Hong Kong, Ming Pao (Ming Kok), 2008, 122.
Lok W.Y., 《拉近文化》「佛學與藝術」專輯, Hong Kong, 有線電視, 2009.
Lok W.Y., 胸中丘壑 - 沈覺初九十以後作品展, Hong Kong, Jao Tsung I Petite Ecole, 2008.
Lok W.Y., 絃韻琴心, Hong Kong, Jao Tsung I Petite Ecole, 2008.
Lok W.Y., 得自心源 - 選堂戊子展, Hong Kong, Jao Tsung I Petite Ecole, 2008.
Lok W.Y., 得其耑倪 - 饒宗頤雲林筆意書畫展, Hong Kong, Jao Tsung I Petite Ecole, 2009.
Lok W.Y., 鼎甲翰墨 - 清二十狀元書法展, Hong Kong, Jao Tsung I Petite Ecole, 2009.
Lok W.Y., 精進基金季刊-夏季(4-6月), Hong Kong, 精進基金, 2009, 2.
Lok W.Y., 精進基金季刊-春季(一至三月), Hong Kong, 精進基金, 2009, 1.
Lok W.Y., 港大‧詩‧人 香港大學文學院 (Book Jacket Design), 2008.

Researcher : Ming M

List of Research Outputs

Jing Y. and Ming M., Three Regions in China where Buddhism First Took Root , 中國佛教的三個發祥地, In: Jao Tsung-I, 華學, P.R.China, 上海世紀出版股份有限公司,上海古籍出版社, 2008, 9 & 10: 1490-1508.

Researcher : Orsborn MB

List of Research Outputs

Orsborn M.B., Investigations into Sunyata - Preface and Introduction of Chapter One Translation from Yin Shun, In: Professor KL Dhammajoti Professor Y Karunadasa, Buddhist and Pali Studies in Honour of The Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha. Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong, 2009, 119-136.

Researcher : Sik HH

List of Research Outputs

Jing Y., Sik H.H., Wong W.P.J., Sik Y.C., Fung A. and Yeung C., "歡喜自在-緣來處處皆佛法"佛誕吉祥座談會, Hong Kong Buddhist Association. 2009.

Researcher : Tsui C-H

List of Research Outputs

Tsui C.-.H., In: Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, A Song of the Four Seasons. 四季的和歌, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publication, 2008.
Tsui C.-.H., A Study of the Calligraphy of Dunhuang Buddhist Manuscripts During the Northern Liang Period, 14th Biennial Conference of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIN BUDDHIST STUDIES -- Shin Buddhism in the World of the Twenty-first Century—Challenges and Potential . Japan, Ryukoku University, 2009.
Tsui C.-.H., Calligraphy "心如工畫師". Buddhistdoor, 2008.
Tsui C.-.H., Calligraphy of "般若波羅蜜多心經". Buddhistdoor, 2008.
Tsui C.-.H., 踏沙歸來──敦煌早期壁畫中的山水賞析, Hong Kong, Ming Pao (Ming Kok), 2008, 131.
Tsui C.-.H., 藏經洞尋寶, Hong Kong, Ming Pao (Ming Kok), 2009, 143.
Tsui C.-.H., 紅塵生淨土:寫經誦經的淨心修行, Hong Kong, Ming Pao (Ming Kok), 2009, 152.
Tsui C.-.H., 袈裟道影揚宗風:福建雪峰崇聖禪寺, Buddhistdoor, 2008.
Tsui C.-.H., 紫雲呈祥 桑蓮獻瑞:福建泉州開元寺, Buddhistdoor, 2008.
Tsui C.-.H., 福建鼓山湧泉寺, Buddhistdoor, 2008.
Tsui C.-.H., 斯里蘭卡浮光掠影, Buddhistdoor, 2008.
Tsui C.-.H., 東蓮覺苑發展史, Buddhistdoor, 2008.

Researcher : Wang B

List of Research Outputs

Jing Y. and Wang B., In: He Xiaoshu, Jing Yin, Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, Three-in-one Whole Person Education Series. 三合一十全人格教育系列, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publications (HK), 2008.
Wang B., In: Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, A Day on the Hills. 山上的一天, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publications (HK), 2008.
Wang B., In: Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, Grown-ups can do wrong things too. 原來大人也會犯錯, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Yan Publications (HK), 2008.
Wang B., In: Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, Please give me a Grain of Mustard Seed. 請給我一粒芥菜子, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publications (HK), 2009.
Wang B., The Three-in-one Whole Person Picture Books for Children’ series. Hong Kong, Sun Ya Publications (HK), 2008.
Wang B., In: Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, War is no fun at all. 戰爭一點兒也不好玩, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publications (HK), 2008.
Wang B., In: Zhen Yanci, Wang Bing, Would Vajiri fall ill too?. 跋梨迦也會生病嗎?, Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU & Sun Ya Publications (HK), 2009.

Researcher : Yakupitiyage K

List of Research Outputs

Dhammajoti K.L. and Yakupitiyage K., Buddhist And Pali Studies In Honour Of Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha . Hong Kong, 2009, 676+.
Yakupitiyage K., Aspects of Buddhist Psychology: A Study based on the Pali Suttas and Abhidhamma, Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Centre for Buddhist Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka, Centre for Buddhist Studies, 2008, Vol. VI, 2008: pp. 1-18.
Yakupitiyage K., Early Buddhism. Shanghai, China, The Buddhist Asso of China & China Religious Culture Com Ass, 2009.
Yakupitiyage K., Early Buddhism and Theravada Abhidharma. Canada, University of Toronto, 2009.
Yakupitiyage K., The Buddhist Psychology of Ideologies, Fourth National Conference on Buddhist Studies. Sri Lanka, Buddhist Times and Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, 2008.

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