Researcher : BARUA D

List of Research Outputs

BARUA D., A Buddhist Perspective on Economics and the Alleviation of Poverty, Buddhistdoor Global. 2015.
BARUA D., Buddhism Today and Tomorrow: Challenges and Prospects, Buddhistdoor Global. 2015.
BARUA D., Inspiration at Wat Pho Temple, Bangkok, Buddhistdoor Global. 2014.
BARUA D., Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectives on its Meaning, Origins and Applications, Buddhistdoor Global. 2014.
BARUA D., Takht-i-Bahi: The Jewel of Pakistan’s Cultural Heritage, Buddhistdoor Global. 2015.
BARUA D., Thailand's Incredible Treasure: The Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Buddhistdoor Global. 2014.
BARUA D., The Birthplace of Atish Dipankar Comes to Light, Buddhistdoor Global. 2015.
BARUA D., The Magha Puja Festival: A Time to Make Merit for Southeast Asian Buddhists, Buddhistdoor Global. 2015.
BARUA D., The “Yogyakarta Statement”: Guidelines for Religious Harmony and Communal Stability, Buddhistdoor Global. 2015.
BARUA D., “Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road”, Buddhistdoor Global. 2014.

Researcher : Chan NC

List of Research Outputs

Chan N.C., 《十地經論》闡釋歡喜地的義理根據(下篇), 志蓮文化集刊, Hong Kong, 志蓮凈苑文化部, 2014, 10: 47-119.
Chan N.C., 無怨道, 志蓮淨苑, 2014.

Researcher : DA W

List of Research Outputs

DA W., 試論佛教對儒學的會通, In: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 第一屆港澳青年佛教學者論壇, Hong Kong, 2015.
GONG Y., DA W. and RAO L., Chinese Traditional Culture and Modern Technology, ‘One Forum’ Conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, April 11-12, 2015.

Researcher : Dhammajoti KL

List of Research Outputs

Dhammajoti K.L., In: KL Dhammajoti, Journal of Buddhist Studies (JCBSSL), Volume XI. Colombo, Centre For Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, 2014, XI: 259.

Researcher : Endo T

List of Research Outputs

Endo T., Borderless Scholarship: A Buddhist Perspective (Keynote Speech), 2nd International Conference on Asian Studies. 2014.
Endo T., The Sevenfold Purification (sattavisuddhi) as the Structural Framework of the Visuddhimagga: Some Observations, In: K.L. Dhammajoti , Buddhist Meditative Praxis: traditional teachings & modern applications. Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU, 2015, 51-80.
Endo T., The Structural Framework and Exegetical Methods of the Pali Commentaries: A Preliminary Study, In: K.L.Dhammajoti, Journal of Buddhist Studies (JBS). Hong Kong, 2014, XI: 61-75.
Endo T., The Sumangalavilasini and the Digha-bhanaka, In: Dhammadinna, Research on the Dirgha-agama. Taipei, Taiwan, Dharma Drum Buddhist College, 2014, 103-134.

Researcher : Fan J

List of Research Outputs

Fan J., Cheung R.T.F., Chu L.W., Fung P.C.W., Chang C.Q., Sik H.H., ZHANG M., XIE B. and Gao J., Reduced bilateral temporal Alpha-band EEG activity during resting state in older adults, International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. Hong Kong, 2014.
Fan J., Gao J., WU W.Y.B., Tan A. and Sik H.H., The correlation between resting EEG power and nonattachment scale, Human Brain Mapping. Hawaii, 2015.
Gao J., Fan J., Cheung R.T.F., Sik H.H., Huang B.S., Zhang Z.G., Hung Y.S. and Chang C.Q., Decreased Chaotic Electroencephalograph (EEG) Signal During Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Meditation, International Symposium for Contemplative Studies. Boston, 2014.
Gao J., Sik H.H., Fan J., Wu W.Y.B., Fung P.C.W., So A., Chang C., Zhang Z. and Hung Y.S., Reduced response to stressful events during chanting Amitofo: A combined fMRI and EEG study, International Symposium for Contemplative Studies. 2014.
Sik H.H., Fan J., WU W.Y.B., Kerzin B., Huang B.S. and Gao J., An Examination of Wisdom in the form of Nonattachment in relation to Compassion meditation, Human Brain Mapping. Hawaii, 2015.

Researcher : Fung PCW

List of Research Outputs

Fan J., Cheung R.T.F., Chu L.W., Fung P.C.W., Chang C.Q., Sik H.H., ZHANG M., XIE B. and Gao J., Reduced bilateral temporal Alpha-band EEG activity during resting state in older adults, International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. Hong Kong, 2014.
Gao J., Sik H.H., Fan J., Wu W.Y.B., Fung P.C.W., So A., Chang C., Zhang Z. and Hung Y.S., Reduced response to stressful events during chanting Amitofo: A combined fMRI and EEG study, International Symposium for Contemplative Studies. 2014.

Researcher : Gao J

Project Title:The relevance of brain connectivity in resting, alert and meditation states: a concurrent EEG/fMRI study
Investigator(s):Gao J, Sik HH, Hung YS
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Small Project Funding
Start Date:06/2013
Completion Date:11/2014

Project Title:International conference on contemlative studies; Decreased chaotic EEG signal during mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) meditation/Reduced response to stressful events during chanting Amitofo: A combined fMRI and EEG study
Investigator(s):Gao J
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:10/2014
Completion Date:11/2014

List of Research Outputs

Fan J., Cheung R.T.F., Chu L.W., Fung P.C.W., Chang C.Q., Sik H.H., ZHANG M., XIE B. and Gao J., Reduced bilateral temporal Alpha-band EEG activity during resting state in older adults, International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. Hong Kong, 2014.
Fan J., Gao J., WU W.Y.B., Tan A. and Sik H.H., The correlation between resting EEG power and nonattachment scale, Human Brain Mapping. Hawaii, 2015.
Gao J., Fan J., Cheung R.T.F., Sik H.H., Huang B.S., Zhang Z.G., Hung Y.S. and Chang C.Q., Decreased Chaotic Electroencephalograph (EEG) Signal During Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Meditation, International Symposium for Contemplative Studies. Boston, 2014.
Gao J., Sik H.H., Fan J., Wu W.Y.B., Fung P.C.W., So A., Chang C., Zhang Z. and Hung Y.S., Reduced response to stressful events during chanting Amitofo: A combined fMRI and EEG study, International Symposium for Contemplative Studies. 2014.
Gao J., WU W.Y.B., Chang C.Q. and Sik H.H., 誦阿彌陀佛可減輕負面情緒?腦電圖研究對恐怖圖片的情感反應, 第五屆中國佛醫高峰論 壇暨世界傳統功夫養生 大會, 中國河南嵩山少林寺, 2015.
Sik H.H., Fan J., WU W.Y.B., Kerzin B., Huang B.S. and Gao J., An Examination of Wisdom in the form of Nonattachment in relation to Compassion meditation, Human Brain Mapping. Hawaii, 2015.

Researcher : Guang X

Project Title:XVIIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies; Filial Piety and Political Issues in Ancient China: A Study of the Four Types of Kindness
Investigator(s):Guang X
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2014
Completion Date:08/2014

Project Title:A Study of Qisong's Concept of Filial Piety
Investigator(s):Guang X
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:06/2015

List of Research Outputs

Guang X., Buddhism in China: A Cultural Outline, In: KL Dhammajoti, Journal of Buddhist Studies. Hong Kong, Sri Lankan Centre for Buddhist Studies, 2014, 11: 229-251.
Guang X., Buddhist and Confucian Attitudes toward Life: A Comparative Study, In: Yong-pyo Kim, International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture. Korea, Dongguk University, 2014, 23: 7-48.
Guang X., Buddhist and Confucian Philosophy of Life: A Comparative Study, the Heritage Public Lecture Series organized by the Jao Tsung-I Academy 堯宗頤文化館. 2015.
Guang X., Buddhist philosophy of life, delivered on the invitation of the Macau Millennium College. 2014.
Guang X., Buddhist ways to achieve happiness, delivered on the invitation of the Macau Millennium College. 2014.
Guang X., Filial Piety and Political Issues in Ancient China: A Study of the Four Types of Kindness, 17th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS) held at the University of Vienna, Austria. 2014.
Guang X., Filial Piety in Chinese Buddhism, the Heritage Public Lecture Series organized by the Jao Tsung-I Academy 堯宗頤文化館. 2015.
Guang X., Maritime Transmission of the Monastic Order of Nuns to China, In: Supakwadee Amatayakul, The Emergence and Heritage of Asian Women Intellectuals. Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University Press, 2015, 111-120.
Guang X., Reflections on Technology: A Buddhist Perspective, In: Albert Wong and Artur K. Wargeda, Humankind and Nature: An Endangered System of Interdependence in Today’s Globalizing World. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, 212-217.
Guang X., Studies in Chinese Buddhism: Present and Future, The First Hong Kong and Macau Young Scholars Forum in Buddhist Studies organized and invited by the Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, Chinese University of Hong Kong. 2015.

Researcher : Halkias G

Project Title:Entangled Histories between East and West: Sources and Interpretations for the Development of Buddhism in Hellenistic Central Asia
Investigator(s):Halkias G
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:07/2014

List of Research Outputs

Halkias G., Aspiring for Sukhāvatī in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism: Entering the dhāraṇī and buddhakṣetra of Buddha Aparimitāyus, In: Ven Prf. Dhammajoti, Journal of Buddhist Studies. Sri Lanka, Journal of Buddhist Studies, 2014, XI: 77-110.
Halkias G., Chief Editor, In: Georgios T. Halkias, Richard Payne, Oxford Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Halkias G., Invoking Protection from the Buddha of Infinite Light and Wisdom, In: Charles Ramble and Ulrike Roesler, Tibetan and Himalayan Healing: An Anthology of Anthony Aris. Kathmandu, Vajra Books, 2015, 299-320.
Halkias G., The Self-immolation of Kalanos and other Luminous Encounters among Greeks and Indian Buddhists in the Hellenistic world. , Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies. Oxford, 2015, 8: 163-186.
Halkias G., Translating the Foreign into the Local: Production and Reproduction of Buddhist Texts from Imperial Tibet, In: Lawrence Wang-chi Wong and Uganda Sze-pui Kwan, Translation and Global Asia: Relocating Cultural Production Network, Asian Translation Traditions Conference Proceedings. Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: Research Centre for Tra, 2014, 143-168.

Researcher : Jing Y

Project Title:Buddhism and the Road to Recovery from Drug Dependence
Investigator(s):Jing Y, Laidler KA
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Li Chong Yuet Ming Buddhist Studies Fund - General Award
Start Date:09/2006

Project Title:Effective use of Buddhist resources in children's personal and social development education
Investigator(s):Jing Y
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Li Chong Yuet Ming Buddhist Studies Fund - General Award
Start Date:11/2006

Project Title:Spirituality and Psycho-education of pregnant Chinese women: an evaluation of the effect of an Eastern based model of mind-body-spirit intervention on maternal and fetal health status
Investigator(s):Jing Y
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Li Chong Yuet Ming Buddhist Studies Fund - General Award
Start Date:01/2007

Researcher : RAO L

List of Research Outputs

GONG Y., DA W. and RAO L., Chinese Traditional Culture and Modern Technology, ‘One Forum’ Conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, April 11-12, 2015.

Researcher : SIK HT

List of Research Outputs

SIK H.T., Ancient Indian Medicine in the Bhaişajya-skandhaka of the Dharmaguptaka-vinaya, In: the University of British Columbia’s Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhism and Contemporary Society, The 5th Annual Tung Lin Kok Yuen Canada Foundation Conference “Buddhism and Wellbeing: Therapeutic Approaches to Human Flourishing”. Vancouver, Canada, University of British Columbia, 2015.
SIK H.T., Medical Sciences in the Vinaya Piṭakas: A Study mainly based on the Bhesajjakkhandhaka and its parallel versions, In: University of Vienna, The 17th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS). Vienna, Austria, 2014.

Researcher : Sik HH

Project Title:The possibility of integrating Buddhist Teaching into the NSS curriculum for Liberal Studies
Investigator(s):Sik HH
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Li Chong Yuet Ming Buddhist Studies Fund - General Award
Start Date:09/2006

Project Title:Project to develop teaching packages predominantly for module 1 (personal development and interpersonal relationships) of the NSS Liberal Studies (LS) curriculum
Investigator(s):Sik HH, Wu S
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Education and Manpower Bureau - General Award
Start Date:06/2007

Project Title:Life Education Based on the Concept of Dependent Origination (LEDO) Project: The Development of a New Set of Teaching Materials for Buddhism Curriculum for Upper Primary and Lower Secondary
Investigator(s):Sik HH
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Tung Lin Kok Yuen - General Award
Start Date:09/2008

Project Title:Traditional Chinese Ethics and Religions Research Project
Investigator(s):Sik HH
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Sik Sik Yuen - General Award
Start Date:09/2009

Project Title:Awareness Training Program and Neuroscientific Research
Investigator(s):Sik HH, Hung YS, Gao J
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Li Ka Shing (Canada) Foundation
Start Date:03/2013

Project Title:Mindfulness and Compassion: The Art and Science of Contemplative Practice; The Theoretical Foundation and Operational Model of the Awareness Training Program, A novel Mahayana Buddhist Teaching based Psycho-educational Intervention
Investigator(s):Sik HH
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:06/2015

List of Research Outputs

Fan J., Cheung R.T.F., Chu L.W., Fung P.C.W., Chang C.Q., Sik H.H., ZHANG M., XIE B. and Gao J., Reduced bilateral temporal Alpha-band EEG activity during resting state in older adults, International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. Hong Kong, 2014.
Fan J., Gao J., WU W.Y.B., Tan A. and Sik H.H., The correlation between resting EEG power and nonattachment scale, Human Brain Mapping. Hawaii, 2015.
Gao J., Fan J., Cheung R.T.F., Sik H.H., Huang B.S., Zhang Z.G., Hung Y.S. and Chang C.Q., Decreased Chaotic Electroencephalograph (EEG) Signal During Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Meditation, International Symposium for Contemplative Studies. Boston, 2014.
Gao J., Sik H.H., Fan J., Wu W.Y.B., Fung P.C.W., So A., Chang C., Zhang Z. and Hung Y.S., Reduced response to stressful events during chanting Amitofo: A combined fMRI and EEG study, International Symposium for Contemplative Studies. 2014.
Gao J., WU W.Y.B., Chang C.Q. and Sik H.H., 誦阿彌陀佛可減輕負面情緒?腦電圖研究對恐怖圖片的情感反應, 第五屆中國佛醫高峰論 壇暨世界傳統功夫養生 大會, 中國河南嵩山少林寺, 2015.
Sik H.H., Fan J., WU W.Y.B., Kerzin B., Huang B.S. and Gao J., An Examination of Wisdom in the form of Nonattachment in relation to Compassion meditation, Human Brain Mapping. Hawaii, 2015.
Sik H.H. and WU W.Y.B., The Importance of the Buddhist Teaching on Three Kinds of Knowing: In a School-based Contemplative Education Program, In: Venerable Professor K.L. Dhammajoti, Buddhist Meditative Praxis: traditional teachings and modern applications. 2015.
Sik H.H., The Theoretical Foundation and Operational Model of the Awareness Training Program: A Novel Mahayana Buddhist Teaching-based Psycho-Educational Intervention, Mindfulness & Compassion: The Art and Science of Contemplative Practice. San Francisco, 2015.

Researcher : Somaratne G

List of Research Outputs

Somaratne G., Ubhato-bhāga-vimutta: Liberated from Both Parts or Through Both Ways?, In: Pathompong Bodhiprasiddhinand, Mahidol University, Thai International Journal of Buddhist Studies (TIJBS). Bangkok, The Foundation of His Holiness Somdet, 2015, IV: 117-134.

Researcher : Tsui C

List of Research Outputs

Tsui C., Imperial Taste In The Northern Liang Calligraphy , 墨影胡韻-北涼時期宮廷佛教書法, In: Cheng Pei-kai 鄭培凱, Chinese Culture Quarterly (Jiu Zhou Xue Lin). 九州學林學報, Hong Kong, Chinese Civilisation Center, City University of Hong Kong, 2014.
Tsui C., Re-examining The Diamond Sūtra Manuscript S.p.2 And Sacred Book Culture In The Tang Dynasty, In: Roger Jackson & Lalji Shravak, The Indian International Journal Of Buddhist Studies. Varanasi, India, BJK, Institute of Buddhist and Asian Studies, 2014, 15.

Researcher : WANG B

List of Research Outputs

Ho P.B. and WANG B., 建築慈山, Tsz Shan Monastery. 慈山寺, Hong Kong, Tsz Shan Monastery, 2015, 173.
WANG B., In: WANG Bing, 慈山誌02,山還是山, Hong Kong, Tsz Shan Monastery, 2015, 2.
WANG B., In: WANG Bing, 慈山誌03,本來面目, Hong Kong, Tsz Shan Monastery, 2015, 3.
WANG B., In: WANG Bing, 慈山誌01,禪夏之生活選擇, Hong Kong, Tsz Shan Monastery, 2014, 1.

Researcher : WU WYB

List of Research Outputs

Fan J., Gao J., WU W.Y.B., Tan A. and Sik H.H., The correlation between resting EEG power and nonattachment scale, Human Brain Mapping. Hawaii, 2015.
Gao J., Sik H.H., Fan J., Wu W.Y.B., Fung P.C.W., So A., Chang C., Zhang Z. and Hung Y.S., Reduced response to stressful events during chanting Amitofo: A combined fMRI and EEG study, International Symposium for Contemplative Studies. 2014.
Gao J., WU W.Y.B., Chang C.Q. and Sik H.H., 誦阿彌陀佛可減輕負面情緒?腦電圖研究對恐怖圖片的情感反應, 第五屆中國佛醫高峰論 壇暨世界傳統功夫養生 大會, 中國河南嵩山少林寺, 2015.
Sik H.H., Fan J., WU W.Y.B., Kerzin B., Huang B.S. and Gao J., An Examination of Wisdom in the form of Nonattachment in relation to Compassion meditation, Human Brain Mapping. Hawaii, 2015.
Sik H.H. and WU W.Y.B., The Importance of the Buddhist Teaching on Three Kinds of Knowing: In a School-based Contemplative Education Program, In: Venerable Professor K.L. Dhammajoti, Buddhist Meditative Praxis: traditional teachings and modern applications. 2015.
WU W.Y.B., Efficacy of a Mahayana Buddhist Teaching Based Psycho-educational Intervention, Awareness Training Program, on stress management among middle-aged working people in Hong Kong: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Mindfulness & Compassion: The Art and Science of Contemplative Practice. San Francisco, 2015.

Researcher : Wu WYB

List of Research Outputs

Fan J., Gao J., WU W.Y.B., Tan A. and Sik H.H., The correlation between resting EEG power and nonattachment scale, Human Brain Mapping. Hawaii, 2015.
Gao J., Sik H.H., Fan J., Wu W.Y.B., Fung P.C.W., So A., Chang C., Zhang Z. and Hung Y.S., Reduced response to stressful events during chanting Amitofo: A combined fMRI and EEG study, International Symposium for Contemplative Studies. 2014.
Gao J., WU W.Y.B., Chang C.Q. and Sik H.H., 誦阿彌陀佛可減輕負面情緒?腦電圖研究對恐怖圖片的情感反應, 第五屆中國佛醫高峰論 壇暨世界傳統功夫養生 大會, 中國河南嵩山少林寺, 2015.
Sik H.H., Fan J., WU W.Y.B., Kerzin B., Huang B.S. and Gao J., An Examination of Wisdom in the form of Nonattachment in relation to Compassion meditation, Human Brain Mapping. Hawaii, 2015.
Sik H.H. and WU W.Y.B., The Importance of the Buddhist Teaching on Three Kinds of Knowing: In a School-based Contemplative Education Program, In: Venerable Professor K.L. Dhammajoti, Buddhist Meditative Praxis: traditional teachings and modern applications. 2015.
WU W.Y.B., Efficacy of a Mahayana Buddhist Teaching Based Psycho-educational Intervention, Awareness Training Program, on stress management among middle-aged working people in Hong Kong: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Mindfulness & Compassion: The Art and Science of Contemplative Practice. San Francisco, 2015.

Researcher : Yao Z

Project Title:A study of reflexive awareness: buddhist contributions
Investigator(s):Yao Z
Department:Centre of Buddhist Studies
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research
Start Date:02/2004

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