Researcher : Yuen MT

Project Title:Life skills development in junior secondary students: influence of purpose, connectedness and comprehensive guidance programs
Investigator(s):Yuen MT
Department:Education Faculty
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:12/2012

List of Research Outputs

Liu S., Yuen M.T. and Rao N., Improving the social skills of average and high-ability Primary 1 students in Hong Kong: Parents as trainers. Invited presentation to the delegate from Hiroshima Japan. , The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education, Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education. 2013.
Yuen M.T., Career guidance as an integral component of comprehensive guidance programme. Invited presentation. , Education Forum on Policy Address Career Guidance Opportunities & Concerns organized by The Faculty of Education of The Chinese University of Hong Kong & The Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters. Hong Kong, China.. 2014.
Yuen M.T. and Lee B.S.F., Development of comprehensive guidance and counseling program in Hong Kong secondary schools. Invited presentation., Taiwan Counseling Psychology Association Annual Meeting and Conference. Taichung Education University. . 2013.
Yuen M.T., Ho J., CHUNG Y.B. and FONG W.T.R., Overcoming Obstacles associated with other learning experiences. Poster Presentation. , Marden Forum. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education. . 2013.

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