Researcher : Kochhar-Lindgren GM

Project Title:Development of CC Course "Mobile Identities: Dwelling, Place-Making, and Global Flows" (Project no. 15/586)
Investigator(s):Kochhar-Lindgren GM
Department:University Central
Source(s) of Funding:Teaching Development Grants
Start Date:08/2015

List of Research Outputs

Kochhar-Lindgren G.M., "Configuring Interdisciplinarity: The Common Core at the University of Hong Kong", In: Patrick Blessinger and Linda Watts, Creative Learning in Higher Education: International Perspectives and Approaches. Routledge, 2016.
Kochhar-Lindgren G.M., Hong Kong’s Laboratory of Liberal Learning: Design-Thinking, Phronēsis, and the Common Core, In: Daniel Araya and Peter Marber, The Evolution of the Liberal Arts in a Global Age. Routledge, 2017.
Kochhar-Lindgren G.M., The City as Mobility: Parasites, Auto-Immunity, and Translatability, Infectious Routes,Centre for Humanities and Medicine, University of Hong Kong. 2017.
Kochhar-Lindgren G.M., Working the Trans-: the Common Core@HKU, International General Education Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong Invited Plenary: “The City as Mobility: Parasites, Auto-Immunity, and Translatability,” Centre for Humanities and Medicine, Infectious Routes, University of Hong Kong, May 11-12, 2017. . 2017.

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