List of Research Outputs

ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G. and Kathuria A., Best Student Paper 1st Runner Up Award, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (OCIS Division). 2014.
ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G. and Kathuria A., Competitive Brokerage, Information Technology and Internal Resources, Proceedings of the Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems. 2014.
ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G. and Kathuria A., Competitive Brokerage: External Resource Endowment and Information Technology as Antecedents, Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. 2014.
ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G. and Kathuria A., Do Technological Resources Influence Competitive Brokerage? An Analysis in a Competition Network, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. 2014.
Celly N., Kathuria A., Han M. and ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G., Succeeding in Emerging Market Environments: Towards Strategic Multidexterity, Strategic Management Society Special Conference. 2014.
Kathuria A., ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G., Saldanha T. and Khuntia J., Extent Versus Range of Service Digitization: Implications for Firm Performance, Proceedings of the Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems. 2014.
Kathuria A., ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G., Saldanha T. and Khuntia J., Service Digitization and Firm Performance: An Ambidexterity Perspective, Workshop on e-Business (WeB). 2014.

Researcher : BAKER RR

List of Research Outputs

Biddle G.C., BAKER R.R., LOWRY M.R. and O'Connor N.G., Presentation of "Evidence Regarding the Internal Controls of U.S.-listed Chinese Firms", University of Hong Kong . Hong Kong, 2015.

Researcher : BAO Z

List of Research Outputs

BAO Z. and Chau M.C.L., In Search of Plagiarism Behaviors: An Empirical Study of Online Reviews, Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics. 2015, 102-112.

Researcher : Bai Y

Project Title:American Finance Association 2007 Annual Meeting Asset Prices under Short-Sales Constraints
Investigator(s):Bai Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:01/2007

Researcher : Biddle GC

Project Title:Visiting Research Professors Scheme 2009-10
Investigator(s):Biddle GC
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Visiting Research Professors Scheme
Start Date:09/2009

Project Title:American Accounting Association Annual Meeting; Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk
Investigator(s):Biddle GC
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2014

Project Title:Board Selection Endogeneity: Evidence from Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Biddle GC, Zhu W
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:09/2014

List of Research Outputs

Biddle G.C., MA L. and Song F.M., Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk, Presented at American Accounting Association Annual Meetings, Atlanta. Atlanta, USA, 2014.
Biddle G.C., Audit and Remuneration Committee Essentials for Women's Directorship Programme sponsored by Harvey-Nash and HKU, Hong Kong, 2014.
Biddle G.C., Editorial Board , Contemporary Accounting Research. 2014.
Biddle G.C., Invited Featured Speaker on "Creating Value for Directors" for Hong Kong Institute of Directors members, Hong Kong, HKIoD, 2014.
Biddle G.C., Invited participant at Finance for the Future : 21st Century Thinking for 21st Century Challenges sponsored by the Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, and London Business School, London, U.K., 2015.
Biddle G.C., Invited participant,, IASB Research Forum, Oxford University. U.K., 2014.
Biddle G.C., Invited participant, , Contemporary Accounting Research Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canada, 2014.
Biddle G.C., Invited participant, HKUST Accounting Symposium, Hong Kong representing HKICPA Council. Hong Kong, 2014.
Biddle G.C., Invited speaker on "Accounting for Law" to 80 staff of Baker McKinsey, Hong Kong, simulcast to Beijing, Hanoi, Ho Chi Min City, Seoul, Shanghai, Hong Kong, 2015.
Biddle G.C., BAKER R.R., LOWRY M.R. and O'Connor N.G., Presentation of "Evidence Regarding the Internal Controls of U.S.-listed Chinese Firms", University of Hong Kong . Hong Kong, 2015.
Biddle G.C., The Accounting Review, Book Editor, 2015.

Researcher : Celly N

Project Title:Subsidiary downsizing: Antecedents and performance consequences
Investigator(s):Celly N
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:04/2010

Project Title:Emerging MNEs competitiveness in emerging markets: The role of learning and experience.
Investigator(s):Celly N
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:05/2012

Project Title:Academy of Management Conference; A temporal ambidexterity view towards emerging market firms
Investigator(s):Celly N
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2014
Completion Date:08/2014

List of Research Outputs

Celly N., Kathuria A., Han M. and ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G., Succeeding in Emerging Market Environments: Towards Strategic Multidexterity, Strategic Management Society Special Conference. 2014.

Researcher : Chan CMK

Project Title:An Institutional Perspective of Foreign Affiliate Performance
Investigator(s):Chan CMK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2010

Project Title:Subnational institutions and foreign affiliate performance
Investigator(s):Chan CMK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:10/2012

Project Title:The choice of foreign market entry mode in developing countries
Investigator(s):Chan CMK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:06/2013

Project Title:Foreign Market Entry Mode Choice in Subnational Regions: An Institution- based view
Investigator(s):Chan CMK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:11/2014

List of Research Outputs

Zhang T.T. and Chan C.M.K., Subnational Institutions, Performance Feedback and Subsequent Expansion of A Foreign Subsidiary, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia. 2014.

Researcher : Chan DKW

Project Title:The Effects of Internal Control Reporting Regulation on Control Quality, Compensation and Audit Quality
Investigator(s):Chan DKW
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:10/2014

List of Research Outputs

Chan D.K.W. and Gao J.J., Earnings Management, Incentive Contracts and Private Information Acquisition , In: Larry Gordon Martin P. Loeb, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. Elsevier, 2014, 33 (6): 529-550.

Researcher : Chan LHL

Project Title:Economic consequences of collateralized personal loan by executives
Investigator(s):Chan LHL
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:07/2014

List of Research Outputs

Chan L.H.L., Chen K.C.W., Chen T.Y. and Yu Y., Substitution between Real and Accruals-Based Earnings Management after Voluntary Adoption of Compensation Clawback Provisions, The Accounting Review. American Accounting Association, 2015, 90: 147-174.

Researcher : Chau MCL

Project Title:Applying Blog Mining Technologies in Suicide Research and Prevention
Investigator(s):Chau MCL
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Project Title:Applying Blog Mining Techniques in Suicide Research and Prevention
Investigator(s):Chau MCL, Wong PWC
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:11/2012

Project Title:Co-authorship Analysis in the Information Systems Discipline
Investigator(s):Chau MCL
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:06/2013

Project Title:Studying Social Networks With Uncertainty
Investigator(s):Chau MCL
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:06/2014

Project Title:Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2013-14
Investigator(s):Chau MCL
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Start Date:12/2014

Project Title:Studying the Order Effect of Feedbacks in Online Auction Markets: A User Study and a Bayesian Updating Model
Investigator(s):Chau MCL
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2015

Project Title:Authenticity and Helpfulness of Online Reviews
Investigator(s):Chau MCL
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:05/2015

Project Title:Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics; In Search of Plagiarism Behaviors: An Empirical Study of Online Reviews
Investigator(s):Chau MCL
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:05/2015

List of Research Outputs

BAO Z. and Chau M.C.L., In Search of Plagiarism Behaviors: An Empirical Study of Online Reviews, Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics. 2015, 102-112.
Chau M.C.L., Finding and Helping People with Emotional Distress in Online Social Media, Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (PAISI). 2015.
Chau M.C.L., Outstanding Young Researcher Award, The University of Hong Kong. 2014.
Chau M.C.L., Wang G.A. and Chen H., Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (2015). Springer, 2015.
Fu K.W. and Chau M.C.L., Use of Microblogs in Grassroots Movements in China: Exploring the Role of Online Networking in Agenda Setting, Journal of Information Technology & Politics. 2014, 11: 309-328.
Xu J.J., Lu Y. and Chau M.C.L., P2P Lending Fraud Detection: A Big Data Approach, Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics. 2015, 71-81.
Xu J.J., Chau M.C.L. and Tan B.C.Y., The Development of Social Capital in the Collaboration Network of IS Scholars, Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 2014, 15(12): 835-859.
Yan X., Wang J. and Chau M.C.L., Customer Revisit Intention to Restaurants: Evidences from Online Reviews, Information Systems Frontiers. 2015, 17(3): 645-657.

Researcher : Chau PYK

List of Research Outputs

Chau P.Y.K., Accounting and information management research in the era of big data, Keynote speech at the 5th Biennial Conference of the World Accounting Frontiers Series (WAFS 2015), Macau. 2015.
Chau P.Y.K., Big data research: Old wine in a new bottle?, Keynote speech at the Ninth China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2015). 2015.
Chau P.Y.K., Electronic business research in the era of big data, Keynote Speech at the 14th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2014), Taipei, Taiwan. 2014.
Chau P.Y.K., Qiuzhi Chair Professorship, Zhejiang University, China. 2014.
Hung W.H., McQueen R.J., Yen D.C. and Chau P.Y.K., Measuring the alignment of websites and organisational critical activities, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 2015, 27(5): 550-568.
Jiang G.Y., Ma F.C., Shang J. and Chau P.Y.K., Evolution of knowledge sharing behavior in social commerce: An agent-based computational approach, Information Sciences. 2014, 273: 250-266.
Liu F., Zhao X.F., Chau P.Y.K. and Tang Q., Roles of perceived value and individual differences in the acceptance of mobile coupon applications: Evidence from China, Internet Research. 2015, 25(3): 471-495.

Researcher : Cuypers YK

Project Title:Experiential learning in the context of mergers and acquisitions: the effects of different types of experience on value creation, value distribution and future acquisition behavior.
Investigator(s):Cuypers YK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:04/2013
Completion Date:03/2015

Project Title:Academy of Management Annual Meeting; Partnering With Business Group Firms: The Effect Of Group Size On Value Creation And Distribution
Investigator(s):Cuypers YK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2014
Completion Date:08/2014

Project Title:Determinants and Consequences of Time to Deal Completion in Cross-Border M&As: The Role of Organizational Learning and Market Signals
Investigator(s):Cuypers YK, Wu C
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:01/2015
Completion Date:12/2015

List of Research Outputs

Cuypers Y.K., Cuypers I...R...P. and Lee J...Y..., Partnering with Business Group Firms: The Effect of Group Size on Value Creation and Value Distribution , Academy of Management Annual Meeting. 2014.

Researcher : Ding C

Project Title:INFORMS Annual Meeting; The Power of the Like Button Social Media Effect on Internet Financing
Investigator(s):Ding C
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:11/2014
Completion Date:11/2014

Project Title:The Impact of Facebook Like Button on Box Office
Investigator(s):Ding C
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:12/2014

Researcher : Du F

Project Title:Seeing is Believing: Do Analysts Benefit from Site Visits?
Investigator(s):Du F, Wang X
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:08/2013

Project Title:Analyst teamwork: Team composition and forecast performance
Investigator(s):Du F, Wang X
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2015

Researcher : Enright MJ

Project Title:Hong Kong's competitiveness: a quantitative approach
Investigator(s):Enright MJ, Newton J
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Low Budget High Impact Programme
Start Date:11/2000

List of Research Outputs

Enright M.J., China's Global Reach, Address to the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan and his economic team. 2015.
Enright M.J., Clusters, Corridors, and Competitiveness, London-Stanstead-Cambridge Corridor Conference, London. 2015.
Enright M.J., Competitiveness: New Approaches, New Horizons, Address for the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, and his economic team. 2015.
Enright M.J., Economic Impact of the Three Runway System at Hong Kong International Airport, Airport Authority of Hong Kong. 2015.
Enright M.J., Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Competitiveness, Astana Economic Forum, Astana, Kazakhstan. 2015.
Enright M.J., Foshan's Economic Development, For private sector client. 2015.
Enright M.J., Global Cities, Global Cities Business Alliance Inaugural Conference, keynote address. London. 2015.
Enright M.J., Pearl River Delta Developments, Asia Property Forum. 2015.
Enright M.J., Qingdao's Economic Future, for private sector client. 2014.
Enright M.J., Real Estate Opportunities in the Pearl River Delta, For private sector client. 2015.
Enright M.J., Strategic Development in the Greater Pearl River Delta, ANREV Investors' Forum. 2015.
Enright M.J., The Knowledge-Innovation-Creative Economy, Shanghai Government Conference for International Think Tanks. 2014.
Enright M.J., The “Chinese Dream,” China’s Global Influence, and Company Strategy, IMA-Asia Meetings Hong Kong. 2015.
Enright M.J., The “Chinese Dream,” China’s Global Influence, and Company Strategy, IMA-Asia Meetings Shanghai. 2015.
Enright M.J., The “Chinese Dream,” China’s Global Influence, and Company Strategy, IMA-Asia Meetings Singapore. 2015.
Enright M.J., Wuhan: Central City for Central China, for private sector client. 2014.

Researcher : Farhoomand AF

Project Title:15th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference Japan Net Bank: Japan's First Internet-only Bank
Investigator(s):Farhoomand AF
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:06/2002

Project Title:The 8th World Congress on the Management of eBusiness Opening up of the Software Industry: The Case of SAP
Investigator(s):Farhoomand AF
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2007

Researcher : Guo D

Project Title:Optimal Promotion Rules in a Firms Internal Labor Market
Investigator(s):Guo D, Jiang K
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:07/2013

List of Research Outputs

Guo D., Jiang K. and MAI X., Venture Capital Investment and the Post-IPO Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms: Evidence from People’s Republic of China, Asian Development Review. MIT, 2015, 32: 1-29.

Researcher : Han J

Project Title:Research Output Prize (Faculty of Business)
Investigator(s):Han J
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Research Output Prize (in Faculty)
Start Date:11/2007

Project Title:Management Earnings Guidance Quantification and Attribution Quantification: An Interactive Pattern
Investigator(s):Han J
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:09/2013

Researcher : Hsu Y

Project Title:Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014; The Music of Power: Perceptual and Behavioral Consequences of Powerful Music
Investigator(s):Hsu Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2014
Completion Date:08/2014

Project Title:Biculturalism and Its Consequences on Organizational and Social Judgments and Behavior
Investigator(s):Hsu Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:06/2015

List of Research Outputs

Hsu Y. and Livingston R., Being Two People at the Same Time: Bicultural Identity Integration Affects Intergroup Prejudice, Academy of Management Meeting 2014. .
Hsu Y., Huang L., Nordgren L., Rucker D. and Galinsky A., Power is in the air: The acoustic antecedent of power and its cognitive and behavioral consequences, Negotiation Research Roundtable. 2015.
Hsu Y., Huang L., Nordgren L. and Rucker D., The Music of Power: Perceptual and Behavioral Consequences of Powerful Music, Academy of Management Meeting 2014. .
Hsu Y., Huang L., Nordgren L., Rucker D. and Galinsky A., The Music of Power: Perceptual and Behavioral Consequences of Powerful Music, Social Psychological and Personality Science. 2015, 6: 1 75-83.

Researcher : Hui C

Project Title:A temporal perspective of employee psychological ownership
Investigator(s):Hui C
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:10/2006

Project Title:Workplace ostracism: A longitudinal examination of its antecedents and work and family outcomes
Investigator(s):Hui C
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme
Start Date:12/2010

Project Title:Towards a threat-reaction theory of supervisor reactions to subordinate voice
Investigator(s):Hui C, Lam SSK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:09/2013

List of Research Outputs

Hui C., Lee C. and Wang H., Organizational Inducements and Employee Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Perceived Insider Status and the Moderating Role of Collectivism, Human Resource Management. 2015.
Law S.K., Hui C. and Huang E., Application of analytic tools for theory testing in organizational behaviour research, World Business, Finance and Management Conference, New Zealand. Best paper award in Management. 2014.
Liu B...C..., Hui C., Lee C. and Liu J., Psychological Ownership: Linking Employee Past And Future In An Organization To Employee Outcomes., 9th Annual London Business Research Conference, Imperial College, London.. 2014.
Lyu Y., Hui C., Liu B.C. and Lee C., The Impact of Psychological Ownership on Defending Organization’s Performance: A Social Exchange View, Bangkok International Conference on Social Science. Bangkok, Thailand. 2015.
Lyu Y., Hui C., Liu J. and Lee C., The impact of psychological ownership on defending organization: a social exchange perspective, 4th Global Business and Finance Research Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 2015.

Researcher : Jia SJ

Project Title:The Human Cookie: Tracking and Changing Consumer Behavior in Consumer Networks
Investigator(s):Jia SJ
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:02/2014

Project Title:The Taste of a Good Deal: How Transactional Utility Affects Experiential Utility
Investigator(s):Jia SJ
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Early Career Scheme (ECS)
Start Date:08/2014

Project Title:Big Data Conference 2015; The Activation of Important Ties and Social Embeddedness: Evidence from Post-Earthquake Mobile Communications
Investigator(s):Jia SJ
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:03/2015

List of Research Outputs

Jia S.J., Shiv B. and Rao S., Product-Agnosia: How Increased Visual Scrutiny Reduces Product Distinctiveness, Journal of Consumer Research. University of Chicago Press, 2014, 41 (2014): 342 - 360.
Jia S.J., Khan U. and Litt A., The Effect of Self-Control on the Construction of Risk Perceptions, Management Science. 2015, 150417091937002.

Researcher : Joo JH

Project Title:The effects of clawback provisions on investment efficiency
Investigator(s):Joo JH
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:10/2013

Researcher : Kathuria A

Project Title:From IT Capability to Competitive Performance, via Innovation
Investigator(s):Kathuria A
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:11/2012

Project Title:Americas Conference on Information Systems; Extent versus Range of Service Digitization: Implications for Firm Performance
Investigator(s):Kathuria A
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2014

Project Title:Service Digitization, the FAP Framework and Innovation
Investigator(s):Kathuria A
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:02/2015

List of Research Outputs

ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G. and Kathuria A., Best Student Paper 1st Runner Up Award, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (OCIS Division). 2014.
ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G. and Kathuria A., Competitive Brokerage, Information Technology and Internal Resources, Proceedings of the Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems. 2014.
ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G. and Kathuria A., Competitive Brokerage: External Resource Endowment and Information Technology as Antecedents, Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. 2014.
ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G. and Kathuria A., Do Technological Resources Influence Competitive Brokerage? An Analysis in a Competition Network, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. 2014.
Celly N., Kathuria A., Han M. and ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G., Succeeding in Emerging Market Environments: Towards Strategic Multidexterity, Strategic Management Society Special Conference. 2014.
Kathuria A., ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G., Saldanha T. and Khuntia J., Extent Versus Range of Service Digitization: Implications for Firm Performance, Proceedings of the Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems. 2014.
Kathuria A., ANDRADE ROJAS M.G.G., Saldanha T. and Khuntia J., Service Digitization and Firm Performance: An Ambidexterity Perspective, Workshop on e-Business (WeB). 2014.
Khuntia J., Saldanha T. and Kathuria A., Dancing in the Tigers’ Den: MNCs versus Local Firms Leveraging IT-Enabled Strategic Flexibility, Proceedings of the Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems. 2014.
Sivan Y.Y., Boulos M.N.K., Gefen D. and Kathuria A., Guest Co-Editor of Special Issue titled "3D3C Virtual Worlds - Topical Lantern Review", The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research. 2014.
Wang Y., Kathuria A. and Konsynski B., Dynamics of Consumer Demand for Proprietary Software in the Presence of Open Source Software, 37th ISMS Marketing Science Conference. 2015.

Researcher : Kim MC

List of Research Outputs

Kim M.C., Yip L., Li Y. and Kim Y.H., Advertising and Ownership Structures: Evidence from the Emerging Chinese Market, In: Chung K. Kim, Academy Of Asian Business Review. SungKyunKwan University, Academy of Asian Business, 2015, 1: 17-34.

Researcher : Kim S

Project Title:Self in Prosocial Behavior
Investigator(s):Kim S
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:01/2013

Project Title:How Self-Affirmation Changes Emotions and Consumer Word-of-Mouth Communications
Investigator(s):Kim S
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Early Career Scheme (ECS)
Start Date:10/2013

Investigator(s):Kim S
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:05/2015

Researcher : Kwan MML

Project Title:Managing the software development process: a knowledge management approach
Investigator(s):Kwan MML
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:05/2000

Researcher : LOWRY MR

List of Research Outputs

Biddle G.C., BAKER R.R., LOWRY M.R. and O'Connor N.G., Presentation of "Evidence Regarding the Internal Controls of U.S.-listed Chinese Firms", University of Hong Kong . Hong Kong, 2015.

Researcher : Lam SSK

Project Title:Leadership and Trust: A New Approach
Investigator(s):Lam SSK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Investigator(s):Lam SSK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:06/2012

Project Title:Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Multilevel and Cross Cultural Study
Investigator(s):Lam SSK, Hui C
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:09/2013

Researcher : Lee H

Project Title:The effect of competition on firms sustainable policies
Investigator(s):Lee H
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:08/2012

Project Title:The Drivers and Impacts of Knowledge Exchange within a Supply Chain: An Empirical Study
Investigator(s):Lee H, Hsu P
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:12/2013

Project Title:POMS 26th Annual Conference; Do responsible buyers prefer to sources from responsible suppliers?
Investigator(s):Lee H
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:05/2015

Project Title:The determinants and consequences of international innovation spillovers
Investigator(s):Lee H
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:06/2015

List of Research Outputs

Lee H., Topic 1: Supply Chain Management using game theoretical models Topic 2: Supply Chain Management using empirical models, Workshop of Operations Research and Supply Chain Management. 2015.

Researcher : Lee PT

List of Research Outputs

Lee P.T., A preliminary study of the overseas business networks of Chinese merchant in Hong Kong: The case of Ma Tsui Chiu, 1900s-1940s, 香港華商馬敘朝的海外商業網絡初論 (1900s~1940s), Journal of Cultural Interaction Studies of Sea Port Cities. Busan, Institute of International Maritime Affairs, 2014, 11: 41-67.
Lee P.T., Avoiding Isolation by the Revolution: K.P. Chen’s Dealings with Shanghai and Taipei, 1948-1956. , In: Sherman Cochran, The Capitalist Dilemma in China’s Communist Revolution. Ithaca, Cornell University East Asia Program, 2014, 45-64.
Lee P.T. and Wu Y., Image And Commercial Culture: An Analysis Of Modern Chinese Advertising. 圖像與商業文化──分析中 國近代廣告, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2014, 248.

Researcher : Lefler BL

List of Research Outputs

Fry J.D. and Lefler B.L., Seed Funding for the Collaborative Research Fund - HK$75,000, The University of Hong Kong. 2015.

Researcher : Leung SC

Project Title:Earnings Management Pre- and Post-FIN 46R “Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities”
Investigator(s):Leung SC
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:02/2014

Project Title:The International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2015 Annual Conference; The Choice of Family Trust Ownership and its Impact on Firm Governance
Investigator(s):Leung SC
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:06/2015

Researcher : Leung SLO

List of Research Outputs

Leung S.L.O. and Mok Y.N.A., Are your operating activities cash-generating? -- The direct and indirect method under HKAS7", Hong Kong Institute of Accredited Accounting Technicians (HKIATT). 2014.

Researcher : Li X

Project Title:When Managers Speak, Who listen to – Evidence from Market Reaction to the Tone of Conference Calls
Investigator(s):Li X
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:08/2012

Project Title:Revealed Investor Sentiment: Textual Analysis of Earnings Conference Calls
Investigator(s):Li X
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:12/2013

Researcher : Liu X

Project Title:The Auditing Impact of the Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Investigator(s):Liu X
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:12/2011
Completion Date:11/2014

Project Title:The effects of CEOs and CFOs' equity-based compensation on the remediation of internal control material weaknesses (ICMWs)'
Investigator(s):Liu X
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:08/2012

Researcher : Lu JZ

Project Title:Valuation allowance for deferred tax assets and earnings management
Investigator(s):Lu JZ
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:11/2002

Researcher : Lu Y

Project Title:The 19th Annual Conference of the CEA (UK) Property Rights Protection and Firm Horizontal Scope: evidence from China's private enterprises
Investigator(s):Lu Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:04/2008

Researcher : MA L

List of Research Outputs

Biddle G.C., MA L. and Song F.M., Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk, Presented at American Accounting Association Annual Meetings, Atlanta. Atlanta, USA, 2014.

Researcher : Man DCK

List of Research Outputs

Man D.C.K. and Lui S., The effect of task and partner-related interactions on trust in a cooperative relationship, 9th Asia Academy of Management Conference. 2015.

Researcher : Mao C

Project Title:Does Regulation FD Benefit Investors? New Evidence from a Latent Variable Model
Investigator(s):Mao C
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:08/2006

Researcher : Newton J

Project Title:30th Annual Conference, UK Chapter, Academy of International Business Location is Everything! The Implications of Trade Liberalisation for the Location of Clothing Production
Investigator(s):Newton J
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:04/2003

Researcher : Ng SH

Project Title:Industrial Relations and The Changing Hong Kong Environment: A Study of Trade Unions and Their Future Prospects In Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Ng SH
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Centre of Asian Studies - General Award
Start Date:09/2003

Researcher : Ng TWH

Project Title:Effects of Psychological Contract Breaches on Innovation-Related Behavior: Examining the Role of Changes in Workplace Relationships
Investigator(s):Ng TWH
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Project Title:Core Self-Evaluations and Human Capital Development Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model
Investigator(s):Ng TWH
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:03/2013

Project Title:The Effects of Supervisor and Coworker Embeddedness on Employees’ Own Embeddedness: A Moderated Mediation Model
Investigator(s):Ng TWH
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:04/2014

Project Title:Transformational and Transactional Leadership, Idiosyncratic Employment Arrangements, and Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes
Investigator(s):Ng TWH
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:11/2014

Project Title:Why and How Organizational Embeddedness Affect Work-to-Family Conflict?
Investigator(s):Ng TWH
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:04/2015

List of Research Outputs

Ng T.W.H. and Feldman D.C., Embeddedness and well-being in the United States and Singapore: The mediating effects of work-to-family and family- to-work conflict., Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 2014, 19: 306-375.
Ng T.W.H. and Feldman D.C., Ethical leadership: Meta-analytic evidence of criterion-related and incremental validity, Journal of Applied Psychology. 2015, 100: 948-965.
Ng T.W.H. and Feldman D.C., Idiosyncratic deals and voice behavior., Journal of Management. 2015, 41: 893-928.
Ng T.W.H., The incremental validity of organizational commitment, organizational trust, and organizational identification, Journal of Vocational Behavior. 2015, 88: 154-163.
Ng T.W.H. and Feldman D.C., The moderating effects of age in the relationships of job autonomy to work outcomes., Work, Aging and Retirement. 2015, 1: 64-78.

Researcher : O'Connor NG

List of Research Outputs

Biddle G.C., BAKER R.R., LOWRY M.R. and O'Connor N.G., Presentation of "Evidence Regarding the Internal Controls of U.S.-listed Chinese Firms", University of Hong Kong . Hong Kong, 2015.

Researcher : Pan Y

Project Title:AIB 2003 Academy of International Business Conference: The Power of Ideas and International Business Market Share Performance of Multinational Enterprises in Transitional Economies
Investigator(s):Pan Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2003

Researcher : Park CW

Project Title:CEO reputation, performance benchmarks, and CEO turnover
Investigator(s):Park CW
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Project Title:A Structural Approach To Estimating Abnormal Working Capital Accruals
Investigator(s):Park CW, Park WY
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:10/2013

Project Title:Disclosure of CEO Succession Planning and Stock Market Reactions to CEO Turnover Announcements
Investigator(s):Park CW
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:03/2015

Researcher : Qiu C

Project Title:Future Consumption Opportunity and the Generation of Mental Imagery: A New Perspective on the Impact of Mental Construal on Consumer Judgments
Investigator(s):Qiu C, Gorn GJ
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:11/2012
Completion Date:07/2014

Researcher : Shim S

Project Title:Academy of Management (AOM); The Power of Leader Attention: Leader Gaze Equalizes Hierarchies and Improves Team Performance
Investigator(s):Shim S
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2014

Project Title:How control mindset increases health, work performance, and well-being
Investigator(s):Shim S
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:05/2015

List of Research Outputs

Shim S. and Livingston R.W., The Power of Leader Attention: Leader Gaze Equalizes Hierarchies and Improves Team Performance , Academy of Management (AOM). 2014.

Researcher : Sin GHR

Project Title:Platform Competition and Governance Structure in Complementary Goods Markets
Investigator(s):Sin GHR
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:09/2012

Project Title:Social and Economic Implications of Search Engine Optimization
Investigator(s):Sin GHR
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:07/2014

Researcher : Tam SKW

Project Title:Rencontres de St. Gall 2002 The Nature of Entrepreneur-environment Relations - A Participant Reconstruction Perspective
Investigator(s):Tam SKW
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:09/2002

Researcher : Tao Z

Project Title:Once an Enemy, Forever an Enemy? The Long-run Impact of Japanese Occupation of China on Trade and Investment
Investigator(s):Tao Z
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:02/2013

Project Title:How do Chinese exporters respond to Indian antidumping investigations?
Investigator(s):Tao Z
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:05/2013
Completion Date:04/2015

Project Title:China Business and Economics
Investigator(s):Tao Z, Song FM, Zhao SX
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding for Strategic Research Theme
Start Date:11/2013

Project Title:Do Chinese imports influence American politics?
Investigator(s):Tao Z
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:09/2014

List of Research Outputs

Che Y., DU J.L., Lu Y. and Tao Z., Once an enemy, forever an enemy? The long-run impact of the Japanese invasion of China from 1937 to 1945 on trade and investment, Journal of International Economics. 2015, 96: 182-198.
DU J.U.L.A.N., LU Y.I. and Tao Z., Government expropriation and Chinese-style firm diversification, Journal of Comparative Economics. 2015, 43: 155-169.
Tao Z., Lo W.H. and Yao Y., JPMorgan: Hiring Chinese Princelings Becomes a Royal Pain, Asia Case Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong. 2014, 14/549C.
Tao Z. and Woo C., McDonald’s China: The Expired Meat Scandal, Asia Case Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, Asia Case Research Centre, 2015, 14/550C: 16.

Researcher : Tian F

Project Title:The valuation impact of managers performance explanations in earnings press releases
Investigator(s):Tian F, Park CW
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:08/2012

Project Title:Do Accounting standards affect innovation?
Investigator(s):Tian F, Hsu P, Zhu W
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:09/2014

Researcher : Tse DKC

Project Title:Contract Enforcement Effects in China’s Marketing Channel: a Fairness Heuristic Theory Explanation
Investigator(s):Tse DKC
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:02/2008

Project Title:How Capitalism Works in China State-Owned Enterprises: An Agency Assessment of their Corporate, Social and Societal Performance
Investigator(s):Tse DKC, Lee SCS
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2014

Researcher : Venkata Subban S

Project Title:Academy of International Business Annual Conference (AIB 2005) Subsidiary Types, Activities, and Location: An Empirical Investigation
Investigator(s):Venkata Subban S
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2005

Project Title:Defining Strategic Groups: A Business Model Perspective
Investigator(s):Venkata Subban S
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:05/2009

Project Title:Strategic Groups: A Business Model Perspective
Investigator(s):Venkata Subban S
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:11/2009

Project Title:Diversification and Institutional Diversity: A Cross-Country Investigation
Investigator(s):Venkata Subban S, Chan CMK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:01/2010

Project Title:Reassessing Emerging Market Multinationals Institutional Arbitrage and Capability Development: The Case of Emerging Market Firms
Investigator(s):Venkata Subban S
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:03/2011

Researcher : Wan EW

Project Title:Research Output Prize (Faculty of Business and Economics)
Investigator(s):Wan WE
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Research Output Prize (in Faculty)
Start Date:12/2010

Project Title:Does Seeing Human in Brands Enhance Brand Preference For Socially Disconnected Consumers? Anthropomorphism, Social Exclusion, and Brand Relationship
Investigator(s):Wan WE
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2014

Project Title:Association for Consumer Research North American Conference 2014; Socially Excluded People Value Money for What it Can Do for Them — Restore Belongingness or Control
Investigator(s):Wan WE
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:10/2014

Project Title:European Marketing Academy Annual Conference 2015; Does Workplace Ostracism Hurt Service Agents’ Value Coproduction with Customers? A Differential Sources and Needs Explanation
Investigator(s):Wan WE
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:05/2015

List of Research Outputs

ZOU W., Yim B.C.K. and Wan E.W., An Empirical Investigation of How Interpersonal Similarity Influences Customers' Crowding Perceptions in Services Context, 44th EMAC Annual Conference 2015.

Researcher : Wan WE

Project Title:Research Output Prize (Faculty of Business and Economics)
Investigator(s):Wan WE
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Research Output Prize (in Faculty)
Start Date:12/2010

Project Title:Does Seeing Human in Brands Enhance Brand Preference For Socially Disconnected Consumers? Anthropomorphism, Social Exclusion, and Brand Relationship
Investigator(s):Wan WE
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2014

Project Title:Association for Consumer Research North American Conference 2014; Socially Excluded People Value Money for What it Can Do for Them — Restore Belongingness or Control
Investigator(s):Wan WE
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:10/2014

Project Title:European Marketing Academy Annual Conference 2015; Does Workplace Ostracism Hurt Service Agents’ Value Coproduction with Customers? A Differential Sources and Needs Explanation
Investigator(s):Wan WE
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:05/2015

List of Research Outputs

Chen P.R., Wan W.E. and Levy E., The Influence of Social Exclusion on Consumer Preference for Anthropomorphized Brands, 2015 European Marketing Academy Conference. 2015.
Wan W.E., Chan K. and Chen P.R., Does Workplace Ostracism Hurt Service Agents’ Value Coproduction with Customers? A Differential Sources and Needs Explanation, In: Luk Warlop, Steve Muylle, the 2015 European Marketing Academy Conference. 2015.
Wan W.E., Chen P.R. and Jin L.Y., Judging a Product by the Look: The Effect of Anthropomorphism on Consumer Preference, Monash University, Research Symposium, Australia. 2015.
Zou L.I.L.I., Yim B.C.K. and Wan W.E., An Empirical Investigation of How Interpersonal Similarity Influences Customers’ Crowding Perceptions in Services Contexts, In: Luk Warlop, Steve Muylle, 2015 European Marketing Academy Conference. 2015.

Researcher : Wang D

Project Title:Academy of Management Annual conference; Government Officials’ Political Incentives and Corporate Diversification in an Emerging Economy
Investigator(s):Wang D
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2014
Completion Date:08/2014

Project Title:Fill in the Institutional Voids in Cross-Border Exchange: the Role of the State and an Inter-Group Contracting Theory
Investigator(s):Wang D
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:10/2014

Researcher : Wang J

Project Title:Drivers of Extended Warranty Purchases and How to Price Extended Warranties
Investigator(s):Wang J
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:09/2013

Project Title:Models and Analysis of Dual-Channel Supply Chain Strategies
Investigator(s):Wang J, Zhou Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:11/2013

Project Title:POMS 2015 Annual Meeting; Is pooling always better? Evidence from a supermarket/Intellectual Property Licensing in a Production Outsourcing Environment
Investigator(s):Wang J
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:05/2015

Researcher : Wang SH

Project Title:2014 Winter Marketing Educators Conference; Service Conversations: Dynamics of Service Context and Customer Participation
Investigator(s):Wang SH
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:02/2014

Project Title:Multichannel Service Conversations and Value Co-creations
Investigator(s):Wang SH
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:09/2014

List of Research Outputs

Wang S.H., Customer Live Chat Experience in an Embodied Virtual Interaction, 23rd Annual Frontiers in Service Conference. 2014.

Researcher : Wang X

Project Title:How Is Equity Value Affected by the Information Risk Associated with Accounting Earnings? Evidence from Closed-end Fund Discounts.
Investigator(s):Wang X
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:09/2012

Project Title:Differential Insider Trading Profitability and the Efficiency of Diversification in Multi-Segment Firms
Investigator(s):Wang X
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:11/2013

List of Research Outputs

Chen X., Cheng Q. and Wang X., Does Increased Board Independence Reduce Earnings Management? Evidence from Recent Regulatory Reforms, In: Russell Lundholm, Review of Accounting Studies. USA, Springer, 2015, 20: 899-933.

Researcher : Whitman JD

Project Title:Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues Measuring Profitability in the Time of Comprephensive Income
Investigator(s):Whitman JD
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:10/2001

Researcher : Wu C

Project Title:Signals and IPO Firms’ International M&A Activity
Investigator(s):Wu C
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:10/2012

Project Title:A Signaling Perspective on Strategic Investments: Evidence from IPO Firms
Investigator(s):Wu C
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2014

Project Title:2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting; Effects of R&D Investments and Signals on International Acquisitions: Evidence from IPO Firms
Investigator(s):Wu C
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2014
Completion Date:08/2014

List of Research Outputs

Wu C. and Reuer J., Effects of R&D Investments and Signals on International Acquisitions: Evidence from IPO Firms, Academy of Management. 2014.
Wu C. and Reuer J., Termination Payment Provisions in Acquisitions: An Information Economics Perspective, In: Belén Villalonga, Advances in Strategic Management. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014, 31: 71-104.

Researcher : Wu YS

Project Title:Field Experience on Multidimensional Tasks
Investigator(s):Wu YS
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:09/2012

Project Title:Incentive Compensation for Multidimensional Tasks: A Field Experiment
Investigator(s):Wu YS
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2014

List of Research Outputs

Wu Y.S., Ho J.L. and Wu A., Performance Measures, Consensus on Strategy Implementation, and Performance: Evidence from the Operational-level of Organizations, Accounting, Organizations and Society. 2014, 39: 38-58.
Wu Y.S., Chen C.X., Matsumura E.M. and Shin J.Y., The Effect of Competition Intensity and Competition Type on the Use of Customer Satisfaction Measures in Executive Annual Bonus Contracts, The Accounting Review. 2015, 90: 269-263.

Researcher : Xie X

List of Research Outputs

Cai D... .A..., Fink E... and Xie X., Conflict, anger, and communication, Conference of International Association of Conflict Management (2015, May). 2015.

Researcher : Yao Y

List of Research Outputs

Tao Z., Lo W.H. and Yao Y., JPMorgan: Hiring Chinese Princelings Becomes a Royal Pain, Asia Case Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong. 2014, 14/549C.

Researcher : Yen BP

Project Title:Analytical Modeling, Evaluation and Enhancement of Website Design
Investigator(s):Yen BP
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:10/2009

Researcher : Yim BCK

Project Title:Research Output Prize
Investigator(s):Yim BCK, Tse DKC
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Research Output Prize (in Faculty)
Start Date:12/2009

Project Title:Service-Sales Ambidexterity: A Dyadic Analysis on the Underlying Processes of Its Influences on Satisfaction and Performance Outcomes for Both Employees and Customers
Investigator(s):Yim BCK
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2015

List of Research Outputs

ZOU W., Yim B.C.K. and Wan E.W., An Empirical Investigation of How Interpersonal Similarity Influences Customers' Crowding Perceptions in Services Context, 44th EMAC Annual Conference 2015.
Zou L.I.L.I., Yim B.C.K. and Wan W.E., An Empirical Investigation of How Interpersonal Similarity Influences Customers’ Crowding Perceptions in Services Contexts, In: Luk Warlop, Steve Muylle, 2015 European Marketing Academy Conference. 2015.

Researcher : ZOU W

List of Research Outputs

ZOU W., Yim B.C.K. and Wan E.W., An Empirical Investigation of How Interpersonal Similarity Influences Customers' Crowding Perceptions in Services Context, 44th EMAC Annual Conference 2015.

Researcher : ZWANENBURG SP

List of Research Outputs

ZWANENBURG S.P., The Hong Kong Jockey Club: Transforming Customer Experience Through Information Technology, Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 2014, 34.

Researcher : Zhang Y

Project Title:Leaders’ early experiences of parenting practices and their destructive leadership behaviors
Investigator(s):Zhang Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:02/2014

Project Title:The 16th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology; Abusive leaders' core self-evaluation and their choices of victims
Investigator(s):Zhang Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:02/2015
Completion Date:02/2015

List of Research Outputs

Zhang Y., Abusive Leaders’ Core Self-evaluation And Their Choices Of Victims., The 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. 2015.

Researcher : Zhao B

Project Title:Bridging the “Valley of Death”? The Effects of Public Efforts on Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Investigator(s):Zhao B
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:03/2014

Project Title:HKU Overseas Fellowship Awards 2014-15
Investigator(s):Zhao B
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:HKU Overseas Fellowship Awards
Start Date:07/2014

Project Title:74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management ; Founding Environment and New Venture Survival: The Role of State Innovation Programs /State Innovation Programs and the Retention of Science and Technology Startups
Investigator(s):Zhao B
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2014
Completion Date:08/2014

Project Title:Trailing Connected Government Officials in Geographic Expansion: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Investigator(s):Zhao B
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:12/2014

Researcher : Zheng L

Project Title:Do institutions benefit from price runs? Some puzzling evidence
Investigator(s):Zheng L
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:09/2009

Project Title:Commercial Bank Disclosures and Market Uncertainty in the Financial Crisis: An Analysis of SEC Comment Letters
Investigator(s):Zheng L
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:02/2011

Researcher : Zheng Y

Project Title:How Do Start-ups Develop Dynamic Capabilities: A Cognitive Perspective
Investigator(s):Zheng Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:06/2013

Project Title:Time to leave? The influence of resource dependence structures on sequential investment termination by venture capital firms
Investigator(s):Zheng Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:10/2013

List of Research Outputs

Tian L. and Zheng Y., The work–family interface of business owner-managers in China, In: Jennifer E. Jennings, Kimberly A. Eddleston, P. Devereaux Jennings and Ravi Sarathy, Firms within Families Enterprising in Diverse Country Contexts. Northampton MA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, 176–191.
Zheng Y. and Yang H., Familiarity Foster Innovation? Repeated R&D Alliances and Breakthrough Innovations, Journal of Management Studies. Wiley, 2015, 52: 213-230.
Zheng Y. and Huang J., The antecedents and outcomes of business strategies within privately-held family and non-family SMEs in China, In: Jennifer E. Jennings, Kimberly A. Eddleston, P. Devereaux Jennings and Ravi Sarathy, Firms within Families Enterprising in Diverse Country Contexts. Northampton MA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, 57-72.

Researcher : Zhou KZ

Project Title:Research Output Prize (Faculty of Business and Economics)
Investigator(s):Zhou KZ
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Research Output Prize (in Faculty)
Start Date:12/2011

Project Title:Exchange Hazards, Contractual Design, and Exchange Performance: A Study of Buyer-Supplier Relationships in China
Investigator(s):Zhou KZ
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2014

Project Title:Customer Participation, Product Newness, and New Product Performance: A Conflict Management Perspective
Investigator(s):Zhou KZ
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2015

Project Title:2015 Annual Conference of CIMaR -- Consortium for International Marketing Research; Global Marketing Strategies of Emerging Market Firms
Investigator(s):Zhou KZ
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:05/2015

List of Research Outputs

Chen X., Chen X. and Zhou K.Z., Strategic Orientation, Foreign Parent Control, and Differentiation Capability Building of International Joint Ventures in an Emerging Market, Journal of International Marketing. 2014, 22: 30-49.
Gao G.Y., Xie E. and Zhou K.Z., How Does Supplier Network Drive Innovation of Buyer Firms? Technological Diversity, Network Features, and Market Forces, Journal of Operations Management. 2015, 36: 165-177.
Poppo L. and Zhou K.Z., Managing Contracts for Fairness in Buyer-Supplier Exchanges, Strategic Management Journal. 2014, 35: 1508-1527.
Zhou K.Z., How to Publish at Top-Tier Journals: Contractual and Relational Governance, Annual Conference of China Marketing Science. 2014.
Zhou K.Z., Marketing Strategies during Institutional Changes, China Marketing Development Summit. 2015.
Zhou K.Z., Li J.J., Sheng S. and Shao A., The Evolving Role of Managerial Ties and Firm Capabilities in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from China, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 2014, 42: 581-595.

Researcher : Zhou W

Project Title:Antitrust and Competition Policy Center Summer Workshop; Platform Subsidy with Endogenous Network Effects
Investigator(s):Zhou W
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2014
Completion Date:07/2014

List of Research Outputs

Yao Z. and Zhou W., Vertical or Horizontal: Endogenous Merger Waves in Vertically Related Industries, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. 2015, 15: 1237–1262.

Researcher : Zhou Y

Project Title:Supply Chain Structure for Firms with both Online and Offline Sales Channels
Investigator(s):Zhou Y
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:08/2012

Researcher : Zhu W

Project Title:American Accounting Association Annual Meeting; The enhanced economic role of accounting standards: Evidence from Bilateral cross-border M&A flows
Investigator(s):Zhu W
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2012

Project Title:Do star analysts cause market inefficiency?
Investigator(s):Zhu W
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:03/2013

Project Title:American Accounting Association Annual Meeting; Does internal control effectiveness affect innovative efficiency?
Investigator(s):Zhu W
Department:School of Business
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2013

-- End of Listing --