Researcher : Chau LFK

List of Research Outputs

Wong H.W. and Chau L.F.K., Introduction, 前言, In: Wong Heung Wah & Yau Hoi Yan, The Japanese Adult Video Actresses: The Objectification and Slience of Women. 日本AV女優:女性的物化與默化, Hong Kong, Up Publications, 2012, 4-5.
Wong H.W. and Chau L.F.K., Japanese Adult Videos: The Adult Videos We Have Watched in Those Years, 日本AV: 這些年,我們一起看的A片, In: Wong Heung Wah & Yau Hoi Yan, The Japanese Adult Video Actress: the objectification and silence of women. 日本AV女優:女性的物化與默化), Hong Kong, Up Publications, 2012, 8-16.
Wong H.W. and Chau L.F.K., The Japanese Adult Video Girls Who Have Cannibalized Themselves, 吃掉了自己的日本AV女優, In: Wong Heung Wah & Yau Hoi Yan, The Japanese Adult Video Actress: The Objectification And Silence Of Women. 日本AV女優:女性的物化與默化, Hong Kong, Up Publications, 2012, 150-156.

Researcher : Chong L

List of Research Outputs

Chong L., German as a Foreign Language in an English-Chinese Environment - Current Situation and Promotion in Hong Kong, In: Herder-Institut der Universität Leipzig, Langenscheidts. Deutsch als Fremdsprache (German as a Foreign Language). Munich, Herder-Institut der Universität Leipzig, 2012, 1. Quartal 2012 / 1: 27-37.

Researcher : Cristaudo WA

Project Title:International and Pluridisciplinary Conference Bringing Back Character and Grammar: Freeing Literature from Philosophy and Theory
Investigator(s):Cristaudo WA
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:03/2010

Project Title:Christianity and Revolution: The Radical Christian Social Theory of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (188-1973)
Investigator(s):Cristaudo WA
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2010
Completion Date:08/2011

Project Title:Visiting Research Professors Scheme 2010-11
Investigator(s):Cristaudo WA
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Visiting Research Professors Scheme
Start Date:09/2010

Project Title:How Islam is Transforming Contemporary Europe
Investigator(s):Cristaudo WA
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:04/2011

Project Title:The End of Liberalism?
Investigator(s):Cristaudo WA
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Project Title:ISA – RC16 Midterm Conference Cultures and Civilizations in the Contemporary World Trento, Italy, 2012 Space, Suffering, Grammar, and Time in Rosenstock-Huessy’s Post-Goethean Sociology
Investigator(s):Cristaudo WA
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:06/2012
Completion Date:06/2012

List of Research Outputs

Cristaudo W.A., 2. The God who Would Not Die: Theological Remnant in 20th Century French Philosophy, In: Wayne Cristaudo and Greg Hainge, Culture, Theory and Critique, Volume 52, Issue 2-3 2011. UK, Routledge, Taylor and Frances, 2011, 52: 119-353.
Cristaudo W.A., A Philosophical History of Love , Rutgers, Transaction, 2012, 175.
Cristaudo W.A., Religion, Redemption, and Revolution: The New Speech Thinking of Franz Rosenzwig and Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy. Toronto, University of Toronto, 2012, 650.
Cristaudo W.A., ‘The Johannine Christianity of Albert Camus,’ , In: Wayne Cristaudo and Greg Hainge, Culture, Theory and Critique, Volume 52, Issue 2-3 2011. UK, TRoutledge, aylor & Francis, 2011, 53: 145-161.
Wong H.W. and Cristaudo W.A., Editor, In: Wong Heung Wah & Wayne Cristaudo, From Faith In Reason To Reason In Faith: Transformations In Philosophical Theology From The Eighteenth To The Twentieth Century. Lanham, U.S., University Press of America, 2012.
Wong H.W. and Cristaudo W.A., In: Wong Heung Wah & Wayne Cristaudo, From Faith In Reason To Reason In Faith: Transformations In Philosophical Theology From The Eighteenth To The Twentieth Century. Lanham, U.S., University Press of America, 2012.

Researcher : Edwards LP

Project Title:Men and Masculinity in Propaganda Cartoons of the Second Sino-Japanese War
Investigator(s):Edwards LP
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:01/2010
Completion Date:07/2012

Project Title:12th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies Association of Australia Women’s military involvement in the 1911 Revolution
Investigator(s):Edwards LP
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2011
Completion Date:07/2011

Project Title:Bodily Movements and Dress Sense: Kinaesthesia and Modernity in China
Investigator(s):Edwards LP
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:08/2011

List of Research Outputs

Edwards L.P., "Gender and the ‘Virtue of Violence’: Creating a new vision of political engagement through the 1911 revolution": Coauthored with Lili Zhou (UTS), Frontiers of History in China . Beijing, Springer, 2011, 6.4: 423-62.

Researcher : Johnson KA

Project Title:"Three Projects in American Literature: A Critical Edition of Henry James's *Portrait of a Lady*, "The Art and Politics of Representing Tribal Community in Native Autobiography", and *Narratives of Free Trade in Early Sino-American Relations*
Investigator(s):Johnson KA
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:01/2011

Project Title:The Image of Canton China in the National Romance of Early American Literature
Investigator(s):Johnson KA
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Project Title:5th International Conference of the Henry James Society Porcelain Pagodas and the Cultural Alienation of Finance Capital
Investigator(s):Johnson KA
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2011
Completion Date:07/2011

List of Research Outputs

Johnson K.A., "A Question of Character: The Romance of Early Sino-American Commerce in The Journals of Major Samuel Shaw, the First American Consul in Canton (1847)", In: Kendall Johnson, Narratives of Free Trade: The Commercial Cultures of Early US-Chinese Relations. Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong, 2011.
Johnson K.A., "Faith, Commerce and Reverend David Abeel’s Global Geographic Imagination: Mapping “South-eastern Asia” in Journal of a Residence in China (1833)", Oceanic Archives and Transnational American Studies, (School of English and SMLC), University of Hong Kong. 2012.
Johnson K.A., "Henry James’ Narrative Technique: Consciousness, Perception, and Cognition (2008) by Kristin Boudreau, and Illustration of a Master: Henry James and the Magazine Revolution (2010) by Amy Tucker. American Literature", In: Priscila Wald, American Literature. Durham, North Carolina, United States, Duke University Press, 2012, 84.1: 196-198.
Johnson K.A., "Porcelain Pagodas and the Cultural Alienation of Finance Capital", Transforming Henry James, The Fifth International Conference of the Henry James Society . 2011.
Johnson K.A., "Publishing China: The First American Missionaries to China and Their Faith in the Printing Press", RGC's General Research Fund (GRF). 2012.
Johnson K.A., "Revising First Impressions: American Stereotypes of China and the National Romance of Free Trade", In: Kendall Johnson, Narratives of Free Trade: The Commercial Cultures of Early US-Chinese Relations. Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong, 2011, 1-16.
Johnson K.A., Advisory Committee, American Studies Book Series, Beijing (Peking) University Press. 2012.
Johnson K.A., Editorial Board Member, East Asian Civilization Book Series (東亞文明叢書) of Beijing (Peking) University Press (BUP). Beijing, China, 2012.
Johnson K.A., Henry James and the Visual (paperback republication). Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Johnson K.A., In: Kendall Johnson, Narratives of Free Trade: The Commercial Cultures of Early US-Chinese Relations. Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong, 2011.
Johnson K.A., “American Printing in Canton during the First Opium War,” The 8th Annual American Studies Conference: US Soft Power & Social Equality,” , The 8th Annual American Studies Conference: US Soft Power & Social Equality,” Changchun, China, September 2011.
Johnson K.A., “Early American Printers in Canton” , Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong. 2011.
Johnson K.A., “Henry James, A Brief Biography.”, In: John Carlos Rowe and Eric Haralson, A Historical Guide to Henry James. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, The Oxford Historical Guide to Henry James: 14-52.

Researcher : Levi JA

Project Title:The Third ABORNE Annual Meeting Border and Border Crossing in Lusophone Africa.
Investigator(s):Levi JA
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:09/2009

Researcher : Martinez VJ

List of Research Outputs

Martinez V.J., Training and education for interculturality in student mobility, an example of action research in Hong Kong, PhD Summer School Roskilde . 2011.

Researcher : Meyer DC

List of Research Outputs

Meyer D.C., "Clés pour la France en 15 icônes culturelles, Vol. 1", In: Takashi Kitamura, Hachette-Livre & Nagasaki Publishing., 2012.
Meyer D.C., "Cultural Icons: Textual and Contextual Reading", In: Gerflint, France, in Bel, D., Li, K., Pu, Z., Richer J-J., Hardy, M., Pour une recherche-action en didactique du FLE, Actes du colloque Canton 2009. Synergies Chine No. 6, Gerflint, 2011, , 223-233.
Meyer D.C., "French Cultural objects", Alliance française, Bangkok, Thailand. 2011.
Meyer D.C., "Language and Culture", University Silpakorn, Thailand. 2011.
Meyer D.C., "Language, Culture and Iconic Figures", Athenee francais,Tokyo, Japan. 2011.
Meyer D.C., « Figures iconiques et Grammaire culturelle » [Cultural Grammar and Iconic Figures], In: Meunier, J., Atherton, B., Grauby, F., Royer, M., Commission Asie Pacifique, Federation Internationale des Professeurs de Francais (C.A.P. – F.I.P.F.), Conference Proceedings, "Le francais et la diversite francophone en Asie-Pacifique", University of Sydney (2010). Australia, 2012, 43-53.
Meyer D.C., “Language, Culture and Iconic Figures", Annual Congress, the Japanese Society of Didactics of French, University of Nanzan, Nagoya, Japan. 2011.
Meyer D.C., “Language, Culture and Iconic Figures”, French-Japanese Institute, Kyoto, Japan.. 2011.

Researcher : Mito A

List of Research Outputs

Mito A., What Makes "Good Writing"? : An Observation of Peer Reviews by Pre-Intermediate Level Learners of Japanese on their Expository Writings , Proceedings of 2011 Practical Study Forum for Japanese Education. 2011.

Researcher : Nakano Y

Project Title:Japanese Memories in Hong Kong: Oral History Interviews with the Pioneers who Introduced Japanese Products and Services to Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Nakano Y
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:12/2011

List of Research Outputs

Nakano Y., Presenting Japan to the World, 1953-1970: "Self-Orientalism" as an Interactive Process , International Forum on Business and Anthropology, HKU. 2011.
Nakano Y., Stories of "Made in Japan" in Hong Kong (No. 20 to 25), Hong Kong, Bi-monthly magazine of the Hongkong Japanese Club. Hongkong Japanese Club, Hongkong Japanese Club, 2012, 413-18: 1 page column.

Researcher : Nakayama I

Project Title:Periodic Struggles: Menstruation Leave, Gender, Labour, and Science in 20th century Japan
Investigator(s):Nakayama I
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:03/2009

Project Title:Debating Equality and Protection: Sixty years of menstruation leave (生理休暇) in Japan and its impact, 1947-2007
Investigator(s):Nakayama I
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Researcher : Ogawa M

List of Research Outputs

Ogawa M., Japanese Popular Culture and Japanese Language Education, 日本ポピュラー文化と日本語教育, Chinese Clture University, Department of Japanese Language and Literature Taiwan. 中國文化大學外國語文學院日本語文學系, 2012.
Ogawa M., Japanese Popular Music Scene: The Past and The Present , The Additional Language Extravaganza (TALE) 2012 at the Ling Nan university Hong Kong. 2012.

Researcher : Swirski P

Project Title:Educating John Doe: Literature, Politics, Justice
Investigator(s):Swirski P
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:07/2008

Project Title:2009 Congress of the Humanities and the Social Sciences American City or Global Village?
Investigator(s):Swirski P
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:05/2009

Researcher : Teo VEL

Project Title:A Comparative Study of The "China Threat": Views From New Delhi, Moscow, Tokyo, Hanoi and the United States
Investigator(s):Teo VEL
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:06/2010
Completion Date:08/2011

Project Title:The Prospects and Challenges of Japans Normalisation: A Case Study of Japanese Diplomatic Activities in the Middle East from 1991-2009
Investigator(s):Teo VEL
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:12/2010

Project Title:The Implications of Generation Change for Sino-Japanese Relations: A Quantitative Study
Investigator(s):Teo VEL
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:04/2011

Project Title:The Chinese Tango in Uncle Sam’s Backyard: Geopolitics, Strategic Partnerships and the China’s South-American Foray (1991-2010)
Investigator(s):Teo VEL
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Project Title:Vanguard of the Revolution: An Ethnographical Study of North Korean Traders at the PRC-DPRK Border
Investigator(s):Teo VEL, Yoon SW
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:05/2012

List of Research Outputs

Teo V.E.L. and Lam P.E., In: Lam Peng Er and Victor Teo, Southeast Asia Between China and Japan. 2012.
Teo V.E.L., Southeast Asia Between China and Japan: A Historical Survey, In: Lam Peng Er and Victor Teo, Southeast Asia Between China and Japan. UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.
Teo V.E.L., The Engagement of China and Japan by ASEAN: Prospects and Pitfalls for Regionalism, In: Lam Peng Er and Victor Teo, Southeast Asia Between China and Japan. UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.

Researcher : Vazquez Vazquez MM

List of Research Outputs

Vazquez Vazquez M.M., How can I learn Literature in a foreign language if I am not proficient in that language? , ESF Foundation . 2011.
Vazquez Vazquez M.M., Movie Talk: Pan's Labyrinth. , Cultural festival called TALE (The Additional Languages Extravaganza) organized by CEAL (Centre for English and Additional Languages) in collaboration with the Student Services Centre (SSC) at Lingnan University. . 2012.

Researcher : Vogt CR

Project Title:'A Comparative Analysis of British and German Policy Towards China and Hong Kong since 1949'
Investigator(s):Vogt CR
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:01/2012

Project Title:2012 ISA Annual Convention The Fragility of China in a Changing International Order
Investigator(s):Vogt CR
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:04/2012

List of Research Outputs

Vogt C.R., "European Positions on Conflict Intervention: Challenges, Instruments, Problems", Research workshop "Responsibility to (re)act? Asian and European perspectives on (non-)intervention", Konrad Adenauer Foundation & Fudan University, Shanghai, 23 August 2011. 2011.
Vogt C.R., "New Ways of Security Policy Cooperation between Europe, the United States and Asia", panel chair, Research conference "European and Asian Perspectives on International Security Policies in South and South East Asia", Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Hong Kong, 29 September 2011. 2011.
Vogt C.R., "Opportunities in times of crisis - Challenges for a Europe of tomorrow", Global Studies Institute, Bauhinia Foundation, Hong Kong, 17 November 2012. 2011.
Vogt C.R., "The Challenge of Anti-Islamic Populist Parties in Europe", Research conference "Europe, Migration, and Islam", Hong Kong Baptist University, April 18-19. 2012.
Vogt C.R., "The Fragility of China in a Changing International Order,. Historical Parallels between Imperial Germany and Contemporary China", 2012 Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Diego, 1-5 April 2012.
Vogt C.R., "The origins of the Eurozone debt crisis", HKU Politics and Public Administrations Society roundtable. 2011.
Vogt C.R., Conclusion - Europe And China After The Global Financial Crisis, In: Roland Vogt, Europe and China. Strategic Partners or Rivals?. Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2012, 219-228.
Vogt C.R., Europe and China. Strategic Partners or Rivals?, In: Roland Vogt, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2012.
Vogt C.R., Europe and China: A Maturing Relationship?, In: Roland Vogt, Europe and China. Strategic Partners or Rivals?. Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2012, 1-16.
Vogt C.R., Limitations for Europe's Partnership with China, In: Roland Vogt, Europe and China. Strategic Partners or Rivals?. Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2012, 59-79.

Researcher : Wang R

List of Research Outputs

Wong H.W., Yau H.Y. and Wang R., Why The Bl Manga Fans Are All Women? Using Hong Kong As An Example, 为何日本BL漫画的受众为女性?以香港为例, In: Wong Heung Wah, T. Tanikawa & Yau Hoi Yan, Study of Pan Asian Comic and Animation. 亚洲动漫研究, Jinan, China, Shandong People’s Publishing House, 2012, 18-33.

Researcher : Wong HW

Project Title:The Politics of Japanese Colonialism in Taiwan, 1895-1945
Investigator(s):Wong HW
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:04/2011

Project Title:Manufacturing Subject for the State: Cultural Policies in Lee Teng-hui's Taiwan
Investigator(s):Wong HW
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

List of Research Outputs

Wong H.W., A Few but Valuable Things that I Learned from Nakamaki Sensei, Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter. Japan, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan, 2012, 34: 8-10.
Wong H.W., Anthropological Fieldwork As A Personal Craft And Ethnography As A Disciplinary Methodology, School Of Social Development And Public Policy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. 2011.
Wong H.W., Buddhism Enlightenment to Social Sciences, Department Of Sociology, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea.. 2012.
Wong H.W., Consciousness Of Religious Manipulation And Manipulation Of Religious Consciousness: Wada Kazuo, Seicho-no-ie, And Yaohan, Tenri University, Tenri, Japan. 2012.
Wong H.W. and Yau H.Y., Developing Creative Resources, But What is Creativity?, The 4th International Association of Cultural & Creative Industries Symposium. 2011.
Wong H.W. and Cristaudo W.A., Editor, In: Wong Heung Wah & Wayne Cristaudo, From Faith In Reason To Reason In Faith: Transformations In Philosophical Theology From The Eighteenth To The Twentieth Century. Lanham, U.S., University Press of America, 2012.
Wong H.W., Forward, In: Wong Heung Wah & Wayne Cristaudo, From Faith in Reason to Reason in Faith: Transformations in Philosophical Theology from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century. Lanham, U.S., University Press of America, 2012, v-vii.
Wong H.W. and Yau H.Y., From Chinese Diaspora Studies to the Study of the Diaspora of the People of the Chinese Societies, Immigration at the National and Local Level: The Impact on Future Economic Growth and Community Relations in Japan and the United States. 2011.
Wong H.W. and Cristaudo W.A., In: Wong Heung Wah & Wayne Cristaudo, From Faith In Reason To Reason In Faith: Transformations In Philosophical Theology From The Eighteenth To The Twentieth Century. Lanham, U.S., University Press of America, 2012.
Wong H.W., How Chinese Societies Receive Cultural Products From Beyond Horizon?, The School Of Sociology And Anthropology, Sun Yat-sun University, Guangzhou, China. 2011.
Wong H.W. and Yau H.Y., How Japanese Pornographer Thinks: A Possibility Of “pornology”, Nstitute Of Social And Cultural Research At National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 2011.
Wong H.W., 从各国日本研究的国民性谈日本研究必須走向国际化的原因, International Symposium On The Study Of Japanese Language, Literature, And Culture In East Asia Organized By School Of Foreign Languages, Renmin University Of China, Beijing, China.. 2011.
Wong H.W. and Yau H.Y., Introduction, 导言, In: Wong Heung Wah, T. Tanikawa & Yau Hoi Yan, Study of Pan Asian Comic and Animation. 泛亚洲动漫研究, Jinan, China, Shandong People’s Publishing House, 2012, 1-6.
Wong H.W. and Chau L.F.K., Introduction, 前言, In: Wong Heung Wah & Yau Hoi Yan, The Japanese Adult Video Actresses: The Objectification and Slience of Women. 日本AV女優:女性的物化與默化, Hong Kong, Up Publications, 2012, 4-5.
Wong H.W., Investment In The Music And Cultural Industries: Implications For China, Guangdong Flourishing Investment Co., Ltd. 2012.
Wong H.W., Is Japanese Popular Culture A Kind Of ‘soft Power’ Or It Has No Power?, International Symposium: Projects In Facilitating International Exchange Of Kobe University/the 70th Anniversary Event Of Beijing University Of Foreign Studies: A Dialogue With Contemporary China On The Japanese Sub-culture Today Organized By Kobe University And Beijing University Of Foreign Studies. 2011.
Wong H.W. and Chau L.F.K., Japanese Adult Videos: The Adult Videos We Have Watched in Those Years, 日本AV: 這些年,我們一起看的A片, In: Wong Heung Wah & Yau Hoi Yan, The Japanese Adult Video Actress: the objectification and silence of women. 日本AV女優:女性的物化與默化), Hong Kong, Up Publications, 2012, 8-16.
Wong H.W., Japanese Popular Culture In Hong Kong, Department Of Japanese, Beijing University Of Foreign Studies, Beijing, China. 2012.
Wong H.W., 养生休闲城市——现代规划的人文模范, Peking University, China . 2012.
Wong H.W., Special Topics in Creative Industries, Institute For Creative Industries, Beijing University. 2012.
Wong H.W., Tanikawa T. and Yau H.Y., In: Wong Heung Wah, T. Tanikawa & Yau Hoi Yan, Study of Pan Asian Comic and Animation. 亚洲动漫研究, Jinan, China, Shandong People’s Publishing House, 2012.
Wong H.W. and Yau H.Y., The 'Real Core': The Taste of Taiwanese Men for Japanese Adult Videos, Sexualities. UK, Sage, 2012, 15: 411-436.
Wong H.W., The Importance Of Chinese Societies In Understanding Japanese Culture, Department Of Japanese, Beijing University Of Foreign Studies, Beijing, China. 2012.
Wong H.W. and Yau H.Y., In: Wong Heung Wah & Yau Hoi Yan, The Japanese Adult Video Actress: The Objectification And Silence Of Women. 日本AV女優:女性的物化與默化, Hong Kong, Up Publications, 2012.
Wong H.W. and Chau L.F.K., The Japanese Adult Video Girls Who Have Cannibalized Themselves, 吃掉了自己的日本AV女優, In: Wong Heung Wah & Yau Hoi Yan, The Japanese Adult Video Actress: The Objectification And Silence Of Women. 日本AV女優:女性的物化與默化, Hong Kong, Up Publications, 2012, 150-156.
Wong H.W., The Relationship Between Japan And Hong Kong After Second World War, Center For Japanese Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. 2012.
Wong H.W., Time To Establish An East Asian Social Science , Graduate School Of Sociology, Kwansei Gakuin University, Osaka, Japan. . 2012.
Wong H.W., Two Or Three Things That I Know About Creativity: New Media And The Re-creation Of Manga (comics) By Comic Fans, The New Media Committee And The Research Center On Public Media And Health Communication, Communication University Of China, Beijing, China.. 2011.
Wong H.W., Two Or Three Things That I Know About Creativity, Department Of Sociology And Bk21 Project Team, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea. 2012.
Wong H.W., What Business Studies Ignores Is What Business Anthropology Is Keen To Know?, School Of Business, East China University Of Sciences And Technology, Shanghai, China. 2012.
Wong H.W., What Enlightenment Of The Anthropological Study Of Japanese Popular Culture In East Asia To The Theories Of Globalization, Localization, And Hybridization?, Graduate School Of Humanities, Faculty Of Letters, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan. 2012.
Wong H.W., What Skill a University Graduate Should Have in the 21 Century?, School of Sociology, Kwansei Gakuin University, Osaka, Japan. 2012.
Wong H.W., What is Anthropological Enlightenment to Business Studies?, International Conference of Business Anthropology. 2012.
Wong H.W., Why Chinese Companies Are Always Family Business, The Second International Forum on Business and Anthropology. 2011.
Wong H.W., Yau H.Y. and Wang R., Why The Bl Manga Fans Are All Women? Using Hong Kong As An Example, 为何日本BL漫画的受众为女性?以香港为例, In: Wong Heung Wah, T. Tanikawa & Yau Hoi Yan, Study of Pan Asian Comic and Animation. 亚洲动漫研究, Jinan, China, Shandong People’s Publishing House, 2012, 18-33.
Wong H.W., 从田园城市出发 - 现代规划的人本道路, 陝西省西咸新区开發建设管理委员会, 2011.

Researcher : Wu Y

Project Title:Japanese Cultural Propaganda and Advertising Activities in Modern China
Investigator(s):Wu Y, Wong HW
Department:School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:02/2011

List of Research Outputs

Wu Y., "Popular Theatrical Elements in Japanese Movies", 日本电影中的大众演剧要素 , In: Beijing Center for Japanese Studies, The Journal of Japanese Studies. 日本学研究, Beijing, XueYuan Publisher, 2011, No. 21: 314-329.
Wu Y., "Selling Modernity: Images of Housewives in Calendar Posters and Magazine Advertisements in 1920-30s Shanghai", モダニティを売る:1920-30年代上海における「月分牌」と雑誌広告に見る主婦の表象, In: Ochiai Emiko & Akaeda Kanako, Asian Women and Intimacy of Labour. アジア女性と親密性の労働, Kyoto, Kyoto University Press, 2012, 125-152.

Researcher : Yorozu M

Project Title:A study on motivation and learning strategies
Investigator(s):Yorozu M
Department:Japanese Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:04/2001

List of Research Outputs

Yorozu M. and Ito S., Articulation between Japanese and Overseas Universities, In: Shu Go, Li Denhaku, International Conference on Japanese Language Education 2011. Beijing, Higher Education Press, 2011, 1.

-- End of Listing --