Researcher : CHAN CM

List of Research Outputs

CHAN C.M., The Pattern of the Way: Reflections on the Argumentation of the Wenzi (written by Andrej Fech, translated into Chinese by Chan Chok Meng), 「道」與「文」:論《文子》的論證特點(費安德撰,陳竹茗中譯), In: Xianggang Jinhui daxue zhongwen xi 香港浸會大學中文系, ed., Xianggang Jinhui daxue zhongwen xi xi qing jinian wenji: xueshu juan. 香港浸會大學中文系系慶紀念文集.學術卷, 香港, 中華書局(香港)有限公司, 2017, 539-563.

Researcher : CHAN WK

List of Research Outputs

Lee T.K. and CHAN W.K., Transcreating Memes: Translating Chinese Concrete Poetry, In: Jean Boase-Beier, Lina Fisher and Hiroko Furukawa, The Palgrave Handbook of Literary Translation. London, Palgrave, 2018, 187-206.

Researcher : Chan CM

Project Title:The use of Chinese classical idiomatic phrases in practical writings
Investigator(s):Chan CM, Wong KW, Lam KT
Department:Chinese - Chin Lang Enhancement
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:09/2001

Researcher : Chan WM

List of Research Outputs

Chan W.M., From Rebel to National Hero: The Images of Zhang Huangyan in Qing Dynasty. 從逆寇到民族英雄: 清代張煌言形象的轉變, Taipei, National Taiwan University Press, 2017, 266.
Chan W.M., Revisiting Qianlong’s Condemnation of Qian Qianyi, 論清高宗貶抑錢謙益策略之成效: 以方志所見為中心的考察, Qian Qianyi: The Poet and His Circle. 錢謙益暨其師友門生詩文國際研討會, 2018.

Researcher : Chan YC

List of Research Outputs

Yeung H.W.O., Leung S.K., Chan Y.C. and Yeung M.S., In: HWO Yeung, SKLeung, YC Chan, MS Yeung, FOOTPRINTS: 90 Years of the School of Chinese, HKU. ⾜迹——香港⼤學中文學院九⼗年, Hong Kong, Chung Hwa Book Company [H.K.], 2017, 222.

Researcher : Chan YY

List of Research Outputs

Chan Y.Y., CPD Grant, 2018.
Chan Y.Y., Chinese Language and Culture, 2017.
Chan Y.Y., Chinese Language and Culture: a Study of Auspicious Symbols and Expressions, 2018.
Chan Y.Y., Culture and Chinese Language Teaching for Beginners, 淺談初級漢語教學中的文化課程設置, The 4th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. 第四屆國際漢語教學研討會, 2018.
Chan Y.Y., The Pedagogy of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language at Princeton-in-Beijing , 普北教學理念, 2017.

Researcher : Cheng X

List of Research Outputs

Yang H., Yeung Y., Cheng X. and Jin J., 商務普通話, 2017, 基礎篇.

Researcher : Cheung KYA

List of Research Outputs

Tang P.L. and Cheung K.Y.A., Chinese paleography in Hong Kong over last thirty years, 近三十年香港古文字研究之回顧, In: Centre for Research in Excavated Texts and Paleography, Fudan University, A Retrospective and Prospective of the Warring States Paleography. 戰國文字研究的回顧與展望, Shanghai, Zhongxi Book Company, 2017, 1-13.

Researcher : Choi SH

List of Research Outputs

Choi S.H., A Study of Flower Books in Ming China, The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons. Hong Kong, China, University of Hong Kong, 2017, 13 pp.
Choi S.H., The Studies of Plants in Shijing in Post-war Taiwan, Fifth Symposium on “Studies of Confucian Classics in Post-war Taiwan” . Taipei, Taiwan, Academia Sinica, 2017, 10 pp.
Choi S.H., The Studies of Plants in Shijing in Post-war Taiwan, Proceeding of the Fifth Symposium on “Studies of Confucian Classics in Post-war Taiwan”. Taipei, Taiwan, Academia Sinica, 2017, 1-10.

Researcher : Chu MK

Project Title:A study of the epistolary writings of Sun Di
Investigator(s):Chu MK
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff
Start Date:11/2017

List of Research Outputs

Chu M.K., How to use Digital Humanities tools to analyze text? A brief introduction of the application of the semi-automatic tagging platform MARKUS, 如何利用數位人文工具作文本分析?——淺談古籍半自動標記平台 MARKUS 的應用, International Conference on The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons The University of Hong Kong, China, October 21, 2017.. ” 「二十一世紀的明清: 新視角、新發現、新領 域」 國際學術研討會, 2017.
Chu M.K., Indigenous Elite Networks and Mongol Governance in Thirteenth-century North China, 十三世紀華北地區的本地精英網絡與蒙古帝國的管治, The Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology. 饒宗頤國學院院刊, Hong Kong, HKBU JAS, 2018, 5: 271-314.
Chu M.K., Life in exile: a study of Sun Di’s (1081-1169) letters in connection with his banishment to Xiangzhou, “Confronting Predicament: The Mentality and Patterns of Behavior of Chinese Intellectuals in the Second Millennium,” The Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 25, 2018.
Chu M.K., Pursuing Moral Governance: The Political and Social Implications of the Baxing (Eight Virtues) Scheme in Late Northern Song (960–1127) China, 德治的追求―北宋末年「八行」取士的政治和社會影響, Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies. Routledge, 2018, 66: 33-70.
Chu M.K., Using MARKUS to Tag and Analyse Chinese Text‬, 利用 MARKUS 整理中文文本, Digital Scholarship and Research Data Workshop, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library, March 6, 2018.. 2018.

Researcher : Fung KW

Project Title:25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology ; Investigating the Heavens and the Earth in Ancient China and the Graeco-Roman World: Zhang Heng and Ptolemy
Investigator(s):Fung KW
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2017
Completion Date:07/2017

List of Research Outputs

Fung K.W., A History of Learning Calendrical Studies in Beijing by Korean Calendrical-Mathematical Officials in the Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries: With Special References to Calendrical Calculation and the Making of Astronomical Instruments, 42pp. , 十四至十八世紀韓國曆算官員入北京學曆小史--以曆術推步及天文儀器 製作為中心-- , International Conference on The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, New Horizons, organized by香港大學中文學院(School of Chinese, University of Hong Kong), October 20-21, 2017, Hong Kong. . 二十一世紀的明清:新視角、新發現、新領域國際學術研討會 , 2017.
Fung K.W., A History of Western Surveying in China: With References to Matteo Ricci, Xu Guangqi and Emperor Kangxi, 57pp. , 西洋測量學在華流播小史:以利瑪竇、徐光啟、康熙皇帝為例, Public Lecture delivered at 復旦大學中華文明國際研究中心 (International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization, Fudan University), November 3, 2017, Shanghai, China. . 2017.
Fung K.W., A New Annotated Edition of Mengxi bi tan梦溪笔谈(Brush Talks From Dream Brook) by沈括Shen Kuo (1031-1095) [Co-authored; Simplified Chinese Edition]. 梦溪笔谈译注(合着)(简体字版), Beijing, CITIC Press, 2018, 430pp.
Fung K.W., A Work of Rationality in the Age of Knowledge Explosion: Introduction to Mengxi bi tan, 知识爆发时期的理性产物——《梦溪笔谈》导读, In: Fung Kam Wing, A New Annotated Edition of Mengxi bi tan梦溪笔谈(Brush Talks From Dream Brook) by沈括Shen Kuo (1031-1095) [Co-authored; Simplified Chinese Edition ]. 梦溪笔谈译注 (合著; 简体字版), Beijing, CITIC Press, 2018, 1-24.
Fung K.W., Collegio Romano and Michele Ruggieri’s (1543-1607) Scientific Literacy, 52pp. , The International Conference of “Michele Ruggieri: Portrait of A Jesuit Missionary at the Dawn of the Dialogue Between China and Europe”, jointly organized by Sapienza University of Rome and L’Orientale University of Naples, September 24-27, 2017, Rome-Naples, Italy. . 2017.
Fung K.W., Contract Research Project : “The Community Chest 50th Anniversary Oral History Book”, initiated and funded by The Community Chest, April 2018, 2018.
Fung K.W., Digital Humanities and East Asian History of Science and Technology, 29pp., Global Humanities Festival and International Conference on “Challenges and Duties of Humanities: Asian and Global Commitments” , organized by Xiamen University, April 16-20, 2018, Xiamen, China.. 2018.
Fung K.W., From Collegio Romano of Society of Jesus to Office of Calendar of Astronomical Bureau in Chongzhen Reign Period: With Special References to Christopher Clavius, Michele Ruggieri, Matteo Ricci, Schreck Johann Terrenz and Jacobus Rho, 100pp., 從耶穌會羅馬學院到崇禎欽天監曆局:以丁先生、羅明堅、利瑪竇、鄧玉函和羅雅谷為中心, Public Lecture delivered at Center of International Sinology, Shandong University, May 3, 2018, Jinan, China.. 2018.
Fung K.W., From Jacobus Rho (1592-1638) To Emperor Kangxi: The Transmission of Copernican Heliocentrism in 17th Century China, 46pp., World Humanities Conference, jointly organized by International Council for the Philosophy and Human Sciences and UNESCO, August 6-12, 2017, Liège, Belgium.. 2017.
Fung K.W., From Open Sea to Inland Waterways: Marine Surveying along the Coast of Pearl River Delta by Japanese Warships in Meiji and Taisho Periods, 90pp., 從外海到內河:明治、大正時期日本軍艦對廣東珠江三角洲沿岸的海事測 量 , International Conference on “Between Global and Regional: Early Modern Canton and Other Port-Cities”, organized by 中山大學歷史學系(Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University), December 2-4, 2017, Guangzhou, China. . “全球與區域之間——近代早期廣州口岸史研究”國際學術研討會, 2017.
Fung K.W., From The Royal Society’s Committee of the Kew Observatory to The Hong Kong Royal Observatory, 31pp. , 從英國皇家學會喬城天文台委員會到香港皇家天文台, The Third Academic Conference on the History of Meteorological Science and Technology, jointly organized by中國科學技術史學會氣象科技史委員會(The Committee for the History of Meteorological Science and Technology, Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology) and中國氣象局(China Meteorological Administration), November 6-7, 2017, Beijing, China.. 第三屆氣象科技史研究學術研討會, 2017.
Fung K.W., From the Liangyi xuanlan tu at Soongsil University to Chongzhen lishu at the Kyujanggak: The Dispersion of Western Surveying Works in Seventeenth-Century Chosŏn, 55pp. , 從韓國崇實大學校本《兩儀玄覽圖》到奎章閣本《崇禎曆書》--西洋測 量學圖籍在十七世紀朝鮮的流播-- , International Symposium: Friendship and True Meaning: Catholic Documents and the East-West Cultural Exchange History, jointly organized by Institute for Historical Studies, Chung-Ang University and Information Centre for Worldwide Asia Research, Beijing Foreign Studies University, November 24-25, 2017, Seoul, South Korea. . “交友與實義:天主教文獻與東西文化交流史”國際學術研討會, 2017.
Fung K.W., From the Map of East Asia at the Cartographic Collection of Cosimo I de’ Medici to Liangyi xuanlan tu at Soongsil University, 50pp., 從意大利美第奇家族柯西莫一世輿圖室《東亞地圖》到韓國崇實大學《兩 儀玄覽圖》, Academic Conference on “Inheritance and Innovation: Reviewing and Envisioning the History of Chinese Science, in Honour of Mr Yan Dunjie’s 100th Birthday, jointly organized by中國科學院自然科學史研究所 (Institute for History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences) and中國數學史學會(Chinese Society for the History of Mathematics), December 16-17, 2017, Beijing, China.. 繼承與創新:中國科學史研究的回顧與瞻望--紀念嚴敦傑先生誕辰一百周年學術研討會, 2017.
Fung K.W., History of Meteorology in North East China as Seen from Japanese Archival Materials of Early and Mid-Twentieth Century: Some Preliminary Reflections, 55pp., 二十世紀初中期日本檔案中所見東三省氣象史資料舉隅, Public Lecture delivered at Liaoning Meteorological Bureau, June 12, 2018, Shenyang, China.. 2018.
Fung K.W., Instruments, Meteorological Forecasting and Everyday Life Technology in China, Hong Kong and Japan, 1870-1950, 27pp., The First Plenary Conference of CRF Project “Making Modernity in East Asia: Technologies of Everyday Life, 19th -21st Centuries”, organized by Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong, December 7, 2017, Hong Kong. 2017.
Fung K.W., Investigating the Heavens and the Earth in Ancient China and the Graeco-Roman World: Zhang Heng and Ptolemy, 34pp. , The 25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology (ICHST), jointly organized by The Brazilian Society for the History of Science (Sociedade Brasileira de História da Ciência – SBHC), The Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST) of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST) and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, July 23-29, 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. . 2017.
Fung K.W., Islamic Horological Technology in Yuan and Ming China, 45pp., The Second Astronomical Silk Road International Workshop on “Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in China and Central Asia”, jointly organized by Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China and College of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, July 6-9, 2017, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China . 2017.
Fung K.W., Islamic Science during the Yuan and the Ming, 60pp., 元明時期伊斯蘭科學, Public Lecture delivered at 北京外國語大學全球史研究院(Institute for Global History, Beijing Foreign Studies University), November 29, 2017, Beijing, China. . 2017.
Fung K.W., Jesuit Colleges and the Transmission of Scientific Knowledge in the Sixteenth Century: With Special References to “Modus Parisiensis” and Ratio Studiorum, 78pp. , 十六世紀耶穌會學校與科學知識傳播:兼論“巴黎法範”與《教學規程》, Integrating and Surpassing: The International Symposium for the 410th Anniversary of the First Chinese Translation of the Elements cum The 6th Workshop of History of Mathematics in Shanghai), jointly organized by School of History and Culture of Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Xuhui Bureau of Culture and The Society for History of Chinese Mathematics, November 3-5, 2017, Shanghai.. 會通‧超勝:紀念《幾何原本》翻譯410周年國際學術研討會暨第六屆上海數學史會議, 2017.
Fung K.W., Mapping East Asia: Transmission of Western Surveying in China, Japan and Korea (1580-1830), 71pp., International Conference on Traditional Sciences in Asia 2017: East-West Encounter in the Science of Heaven and Earth, jointly organized by DAGGSM, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and Unit of Synergetic Studies for Space, Kyoto University, October 25-27, 2017, Kyoto, Japan. . 2017.
Fung K.W., Mapping Kaga no Kuni in Eighteenth-and-Nineteenth Century Japan, 50pp. , The International Symposium of “Mapping Asia: Cartographic Encounters between East and West”, jointly organized by Leiden University Libraries, Leiden University and The Commission on the History of Cartography of the International Cartographic Association (ICA), September 15-16, 2017, Leiden, The Netherlands.. 2017.
Fung K.W., Professor Ho Peng Yoke and Study of History of Chinese Science and Technology, 10pp., 何丙郁教授與中國科學技術史研究, Academic Workshop on “Joseph Needham and History of Chinese Science and Technology”, jointly organized by Needham Research Institute, Cambridge and The University of Science and Technology Beijing, June 9, 2018, Beijing, China. . 2018.
Fung K.W., Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, Vol.36, No.3 (July 2017). 自然科學史研究, Beijing, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Acade, 2017, 36.
Fung K.W., Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, Vol.36, No.4 (October 2017). 自然科學史研究, Beijing, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Acade, 2017, 36.
Fung K.W., Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, Vol.37, No.1 (January 2018). 自然科學史研究, Beijing, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Acade, 2018, 37.
Fung K.W., Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, Vol.37, No.2 (April 2018). 自然科學史研究, Beijing, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Acade, 2018, 37.
Fung K.W., The Historical Sources cited by Dongxiyang hanghaitu [Nautical Chart of the Eastern and Western Seas; or The Selden Map of China]: Some Reflections, 東西洋航海圖參引史料蠡測, In: Li Xiaoti 李孝悌, Chen Xueran 陳學然, Hai ke Yingzhou : chuan tong Zhongguo yan hai cheng shi yu jin dai Dong Ya hai shang shi jie. 海客瀛洲:傳統中國沿海城市與近代東亞海上世界, Shanghai, Shanghai gu ji chu ban she, 2017, 160-187.
Fung K.W., The Maritime Silk Road from the Perspective of Sea Charts and Terrestrial Globes in East and West in the Sixteenth and the Seventeenth Centuries, 從十六、十七世紀東西方航海圖及地球儀看海上絲綢之路, In: Hong Kong Museum of History, Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University, Collected Essays of “To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the History of the Maritime Silk Road”. 海表方行:海上絲綢之路史國際學術研討會論文集, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of History, 2018, 122-136.
Fung K.W., The Study of Chongzhen lishu and Related Works by Japanese Calendrical-Mathematicians in the Seventeenth and the Eighteenth Centuries, 41pp., 十七、十八世紀日本曆算學者對《崇禎曆書》及其相關文獻的研治, Conference on “Chongzhen lishu and Calendrical and Mathematical Studies during Ming-Qing Transition”, jointly organized by浙江大學科技與社會發展研究所(Research Institute of Science, Technology and Social Development, Zhejiang University) and 中國科學技術大學科技史與考古系(Department for the History of Science and Scientific Archaeology, University of Science and Technology of China), October 6-7, 2017, Hangzhou, China. 《崇禎曆書》與明清之際曆算學”專題研討會, 2017.
Fung K.W., The Study of Stars and the Calendar by Classicist in Eastern Han, 21pp. , 東漢經學家之星曆研究, International Symposium in Honour of Professor C.Y. Sin’s Seventieth Birthday, jointly organized by香港中華文化促進中心(The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture), 臺灣中央研究院中國文哲研究所 (Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan), 香港大學中文學院(School of Chinese, University of Hong Kong),香港能仁專上學院中文系(Department of Chinese, Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education), December 9, 2017, Hong Kong. . 單周堯教授七秩華誕國際學術研討會, 2017.
Fung K.W., The Transmission of the Western Technology of Making Terrestrial Globes in China: With Special References to Emmanuel Diaz, Jr., Adam Schall von Bell and Ferdinand Verbiest, 51pp. , 十七世紀西洋地球儀製作技術在華流播小考--以陽瑪諾、湯若望、南懷仁為中心--, International Conference on Sino-Western Relations in Macao cum the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of Associação de Estudo de História e Cultura de Macau, jointly organized by澳門歷史文化研究會(Associação de Estudo de História e Cultura de Macau) and澳門 理工學院(Macao Polytechnic Institute), October 9-11, 2017, Macau, China. . 澳門中外關係史國際學術討論會暨澳門歷史文化研究會第16屆年會, 2017.
Fung K.W., Zhang Heng and Ptolemy: Astronomy and Cartography in Early Imperial China and the Graeco-Roman World, 54pp., The Joseph Needham Symposium on Early Cultural and Scientific Transmission across Eurasia with China, jointly organized by The Joseph Needham Foundation for Science and Civilisation (Hong Kong), Needham Research Institute (Cambridge), Department of History, Centre for Chinese History, Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, March 26-27, 2018, Hong Kong.. 2018.

Researcher : Ho VWC

List of Research Outputs

Ho V.W.C., Tailor-made Teaching of University Practical Language Course in Hong Kong , Journal of Modern Education Review. USA, Journal of Modern Education Review, Academic Star Publishing, 2018, Vol.8, No.1: 40-44.

Researcher : Hui CH

List of Research Outputs

Hui C.H., Lecturing activities in the Hok Hoi Library before the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, International Symposium in Honour of Professor C.Y. Sin’s Seventieth Birthday. Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture, 2017, 16pp.
Hui C.H., Lun Yu Fen Lei Xuan Zhu and its relation with Hong Kong, The fifth academic conference on “Post-war classical studies in Taiwan (1945-present) ”. Taibei, Academia Sinica, 2017, 16pp.
Hui C.H., Senior Secondary School Chinese History Textbooks in the 21st Century Hong Kong , In: F. Lee & T. K Han, Knowledge and Consensus: Discussions on Education and Textbooks by Modern Scholars. Hong Kong, Chunghwa Book Company, 2017, 513-530.
Hui C.H., Views of Zhu Quan on the history of Han and Tang Dynasties: Inspirations from the Han Tang Mi Shi, In: School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, International Conference on “The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons”. Hong Kong, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, 2017, 16pp.
Hui C.H., Yu Shu Man and the Hok Hoi Library, The World of Chinese Language and Literature. Taibei, Wan juan lou tu shu gu fen you xian gong si, 2018, 394: 43-46.

Researcher : Hung BPY

List of Research Outputs

Hung B.P.Y., Publishing Award in Language Learning, 出版獎, Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2017. 香港出版雙年獎2017, 萬里機構, 2017.
Hung B.P.Y. and Li S.L., 全方位旅遊日語, 萬里機構出版社, Hong Kong, 萬里機構出版社, 2018, 1: 239.

Researcher : Jin J

List of Research Outputs

Yang H., Yeung Y., Cheng X. and Jin J., 商務普通話, 2017, 基礎篇.

Researcher : Klein LR

Project Title:Untitled: On the Cultural Translatability of Li Shangyin’s Poetry
Investigator(s):Klein LR
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff
Start Date:06/2014

Project Title:Untitled: On the Cultural Translatability of Li Shangyin's Poetry
Investigator(s):Klein LR
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:07/2015

Project Title:ACLA 2017 Annual Meeting; Indirect Treatment of the Ding: The Phenomenon of Misreading "Imagism" in American Translations of Chinese Poetry
Investigator(s):Klein LR
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2017
Completion Date:07/2017

List of Research Outputs

Klein L.R., Discerning the Soil: Translation, Form, & Content in the World Poetics of Bian Zhilin, In: Tsung-Cheng Lin 林宗正, Zhang Bowei 张伯伟, From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early Twentieth Century China. 从传统到现代的中国诗学, Shanghai, Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2017, 571-613.
Klein L.R., Indirect Treatment of the Ding: The Phenomenon of Misreading "Imagism" in American Translations of Chinese Poetry, American Comparative Literature Association 2017 Annual Meeting . 2017.
Klein L.R., Stalling J. and Huang Y.B., October Dedications, Mang Ke 芒克, 十月的獻詩, In: Lucas Klein, Hong Kong, Chinese University Press, 2018.
Klein L.R., Bei Dao and Song Z.J., Publications director, In: Bei Dao 北島, Lucas Klein, Chris Song 宋子江, Ancient Enmity. 古老的敵意, Hong Kong, Chinese University Press, 2017.
Klein L.R., Strong and Weak Interpretations in Translating Xi Chuan and Li Shangyin, Translation and Translators in East Asia, Oxford University. 2017.
Klein L.R., The Sight of Mightiest Empire: Imperialism & Anti-Imperialism in Miltonic Visions, College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Fudan University. 2018.
Klein L.R., Work and Art and Work of Art: Dagong Poetry and the Shijing in Translation & Cultural Translation, In: Lucas Klein, Maghiel van Crevel, The Moving Target: Translation and Chinese Poetry, Leiden University. Leiden University, 2018.
Klein L.R., “The Opulent Zither’s Startled Strings": Ideological Opposition in Xikun Style Poetry & the Translation of Li Shangyin, MLA Annual Convention. 2018.

Researcher : LU X

List of Research Outputs

LU X., 基於語料庫的政府工報告英譯中被動語態的應用研究, Corpus-based Translation Studies. 語料庫釋譯學, Shanghai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2018, Chapter 2, Section 2.6.

Researcher : Lai WY

Project Title:UCSB International Colloquium on Taiwan Literature -E-E??++?q?p?s
Investigator(s):Lai WY
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2000

Project Title:A study of Chen Yin-Ke
Investigator(s):Lai WY
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:11/2003

Researcher : Lam KT

List of Research Outputs

Lam K.T., Mingshi Jiaju de Renwen Jingguan , 明式家具的人文景觀, In: Lau Chu Pak, Classical Chinese Huanghuali Furniture from the Haven Collection. Shanghai: Shanghai Sanlian Shudian. 明式黃花梨家具︰晏如居藏品選, Shanghai, 上海三聯書店, 2018, 23-26.

Researcher : Lee TK

Project Title:ATISA VII Biennial Conference: Where Theory and Practice Meet; Self-Translation, Translingual Writing and Hybridized Identities in Multilingual Singapore
Investigator(s):Lee TK
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:04/2014

Project Title:Discursive China: Textual Formations and Cultural Power
Investigator(s):Lee TK
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Fund for Basic Research
Start Date:06/2016

Project Title:HKU Overseas Fellowship Awards 2017-18
Investigator(s):Lee TK
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:HKU Overseas Fellowship Awards
Start Date:06/2017

Project Title:Taboo Desires: Incest in Contemporary Fiction and Film
Investigator(s):Lee TK
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Fund for Basic Research
Start Date:06/2017

Project Title:Methods XVI Tachizawa 2017; Workshop: Synchronic transfers in Colloquial Singapore English: Case studies based on text message data/Paper: The sentence-final particle sia in a corpus of Colloquial Singapore English text message data
Investigator(s):Lee TK
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2017

List of Research Outputs

Baynham M. and Lee T.K., Questions of power and ideology in an interpreting and translating event, AILA: The 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. 2017.
Lee T.K., Applied Translation Studies. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Lee T.K., The identity and ideology of Chinese translators, The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation. Abingdon, Routledge, 2017, 244-256.
Lee T.K. and CHAN W.K., Transcreating Memes: Translating Chinese Concrete Poetry, In: Jean Boase-Beier, Lina Fisher and Hiroko Furukawa, The Palgrave Handbook of Literary Translation. London, Palgrave, 2018, 187-206.

Researcher : Leung SK

List of Research Outputs

Chu M., Leung S.K., Wang S.C. and Yeung M.S., Rare Treasures: Book Seals from the U.S. Library of Congress Rare Chinese Collection. 美國國會圖書館中文古籍藏書鈐記選萃, Hangzhou, China, Xiling Seal Engraver’s Society Publishing House 西泠印社出版社, 2017, 3 volumes.
Yeung H.W.O., Leung S.K., Chan Y.C. and Yeung M.S., In: HWO Yeung, SKLeung, YC Chan, MS Yeung, FOOTPRINTS: 90 Years of the School of Chinese, HKU. ⾜迹——香港⼤學中文學院九⼗年, Hong Kong, Chung Hwa Book Company [H.K.], 2017, 222.
Yeung M.S. and Leung S.K., (Co-authored) “Discovering the Literary Value of the Collectors’ Seals of the Ming-Qing Periods: A Focus on the Chinese Rare Book Seals of the U.S. Library of Congress", 發掘明清藏書印的文獻價值——以美國國會圖書館中文古籍鈐記為中心, The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons, , October 20-21, 2017, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.. 二十一世紀的明清研究:新視角、新發現、新領域國際學術研討會, 2017.

Researcher : Lin PY

Project Title:Envisioning Modernity: Popular Culture and Chinese-language Literature from Taiwan under Japanese Rule
Investigator(s):Lin PY
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2016

Project Title:Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting 2018; Alternative Chineseness: War Experience and National Longing in Pan Lei’s Red River Trilogy (1952) and Deng Kebao’s Alien Lands (1961)
Investigator(s):Lin PY
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:03/2018
Completion Date:03/2018

List of Research Outputs

Lin P.Y., "Voice from the Margin: Gender and Ethnicity in Rimuy Aki's Home of Taiwan Cherries and Home Yearning", 邊緣的發聲:里慕伊•阿紀《山櫻花的故鄉》與《懷鄉》中的性別與族群, Wenyi zhengming. 文藝爭鳴, 2018.
Lin P.Y., Alternative Chineseness: War Experience and National Longing in Pan Lei's Red River Trilogy (1952) and Deng Kebao's Alien Lands (1961), Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. 2018.
Lin P.Y., Beyond National Boundaries and Postcolonialism: New Approaches to Interpreting Colonial Taiwanese Literature, Harvard-Yenching Institute 90th Anniversary Alumni Conference. 2018.
Lin P.Y., Globalizing Taiwan Studies: Institutionalization of Taiwan Studies and Research Trends of Modern Chinese-language Literature Abroad, 2018.
Lin P.Y., Introduction, Scales of Injustice: The Complete Fiction of Loa Ho. 2018, ix-xxi.
Lin P.Y., Vernacular Sentimentalism: Narrating Love in Postwar Taiwan and Hong Kong: Taking Wang Lan and Xu Su as Examples, International Workshop on Asia Literature and Culture Dissemination after World War II. 戰後亞洲文學與文化傳播國 際工作坊, 2018.
Lin P.Y., 「研究者對話」座談會系列:文化翻譯與文學生產. 2017.

Researcher : Liu MW

Project Title:Development of the Buddha-nature teaching in China
Investigator(s):Liu MW
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Hsu Long Sing Research Fund
Start Date:12/2005

Researcher : Ng ENS

Project Title:Court interpreting and jurors’ access to English trials in Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Ng ENS
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff
Start Date:12/2016
Completion Date:07/2018

Project Title:13th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists ; Medical Evidence and Legal Justice: when medical doctors waive their right to an interpreter in court (Final Report: Linguistic Disadvantage before the Law: Chinese Witnesses Testifying in English in the Hong Kong Courtroom)
Investigator(s):Ng ENS
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2017
Completion Date:07/2017

Project Title:Jury comprehension: English trials heard by Chinese jurors in the Hong Kong courtroom
Investigator(s):Ng ENS
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Early Career Scheme (ECS)
Start Date:09/2017

Researcher : Poon HF

List of Research Outputs

Lee H.K., Chiu C.K., Kwok P.F., Hsu T.P., Poon H.F. and Siu K.W., In: 李雄溪、招祥麒、郭鵬飛、許子濱、潘漢芳、蕭敬偉, 單周堯教授七秩壽慶 論文集, Taipei, 萬卷樓圖書股份有限公司, 2017, 517.
Poon H.F., 從語言角度探討《孔叢子》首六卷「成書於戰國後期至秦代」的說法, In: LEE HK, CHIU CK, KWOK PF, HSU TP, POON HF, SIU KW, 單周堯教授七秩壽慶 論文集, 台灣, 萬卷樓圖書股份有限公司, 2017, 371-388.

Researcher : Si CM

Project Title:International Conference on Chinese Language Studies +?+?+P+?-n
Investigator(s):Si CM
Department:Chinese - Chinese Lang Division
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/1999

Researcher : Sin CY

Project Title:Annual Conference on Chinese Linguistics 1998-99 ?e?~+y?j?n?s?f???-?°???°+++q
Investigator(s):Sin CY
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:11/1999

Project Title:The International Conference Commemorating the Centennial Discovery of Oracle Bone Inscriptions +?
Investigator(s):Sin CY
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:12/1999

Project Title:Symposium on Prospect of the Chinese Language 21?@?÷?i???^+U+P?e-? -- (?~+y?j?r?s) +s
Investigator(s):Sin CY
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:12/1999

Researcher : Siu KW

List of Research Outputs

Lee H.K., Chiu C.K., Kwok P.F., Hsu T.P., Poon H.F. and Siu K.W., In: 李雄溪、招祥麒、郭鵬飛、許子濱、潘漢芳、蕭敬偉, 單周堯教授七秩壽慶 論文集, Taipei, 萬卷樓圖書股份有限公司, 2017, 517.
Siu K.W., A Critical Study on “Chunqiu Zuo Zhuan” in Yu Chang’s Xiangcao Jiaoshu, 讀于鬯《春秋左傳》《校書》小識, International Conference on The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons . 「二十一世紀的明清: 新視角、新發現、新領 域」國際學術研討會, 2017.
Siu K.W., An Analysis of the Issue on Deciding Proper Cantonese Pronunciations, 粵讀審音問題探析, In: Tang, Sze-Wing, Current Research in Chinese Linguistics. 中國語文通訊, Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2018, 97(1): 143-151.
Siu K.W. and Tse Y.K., Chief Editor, 主編, In: Tse, Y.K. & Siu K.W., Eruditus. 大學海, Hong Kong, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, 2018, 5: 151.
Siu K.W., Issues on proofreading of the Dunhuang manuscript of Kongzi Jiayu, 敦煌寫本《孔子家語》殘卷校讀補識, In: Lee, H.K., Chiu C.K., Kwok P.F., Hsu T.P. (Chief Ed.). Poon, H.F., Siu, K.W.(Ed.) , Festschrift in Honour of Professor Sin Chow-yiu on his 70th Birthday. 單周堯教授七秩壽慶論文集, Taipei, Wan Juan Lou Books Company, 2017, 347–358.
Tse Y.K. and Siu K.W., Chief Editor, In: Tse YK & Siu KW (Chief), Eruditus. 大學海, Hong Kong, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, 2017, 4: 234.

Researcher : Song G

Project Title:Masculinities in Chinese Television: Mediating National and Global Identities
Investigator(s):Song G
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2017

List of Research Outputs

Song G., "A Study on M.E.P. and Catholic Vernacular Literature in Mid-Qing China", 道理恒一、惟文有異:巴黎外方傳教會與清中葉天主教的白話書寫, International Conference on M.E.P. and China since the Qing Dynasty, Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 26-27, 2017. “巴黎外方傳教會與清代以來的中國”國際學術研討會.
Song G., From Anti-Japanese Drama to Wolf Warrior II: Manhood and Nationhood, Invited lecture, Xiamen University. 2017.
Song G., 男性形象與身份建構:在全球與本土之間, Invited lecture at Changshu Institute of Technology. 2017.
Song G., Jesuit-Confucian Dialogues on the Soul in Late Ming Fujian, 晚明福建關於靈魂的耶儒對談, Studies on Western Learning in China, Series 7. 西學東漸研究 • 第七輯, Beijing, Commercial Press, 2018, 173-190.
Song G., Member of the Editorial Board, The Journal of Oriental Studies. Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong & Stanford University, 2017, Vol. 43.
Song G., Rescuing the World with Chinese Masculinity, WAGIC: Women and Gender in China. WAGIC, 2018.
Song G., Televising the Cosmopolitan Subject in Contemporary China, AAS-in-Asia. Seoul, Korea, 2017.
Song G., The Many Faces of Chineseness, Invited lecture, Xi'an Jiao Tong-Liverpool University. 2017.
Song G., “Christian Narratives on Jesus’ Life In Nineteenth-century China”, In: Anne Tomiche, Le Comparatisme comme approche critique. Traduction et transferts / Translation and Transfers, Tome 4. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2017, 4: 497-515.
Song G., “Re-locating the ‘Middle Kingdom’: A 17th-Century Chinese Adaptation of Matteo Ricci’s World Map” , International Symposium “Mapping Asia – Cartographic Encounters between East and West,” Leiden University, September 15-16, 2017.

Researcher : Song G

Project Title:Learning from the Other: Giulio Aleni, Kouduo richuo, and late Ming Dialogic Hybridization (To be changed to "Giulio Aleni, Kouduo richao, and Chinese-Christian Dialogism in Late Ming China")
Investigator(s):Song G
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Hsu Long Sing Research Fund
Start Date:12/2008

Project Title:Eleventh International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities; Between Saintly Maid and Nationalist Heroine: Joan of Arc in 19th-Century China
Investigator(s):Song G
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:06/2013

Project Title:2013 ICLA International Congress; The Son of God Who Also Speaks Chinese: Biography of Jesus in 19th-century China
Investigator(s):Song G
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2013

Project Title:Transmission, Writing, and Imagination: The West in Late Imperial Chinese Culture
Investigator(s):Song G
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Louis Cha Fund
Start Date:02/2016

Project Title:Mapping Asia: Cartographic Encounters between East and West; Re-locating the “Middle Kingdom”: A 17th-Century Chinese Adaptation of Matteo Ricci’s World Map
Investigator(s):Song G
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:09/2017
Completion Date:09/2017

List of Research Outputs

Song G., "A Study on M.E.P. and Catholic Vernacular Literature in Mid-Qing China", 道理恒一、惟文有異:巴黎外方傳教會與清中葉天主教的白話書寫, International Conference on M.E.P. and China since the Qing Dynasty, Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 26-27, 2017. “巴黎外方傳教會與清代以來的中國”國際學術研討會.
Song G., From Anti-Japanese Drama to Wolf Warrior II: Manhood and Nationhood, Invited lecture, Xiamen University. 2017.
Song G., 男性形象與身份建構:在全球與本土之間, Invited lecture at Changshu Institute of Technology. 2017.
Song G., Jesuit-Confucian Dialogues on the Soul in Late Ming Fujian, 晚明福建關於靈魂的耶儒對談, Studies on Western Learning in China, Series 7. 西學東漸研究 • 第七輯, Beijing, Commercial Press, 2018, 173-190.
Song G., Member of the Editorial Board, The Journal of Oriental Studies. Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong & Stanford University, 2017, Vol. 43.
Song G., Rescuing the World with Chinese Masculinity, WAGIC: Women and Gender in China. WAGIC, 2018.
Song G., Televising the Cosmopolitan Subject in Contemporary China, AAS-in-Asia. Seoul, Korea, 2017.
Song G., The Many Faces of Chineseness, Invited lecture, Xi'an Jiao Tong-Liverpool University. 2017.
Song G., “Christian Narratives on Jesus’ Life In Nineteenth-century China”, In: Anne Tomiche, Le Comparatisme comme approche critique. Traduction et transferts / Translation and Transfers, Tome 4. Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2017, 4: 497-515.
Song G., “Re-locating the ‘Middle Kingdom’: A 17th-Century Chinese Adaptation of Matteo Ricci’s World Map” , International Symposium “Mapping Asia – Cartographic Encounters between East and West,” Leiden University, September 15-16, 2017.

Researcher : Sun Y

List of Research Outputs

Sun Y., Friendship and Literary Writings: a study of Liu Shouzeng (1838-1882)'s uncollected works, Bibligography Quarterly. Taipei, 2017, 51: 101-107.
Sun Y., Song Wang Tai, Yi Min Complex and the Lyrical Politics of Liu Yazi's Tunan Ji, Bulletin of Studies of Literature and Culture in Republican China. 民國文學與文化集刊, 2018, 146-164.
Sun Y., Studies on Classical Poetics of the Nanshe Scholar Gu Zhi, Journal of Shantou University(Humanities Edition). CHINA, 2017, 5-12.

Researcher : Tang PL

Project Title:A Comparative Study of the Language of Shangshu and Bronze Inscriptions
Investigator(s):Tang PL
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2017

List of Research Outputs

Tang P.L., A Discussion of “Ping” and “Beng” in the Shangshu in Light of Excavated Texts, 談《尚書》所見「平」、「伻」二字:基於出土文獻的考察, In: Fudan University, International Conference on the Interpretation of Excavated and Received Texts. 「出土文獻與傳世典籍的詮釋」國際學術研討會, 2017.
Tang P.L., A Discussion of “Ping” and “Beng” in the Shangshu in Light of Excavated Texts, 談《尚書》所見「平」、「伻」二字:基於出土文獻的考察, In: Centre for Research in Excavated Texts and Paleography, Fudan University, The Interpretation of Classics from the Perspective of Excavated Texts. 出土文獻與傳世典籍的詮釋, Shanghai, Zhongxi Book Company, 2017.
Tang P.L., A Preliminary Interpretation of “Bo” in the Newly Discovered Shou Mei Bronze Inscription, 新見《壽䍙尊》銘文所見“ ”字試釋, In: Lingnan University, Conference on Excavated Texts: Language, History, and Thought. 「出土文獻:語言‧古史與思想」學術研討會, Hong Kong, 2017.
Tang P.L., A Stylistic Analysis on the Shangshu and Bronze Inscriptions, 《尚書》與金文的語體考察, In: Feng Shengli, A New Inquiry into the Chinese Stylistic-Register Grammar. 漢語語體語法新探, Shanghai, Zhongxi Book Company, 2018.
Tang P.L. and Cheung K.Y.A., Chinese paleography in Hong Kong over last thirty years, 近三十年香港古文字研究之回顧, In: Centre for Research in Excavated Texts and Paleography, Fudan University, A Retrospective and Prospective of the Warring States Paleography. 戰國文字研究的回顧與展望, Shanghai, Zhongxi Book Company, 2017, 1-13.
Tang P.L., Elegantiae, Eulogia, and New Evidence from Excavated Texts. 《雅》《頌》與出土文獻新證, Beijing, China, The Commercial Press, 2017, 328.
Tang P.L., From “Ling Zhong” to “Shan Zhong”: A Comprehensive Analysis Based on Excavated Sources and Transmitted Texts, 從「令終」到「善終」──基於出土文獻與傳世典籍的綜合考察, In: Fudan University and Yale-NUS College, Excavated Manuscripts and Chinese Classical Studies. 出土文獻與中國古典學, Shanghai, Zhongxi Book Company, 2018, 13-30.
Tang P.L., Interpretations on the Passages Relating to Wisdom, Benefit, and Trustfulness in the "Yin Gao Zong Asked the Three Elders", 清華簡(五)《殷高宗問於三壽》有關「智」、「利」、「信」三段簡文考釋, Excavated Texts. 出土文獻, Beijing, 2017, 11: 194-204.
Tang P.L., Notes on the rhymes of the Jin Gong bronze inscription, 談〈晉公盤〉銘文的韻讀及文字問題, In: The Baptist University of Hong Kong & University of Macau, International Conference on the Integration of Old Chinese Phonology and Paleography. 「上古音與古文字研究的整合」國際研討會, 2017.
Tang P.L., On the Issues of Textual Formation and Authenticity: A Language Study on the Shangshu and Bronze Inscriptions, International Workshop: Warp, Woof, Wen / Phoneme, Pattern, Pun - Structural Approaches to Early Chinese Texts. University of Zurich, 2018.
Tang P.L., On the Pre-Qin Bird Hunting Activities in Light of the Pictorial Bronzes of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, 從東周畫像紋銅器談先秦弋射活動, Centre for Research in Excavated Texts and Paleography, Fudan University. Shanghai, 2018.
Tang P.L., On the Pre-Qin concept of “guiltlessness” in light of divination and sacrifice texts in Chu bamboo manuscripts, 從楚地卜筮祭禱簡談先秦時期之「不辜」, In: Society for Chinese Excavated Materials, Tokyo University, Studies on Chinese Excavated Materials. 中國出土資料研究, 2017, 21: 67-87.
Tang P.L., On the Shijing and contemporary classics teaching: A study from the perspective of character education, 《詩經》與當代經典教育:從品格教育理論作出考察, In: Si Chung Mou, A New Exploration of Chinese Language Teaching and Culture. 漢語教學與文化新探, Hong Kong, Chung Hwa Book Company, 2017.
Tang P.L., On the laws relating to death penalty in the “Answers to questions about laws” of the Shuihudi Qin manuscripts: A discussion about “lu” and “ding sha”, 睡虎地秦簡《法律答問》所見之死刑──有關“戮”與“定殺”的討論, In: Center for the Studies of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts, Wuhan University, Jianbo (Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts). 簡帛, Shanghai Guji Chubanshe, 2017, 15: 107-118.
Tang P.L., Re-Interpreting the Classics: Relationship Between the Shangshu and Bronze Studies in the Qing Dynasty, 經典的重新詮釋──談清代《尚書》學與金石學間之關係, In: The University of Hong Kong, International Conference on “The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons”. 二十一世紀的明清:新視角、新發現、新領域, Hong Kong, 2017.
Tang P.L., Research Sharing on Interpreting Excavated Texts: The Prescription of “Zhi Jiuke Shangqu” in the Wuwei Medical Bamboo Slips, 出土文獻釋讀經驗簡介:武威漢代醫簡〈第一類簡〉「治久欬上氣」方, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica. 2017.

Researcher : Tang SF

Project Title:Selfhood and Authenticity in the Xunzi
Investigator(s):Tang SF
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Project Title:The 20th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy; Two Visions of Confucianism: Mencius and Xunzi
Investigator(s):Tang SF
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2017
Completion Date:07/2017

List of Research Outputs

Tang S.F., Two Visions of Confucianism: Mencius and Xunzi, 20th International Conference of International Society for Chinese Philosophy. 2017.
Tang S.F., Xunzi’s Confucian Constructivism: An Initial Sketch, Singapore-Hong Kong-Macau Symposium on Chinese Philosophy 2018.
Tang S.F., Xunzi’s Confucianism: Ritual as Self-Creation, Summer Workshop Program in Chinese Studies by Sinological Development Charitable Foundation (SDCF). 2017.
Tang S.F., 從荀子的為己之學看孟荀異同, 重估道統與統合孟荀學術研討會, 2017.
Tang S.F., 荀子思想中的化性起偽與道德動機, 香港中文大學哲學系講座, 2018.
Tang S.F., 梁漱溟的佛儒生命書寫, 人間佛教的生命書寫與家國關懷, Hong Kong, Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, 2017, 185-192.

Researcher : Tse YK

List of Research Outputs

Siu K.W. and Tse Y.K., Chief Editor, 主編, In: Tse, Y.K. & Siu K.W., Eruditus. 大學海, Hong Kong, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, 2018, 5: 151.
Tse Y.K., A Review of "An Examination on the Lexical Errors of the Common Sayings" by Zhou Mengyang of the Ming Dynasty , 明周夢暘《常談考誤》釋詞述評, International Conference on The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 2017.
Tse Y.K. and Siu K.W., Chief Editor, In: Tse YK & Siu KW (Chief), Eruditus. 大學海, Hong Kong, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, 2017, 4: 234.
Tse Y.K., The Use of Ambiguity in Modern Chinese Language, The Fifth International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse, University of Sydney, Australia. 2018.

Researcher : Wang A

Project Title:From Totalitarian to Utilitarian: The Conceptual Coupling of Mao's New Man and Liberal Old Self"
Investigator(s):Wang A
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Louis Cha Fund
Start Date:02/2014

Researcher : Wang S

List of Research Outputs

Wang S., Music, Social Media and Public Pedagogy: Indie Music in the Post-Cantopop Epoch, In: Prof. Ka Ho Mok, Asian Education and Development Studies. UK, emerald, 2017, Vol. 7 Issue: 1: 42-52.
Wang S., Transmission and Innovation in the Performance of Guzheng in the Age of New Media, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference 2017.
Wang S., 1930-1959年間香港廣播音樂管見, In: 周光蓁, 香港音樂的前世今生── 香港早期音樂發展歷程 (1930s-1950s), 香港, 三聯書店, 2017, 356-375.

Researcher : Williams NM

Project Title:Intersecting Influences of Buddhist Thought and Chinese Rhetoric in Classical Japan: A Literary Study of Kūkai’s Sangō shiiki
Investigator(s):Williams NM
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff
Start Date:05/2017

Project Title:15th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies Association of Australia ; "Promiscuous Imagery: The Influence of Chuci on Song Ci"
Investigator(s):Williams NM
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2017
Completion Date:07/2017

List of Research Outputs

Chen Z. and Williams N.M., The Shijing: The Collection of Three Hundred, In: Fritz-Heiner Mutschler, The Homeric Epics and the Chinese Book of Songs: Foundational Texts Compared. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 255-282.
Williams N.M., Journal editor, Tang Studies. Milton Park, UK, Taylor and Francis, 2017.
Williams N.M., Quasi-Phantasmal Flowers: An Aspect of Wang Wei’s Mahāyāna Poetics., Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles Reviews (CLEAR). 2018, 39: 27-53.
Williams N.M., 云誰之思?”––––中國詩詞中的無標記對話及其詮釋學意義, 古典詩學的現代觀照 ———中國詩學研究前沿國際論壇論文集, Nanjing, Fenghuang chubanshe, 2018, 1-28.

Researcher : Wong KW

Project Title:Electronic rhetoric in Chinese
Investigator(s):Wong KW, Lam KT, Chan CM
Department:Chinese - Chin Lang Enhancement
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:01/2002

Researcher : Wong YT

List of Research Outputs

Wong Y.T., Wandering In The Countryside: Lives Of The Ming Yimin Clans In Cui Wei Shan Of Jiang Xi, 彷徨於野外:明遺民及其家屬在江西翠微峰的生活, International Conference Of The Ming And Qing In The 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, New Horizons. 二十一世紀的明清:新視角、新發現、新領域」國際學術研討會, 2017.

Researcher : Wu C

Project Title:Peking Opera, Epitheatre and Writing in Nineteenth Century Beijing
Investigator(s):Wu C
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Discovery Grant of The Australian Research Council - General Award
Start Date:01/2011

Project Title:The 9th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS); Urbanization, individualism, and the circulation of pornography in the late Ming period
Investigator(s):Wu C
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:07/2015

Project Title:A Vulgar Half-Century: Urban Commoners and the Production of Early Seventeenth-Century Popular Pornography in the Lower Yangtze Delta
Investigator(s):Wu C
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:08/2016

Project Title:The 2018 International Conference on Chinese Oral and Performing Literature; Sancaifu: A Re-Discovered Mid-Qing Opera in Suzhou Dialect
Investigator(s):Wu C
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:03/2018
Completion Date:03/2018

List of Research Outputs

Wu C., Methodological Reflections on the Significance of Same-Sex Desire in Traditional Chinese Society, Research Seminar, Jao Tsung-i Academy Of Sinology, Hong Kong Baptist University . 2018.
Wu C., Sancaifu in Relation to the Commoner Plays of Qing Dynasty Suzhou, International Conference on The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons. 2017.
Wu C., Sancaifu: A Re-Discovered Mid-Qing Opera in Suzhou Dialect, The 2018 International Conference on Chinese Oral and Performing Literature. 2018.
Wu C., Thoughts on Key Issues of Same-Sex Desire in Traditional Chinese Society, Committee on Gender Equality and Diversity, The University of Hong Kong . 2017.

Researcher : Yang B

Project Title:Money, Culture, and Social Ascendancy: Learned Women in Mercantile Lineages from Huizhou, 1700-1850
Investigator(s):Yang B
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:08/2015
Completion Date:02/2018

List of Research Outputs

Yang B., "A Pictorial Autobiography by Zeng Jifen (1852-1942) and the Use of the 'Exemplary' in China's Modern Transformation", NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China. 2017, 19.2 (2017): 263-315.
Yang B., Book Review: Fiction’s Family: Zhan Xi, Zhan Kai, and the Business of Women in Late-Qing China, written by Ellen Widmer, 2016
. Nan Nu: Men, Women and Gender in China., 2017, 19.1 (2017): 139-42.

Researcher : Yang H

List of Research Outputs

Yang H., Yeung Y., Cheng X. and Jin J., 商務普通話, 2017, 基礎篇.

Researcher : Yeung HWO

List of Research Outputs

Yeung H.W.O., Leung S.K., Chan Y.C. and Yeung M.S., In: HWO Yeung, SKLeung, YC Chan, MS Yeung, FOOTPRINTS: 90 Years of the School of Chinese, HKU. ⾜迹——香港⼤學中文學院九⼗年, Hong Kong, Chung Hwa Book Company [H.K.], 2017, 222.

Researcher : Yeung MS

Project Title:King's/HKU Fellowship Awards 2016-17
Investigator(s):Yeung MS
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:King's/HKU Fellowship Awards
Start Date:06/2016

Project Title:Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies. 46th Annual Conference; From China Trade to Chinese Language Promotion: An Examination of Matthew Raper’ Life and His 1807 A Dictionary: Chinese and English Carefully Compiled from Many Others
Investigator(s):Yeung MS
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:10/2017
Completion Date:10/2017

Project Title:Religion, Literature, Recreation and Diplomacy: The Role of Canton’s Haichuang Buddhist Temple in 19th Century China-West Relations
Investigator(s):Yeung MS
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Early Career Scheme (ECS)
Start Date:11/2017

List of Research Outputs

Chu M., Leung S.K., Wang S.C. and Yeung M.S., Rare Treasures: Book Seals from the U.S. Library of Congress Rare Chinese Collection. 美國國會圖書館中文古籍藏書鈐記選萃, Hangzhou, China, Xiling Seal Engraver’s Society Publishing House 西泠印社出版社, 2017, 3 volumes.
Yeung H.W.O., Leung S.K., Chan Y.C. and Yeung M.S., In: HWO Yeung, SKLeung, YC Chan, MS Yeung, FOOTPRINTS: 90 Years of the School of Chinese, HKU. ⾜迹——香港⼤學中文學院九⼗年, Hong Kong, Chung Hwa Book Company [H.K.], 2017, 222.
Yeung M.S., "Circulation of Hanzi xiyi and the Chinese Language Studies of the English-Speaking Community of Canton during the Mid-Qing Dynasty", 《漢字西譯》的流布與清朝中葉廣州地區英、美社群的漢語學習, Documentation and Explanation: International Conference on Canton and other Port-cities from the 18th to the 20th Century, , December 3-4, Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.. 文獻與闡釋——廣州口岸史研究的拓展與深化國際學術會議, 2017.
Yeung M.S., "Retrospective of 20th Century Studies of Shitong: A Focus on Knowledge of its Editions and the History of Its Transmission and Reception", 20世紀における『史通』学の回顧―版本知識・伝承と受容の歴史を中心に―, In: FUJIMOTO Wakio, East Asian Studies . 東アジア研究, Osaka, Osaka University of Economics and Law, 2018, 68: 15-28.
Yeung M.S. and Leung S.K., (Co-authored) “Discovering the Literary Value of the Collectors’ Seals of the Ming-Qing Periods: A Focus on the Chinese Rare Book Seals of the U.S. Library of Congress", 發掘明清藏書印的文獻價值——以美國國會圖書館中文古籍鈐記為中心, The Ming and Qing in the 21st Century: New Discoveries, New Perspectives, and New Horizons, , October 20-21, 2017, School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.. 二十一世紀的明清研究:新視角、新發現、新領域國際學術研討會, 2017.
Yeung M.S., Chinese-Meets-Western and Multifunctionality: Starting to Rebuild the History of Haichuang Buddhist Temple in the Mid-Late Qing Dynasty, 薈萃中西.多元功能——論重構清朝中後期海幢寺歷史的起點, Academic Conference on the Overseas Literature and Culture of Haichuang Temple, December 10, Haichuang Temple, Guangzhou, China . 海外文獻與海幢寺文化學術研討會, 2017.
Yeung M.S., “A Multi-Functional Venue for China-West Contacts: The Canton (Guangzhou) Buddhist Temple Haichuang from the Late 18th to the Mid-19th Centuries”, 22nd Annual Asian Studies Conference Japan. 2018.
Yeung M.S., “From China Trade to Chinese Language Promotion: An Examination of Matthew Raper’ Life and His 1807 A Dictionary: Chinese and English Carefully Compiled from Many Others”, 46th Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies, October 6-8, 2017, Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.. 2017.

Researcher : Yeung Y

List of Research Outputs

Yang H., Yeung Y., Cheng X. and Jin J., 商務普通話, 2017, 基礎篇.

Researcher : Yeung YF

Project Title:Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2009-10
Investigator(s):Yeung YF
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award
Start Date:12/2010

Project Title:The Literary and Cultural Significance of Cantonese Branch of Nanshe in Modern Context
Investigator(s):Yeung YF
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2015
Completion Date:12/2017

Researcher : Yu Y

List of Research Outputs

Yu Y., 京剧音韵学研究内容、方法及材料举例, In: 《中国音韵学》编辑委员会, 第13届中国音韵学国际研 讨会, 广西省南宁市, 广西民族出版社, 2017, 194-202.

Researcher : Yue IMC

Project Title:Foreignness and the Representation of Monstrosity in Vernacular Chinese Fiction
Investigator(s):Yue IMC
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Project Title:HKU Overseas Fellowship Awards 2015-16
Investigator(s):Yue IMC
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:HKU Overseas Fellowship Awards
Start Date:06/2015

Project Title:Second Conference on Middle Period Chinese Humanities; An Animalistic Warrior? A Demon-Vanquishing Scholar? The Two Faces of Zhong Kui
Investigator(s):Yue IMC
Department:School of Chinese
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:09/2017
Completion Date:09/2017

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