Researcher : Chan KC

List of Research Outputs

Chau P.H., Woo J., Chan K.C., Weisz D. and Gusmano M.K., Avoidable mortality pattern in a Chinese population—Hong Kong, European Journal of Public Health. 2010, DOI 10.1093/eurpub/ckq020.

Researcher : Chau PH

Project Title:Evaluation of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council (SKH) Community Transitional Care Program for Stroke Patient in Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Chau PH, Woo J
Department:Social Sciences Faculty
Source(s) of Funding:The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Start Date:06/2009
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate whether stroke patients receiving a transitional care run by SKH show equivalent, or even greater, improvement in the functional and psychosocial status as compared to those using the usual care at GDH. The secondary objectives include evaluating whether this community transitional care can (i) reduce the caregivers’ burden, (ii) reduce unplanned readmissions and institutionalization and (iii) save healthcare expenditure of the public sector.

List of Research Outputs

Chau P.H., "Quantitative Research Methods and Skills" session in Seminar on Marching towards an Evidence-based Service Delivery Model--Dementia Care Service Practice, jointly organized by Hong Kong Council of Social Service and Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing, Hong Kong, 26 January, 2010.
Chau P.H., Woo J., Chan K.C., Weisz D. and Gusmano M.K., Avoidable mortality pattern in a Chinese population—Hong Kong, European Journal of Public Health. 2010, DOI 10.1093/eurpub/ckq020.
Chau P.H., Evidence-based Practice Training Workshop, organized by The Salvation Army, Hong Kong, 31 May, 2010.
Chau P.H., Chan K.C. and Woo J., Hot weather warning might help to reduce mortality among the older population in Hong Kong, The 19th IAGG Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, 5-9 July. 2009.
Chau P.H., Mak B.S.K., Choy S.Y., Chan K.C., Cheung S.H. and Woo J., Raising health literacy and promoting empowerment to meet the challenges of ageing in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Educational Gerontology. 2010, 36: 12-25.
Ho S.C., Chau P.H., Fung P.K., Sham A., Nelson E.A. and Sung J., Acute gastroenteritis in Hong Kong: a population-based telephone survey, Epidemiology and Infection. 2009, 138: 982-991.
Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Bowling A., Wong F. and Chau P.H., Health care prioritization in ageing societies: Influence of age, education, health literacy and culture, Health Policy. 2010.
McGhee S.M., Cheung W.L., Woo J., Chau P.H., Chen J., Chan K.C. and Cheung S.H., Trends of Disease Burden Consequent to Diabetes in Older Persons in Hong Kong: Implications of Population Ageing. Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, 2009, 1-80.
Tang M., Woo J., Hui E., Chan F.H.W., Lee J., Sham A. and Chau P.H., Utilization of emergency room and hospitalization by Chinese nursing home residents: a cross-sectional study, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2010, 11: 325-332.
Wong M., Chau P.H., Goggins W. and Woo J., A geographical study of health services utilization among elderly in Hong Kong: from spatial variations to health care implications, Health Services Insights. 2009, 2: 1-13.
Wong M., Woo J. and Chau P.H., Geographical variation in health outcome and hospital services utilization among the elderly in Hong Kong, The 19th IAGG Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, 5-9 July. 2009.
Yip P.S.F., Cheung Y.T., Chau P.H. and Law Y.W., The impact of epidemic outbreak. The case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and suicide among older adults in Hong Kong., Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. 2010, 31: 86-92.

Researcher : Cheung SH

List of Research Outputs

Chau P.H., Mak B.S.K., Choy S.Y., Chan K.C., Cheung S.H. and Woo J., Raising health literacy and promoting empowerment to meet the challenges of ageing in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Educational Gerontology. 2010, 36: 12-25.
McGhee S.M., Cheung W.L., Woo J., Chau P.H., Chen J., Chan K.C. and Cheung S.H., Trends of Disease Burden Consequent to Diabetes in Older Persons in Hong Kong: Implications of Population Ageing. Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, 2009, 1-80.

Researcher : Chung RTY

List of Research Outputs

Chung K.F., Tso K.C. and Chung R.T.Y., Validation of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire in the general population in Hong Kong, Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2009, 50 (5): 471-476.
Chung R.T.Y., "Looking ahead for RTHK", 「香港電台如何繼往開來」, Media Digest (Volume 12 in 2009); HKU POP SIte, 8/12/2009. 2009年12月號《傳媒透視》; 香港大學民意網站, 8/12/2009, Hong Kong, RTHK; POP, HKU, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y. and So C.Y.K., "Number of Headcounts of Rally and Assembly Should Not Have Too Many Versions" , 「遊行集會人數不應各說各話」, Hong Kong Econmic Journal; HKU POP Site, 14/7/2009. 信報; 香港大學民意網站, 14/7/2009, Hong Kong, HKEJ; POP, HKU, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., So C.Y.K. and Lee L.F., "The Constants and Variables of Rally from July 1st Rally On-site Survey" , 「從七一現場調查看遊行的恒與變」, Ming Pao, 15 & 16 July 2009; HKU POP Site, 16 July 2009. 明報, 15 & 16/7/2009; 香港大學民意網站, 16/7/2009, Hong Kong, Ming Pao; POP, HKU, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., "The Exit Poll Controversy in Hong Kong", World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) Annual Conference 2009, 11-13 September 2009. Lausanne, Switzerland, World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR).
Chung R.T.Y., "The Meaning of Referendum Movement" , 「公投運動的意義」, HKJP Newsletter (Volume 5 in 2010); HKU POP Site, 19/3/2010. 2010年5月號《香港天主教正義和平委員會通訊》; 香港大學民意網站,19/3/2010, Hong Kong, HKJP; HKU POP, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., 2009 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (2nd stage) . 2009電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第二階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., 2009 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (3rd stage). 2009電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第三階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., 2009 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (4th stage). 2009電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第四階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The Univesity of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., 2010 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (1st stage). 2010電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第一階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Deliberative Democracy and Public Consultation Intensive Retreat (DPPCI Retreat). Co-organized by Center for Deliberative Democracy of Stanford University and Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong, 19-21 March and 26-28 March 2010.. Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Editorial Board, International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Lecturer, "Macau Legislative Assembly Election Project 2009: A Wrap-up", Macao Polytechnic Institute, 15 March 2010. Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Lecturer, "Macau Legislative Assembly Election Project 2009: An Introduction", Macao Polytechnic Institute, 17 September 2009. Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Lecturer, "The IQ of Opinion Research". Organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing, 27 May 2010.. 香港市務學會講座「輿情研究的誠素」,由香港市務學會舉辦, 27/5/2010, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute of Marketing, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Lecturer, Audience Analysis and Media Strategies: "Television Appreciation Index Research". Organized by the Department of Media and Communications, City University of Hong Kong, 9 February 2010.. City University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored "Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012". 《明報》贊助2012年行政長官選舉民意調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored 2009 year-end survey. 《明報》贊助2009年年終調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Housing Price” . 《明報》贊助市民對樓價意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Political Reform Proposals”. 《明報》贊助市民對政改方案意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Referendum in Five Geographical Constituencies”. 《明報》贊助五區公投民意調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Opinion Survey on Anti-Drug Counterfeiting. 市民對買藥及假藥問題意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Opinion Survey on Radio Television Hong Kong 2009. 市民眼中的香港電台意見調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee F.W.K., Opinion Survey on School Principals' Ranking of Universities in Hong Kong 2009. 中學校長眼中的大專院校排名調查 2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee F.W.K., Opinion Survey on the Public Ranking of Universities in Hong Kong 2009. 港人眼中的大專院校排名調查 2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Kwok A.Z.M., POP-NOW Survey on Political Reform, POP-NOW 政制改革 民意調查, Hong Kong, NOW TV; Public Opinion Programme, HKU, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Parent Survey on Anti-Drugs and Public Campaign. 家長對青少年毒品問題的認知及看法意見調查- 香港部分, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee F.W.K., Parent Survey on Flu and Vaccination. 家長對流感及注射疫苗意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Presenter, 29th HKIHRM Annual Conference & Exhibition: "WWW@Changing World (Winning Organization. Winning People. Winning Society)". Organization by Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management, 25 November 2009. 第二十九屆香港人力資源管理學會周年會議:「萬變世界 攜手共贏」, 由香港人力資源管理學會舉辦, 25/11/2009, HK Convention and Exhibition Centre, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Presenter, Employee Engagement Summit 2009. Organized by "", a human resource management website under Sing Tao News Corporation, 3 December 2009.. 人才向心力論壇2009, 由星島新聞集團屬下之人力資源網「A級人才網」舉辦,3/12/2009, Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel, Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Public Survey on Energy Efficiency Practices at Work and in Daily Life. 《工作與生活─實施能源效益》公眾調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., RTHK-POP Deliberative Forum. Co-organizerd by Radio Television Hong Kong and Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong, 6 February 2010. 《政改慎思》研究計劃, 由香港電台與香港大學民意研究計劃合辦, 6/2/1010, Hong Kong, RTHK; POP, HKU, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Lee W.W.Y., Tai E.C.F., Kwok A.Z.M. and Ng T.Y., Regular Press Release of Opinion Poll Findings, 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (94 bilingual releases). 《定期民意調查新聞公報,2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日》(94份雙語公報), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Lam A.Y.L., SME Survey on Minimum Wage 2009. 中小企僱主對最低工資意見調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Speaker, "Constitutional Reform in Hong Kong: Where Do We Go?". Organized by Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 12 February 2010.. 「香港政制改革何處去」研討會,由香港中文大學香港亞太研究所舉辦 , 12/2/2010, The Chinese of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Speaker, How Happy are Your Employees? -- "HeadlineJobs Quality Workplace Index 2009". Greater China Talent Management Summit 2009. Organized by "", a human resource management website under Sing Tao News Corporation, 10 July 2009.. 大中華人才管理論壇2009. 由星島新聞集團屬下之人力資源網「A級人才網」舉辦, 10/7/2009, Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel, Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey Regarding the Re-use of Cooking Oil . 本港家庭使用食油習慣調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Employees' Job Satisfaction 2009 – First Quarter. 香港在職人士對現時工作滿意度調查(2009年第一季), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Employees' Job Satisfaction 2009 – Second Half. 香港在職人士對現時工作滿意度調查(2009年下半年度), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on Household and Drinking Water Quality in Hong Kong. 港人家居及飲用水水質調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University fo Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Impacts of High Revolving Credit Debts on the Quality of Life of Credit Revolvers. 經濟逆轉與卡數對生活質素影響意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Minimum Wage and Standard Working Hours 2010(conducted on 5-6/5/2010; released on 19/5/2010; on-line from 19/5/2010) (Chinese only). 最低工資及標準工時意見調查2010 (調查日期: 5-6/5/2010;發放日期: 19/5/2010;上網日期: 19/5/2010), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee W.W.Y., Survey on Online Banking Services. 網上銀行服務意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Parents’ Spending on Children’s Learning and Schooling Related Expenses. 家長對子女學習及教育開支意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Perception, Attitude and Demand on Language Training Courses. 香港在職人士對語言進修意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Political Reform (Waves 1 to 3), conducted within June 2010. 政制改革意見調查 (第一至第三階段),調查日期為2010年6月, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on Presbyopia in Hong Kong. 港人老花情況調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee W.W.Y. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Public’s Perception of Taoist and Their Participation in Taoist-related Activities Opinion Survey. 公眾對道教的認識及活動參與意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Survey on School Children’s Needs on Internet Service. 公眾對學童上網需要意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on School Principals on Debundling Textbooks for Pricing. 中小學校長對課本分拆方案意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Survey on Working People’s Demands and Worries as Care-Takers of Other Family Members. 在職人士對照顧家人及社區支援服務需求意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Visiting Scholar, Fudan University, Shanghai. 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Work Life Balance Survey of the Hong Kong Working Population 2009. 香港在職人士生活及工作平衡調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Youth Survey on Usage of Internet and Social Network Websites. 青少年使用互聯網及社交網站意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.

Researcher : Holliday IM

Project Title:Migration and human security: Myanmar émigrés in Thailand
Investigator(s):Holliday IM
Department:Social Sciences Faculty
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:11/2007
Completion Date:10/2009
Which are the major groups of Myanmar émigrés in Thailand? The research will focus on three overarching categories of migrant: legal workers, illegal workers, and refugees. Within all three categories it will examine age and gender differences. Within the former two categories it will examine major employment sectors, such as cleaning work, construction work, domestic work, factory work, restaurant work, and sex work. In this way it will generate a detailed matrix of émigré groups. How much human security does each group have? The research will analyze the human security of Myanmar émigrés by focusing on four key areas in the two major domains. For freedom from fear, it will assess the probability of (a) death, (b) physical abuse, (c) incarceration, and (d) resettlement. For freedom from want, it will evaluate (a) income, (b) health status, (c) education and skills, and (d) civil rights. It will also estimate threshold levels in each area, and set its findings against them. How can reliable data about each group be collected? Data collection will be a major challenge. Some quantitative data exists, but it is too aggregate to be useful to a micro-level study. The project will thus generate most data itself. It will do so chiefly through semi-structured interviews with individuals from key groups in the émigré matrix. Contacts will be established through purposive snowball sampling. Many interviews will be undertaken by the PI, who speaks basic Burmese. When necessary, a local collaborator will be employed for interview or translation work. Pulling all this together, the research aims for relevance, significance and value in the following ways: The research is relevant to analysis of human security among migrant groups, and to wider social science literatures on (a) human security, (b) Myanmar, (c) Southeast Asia. The research will be significant in that it is the first major study to look at the human security challenges facing more than 2 million Myanmar émigrés in Thailand. The research will have value for both academics and policy makers. It will enrich the existing literature by adding a micro-level study of critical human security issues facing Myanmar émigrés in Thailand. It will signal policy options for tackling those issues.

Researcher : Kou WWO

List of Research Outputs

Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Kou W.W.O. and Tse P.L., Art therapy for demented elderly: A pilot study, International Conference on Alzhemier's Disease, Vienna. 2009.
Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Kou W.W.O. and Tse P.L., Art therapy for elderly people with dementia: A pilot study, Seventeenth Annual Congress of Gerontology, Hong Kong, China. 2009.

Researcher : Kwok AZM

List of Research Outputs

Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., 2010 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (1st stage). 2010電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第一階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Opinion Survey on Anti-Drug Counterfeiting. 市民對買藥及假藥問題意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Kwok A.Z.M., POP-NOW Survey on Political Reform, POP-NOW 政制改革 民意調查, Hong Kong, NOW TV; Public Opinion Programme, HKU, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Lee W.W.Y., Tai E.C.F., Kwok A.Z.M. and Ng T.Y., Regular Press Release of Opinion Poll Findings, 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (94 bilingual releases). 《定期民意調查新聞公報,2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日》(94份雙語公報), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Survey on School Children’s Needs on Internet Service. 公眾對學童上網需要意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Survey on Working People’s Demands and Worries as Care-Takers of Other Family Members. 在職人士對照顧家人及社區支援服務需求意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.

Researcher : Lam AYL

List of Research Outputs

Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Lam A.Y.L., SME Survey on Minimum Wage 2009. 中小企僱主對最低工資意見調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.

Researcher : Lee FWK

List of Research Outputs

Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., 2010 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (1st stage). 2010電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第一階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored "Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012". 《明報》贊助2012年行政長官選舉民意調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored 2009 year-end survey. 《明報》贊助2009年年終調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Housing Price” . 《明報》贊助市民對樓價意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Political Reform Proposals”. 《明報》贊助市民對政改方案意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Referendum in Five Geographical Constituencies”. 《明報》贊助五區公投民意調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Opinion Survey on Anti-Drug Counterfeiting. 市民對買藥及假藥問題意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Opinion Survey on Radio Television Hong Kong 2009. 市民眼中的香港電台意見調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee F.W.K., Opinion Survey on School Principals' Ranking of Universities in Hong Kong 2009. 中學校長眼中的大專院校排名調查 2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee F.W.K., Opinion Survey on the Public Ranking of Universities in Hong Kong 2009. 港人眼中的大專院校排名調查 2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Kwok A.Z.M., POP-NOW Survey on Political Reform, POP-NOW 政制改革 民意調查, Hong Kong, NOW TV; Public Opinion Programme, HKU, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee F.W.K., Parent Survey on Flu and Vaccination. 家長對流感及注射疫苗意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Public Survey on Energy Efficiency Practices at Work and in Daily Life. 《工作與生活─實施能源效益》公眾調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Lee W.W.Y., Tai E.C.F., Kwok A.Z.M. and Ng T.Y., Regular Press Release of Opinion Poll Findings, 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (94 bilingual releases). 《定期民意調查新聞公報,2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日》(94份雙語公報), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Lam A.Y.L., SME Survey on Minimum Wage 2009. 中小企僱主對最低工資意見調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Minimum Wage and Standard Working Hours 2010(conducted on 5-6/5/2010; released on 19/5/2010; on-line from 19/5/2010) (Chinese only). 最低工資及標準工時意見調查2010 (調查日期: 5-6/5/2010;發放日期: 19/5/2010;上網日期: 19/5/2010), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Political Reform (Waves 1 to 3), conducted within June 2010. 政制改革意見調查 (第一至第三階段),調查日期為2010年6月, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Survey on School Children’s Needs on Internet Service. 公眾對學童上網需要意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on School Principals on Debundling Textbooks for Pricing. 中小學校長對課本分拆方案意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Survey on Working People’s Demands and Worries as Care-Takers of Other Family Members. 在職人士對照顧家人及社區支援服務需求意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.

Researcher : Lee WWY

List of Research Outputs

Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Lee W.W.Y., Tai E.C.F., Kwok A.Z.M. and Ng T.Y., Regular Press Release of Opinion Poll Findings, 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (94 bilingual releases). 《定期民意調查新聞公報,2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日》(94份雙語公報), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee W.W.Y., Survey on Online Banking Services. 網上銀行服務意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee W.W.Y. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Public’s Perception of Taoist and Their Participation in Taoist-related Activities Opinion Survey. 公眾對道教的認識及活動參與意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.

Researcher : Leung KL

List of Research Outputs

Mak B.S.K., Leung K.L., Leung M.Y.M., Lau K.T.K. and Woo J., Identifying the needs of older workers to remain in the workforce: A guide for an ageing Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jockey Club, 2010.

Researcher : Mak BSK

Project Title:How 12-14 month old infants perceive faces of same age peers and adult faces
Investigator(s):Mak BSK
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:01/2005
This proposal aims at examining whether 12- to 14-month-old infants show preference for faces which look like their facial features, such as faces of same age peers, over those of adults. In early face perception, little has been done on why young infants show great interest in children's faces. Do they prefer children's faces because they perceive thrie faces as similar to self?

Project Title:Art therapy for elderly with dementia
Investigator(s):Mak BSK
Department:Social Sciences Faculty
Source(s) of Funding:The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Start Date:04/2008
To examine whether art therapy would alleviate the behavioral and psychological problems of agitation, irritability, anxiety and depression in demented elderly people.

List of Research Outputs

Chau P.H., Mak B.S.K., Choy S.Y., Chan K.C., Cheung S.H. and Woo J., Raising health literacy and promoting empowerment to meet the challenges of ageing in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Educational Gerontology. 2010, 36: 12-25.
Lo R., Woo J., Cheng J.O.Y., Wong F. and Mak B.S.K., An initiative to improve end-of-life care for non-cancer patients in hospitals: Preliminary findings, Palliative Care 2009 Conference, Perth, Australia. 2009.
Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Kou W.W.O. and Tse P.L., Art therapy for demented elderly: A pilot study, International Conference on Alzhemier's Disease, Vienna. 2009.
Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Kou W.W.O. and Tse P.L., Art therapy for elderly people with dementia: A pilot study, Seventeenth Annual Congress of Gerontology, Hong Kong, China. 2009.
Mak B.S.K., Conference Grant, Hong Kong Jockey Club CADENZA Leadership Programme. 2009.
Mak B.S.K. and Woo J., Elderly service needs in Hong Kong from the users' perspective: A focus group study, 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris. 2009.
Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Bowling A., Wong F. and Chau P.H., Health care prioritization in ageing societies: Influence of age, education, health literacy and culture, Health Policy. 2010.
Mak B.S.K., Leung K.L., Leung M.Y.M., Lau K.T.K. and Woo J., Identifying the needs of older workers to remain in the workforce: A guide for an ageing Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jockey Club, 2010.
Woo J., Mak B.S.K., Cheng J.O.Y. and Choy E., Identifying service needs from the users' and service providers' perspectives: A focus group study of Chinese elders, Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2010.
Woo J. and Mak B.S.K., Increasing the age of eligibility for receipt of aged pension in Australia: Potential impact on the older population, Australasian Journal on Ageing. 2010.

Researcher : Mok KH

Project Title:A Study of Changing Governance and Regulatory Frameworks: Transnational Higher Education in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia
Investigator(s):Mok KH
Department:Social Sciences Faculty
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:11/2007
Completion Date:11/2009
Hong Kong's strong determination to become a regional hub of higher education, Singapore's attempts to enhance its global competitiveness, and Malaysia's aspiration for national transformation have provided the driving forces for these Asian societies to develop transnational higher education. This study will compare and contrast government policies and strategies for facilitating transnational higher education developments in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. More specifically, it will undertake an analysis of changing regulatory frameworks governing transnational higher education. It will identify and interview key policy actors and major players to examine the specific strategies being adopted to regulate / assure academic quality of the growing number of transnational higher education programmes in these selected societies. By conducting group discussions with selected students enrolling in different transnational education programmes, this study will enable us to learn about their learning experiences and evaluations of the programmes. The conclusions drawn from this study will assist Hong Kong public administrators to make better decisions about future strategies in promoting Hong Kong as a regional education hub in Asia. With specific reference to Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia the research will: 1. Analyse the major government policies related to transnational higher education. 2. Develop a typology of different types of transnational higher education institutions and programmes. 3. Compare and contrast the major strategies for promoting transnational higher education. 4. Investigate what governance structures, regulatory and quality assurance frameworks govern the growing transnational higher education in these societies. 5. Explore student learning experiences on these transitional programmes. 6. Reflect upon the nature of higher education as ‘public good’ or ‘private good’ and the implications for public policy of the growing complexity of the public-private mix in education 7. Draw lessons from the comparative studies for assisting public administrators to make better decisions about transnational higher education 8. Make a theoretical contribution to debates on the nature of regulatory states in Asia. Specific research questions: The present study will examine the impacts of the growing popularity of transnational higher education in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia on higher education governance and regulatory regimes in these societies. Will the growing importance of 'privateness' in higher education fundamentally alter the relationships between the state and the educational institutions? Will the changing public-private boundary in education with the growing prominence of non-state actors weaken the traditional roles and the state capacity of these states? Will the existing governance models appropriately analyse educational governance changes in these societies? With the rise of transnational higher education, what kinds of regulatory arrangements have been made to cope with the rapid changes in higher education?

Project Title:A comparative study of transnational higher education policy and governance in Hong Kong, Shenzhen China and Singapore
Investigator(s):Mok KH
Department:Social Sciences Faculty
Source(s) of Funding:Public Policy Research
Start Date:10/2008
Completion Date:09/2010
1) Analyse the major government policies related to transnational higher education. 2) Develop a typology of different types of transnational higher education institutions and programmes. 3) Compare and contrast the major strategies for promoting transnational higher education. 4) Investigate what governance structures, regulatory and quality assurance frameworks govern the growing transnational higher education in these societies. 5) Explore student learning experiences on these transitional programmes. 6) Draw lessons from the comparative studies for assisting public administrators to make better decisions about transnational higher education. 7) Make a significant theoretical contribution to the debates related to the nature of regulatory states in Asia.

List of Research Outputs

Mok K.H., Wong Y.C. and Guo Y., Decentralization and marketization of education in China: Challenges for migrant children and social harmony., Governing the Asian Giants: The Search for Good Governance and Sustainable Development in China and India" 29 - 30 March 2010,. 2010.
Mok K.H., Right Diagnosis and Appropriate Treatment for the Global Financial Crisis? Social Protection Measures and Social Policy Responses in East Asia, In: Mok, K.H. , Plenary speech at the Fifth International Symposium and Lecture on Social Policy Social Policy in the Context of Global Economic Downturn, Shandong, China, 27-29 July 2009. 2009.
Mok K.H., The Liberation of the Privateness in Higher Education: Funding Strategies in Asia, Invited Key-note Speech at the Funding Higher Education: A Comparative Overview International Seminar, Co-organized by the National Trade Confederation of Goods, Services and Tourism and House of Representatives of Brazil, 13 October 2008 at the Parliament of Brazil. 2009.
Mok K.H., Wong Y.C. and Zhang X.L., When marketization and privatization clashes with socialist ideals: Educational inequality in urban China, International Journal of Educational Development. 2009.
Wong Y.C. and Mok K.H., Best Abstract Award (Researcher), 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: The Agenda.. 2010.
Wong Y.C. and Mok K.H., Worfare programme for single parents and child carers in Hong Kong: The experience of New Dawn Project., 010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: The Agenda. 2010.

Researcher : Ng TY

List of Research Outputs

Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Opinion Survey on Radio Television Hong Kong 2009. 市民眼中的香港電台意見調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Public Survey on Energy Efficiency Practices at Work and in Daily Life. 《工作與生活─實施能源效益》公眾調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Lee W.W.Y., Tai E.C.F., Kwok A.Z.M. and Ng T.Y., Regular Press Release of Opinion Poll Findings, 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (94 bilingual releases). 《定期民意調查新聞公報,2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日》(94份雙語公報), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey Regarding the Re-use of Cooking Oil . 本港家庭使用食油習慣調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on Household and Drinking Water Quality in Hong Kong. 港人家居及飲用水水質調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University fo Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on Presbyopia in Hong Kong. 港人老花情況調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on School Principals on Debundling Textbooks for Pricing. 中小學校長對課本分拆方案意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Youth Survey on Usage of Internet and Social Network Websites. 青少年使用互聯網及社交網站意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.

Researcher : Pang KKL

List of Research Outputs

Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., 2009 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (2nd stage) . 2009電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第二階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., 2009 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (3rd stage). 2009電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第三階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., 2009 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (4th stage). 2009電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第四階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The Univesity of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., 2010 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (1st stage). 2010電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第一階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored "Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012". 《明報》贊助2012年行政長官選舉民意調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored 2009 year-end survey. 《明報》贊助2009年年終調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Housing Price” . 《明報》贊助市民對樓價意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Political Reform Proposals”. 《明報》贊助市民對政改方案意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Referendum in Five Geographical Constituencies”. 《明報》贊助五區公投民意調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Opinion Survey on Anti-Drug Counterfeiting. 市民對買藥及假藥問題意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Opinion Survey on Radio Television Hong Kong 2009. 市民眼中的香港電台意見調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee F.W.K., Opinion Survey on School Principals' Ranking of Universities in Hong Kong 2009. 中學校長眼中的大專院校排名調查 2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee F.W.K., Opinion Survey on the Public Ranking of Universities in Hong Kong 2009. 港人眼中的大專院校排名調查 2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Kwok A.Z.M., POP-NOW Survey on Political Reform, POP-NOW 政制改革 民意調查, Hong Kong, NOW TV; Public Opinion Programme, HKU, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Parent Survey on Anti-Drugs and Public Campaign. 家長對青少年毒品問題的認知及看法意見調查- 香港部分, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee F.W.K., Parent Survey on Flu and Vaccination. 家長對流感及注射疫苗意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Public Survey on Energy Efficiency Practices at Work and in Daily Life. 《工作與生活─實施能源效益》公眾調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Lee W.W.Y., Tai E.C.F., Kwok A.Z.M. and Ng T.Y., Regular Press Release of Opinion Poll Findings, 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (94 bilingual releases). 《定期民意調查新聞公報,2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日》(94份雙語公報), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Lam A.Y.L., SME Survey on Minimum Wage 2009. 中小企僱主對最低工資意見調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey Regarding the Re-use of Cooking Oil . 本港家庭使用食油習慣調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Employees' Job Satisfaction 2009 – First Quarter. 香港在職人士對現時工作滿意度調查(2009年第一季), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Employees' Job Satisfaction 2009 – Second Half. 香港在職人士對現時工作滿意度調查(2009年下半年度), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on Household and Drinking Water Quality in Hong Kong. 港人家居及飲用水水質調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University fo Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Impacts of High Revolving Credit Debts on the Quality of Life of Credit Revolvers. 經濟逆轉與卡數對生活質素影響意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Minimum Wage and Standard Working Hours 2010(conducted on 5-6/5/2010; released on 19/5/2010; on-line from 19/5/2010) (Chinese only). 最低工資及標準工時意見調查2010 (調查日期: 5-6/5/2010;發放日期: 19/5/2010;上網日期: 19/5/2010), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Lee W.W.Y., Survey on Online Banking Services. 網上銀行服務意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Parents’ Spending on Children’s Learning and Schooling Related Expenses. 家長對子女學習及教育開支意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Perception, Attitude and Demand on Language Training Courses. 香港在職人士對語言進修意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Political Reform (Waves 1 to 3), conducted within June 2010. 政制改革意見調查 (第一至第三階段),調查日期為2010年6月, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on Presbyopia in Hong Kong. 港人老花情況調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee W.W.Y. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Public’s Perception of Taoist and Their Participation in Taoist-related Activities Opinion Survey. 公眾對道教的認識及活動參與意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Survey on School Children’s Needs on Internet Service. 公眾對學童上網需要意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on School Principals on Debundling Textbooks for Pricing. 中小學校長對課本分拆方案意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Survey on Working People’s Demands and Worries as Care-Takers of Other Family Members. 在職人士對照顧家人及社區支援服務需求意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Work Life Balance Survey of the Hong Kong Working Population 2009. 香港在職人士生活及工作平衡調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Youth Survey on Usage of Internet and Social Network Websites. 青少年使用互聯網及社交網站意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.

Researcher : Ran M

Project Title:A long-term prospective follow-up study of suicide among persons with affective disorders in a chinese rural area
Investigator(s):Ran M, Chan CLW, Yip PSF, Chen EYH
Department:Social Sciences Faculty
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:11/2004
To explore the characteristics of suicide among 196 individuals with affective disorders in a 10-year prospective follow-up study in a Chinese rural community.

Researcher : Tai ECF

List of Research Outputs

Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., 2010 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (1st stage). 2010電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第一階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored "Opinion Survey on Chief Executive Election in 2012". 《明報》贊助2012年行政長官選舉民意調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored 2009 year-end survey. 《明報》贊助2009年年終調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Housing Price” . 《明報》贊助市民對樓價意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Political Reform Proposals”. 《明報》贊助市民對政改方案意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Ming Pao sponsored “Opinion Survey on Referendum in Five Geographical Constituencies”. 《明報》贊助五區公投民意調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Opinion Survey on Anti-Drug Counterfeiting. 市民對買藥及假藥問題意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Opinion Survey on Radio Television Hong Kong 2009. 市民眼中的香港電台意見調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Public Survey on Energy Efficiency Practices at Work and in Daily Life. 《工作與生活─實施能源效益》公眾調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Lee W.W.Y., Tai E.C.F., Kwok A.Z.M. and Ng T.Y., Regular Press Release of Opinion Poll Findings, 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (94 bilingual releases). 《定期民意調查新聞公報,2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日》(94份雙語公報), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey Regarding the Re-use of Cooking Oil . 本港家庭使用食油習慣調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on Household and Drinking Water Quality in Hong Kong. 港人家居及飲用水水質調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University fo Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Minimum Wage and Standard Working Hours 2010(conducted on 5-6/5/2010; released on 19/5/2010; on-line from 19/5/2010) (Chinese only). 最低工資及標準工時意見調查2010 (調查日期: 5-6/5/2010;發放日期: 19/5/2010;上網日期: 19/5/2010), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Parents’ Spending on Children’s Learning and Schooling Related Expenses. 家長對子女學習及教育開支意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Political Reform (Waves 1 to 3), conducted within June 2010. 政制改革意見調查 (第一至第三階段),調查日期為2010年6月, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on Presbyopia in Hong Kong. 港人老花情況調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee W.W.Y. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Public’s Perception of Taoist and Their Participation in Taoist-related Activities Opinion Survey. 公眾對道教的認識及活動參與意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Survey on School Children’s Needs on Internet Service. 公眾對學童上網需要意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on School Principals on Debundling Textbooks for Pricing. 中小學校長對課本分拆方案意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., Survey on Working People’s Demands and Worries as Care-Takers of Other Family Members. 在職人士對照顧家人及社區支援服務需求意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Youth Survey on Usage of Internet and Social Network Websites. 青少年使用互聯網及社交網站意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.

Researcher : Tong YW

List of Research Outputs

Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., 2009 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (2nd stage) . 2009電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第二階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., 2009 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (3rd stage). 2009電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第三階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., 2009 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (4th stage). 2009電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第四階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The Univesity of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Kwok A.Z.M., 2010 TV Programme Appreciation Index Survey (1st stage). 2010電視節目欣賞指數調查 (第一階段), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Parent Survey on Anti-Drugs and Public Campaign. 家長對青少年毒品問題的認知及看法意見調查- 香港部分, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Lee F.W.K., Tong Y.W., Lee W.W.Y., Tai E.C.F., Kwok A.Z.M. and Ng T.Y., Regular Press Release of Opinion Poll Findings, 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (94 bilingual releases). 《定期民意調查新聞公報,2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日》(94份雙語公報), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey Regarding the Re-use of Cooking Oil . 本港家庭使用食油習慣調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Employees' Job Satisfaction 2009 – First Quarter. 香港在職人士對現時工作滿意度調查(2009年第一季), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Employees' Job Satisfaction 2009 – Second Half. 香港在職人士對現時工作滿意度調查(2009年下半年度), Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on Household and Drinking Water Quality in Hong Kong. 港人家居及飲用水水質調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University fo Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Impacts of High Revolving Credit Debts on the Quality of Life of Credit Revolvers. 經濟逆轉與卡數對生活質素影響意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W. and Tai E.C.F., Survey on Parents’ Spending on Children’s Learning and Schooling Related Expenses. 家長對子女學習及教育開支意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Survey on Perception, Attitude and Demand on Language Training Courses. 香港在職人士對語言進修意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, the University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Survey on Presbyopia in Hong Kong. 港人老花情況調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L. and Tong Y.W., Work Life Balance Survey of the Hong Kong Working Population 2009. 香港在職人士生活及工作平衡調查2009, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2009.
Chung R.T.Y., Pang K.K.L., Tong Y.W., Tai E.C.F. and Ng T.Y., Youth Survey on Usage of Internet and Social Network Websites. 青少年使用互聯網及社交網站意見調查, Hong Kong, Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong, 2010.

Researcher : Tse PL

List of Research Outputs

Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Kou W.W.O. and Tse P.L., Art therapy for demented elderly: A pilot study, International Conference on Alzhemier's Disease, Vienna. 2009.
Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Kou W.W.O. and Tse P.L., Art therapy for elderly people with dementia: A pilot study, Seventeenth Annual Congress of Gerontology, Hong Kong, China. 2009.

Researcher : Woo J

List of Research Outputs

Chau P.H., Woo J., Chan K.C., Weisz D. and Gusmano M.K., Avoidable mortality pattern in a Chinese population—Hong Kong, European Journal of Public Health. 2010, DOI 10.1093/eurpub/ckq020.
Chau P.H., Chan K.C. and Woo J., Hot weather warning might help to reduce mortality among the older population in Hong Kong, The 19th IAGG Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, 5-9 July. 2009.
Chau P.H., Mak B.S.K., Choy S.Y., Chan K.C., Cheung S.H. and Woo J., Raising health literacy and promoting empowerment to meet the challenges of ageing in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Educational Gerontology. 2010, 36: 12-25.
Lo R., Woo J., Cheng J.O.Y., Wong F. and Mak B.S.K., An initiative to improve end-of-life care for non-cancer patients in hospitals: Preliminary findings, Palliative Care 2009 Conference, Perth, Australia. 2009.
Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Kou W.W.O. and Tse P.L., Art therapy for demented elderly: A pilot study, International Conference on Alzhemier's Disease, Vienna. 2009.
Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Kou W.W.O. and Tse P.L., Art therapy for elderly people with dementia: A pilot study, Seventeenth Annual Congress of Gerontology, Hong Kong, China. 2009.
Mak B.S.K. and Woo J., Elderly service needs in Hong Kong from the users' perspective: A focus group study, 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris. 2009.
Mak B.S.K., Woo J., Bowling A., Wong F. and Chau P.H., Health care prioritization in ageing societies: Influence of age, education, health literacy and culture, Health Policy. 2010.
Mak B.S.K., Leung K.L., Leung M.Y.M., Lau K.T.K. and Woo J., Identifying the needs of older workers to remain in the workforce: A guide for an ageing Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jockey Club, 2010.
McGhee S.M., Cheung W.L., Woo J., Chau P.H., Chen J., Chan K.C. and Cheung S.H., Trends of Disease Burden Consequent to Diabetes in Older Persons in Hong Kong: Implications of Population Ageing. Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, 2009, 1-80.
Tang M., Woo J., Hui E., Chan F.H.W., Lee J., Sham A. and Chau P.H., Utilization of emergency room and hospitalization by Chinese nursing home residents: a cross-sectional study, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2010, 11: 325-332.
Wong M., Chau P.H., Goggins W. and Woo J., A geographical study of health services utilization among elderly in Hong Kong: from spatial variations to health care implications, Health Services Insights. 2009, 2: 1-13.
Wong M., Woo J. and Chau P.H., Geographical variation in health outcome and hospital services utilization among the elderly in Hong Kong, The 19th IAGG Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, 5-9 July. 2009.
Woo J., Mak B.S.K., Cheng J.O.Y. and Choy E., Identifying service needs from the users' and service providers' perspectives: A focus group study of Chinese elders, Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2010.
Woo J. and Mak B.S.K., Increasing the age of eligibility for receipt of aged pension in Australia: Potential impact on the older population, Australasian Journal on Ageing. 2010.

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