Researcher : Chan RCK

Project Title:Planning for high-tech industrial development in a transitional economy: the case of Shanghai, China
Investigator(s):Chan RCK
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)
Start Date:11/2002
This research will start with an analysis of the critical elements accounting for the success of high-tech industries based on the international experiences. An assessment of these specified elements will then be carried out in Shanghai with the objectives of disclosing if these factors exist in Shanghai; revealing the hurdles and obstacles preventing high-tech industries from operating and growing smoothly. and examining how the government's strategy and policies work, and what government has done and what is still missing to nurturing high tech.

List of Research Outputs

Chan R.C.K. and Yao S.M., 10th Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Awards, Jiangsu Province on the book entitled "Urban Agglomerations in China" co-author with Yao Shimou. 2007.
Chan R.C.K., Editorial Board Member, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Urban & Regional Planning (2007 - present). 2008.
Chan R.C.K., Editorial Board Member, China Review (2001 - present). 2007.
Chan R.C.K., Editorial Board Member, Planning and Development (2005 - present). 2008.
Chan R.C.K. and Lin G.C.S., From a Colonial Outpost to a Special Administrative Region: Hong Kong's First Decade of Reunion with China, The China Review. Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 2008, 8(1): 1-6.
Chan R.C.K. and Lin G.C.S., Guest Editor, The China Review: Special Issue (Hong Kong: Ten Years After The Hanover). Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 2008, 8(1): 175pp.
Chan R.C.K., Honourable Member, Institute of Shopping Centre Management (January 2004 - present). 2007.
Chan R.C.K., Invited Talk to Secondary School Principals organised by the Education Bureau 30 June 2008 entitled "Regional Disparities in China". 2008.
Chan R.C.K., Land Preservation Policies in China, paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston USA, 15-19 April 2008.
Chan R.C.K. and Xie Y., Measurement of the Degree of Compactness of Mega Cities in China: A Conceptual Analysis, paper presented at the International Conference on China's Urban Land and Housing in the 21st Century, organised by the Hong Kong Baptist University, 13-15 December 2007.
Chan R.C.K., Member, International Editorial Board, Sustainable Development (September 2005 - present). 2007.
Chan R.C.K., 香港回歸十年城市規劃與建設, Report on City Development in China (2007). 中國城市發展報告(2007), 中國,北京, 中國城市出版社, 2008, 407-416.
Shamsad B. and Chan R.C.K., Locational Behaviour of Street Enterprises: a case study of Khulna, Bangladesh, paper presented at the 9th Asian Urbanziation Conference, Chun-cheon, Republic of Korea, 18-23 August 2007.
Yao S.M., Chan R.C.K. and Wang B., 對我國沿海大城市空間擴展規律的初步認識, Modern City. 現代城市, 2007, 2(4): 5-9.
Yao S.M. and Chan R.C.K., 中國城市化戰略目標及其基本對策, 經濟咨詢. 2008, 2: 13-16.
Yao S.M., Chan R.C.K., Wang B. and Wang C., 我國沿海大城市發育機制與成長因素分析, Areal Research and Development. 地域研究與開發, 2008, 27(3): 1-6.

Researcher : Cheung HY

List of Research Outputs

Ng M.K., Lo Y.H., Cheung H.Y., Lee K.W., Leung D.T.H. and Kwan B.Y.W., In: Mee Kam Ng, Regina Lo, Hoi Yee Cheung, Anton Lee, Darwin Leung and Billy Kwan, Reporting Sustainabiilty in Hong Kong and the Central and Western District: Technical Report. Hong Kong, 2007, pp190.

Researcher : Cheung KK

List of Research Outputs

Law W.W.Y., Ho B.S.F., Chow W.C. and Cheung K.K., Building a Sustainable New Town: A Comprehensive Planning Review on the Social, Economic and Environmental Potentials of Tuen Mun, report prepared for Tuen Mun District Council, Hong Kong, 2007.
Law W.W.Y., Ho B.S.F., Chow W.C. and Cheung K.K., Towards Sustainable Tourism Development in Southern District: The Role of Wong Chuk Hang and its Adjoining Areas, report prepared for Southern District Council, Hong Kong. (in Chinese), 2007.

Researcher : Chiu RLH

List of Research Outputs

Chiu R.L.H., Housing for the future: a sustainable model, National Conference on Housing Environment of the Future, organized by The Korean Housing Association, 11 November 2006, Pushan University. 2007.
Chiu R.L.H., Member, Urban Renewal Appeal Board (2007-2010), 2007.
Chiu R.L.H., Member, International Advisory Committee, Housing Theory and Society. 2007.
Chiu R.L.H., Member, International Advisory Committee, Housing Theory and Society. 2008.
Chiu R.L.H., Professionalization of property management: the important elements, Conference of Property Management in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, organized by the Institute of Habitat, Government of Macao special Administrative Region, 25 September 2006. 2007.
Chiu R.L.H., Urban Policy and Research. 2008.
Chiu R.L.H., Urban Policy and Research. 2008.
Chiu R.L.H., Urban Policy and Research. 2007.
Chiu R.L.H., Urban Policy, Urban planning and housing: how could they contribute to the sustainability of high-density Asian cities?, APNHR conference 2007: Transformations in Housing, Urban Life, and Urban Policy, organized by Korean Chapter, Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research, 30 August – 1 September 2007, Seoul National University, South Korea.. 2007.
Chiu R.L.H., Urban policy, housing and the sustainability of high-density Asian cities, International Housing Conference on Achieving Quality Living in an Ageing Community, organized by the Hong Kong Housing Society, 10-11 April 2008, Hong Kong.. 2008.
Chiu R.L.H., Urban policy, housing and the sustainability of high-density Asian cities, Research Seminar, Institute of Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology, 28 February 2008. 2008.

Researcher : Chow WC

List of Research Outputs

Law W.W.Y., Ho B.S.F., Chow W.C. and Cheung K.K., Building a Sustainable New Town: A Comprehensive Planning Review on the Social, Economic and Environmental Potentials of Tuen Mun, report prepared for Tuen Mun District Council, Hong Kong, 2007.
Law W.W.Y., Ho B.S.F., Chow W.C. and Cheung K.K., Towards Sustainable Tourism Development in Southern District: The Role of Wong Chuk Hang and its Adjoining Areas, report prepared for Southern District Council, Hong Kong. (in Chinese), 2007.

Researcher : Hills PR

Project Title:Trade in environmental services as a mechanism of ecological modernisation in the Asia-Pacific region
Investigator(s):Hills PR
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:11/2003
To develop a conceptual framework and conduct empirical analysis of the role of the trade liberalisation in environmental services (as facilitated under the General Agreement on the Trade in Services - GATS) as a mechanism of ecological modernisation (EM); to formulate more general explanations of current transformations of environmental practices, discourses and institutions.

Project Title:Engaging business with environmental change: an analysis of impediments and incentives in Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Hills PR
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)
Start Date:12/2003
To identify the factors (i.e., impediments) which deter Hong Kong firms from moving beyond regulatory compliance. Research from elsewhere suggests that these factors may include costs, lack of information and awareness, inadequate human resources and a general lack of commitment to improved corporate governance. The specific causal factors at work in Hong Kong have yet to be established. We propose to identify and characterize these factors by an extensive series of interviews with representatives of key stakeholder groups : in the business community, government, consumer associations, environmental NGOs, labour groups, financial services and academia; to identify incentives that various stakeholder groups feel may assist in encouraging local firms to move beyond regulatory compliance; to evaluate those incentives in terms of their efficacy in the Hong Kong context by presenting them to the same firms previously interviewed to determine the extent to which they are likely to promote significant changes in corporate behaviour and responsiveness to environmental concerns; to consider whether there might be policy initiatives creating new partnerships between government and business, voluntary negotiated agreements and market-based mechanisms which together or separately would encourage businesses to become more proactive.

Project Title:Trust, legitimacy and the environmental policy process in Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Hills PR
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:11/2004
The project will explore the background to this apparent 'trust deficit' problem by means of a structured questionnaire survey involving representatives of key stakeholder groups in government, the business community and civil society.

Project Title:Partnerships, voluntary agreements and the process of environmental reform in Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Hills PR, Welford RJ
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)
Start Date:01/2005
To assess the existing and potential contributions of voluntary, cooperative environmental partnerships between business and NGOS, in business-to-business relationships along supply chains - especially those involving operations in the Pearl River Delta Region, and between business and government in Hong Kong; to identify the barriers to the adoption of such arrangements; to identify the positive drivers that can be developed to facilitate this adoption.

Project Title:Trust, legitimacy and environmental reform in Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Hills PR, Welford RJ
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)
Start Date:01/2006
To investigate the dimensions of the concept of trust as reflected in the optinions and attitudes of stakeholders with direct involvement in, or good levels of knowledge of, the environmental policy process; to determine the existing level of trust in, and the legitimacy of, environmental policies, policy instructments and institutions, that exists among stakeholders; to identify factors that may explain variations in the level of trust among different stakeholders and in relation to different institutions, policies and policy instruments; to identify mechanisms or initiatives that may enhance levels of trust in these institutions, policies and instruments.

List of Research Outputs

Gouldson A., Hills P.R. and Welford R.J., "Ecological modernization and policy learning in Asia: lessons from Hong Kong", Geoforum. 2008, 39: 313-330.
Hills P.R., Executive Editor, International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development. 2007.
Hills P.R., Member, Editorial Board, Business Strategy and the Environment (2000 - present). 2007.
Hills P.R., Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Sustainable Society. 2007.
Hills P.R., Member, International Advisory Board, International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development (2005 - present). 2007.
Hills P.R., Member, International Advisory Board, Local Environment (2000 - present). 2007.
Hills P.R., Member, International Advisory Board, Policy and Politics (2000 - present). 2007.
Hills P.R., Member, International Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (2000 - present). 2007.
Hills P.R., Member, International Editorial Board, Sustainable Development. 2007.
Studer Surbeck S.C., Tsang S.S.L., Welford R.J. and Hills P.R., "SMEs and voluntary environmental initiatives: a study of stakeholders' perspectives in Hong Kong", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2008, 51(2): 285-301.
Yu J., Hills P.R. and Welford R.J., Extended Producer Responsibility and Eco-design Changes: Perspectives from China, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment, 2008, 15(2): 111-124.

Researcher : Hui LH

List of Research Outputs

Hui L.H. and Ng M.K., Politics and the management of public health disasters: reflections on the SARS epidemic in Greater China, In: Dr. Anuar Zaini Md. Zain, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. Malyasia, Sage publishing, 2007, 19: 7-12.
Ng M.K. and Hui L.H., Practice report: sustainability impact assessment (SIA) in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: "both necessary and impossible?", In: Colin Kirkpatrick and Carys E. Jones, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. UK, 3, 2007, 25: 233-238.
Ng M.K. and Hui L.H., Public health risk planning in Hong Kong: SARS revisted and its aftermath, AESOP 2007, Planning for the Risk Society. Naples, Italy, 2007.

Researcher : Kwan BYW

List of Research Outputs

Ng M.K., Lo Y.H., Cheung H.Y., Lee K.W., Leung D.T.H. and Kwan B.Y.W., In: Mee Kam Ng, Regina Lo, Hoi Yee Cheung, Anton Lee, Darwin Leung and Billy Kwan, Reporting Sustainabiilty in Hong Kong and the Central and Western District: Technical Report. Hong Kong, 2007, pp190.

Researcher : Lam CKJ

List of Research Outputs

Lam C.K.J., Ecological modernization and environmental innovation, a case study of public transport industry in Hong Kong, unpublished PhD thesis, the University of Hong Kong. 2007.

Researcher : Law WWY

List of Research Outputs

Law W.W.Y., "Moving" the Community, invited lecture for SA3232 Transport Policy course, Department of Social and Public Administration, City University of Hong Kong. 23 October 2007. 2007.
Law W.W.Y., Ho B.S.F., Chow W.C. and Cheung K.K., Building a Sustainable New Town: A Comprehensive Planning Review on the Social, Economic and Environmental Potentials of Tuen Mun, report prepared for Tuen Mun District Council, Hong Kong, 2007.
Law W.W.Y., Planning for Locally Unwanted Land Uses in Hong Kong – Role of Local NGO, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Siting of Locally Unwanted Facilities: Challenges and Issues, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 12-14 December 2007. 284-291.
Law W.W.Y., Planning for Open Spaces and Urban Parks in Compact Cities: Towards sustainability and better quality of life, Conference Paper, presented at 2007 Taiwan National Parks and Green Network Conference, 19-20 December 2007, Taiwan. 2007.
Law W.W.Y., Reviewed manuscripts, "An Investigation of Citizen Participation in HK on the basis of the Urban Renewal of Lee Tung Street" for Urban Planning International, Beijing. (in Chinese). 2007.
Law W.W.Y., Reviewed manuscripts, "Land-use Planning for Open Space in Hong Kong: a Longitudinal Study" for Land Use Policy. 2007.
Law W.W.Y., Ho B.S.F., Chow W.C. and Cheung K.K., Towards Sustainable Tourism Development in Southern District: The Role of Wong Chuk Hang and its Adjoining Areas, report prepared for Southern District Council, Hong Kong. (in Chinese), 2007.

Researcher : Lee KW

List of Research Outputs

Ng M.K., Lo Y.H., Cheung H.Y., Lee K.W., Leung D.T.H. and Kwan B.Y.W., In: Mee Kam Ng, Regina Lo, Hoi Yee Cheung, Anton Lee, Darwin Leung and Billy Kwan, Reporting Sustainabiilty in Hong Kong and the Central and Western District: Technical Report. Hong Kong, 2007, pp190.

Researcher : Leung DTH

List of Research Outputs

Ng M.K., Lo Y.H., Cheung H.Y., Lee K.W., Leung D.T.H. and Kwan B.Y.W., In: Mee Kam Ng, Regina Lo, Hoi Yee Cheung, Anton Lee, Darwin Leung and Billy Kwan, Reporting Sustainabiilty in Hong Kong and the Central and Western District: Technical Report. Hong Kong, 2007, pp190.

Researcher : Lo YH

List of Research Outputs

Ng M.K., Lo Y.H., Cheung H.Y., Lee K.W., Leung D.T.H. and Kwan B.Y.W., In: Mee Kam Ng, Regina Lo, Hoi Yee Cheung, Anton Lee, Darwin Leung and Billy Kwan, Reporting Sustainabiilty in Hong Kong and the Central and Western District: Technical Report. Hong Kong, 2007, pp190.

Researcher : MacPherson KL

Project Title:Planning central business districts in China and Hong Kong
Department:Department of History
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:08/2003
To examine historically the development of central business districts in China and Hong Kong as well as their transformation and future viability in the face of unprecedented urban growth and economic restructuring.

Project Title:Shanghai's port development in historical perspective
Department:Department of History
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:11/2003
To examine historically the political, economic and natural factors that have impacted on port development, maintenance and design in Shanghai ove the past 200 years.

Project Title:A history of public health in Asia and the Pacific
Department:Department of History
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:12/2003
To explore in different countries in Asia and the Pacific how disease patterns and health problems, and the collective responses to them, have been shaped over time by cultural, economic, social, political, demographic and environmental factors. If will show how the non-medical context is important in the history of human disease, as well as how significant disease is in the larger histories of the region.

Project Title:Britons overseas: Hong Kong's colonial development, 1841-1997
Department:Department of History
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:05/2004
To examine the British community in Hong Kong from the perspectives of Empire and locality to analyse how this community maintained, redefined, extended and transformed its identity during Hong Kong's formative development.

List of Research Outputs

Lewis M. and MacPherson K.L., "Public Health in Asia and the Pacific: An Introduction", In: Milton Lewis and Kerrie L. MacPherson (eds), Public Health in Asia and the Pacific: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. London, Routledge Press, Advances in Asia Pacific Studies, 2007, pp.1-9.
Lewis M. and MacPherson K.L., Public Health in Asia and the Pacific: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. London, Routledge Press, Advances in Asia Pacific Studies, 2007, 320 pp.
MacPherson K.L., "Healthy and Sustainable Cities Forum" sponsored by the Oxford Health Alliance and Mandag Morgen, Macquerie University, Australia 29 February 2008. 2008.
MacPherson K.L., "Invisible Borders: Hong Kong, China and the Imperatives of Public Health", In: Milton Lewis and Kerrie L. MacPherson (eds), Public Health in Asia and the Pacific: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. London, Routledge Press, Advances in Asia Pacific Studies, 2007, pp.10-54.
MacPherson K.L., "One Public,Two Health Systems: Hong Kong and China, Integration without Convergence", The China Review: Special Issue (Hong Kong: Ten Years after the Handover). Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 2008, 8(1): 85-104.
MacPherson K.L., 'Public Health and the Environment in China: Everything Old is New Again', at the International Meeting, Environment and Health in China, Social Science Research Council (SSRC) New York, University of Hong Kong, 4 February 2008.
MacPherson K.L., 2008 Oxford Health Alliance Annual Summit: "Building a Healthy Future: Chronic Diseases and Our Environment", Sydney 25-27 February 2008. 2008.
MacPherson K.L., Invited Paper, "Lict and Illicit Medicine: Chinese versus Western Medicine in Hong Kong", International Conference on Medicine and Modernity, Yonsei and Seoul Universities August 2007 . 2007.
MacPherson K.L., RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) 2007/2008, Reconnecting Public Health and the Environment. 2007.

Researcher : Moinuddin G

List of Research Outputs

Moinuddin G., GIS led Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) in Urban Physical Planning: An Investigation into Some Conceptual Dynamics, Jahangirnagar Planning Review. Dhaka, Bangladesh, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, 2008, 6: 12-21.
Moinuddin G. and Walker R.M., Policy Tools and their Consequences: Evidence from Environmental and Housing Policy in Hong Kong, Linking Tools of Government to Good Governance: A Comparative Perspective International Conference of Korean Institute of Public Administration, Seoul, South Korea, 23-24 May 2008.

Researcher : Ng MK

Project Title:Building a sustainable Central and Western District: retrospect and prospect
Investigator(s):Ng MK
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:09/2000
To understand the concept of sustainable community; to examine the development of Central and Western District and assess if its moving towards sustainability; to evaluate the roles of the District Council in the district's development process; to offer recommendations to the Central and Western District Council on building a sustainable district.

Project Title:Communicative or manipulative practice? The "Realrationalität" and "Realpolitik" of urban planning in Hong Kong.
Investigator(s):Ng MK
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:12/2005
Globalisation, democratisation and the concerns for better quality of life have led to the rise of partnership and collaborative planning, very often down to the neighbourhood level, that aims at concensus building in many high-income countries. While some hail this as the "communicative turn" of planning practice (Healey, 1993, 1997) that makes equitable planning possible, skeptics regard such an approach a naive one that fails to address the power structure (Flyvbjerg, 1998) which sets the agenda, determines the engagement process and validates knowledge claims. In recent years, following the advocacy of NGOs (Designing Hong Kong and Citizen Envisioning @ Harbour) and academic institutions such as CUPEM in HKU, the government of Hong Kong has also started to engage the general public in its urban planning practice, prime examples include the redevelopment of the once controversial Kai Tak site and the still hotly debated reclamation saga related to the Central Wanchai Bypass (CWB). From a utilitarian point of view, the government was forced to engage in communicative practice to satisfy the overriding public needs of future reclamation laid down by the court rulings which was instigated by the Society for the Protection of Harbour, an NGO formed to oppose harbour reclamation. Is the process contributing to Hong Kong's development as "Asia's world city" and sustain her visibility in the global stage? Or has the process been manipulated to legitimise certain development agenda favoured by power holders? Through thick and dense analyses of the participatory planning processes of an NGO-driven local community planning exercise (which should allow it be free from power manipulation) and a HEC-driven (Harbourfront Enhancement Committee) strategic planning review, the Wanchai Phase II Review (on the CWB) (which maybe viewed as an advisory body dominated by government interests), this project aims to examine in detail the unfolding of the "realrationalität" and "realpolitik" of the urban planning processes in Hong Kong. Specific objectives of the project are: oTo develop a deeper theoretical understanding of the following concepts and to explore their inter-relationships in the planning process: communicative practice and power structure; how rationalities are defined in practice ("realrationalität"); and formal politics (institutional set up) vs. "realpolitik" in the planning processes; oTo ascertain the relevance of the synthesised framework in the non-democratic polity of Hong Kong and refine the theoretical framework, if necessary; oTo investigate, through the two case studies (one at a neighbourhood level led by an NGO and one at a strategic territorial level led by the government): - The history, rationale, major stakeholders and modes of planning practice adopted; - The relative importance of global and local agenda in determining the rhetoric of the projects; - The processes, skills and techniques employed in the planning process; and - The play of power in consensus building and the unfolding of"realrationalität"and "realpolitik"throughout the processes. oTo evaluate if Hong Kong's experience in collaborative planning within a non-democratic polity is communicative or manipulative in nature and to explore, if possible, the way forward for the local planning scene in face of power on one hand and globalisation and rising aspiration of local communities towards better quality of life on the other.

Project Title:Reporting Sustainability in Hong Kong: a first attempt
Investigator(s):Ng MK
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Sustainable Development Fund
Start Date:05/2006
1) To synthesise the best theories and practices in sustainability reporting especially in the public domain for the reference of concerned parties in Hong Kong; 2) to derive a set of sustainability reporting principles for Hong Kong; 3) to critically review and report on the current state of environment and institutional context in Hong Kong; 4) based on the synthesised information, sustainability reporting principles, the GRI public sector supplement and other best practice and through stakeholders engagement, develop a framework and a set of indicators that suit the specific context of Hong Kong; 5) to engage different stakeholders in various ways to raise their understanding and awareness of the importance of sustainable development in the course of preparing the report; 6) to develop a partnership culture in sustainability reporting with a hope that initiative will be taken up by the community with resource inputs from different stakeholders.

Project Title:Rationality and Power: towards a phronetic understanding of the practice of reclamation in Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Ng MK
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)
Start Date:01/2007
This project aims to understand the rationalities invoked by different stakeholders and the tactics and strategies they employed in the power practice of reclamation. Specific objectives are: (1) Building on existing debates on rationality and power in the planning literature, develop deeper theoretical insights of possible relationships between rhetoric of rationalities and the play of power in the unique political economy of Hong Kong. (2) Investigate the genesis and evolution of the practice of reclamation in Hong Kong for an historical and contextual understanding of current controversies surrounding central Harbour reclamation. (3) Experiment with phronetic (value-rational) research methods advocated by Flyvbjerg (1988, 2001) to interpret the continuing reclamation saga in the central Harbour areas by asking the following questions concerning the realrationalitat and realpolitik of the case: (i) Who makes what decision at which point of time? Through what kinds of institutional set-up and processes have the decisions been made? What type of rationality is used to justify the decisions? What strategies and tactics are employed by whom? What relations of power are revealed in these processes? (Hillier, 2002, p3). (ii) Apply value rationality to evaluate where we are going. Who should be done? (Flyvbjerg, 2001, p.114). (4) Develop a pragmatic analysis of the practice of reclamation and its consequences and to outline how things may be done differently and what "avenues to praxis" (theory-informed practice) are still open? (op cit, p.140)

List of Research Outputs

Hui L.H. and Ng M.K., Politics and the management of public health disasters: reflections on the SARS epidemic in Greater China, In: Dr. Anuar Zaini Md. Zain, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. Malyasia, Sage publishing, 2007, 19: 7-12.
Ng M.K., Asian world city contest: global competitiveness and local sustainability, An International Seminar on Growth Management of Metropolitan Region. Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea, 2008.
Ng M.K., Asian world city contest: global competitiveness and local sustainability, Gyeonggi Research Institute, Seoul and Incheon Metropolitan City Government and Gyeonggi Provincial Government and KRIHS. Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
Ng M.K., Beyond Hong Kong 2030: a short commentary on HK2030 and SZ2030, In: Bo-sin Tang, Planning and Development. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute of Planners, 2008, 23: 62-73.
Ng M.K., Creative/insurgent participation? A case study of Harbourfront planning in Hong Kong, A Workshop on Social Inclusion and Cultural Creativity. Hong Kong, 2008.
Ng M.K., From government to governance? Politics of planning in the first decade of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, In: Patsy Healey, Heather Campbell, John Forester, Robert Upton, J. Peter Clinch, Planning Theory and Reserach. Oxfordshire, UK, Routledge: Taylor& Francis Group, 2008, 9: 165-185.
Ng M.K., Governance for sustainabiilty in East Asian Global Cities: an exploratory study, In: Mee Kam Ng (Guest Editor), Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. Amsterdam, Routledge, 2007, 9: 351-381.
Ng M.K., Introduction to the Special Issue, In: Mee Kam Ng (Guest Editor), Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. Amsterdam, Routledge, 2007, 9: 317-320.
Ng M.K., Is Hong Kong a sustainable city? Sharing of the first sustainability reporting exercise in Hong Kong, 香港是一個可持續發展的城市嗎?--香港可持續發展匯報分享, In: Chen Jianhua, City Pioneer. 城市導刊, Guangzhou, City Pioneer, 2008, 1: 37-43.
Ng M.K. and Pretorius F.I.H., Mega Projects and Transport: the challenge of embedding sustainability in evaluating transport project viability, In: Harry Dimitriou, UCL OMEGA Centre Workshop. Naples, Italy, 2007.
Ng M.K., Outmoded planning in the face of new politics, In: Joseph Y.S. Cheng, The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in its First Decade. Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, 2007, 591-629.
Ng M.K. and Lee J.W.Y., Planning for the world city, In: Yeung, Y.M., The First Decade: Hong Kong SAR in Introspective and Restrospective Perspectives. Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 2007, 297-319.
Ng M.K. and Pretorius F.I.H., Planning, managing and financing mega urban transport projects in Hong Kong by the public sector and public-private partnership, In: Harry Dimitriou, UCL OMEGA Centre Workshop. Naples, Italy, 2007.
Ng M.K. and Hui L.H., Practice report: sustainability impact assessment (SIA) in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: "both necessary and impossible?", In: Colin Kirkpatrick and Carys E. Jones, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. UK, 3, 2007, 25: 233-238.
Ng M.K. and Hui L.H., Public health risk planning in Hong Kong: SARS revisted and its aftermath, AESOP 2007, Planning for the Risk Society. Naples, Italy, 2007.
Ng M.K., Lo Y.H., Cheung H.Y., Lee K.W., Leung D.T.H. and Kwan B.Y.W., In: Mee Kam Ng, Regina Lo, Hoi Yee Cheung, Anton Lee, Darwin Leung and Billy Kwan, Reporting Sustainabiilty in Hong Kong and the Central and Western District: Technical Report. Hong Kong, 2007, pp190.
Ng M.K., Reporting Sustainability in Hong Kong and the Central and Western District. Hong Kong, SDF & CUPEM, 2007.
Ng M.K., Sustainable development and governance in East Asian World Cities, In: Mee Kam Ng (Guest Editor), Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. Amsterdam, Routledge, 2007, 9: 321-335.
Ng M.K., Urban System Planning in China: the case of the Pearl River Delta, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. New York, 2008.

Researcher : Shamsad B

List of Research Outputs

Shamsad B. and Chan R.C.K., Locational Behaviour of Street Enterprises: a case study of Khulna, Bangladesh, paper presented at the 9th Asian Urbanziation Conference, Chun-cheon, Republic of Korea, 18-23 August 2007.

Researcher : Studer Surbeck SC

List of Research Outputs

Studer Surbeck S.C., Tsang S.S.L., Welford R.J. and Hills P.R., "SMEs and voluntary environmental initiatives: a study of stakeholders' perspectives in Hong Kong", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2008, 51(2): 285-301.

Researcher : Tsang SSL

List of Research Outputs

Studer Surbeck S.C., Tsang S.S.L., Welford R.J. and Hills P.R., "SMEs and voluntary environmental initiatives: a study of stakeholders' perspectives in Hong Kong", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2008, 51(2): 285-301.

Researcher : Walker RM

Project Title:Strategic research areas: theme on social and public policy
Investigator(s):Walker RM, Lai LWC, Thomas ND, Curley MG, Siu AKF, Chan JCW
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding for Strategic Research Theme
Start Date:05/2005
Social and public policy themes are important at the global, national, regional and local levels. To understand why specific issues enter onto the policy agenda, why some policies are implemented and not others, and the consequences of policies requires an understanding of the overall context within which policies are implemented and why responses to particular problems were chosen.

List of Research Outputs

Andrews R., Boyne G.A., Meier K.J., O'Toole L.J. and Walker R.M., Differences between Archival and Perceptual Environmental Measures in the Public Sector, Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007.
Andrews R., Boyne G.A., Law J. and Walker R.M., Organizational Strategy, External Regulation and Public Service Performance, Public Administration. 2008, 86(1): 185-203.
Andrews R., Boyne G.A. and Walker R.M., Reconstructing Empirical Public Administration: Lutonism or Scientific Realism?, Administration & Society. 2008, 40(3): 324-330.
Bozeman B., Brewer G.A. and Walker R.M., An Empirical Test of Bozeman’s External Control Model of Red Tape, Paper presented at the International Research Symposium on Public Management. Brisbane, Australia, 25-28 March 2008.
Brewer G.A., Choi Y.J. and Walker R.M., Accountability, Corruption and Government Effectiveness in Asia: An Exploration of World Bank Governance Indicators, International Public Management Review. 2007, 8(2): 200-225.
Brewer G.A., Choi Y.J. and Walker R.M., Assessing the Impact of Crises on the Performance and Governance of Asian Countries, Asian Forum on Public Management, Meiji Univeristy, Tokyo 11-12 January 2008.
Enticott G. and Walker R.M., Sustainability, Strategy and Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Public Organizations, Business Strategy and the Environment. 2008, 17: 79-92.
Meier K.J., O'Toole L.J., Boyne G.A., Walker R.M. and Andrews R., Alignment and Results: Testing the Interaction Effects of Strategy, Structure, and Environment from Miles and Snow, Public Management Research Association Conference, Tucson, Az., 25-27 October 2007.
Meier K.J., O’Toole Jr L.J., Boyne G.A. and Walker R.M., Strategic Management and the Performance of Public Organizations: Testing Venerable Ideas again Recent Theories, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. UK, Oxford University Press, 2007, 17(3): 357-377.
Moinuddin G. and Walker R.M., Policy Tools and their Consequences: Evidence from Environmental and Housing Policy in Hong Kong, Linking Tools of Government to Good Governance: A Comparative Perspective International Conference of Korean Institute of Public Administration, Seoul, South Korea, 23-24 May 2008.
Mok K.H., Wong Y.C. and Walker R.M., Embracing the Market: Examining the consequences for education, housing and health in Chinese cities, The Quest for Social Cohesion in Greater China: Challenges for Social Policy and Governance, June 20, The University of Hong Kong. 2008.
O'Toole L.J., Walker R.M., Meier K.J. and Boyne G.A., Networking in Comparative Context: Public Managers in the US and UK, Public Management Review. 2007, 9(3): 401-420.
Walker R.M., Damanpour F. and Avallaneda C., Combinative Effects of Innovation Types on Organizational Performance: A Longitudinal Study of Public Services, Academy of Management Meeting Philadelphia August 2007. Published in the Best Papers Proceedings. 2007.
Walker R.M., Damanpour F. and Avallaneda C., Combinative Effects of Innovation Types on Organizational Performance: A Longitudinal Study of Public Services, Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007. Published in the Best Papers Proceedings. 2007.
Walker R.M., Editorial Board Member, Administration & Society (1st September 2007 – present). 2007.
Walker R.M., Editorial Board Member, International Review of Public Administration (1st January 2008- present). 2008.
Walker R.M., Editorial Board Member, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (1 January 2005 - present). 2007.
Walker R.M., Editorial Board Member, Public Administration (1st March 2008 – present). 2008.
Walker R.M., Avallaneda C. and Berry F.S., Explaining the diffusion of innovation types across low and high innovative localities: a test of the Berry and Berry model, Public Management Research Association Conference, Tucson, Az., 25-27 October 2007.
Walker R.M., Invited panel member: Provocative Directions Future Research in Public and Non-Profit Management, Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007.
Walker R.M., O'Toole L.J. and Meier K.J., Its Where You Are that Matters: The Networking Behaviour of Local Government Officers, Public Administration. 2007, 85(3): 739-756.
Walker R.M. and Moon M.J., Performance Management in Asia: Measurement, Tools and Practices, In: OECD Asian Centre for Public Governance (ed), Comparative Studies for Better Governance in Asian Countries. Seoul, OECD Asian Centre for Public Governance, 2007, 45-93.
Walker R.M., The Adoption of Innovation and its Performance Consequences: Evidence and Emerging Lessons from the West, Keynote speech delivered at International Conference on Performance Measurement and Government Innovation. OCED Asian Centre for Public Governance, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, July 2007. 2007.

Researcher : Welford RJ

Project Title:The economic and environmental impacts of post-tsunami corporate giving
Investigator(s):Welford RJ
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:01/2006
This project aims to: 1. Identify perceptions amongst large corporations in the region with respect to the use of funds donated for tsumani relief 2. Through the use of Thailand as an example, identify reasons why tsunami relief has been perceived to be slow and evaluate the way in which monies donated by large businesses have been used 3. Make recommendations relating to how remaining funds being held by companies can be effectively used for tsunami related aid and relief in affected areas 4. Examine the environmental safeguards taken in tsunami redevelopment and measure the overall impact of relief efforts on the environment

Project Title:Stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Pilot Study
Investigator(s):Welford RJ, Walker RM, Hills PR
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:03/2007
This proposal builds upon existing streams of work in CUPEM on sustainable development, environmental policy, corporate social responsibility and public policy (Boyne et al, 2003; Enticott and Walker, 2005, 2006; Hills et al, 2003; Hills et al, 2006; Hills and Welford, 2002; Hills et al., 2003, 2006; Walker and Li, 2006; Walker et al., forthcoming; Welford, 2004, 2005; Welford and Frost 2006). It seeks to take this work forward by synthesising literature from different disciplines, drawing upon new conceptual frameworks and stakeholder partnerships and by moving the unit of analysis away from the environment to include broader social, economic and environmental issues in the formation of public policies with the intention of submitting and CERG RGC application in autumn 2007. Social, economic and environmental issues in the formation of public policies is an area that is constantly being refined, extended and redefined. Command-and-control models based on the extensive use of regulatory laws and standards, though still important, are increasingly seen as just one element in a diverse ‘menu’ of approaches that can help government, business and civil society move towards a more sustainable future. Concepts of negotiation, stakeholder engagement and consensus-building now occupy a prominent role in processes of reform in many parts of the world. Hong Kong’s approach to policy making and management still places considerable emphasis on regulation but there are indications that this is beginning to change and that a more significant role for stakeholder partnerships may emerge in the future. These cooperative structures are likely to see new relationships developing between non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and government. The basic long-term issues are how to promote effective modes of policy development and implementation. Our research objectives are to: • Examine the variables associated with successful partnership arrangements for sustainable development (theoretically and empirically); • Identify how different stakeholder groups identify success, in terms of processes and outcome; and, • Examine the applicability of stakeholder participation models for Hong Kong. This study will address the following research questions: 1. For each of the four topics listed below, what stakeholder partnership exist?; 2. What does the academic literatures from the business, public and voluntary sectors say about the effectiveness of public policy development based on cooperative stakeholder based engagement?; 3. How do different stakeholder groups measure success?; 4. According to the success criteria did the partnerships work?; and, 5. What are the implications for the development of stakeholder-based public policy? This proposal is a continuation of work in CUPEM on environmental policy reform, partnerships, corporate social responsibility, and trust. Importantly it is also a natural extension of three successful RGC grants by Professor Peter Hills and Dr Richard Welford: • Engaging business with environmental change: an analysis of impediments and incentives in Hong Kong, • Partnership, voluntary agreements and the process of environmental reform in Hong Kong, • Trust, legitimacy and environmental reform in Hong Kong What differentiates this proposal from past work is the emphasis on social, economic and environmental policies and strategies together with a more explicit focus on public policy making, development and service delivery through stakeholder partnerships. This links to Walker’s work on public policy and management—for example research on network or partnership behaviour, social and public policies in Hong Kong and processes and methods to enhance government effectiveness. The novelty of this application is to be found in our work that seeks to bring together the notion of corporate social responsibility in the business and management literature together with the study of sustainable development policies (that includes social, economic and environmental policies) in the public management literature. An additional factor joining these two themes is an increasing focus on stakeholder partnership as a mode of public engagement, consultation and better quality decision-making. Boyne, G. A., Farrell, C., Law, J. Powell, M and Walker R. M. (2003) Evaluating Public Management Reforms: Principles and Practices Buckingham: The Open University Press Enticott, G and Walker, R. M. (2005) Environmental sustainability and management reform in local government, Policy and Politics 33, 2, 397-322 Enticott, G and Walker, R. M. (2006) Sustainability, performance and organizational strategy: an empirical analysis of public organizations, Business Strategy and the Environment 14, DOI: 10.1002/bse.501 Hills, P. R. and Welford, R. (2002) “Ecological modernisation as a weak form of sustainable development in Hong Kong”, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 9, (2002), 315-331 Hills, P. R., Lam, J. and Welford, R. (2006) “Environmental reform, technology policy and transboundary pollution in Hong Kong”, Development and Change, 37, 1, (2006), 145-178 Hills, P. R., Roberts, R. and Welford, R. (2003) Ecological modernisation, environmental reform and the transformation of production and consumption. International Journal of Environmental and Sustainable Development 2, 3, 156-171 Walker, R. M. and Li, L. H. (2006) Institutional reform in the provision of public services in Hong Kong: an efficiency evaluation, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 24, 597-614 Walker, R. M., O’Toole, L. J. Jr., and Meier, K. J. (forthcoming) Its where you are that matters: The networking behaviour of local government officers, Public Administration Welford R. (2004) Corporate social responsibility: A perspective from Asia, new Academy Review 3, 4, 47-54 Welford R. (2005) Corporate social responsibility in Europe, North America and Asia: 2004 survey results. Journal of Corporate Citizenship 17, 33-52 Welford R. and Frost, S (2006) Corporate social responsibility in Asian supply chains Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 13, 3, 166-176 Welford, R. Hills, P. R., and Young, W. (2006) Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region. Hong Kong, Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, University of Hong Kong

List of Research Outputs

Gouldson A., Hills P.R. and Welford R.J., "Ecological modernization and policy learning in Asia: lessons from Hong Kong", Geoforum. 2008, 39: 313-330.
Studer Surbeck S.C., Tsang S.S.L., Welford R.J. and Hills P.R., "SMEs and voluntary environmental initiatives: a study of stakeholders' perspectives in Hong Kong", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2008, 51(2): 285-301.
Welford R.J., Editor, Business Strategy and the Environment (1994 - present). 2007.
Welford R.J., Editor, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (2002 - present). 2007.
Welford R.J., Editor, Sustainable Development (1997 - present). 2007.
Welford R.J., Member of Editorial Board, Journal Environmental Assessment and Management (1998 - present). 2007.
Welford R.J., Member of the Editorial Board, European Environment (1991 - present). 2007.
Yu J., Hills P.R. and Welford R.J., Extended Producer Responsibility and Eco-design Changes: Perspectives from China, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment, 2008, 15(2): 111-124.

Researcher : Wong YHF

List of Research Outputs

Wong Y.H.F., Combined LCA and LCC Study – from housing in HK to other building archetypes in Pearl River Delta, included in the proceedings and orally presented at the SB07 HK Conference, HKSAR, 4-7 Dec 2007.

Researcher : Xie Y

List of Research Outputs

Chan R.C.K. and Xie Y., Measurement of the Degree of Compactness of Mega Cities in China: A Conceptual Analysis, paper presented at the International Conference on China's Urban Land and Housing in the 21st Century, organised by the Hong Kong Baptist University, 13-15 December 2007.

Researcher : Xu J

Project Title:Regional Cooperation: Beyond Individual Competition in the Greater Pearl River Delta
Investigator(s):Xu J
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:07/2006
Since the 1990s, local economic policies in the Greater Pearl River Delta (Greater PRD) have been strongly influenced by the approach of urban entrepreneurialism, in which localities have been managed like “firms” and marketed as “products” in order to attract mobile capital and generate endogenous growth. It is now widely recognized that such approach has caused rampant “beggar thy neighbor” self-interest polices and intensified the problems of administrative and jurisdictional fragmentation in the region. Recommendations for tackling the situation often call for more cooperation among cities to develop regional agenda and to promote effective problem-solving among municipalities. Governments in Hong Kong and Guangdong have begun to initiate a number of programmes in promoting closer economic partnership and coordinative cross-border planning, especially after the Policy Address of the Chief Executive of HKSAR in 2002. The interest in regional cooperation underscores the logic of investigating issues like how such cooperation can be evolved, developed and sustained. Unfortunately, few studies have explored these issues to enrich our understanding of the nature of relationship between different cities (cooperation or competition?) and of specific regional actions that can promote effective cooperation as well as how and why these structures developed. Seldom is such cooperation under direct scrutiny in terms of its various forms and characteristics, and how public policies can be formulated to foster, develop and sustain different forms of cooperation and how policy makers can anticipate and assess its outcomes. In addition, there is a general lack of theoretical framework dealing with cooperation of cities. As a result, many programs of regional cooperation have been implemented only in a weak form. This is especially true in the Greater PRD, which has perhaps one of the world’s most sophisticated and fragmented administrative structures. There are a variety of administrative settings in the region. It has the provincial capital of Guangzhou and two special economic zones that enjoy sub-provincial status (Shenzhen and Zhuhai), independent of the provincial planning system. It has six prefecture-level municipalities, sixteen county-level cities and three counties, each with certain designated power in urban development and planning. It has two special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macao) under “one country two systems” principle that are self-governing. Intensified by competition among these places for central city status and mobile capital, the complexity of status and ambiguities of these jurisdictions’ responsibilities in regional system have increased tension, causing difficulty in real world planning. Regional cooperation and planning under such a highly complicated structure surely requires a systematic scholarship. This research attempts to systematically examine above issues in both theoretical and practical terms in order to understand the nature of city competition and cooperation and to analyze the possibility of cooperation amongst the cities in the Greater PRD. It will use a case study approach to examine the experiences of Europe and North America in regional cooperation. It will also review the history and culture of regional development and planning in China, and look into current practice and ongoing efforts in forging regional cooperation. These will help us to understand the reasons and tactics behind effective regional cooperation in China and overseas countries and to compare these experiences in the context and situation in the Greater-RPD. The research attempts to answer whether regional cooperation in the Greater-PRD will be successful and how to make it successful and what to avoid. The result of the research can help the Hong Kong government and other governments in the Greater-PRD to work out operational plans in achieving better regional cooperation. In a more specific term, this research will have five main objectives. First, it will look into typical cases of regional cooperation (also called inter-jurisdictional cooperation by many Western scholars and practitioners) in the West to identify particular actions that have promoted effective cooperation; how and why these structures evolved; and what are the outcomes of the cooperation. Second, adding to the overseas cases, the research will look into the history and experiences of regional development and planning in China, and examine typical cases in forging cooperation. This will help us to understand specific culture of regional development and planning in China. Third, building on these existing regional cooperation efforts and academic discourses, the research will develop a theoretical and analytical framework for regional cooperation which takes into account significant requirements of cooperative behavior of different inter-jurisdiction partners. Fourth, based on this framework, the research will look into how the long tradition and experience with regional cooperation efforts in Europe and North America and regional planning tradition in China can inform policy and practice in Hong Kong and cities in the greater-PRD that wish to achieve competitive regionalism. Finally, the research will attempt to identify best practices in forging regional cooperation. These five main objectives can be translated into following specific tasks: (a) Identify typical cases of regional cooperation in Europe and America; (b) Identify typical cases of regional cooperation and planning in China and examine relevant issues. For example, back in the mid 1990s, there was an effort to build a regional economy in Yangtze River Delta centred on Shanghai but it fizzled. Another big failure is the Tunmen River Plan with North Korea. Why? What lessons, if any, are there for the greater PRD? (c) Examine several significant questions about cooperation. These include, for examples, what are the major factors that have raised the importance of regional cooperation in public policy and practice? Is regional cooperation possible? What are the key debates? How and why regional cooperation vary? What are the major forms, objectives, institutional format, tactical approach, funding mechanism, and outcome of regional cooperation? (d) Understand the competition and cooperation “culture” in China and compare the international experiences with the context and situation in the Greater PRD region; (e) Identify best practices in forging regional cooperation, and (f) Identify major issues and directions of regional cooperation in the Greater PRD. (g) Initial findings will be submitted to CERG for further funding.

List of Research Outputs

Xu J. and Yeh A.G.O., 2008 America Regional Plan Association and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Final Selected Research Paper, America Regional Plan Association and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. 2008.
Xu J., Changing spatial relationship between Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta, Urban Planning International. Beijing, 2008, 23: 70-78 (in Chinese).
Xu J., Competition and cooperation of financial centres: the status of Hong Kong as an international financial centre, Journal of National Development Studies. Taipei, 2007, 61: 67-88 (in Chinese).
Xu J., Coordinating the fragmented mega-city regions in China: state reconstruction and regional strategic planning, 2008 AAG Annual Meeting. 2008.
Xu J. and Yeh A.G.O., Decoding urban land governance: state reconstruction in contemporary Chinese cities, Urban Studies. 2008, Accepted.
Xu J., Editorial: Polycentric city-region: reflections on the POLYNET, Urban Planning International. Beijing, 2008, 1-3 (in Chinese).
Xu J., Governing city regions in China: theoretical discourses and perspectives for regional strategic planning, Town Planning Review. 2008, Accepted.
Xu J., International Comparative Study on Mega City Region Research and Planning, 城市群研究與規劃的國際比較 , Guangdong Urban Planning Congress. 廣東省城市規劃年會 , 2008.
Xu J. and Yeh A.G.O., On the role of Hong Kong as an international financial centre’, City Pioneer. 2008, 16-21 (in Chinese).
Xu J. and Yeh A.G.O., Planning the mega-city regions in China: rationales and policies, Governing Global City-Regions in China and the West: A Comparative Approach . 2008.
Xu J. and Yeh A.G.O., RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) 2007/2008, Inter-jurisdictional Cooperation in the Pearl River Delta: Toward an Analytical Model . 2007.
Xu J., URC/CRCG - Conference Grants for Teaching Staff, 2008 AAG Annual Conference. 2008.
Xu J., Urban Agglomeration and Regional Development in China, 2008 Annual Conference of Urban Planning in Guangdong. 2008.
Yeh A.G.O. and Xu J., Governing the fragmented mega-city regions in China: challenges and policies in the Pearl River Delta, Healdsburg research seminar on megaregions. 2008.
Yeh A.G.O. and Xu J., Mega-City Region Development in the Greater Pearl River Delta, 2008 City Region Sydney Congress. 2008.
Yeh A.G.O. and Xu J., Multiple land transactions and urban space under dual track land use system, In: Wu, F., Ma. L.R.C. and Zhang, J.X., Chinese Cities From Global Perspective. 2007.
Yeh A.G.O. and Xu J., Regional Cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta: A Formulaic Aspiration or A New Imagination? , Built Environment. 2008, Accepted.
Yeh A.G.O. and Xu J., Regional Cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta: A Formulaic Aspiration or A New Imagination?, Regional Cooperation and Infrastructure Construction Conference. Hong Kong, 2008.

Researcher : Yeh AGO

Project Title:Case-based reasoning and urban planning
Investigator(s):Yeh AGO
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management Trust Fund
Start Date:05/1999
Planning support system is the forefront of research on the application of information technology in urban planning. Case-based reasoning and its associated case-based system have the potential to be an important component of the planning support system. A case-based system for the processing of planning applications will be developed to examine the implementation and utility of case-based resoning in urban planning.

Project Title:Constrained cellular automata (CA) models for land use planning
Investigator(s):Yeh AGO, Li X
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:06/2000
A site of constrained cellular automata models will be developed for generating alternative land use plans according to different planning objectives. These models can be used for the planning of sustainable development.

Project Title:Hong Kong - Pearl River Delta development
Investigator(s):Yeh AGO
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:The University of Hong Kong Foundation Seed Grant
Start Date:04/2002
To study Hong Kong - Pearl River Delta development.

Project Title:Competitive development of GuangZhou
Investigator(s):Yeh AGO
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:09/2002
To examine how GuangZhou reposition itself in the increasing competition amongst cities in the Pearl River Delta.

Project Title:Short-interval monitoring of urban land development with satellite SAR images using object-oriented image analysis and knowledge-based systems
Investigator(s):Yeh AGO, Li X
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)
Start Date:10/2004
To collect and analyze bi-monthly SAR images in the first year of the study for developing such monitoring system and three additional SAR images in the next year in different seasons for testing the accuracy and reusability of the proposed method in different seasons of the year.

Project Title:China Studies Research Areas
Investigator(s):Yeh AGO, Wong SL, Tse DKC, Burns JP
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding for Strategic Research Theme
Start Date:05/2005
To coordinate the three themes: Business and Law; Comparative Studies of Culture and Society Theme; and Reform and Development. The research focus will be on comparative studies of culture and society, business and law, and reform and development of contemporary China, especially in the era of globalization.

Project Title:Identification of Transport Black Spots Using Web-Based Public Paritcipatary GIS
Investigator(s):Yeh AGO
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:02/2006
Traffic accidents have been causing thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of disabilities to the world each year. In order to reduce casualty and other losses, researches have been done all over the world to find out the causes of traffic accidents. It has been identified that three major aspects are contributing to accidents and they are road infrastructure, drivers and vehicles. These three aspects are said to be interactive, and improvement in one aspect can improve the other at the same time (EUROPA, n.d.). For example, clear traffic design should be able to influence and guide the driver's behaviour, and a forgiving road side design can protect the road users in case a vehicle crashes. Traditionally, problematic road designs are identified after a high record of accidents was tracked at the same location. In order to take a more proactive approach, actions should be taken before the accidents happen. Some countries have already adopted road safety reviews and road safety audits in order to identify problematic road design at an early stage. However, these reviews and audits are done by a small team who tries to consider the safety aspects on theoretical basis or by hypothetical analysis. To supplement the views by these experts, road users’ who have actual experience of using these facilities can share genuine problems in actual daily usages. This research therefore proposes to adopt public participation approach to identify the problematic road infrastructure, such as traffic signs. Before the authority can look into which orad infrastructure went wrong, they have to identify the location that are highly likely to cause problems. Traditionally, the identification of problematic road infrastructure was done by black-spot approach by identifying the location of the most frequency occurred car accidents. This approach is considered as the first generation of road safety measures. The second generation approach of road safety starts with road users behaviour and expectation (Lamm, Psarianos and Mailaender 1999). Proper design of road infrastructure, harmonization of design standards, and more attention to human operator of the road system and their response to changes in the road system are characteristics of the second generation approach. To deliver this second generation approach of road safety measures, more attention has to be given to the road users’ opinion. This is in line with the call from World Health Organisation (2004) for more concern on road safety and to create effective partnership horizontally and vertically that involves the participation by different sectors of the society. With the advanced spatial query and display capabilities of geographic information system (GIS), there have been increasing applications of GIS in road safety analysis recently (For example, Smith, Harkey and Harris, 2001; Gholsten and Anderson, 2005). Database of blackspots, traffic characteristics or other road infrastructures are inputted, analysed and presented in GIS. To identify locations of black spots, usually previous accident data are made use of. There is a general lack of study on to use public participation GIS in collecting feedback from raod users. Involving the road users to identify the location of problematic transport infrastructure can create partnership between the road authority and the public in promoting road safety. In identifying the location, textual description of the location may cause confusion, and sometimes not accurate enough. A direct way of identifying geographical locations is done with the help of maps. Satellite pictures can be inputted into the system as another map layer, so that the users can refer to it whenever necessary to remind them of the actual scene in any location. These map information enable a better communication between the road user and the authority. In recent years, there has been growing use of public participation in Geographic Information System (PPGIS). Applications are found in areas such as community development, land use planning, bioregional mapping, urban design etc. (Ball, 2002). In PPGIS, the stakeholders are allowed to interact with the online data on a GIS platform in the Internet. (Krygier, 1998; Carver, Evans, Kingston and Turton 2001; Ball 2002). This study will develop a web-based public participatory GIS to enable road users to submit to the transport authority locations of problem areas of the transport network and for the transport authority to produce users' traffif black spot maps for analysis and follow up actions. References: Ball, J. (2002) Towards a Methodology for Mapping “Regions for Sustainability” Using PPGIS, Progress in Planning, Vol 58, p. 81-140. Carver, S. Evans, A. Kingston, R. and Turton, I (2001) Public participation, GIS, and Cyberdemocracy: Evaluating On-line Spatial Decision Support System, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, Vol 28, p.907-921. EUROPA (n. d.) Road Safety: Road Infrastructure, available in: http://europa.eu.int/comm/transport/road/roadsafety/roadinfra/index_en.htm (Last Visit, 1/11/2005) DoT, UK (1991) from The Human Factors of Transport Signs, Castro C. and Horberry, T. (eds.), p.2 Gholsten, S. E. and Anderson M. D., (2005) A GIS Accident System to Accompany CARE, US: Department of Transportation, Technical Report No. FHWA/CA/OR. Krygier, J. B. (1998) The Praxis of Public Participation GIS and Visualisation, in Empowerment, Marginalisation and Public participation GIS, Specialist meeting at the National Centre for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), Santa Barbara, 15-17 October, 1998. Papers available in: http://www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/varenius/ppgis/papers/ (Last Visit, 1/11/2005) Lamm R., Psarianos B. and Mailaender T. (1999) Highway Design and Traffic Safety Engineering Handbook, Chapter 20, New York: McGraw-Hill. Lay, M. G. (1998) Handbook of Road Technology, Vol.2, 3rd ed., New York: Gordon and Breach. Lay, M. G. (2004) Design of Traffic Signs, in The Human Factors of Transport Signs, C. Castro and T. Horberry (eds.), Florida: CRC Press LLC. Smith R. C., Harkey D. L., and Harris B. (2001) Implementation of GIS-Based Highway Safety Analysis: Bridging the Gap, US: Department of Transportation, Technical Report No. FHWA-RD-01-039. Transport Department (2000) Road Users’ Code, HK: Government of the HKSAR World Health Organisation (2004) World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention: Summary, Geneva: WHO.

Project Title:GIS road network data model for the display and navigation of multi-lane complex intersection transport network
Investigator(s):Yeh AGO
Department:Ctr of Urban Planning & Env Mangt
Source(s) of Funding:Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG)
Start Date:01/2007
(1) To evaluate and compare the pros and cons of road network data models. (2) To find an appropriate and efficient GIS road network data model for the display and navigation of multi-lane complex intersection transport network, based on the complex road network condition of Hong Kong.

List of Research Outputs

Xu J. and Yeh A.G.O., 2008 America Regional Plan Association and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Final Selected Research Paper, America Regional Plan Association and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. 2008.
Xu J. and Yeh A.G.O., Decoding urban land governance: state reconstruction in contemporary Chinese cities, Urban Studies. 2008, Accepted.
Xu J. and Yeh A.G.O., On the role of Hong Kong as an international financial centre’, City Pioneer. 2008, 16-21 (in Chinese).
Xu J. and Yeh A.G.O., Planning the mega-city regions in China: rationales and policies, Governing Global City-Regions in China and the West: A Comparative Approach . 2008.
Xu J. and Yeh A.G.O., RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) 2007/2008, Inter-jurisdictional Cooperation in the Pearl River Delta: Toward an Analytical Model . 2007.
Yeh A.G.O. and Xu J., Governing the fragmented mega-city regions in China: challenges and policies in the Pearl River Delta, Healdsburg research seminar on megaregions. 2008.
Yeh A.G.O. and Xu J., Mega-City Region Development in the Greater Pearl River Delta, 2008 City Region Sydney Congress. 2008.
Yeh A.G.O. and Xu J., Multiple land transactions and urban space under dual track land use system, In: Wu, F., Ma. L.R.C. and Zhang, J.X., Chinese Cities From Global Perspective. 2007.
Yeh A.G.O. and Xu J., Regional Cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta: A Formulaic Aspiration or A New Imagination? , Built Environment. 2008, Accepted.
Yeh A.G.O. and Xu J., Regional Cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta: A Formulaic Aspiration or A New Imagination?, Regional Cooperation and Infrastructure Construction Conference. Hong Kong, 2008.
Yue Y. and Yeh A.G.O., Prediction Time Horizon and Effectiveness of Real-time Data on Short-Term Traffic Predictability, IEEE 10th International Conference on ITS. IEEE, 2007.
Yue Y. and Yeh A.G.O., Road network Model for Vehicle Navigation Using Traffic Direction Approach, The 13TH International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. 2008.

Researcher : Yu J

List of Research Outputs

Yu J., Hills P.R. and Welford R.J., Extended Producer Responsibility and Eco-design Changes: Perspectives from China, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment, 2008, 15(2): 111-124.

Researcher : Yue Y

List of Research Outputs

Yue Y. and Yeh A.G.O., Prediction Time Horizon and Effectiveness of Real-time Data on Short-Term Traffic Predictability, IEEE 10th International Conference on ITS. IEEE, 2007.
Yue Y. and Yeh A.G.O., Road network Model for Vehicle Navigation Using Traffic Direction Approach, The 13TH International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. 2008.

Researcher : Yuen WY

List of Research Outputs

Yuen W.Y., A Social History of Tuberculosis in Hong Kong, 1946-1966, The Second International Conference in the History of Medicine in Southeast Asia (HOMSEA 2008), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 9-10 January 2008.

Researcher : Zhang Y

List of Research Outputs

Zhang Y., An Integrated Approach towards Coastal Zone Management in Shantou, China (MPhil Thesis, The University of Hong Kong). 2007.

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