Researcher : Chen FF

List of Research Outputs

Chen F.F., Staging Everyday Life and the Pleasures of Leisure: Images of Women in Qing Dynasty Chinese Painting, public lectures Women in Art, co-organized by The University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU and the University of Hong Kong Museum Society. 2017.
Chen F.F., Wen Peng 'Letter in Running Script', 文彭《行書尺牘》, Shu yu hua. 書與畫, Shanghai, Shanghai shuhua chubanshe, 2017, 2017/07: 4.

Researcher : Lee WWS

List of Research Outputs

Lee W.W.S., The Management of Health Care and Hygiene in Hong Kong under the Japanese Occupation: Using Honkon Nippo as the Main Reference, 日佔時期香港醫療衛生的管理模式︰以《香港日報》為主要參考, NTU Humanitas Taiwanica. 臺大文史哲學報, Taipei, Publications Committee, National Taiwan University, 2017, 88: 119-155.

Researcher : Wong AYF

List of Research Outputs

Wong A.Y.F., Postscript for "The Ambiance of Lingnan: Studies in Chinese Seals and Seal Books" by Dr. Lau Ho Man, 嶺南印記∶劉浩敏印學文集 跋, Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 香港中文大學藝術系, Hong Kong, Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2018, 200-201.

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