Researcher : Bilbow GT

List of Research Outputs

Bilbow G.T., Hounsell D. and Zou X.T., Fostering dialogue about practices, In: Stensaker, B., Bilbow, G.T., Breslow, L., van der Vaart, R. , Strengthening Teaching and Learning in Research Universities. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, 161-185.

Researcher : Bridges SM

Project Title:International peer review: Supporting diverse learning and assessment experiences in clinical dental education
Investigator(s):Bridges SM, Chu CH
Department:Dental Faculty
Source(s) of Funding:Teaching Development Grants
Start Date:10/2010

Project Title:Investigating technology-enabled PBL and its consequences for clinical reasoning: An Interactional Ethnography
Investigator(s):Bridges SM, Wong AMY, Botelho MG, Chan LK, Chan CKK
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:12/2014
Completion Date:11/2017

Project Title:Dental Haptics - Learner Cognition and Curriculum Innovation - A Hong Kong Study
Investigator(s):Bridges SM, Masters RSW, Poolton JM, Burrow MF
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2015
Completion Date:12/2017

Project Title:AERA 2018 Annual General Meeting; Interactional dynamics in interprofessional team-based learning: Effects of learning design and environments on teamwork
Investigator(s):Bridges SM
Department:Education Faculty
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:04/2018
Completion Date:04/2018

List of Research Outputs

PERRY S., Bridges S.M., Zhu F.F., Leung W.K., Burrow M.F., Poolton J.M. and Masters R.S.W., Getting to the Root of Fine Motor Skill Performance in Dentistry: Brain Activity During Dental Tasks in a Virtual Reality Haptic Simulation, Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2017, 19: e371.

Researcher : Chan CKY

Investigator(s):Chan CKY
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:Leung Kau Kui Research and Teaching Endowment Fund - Teaching Grants
Start Date:02/2009

Project Title:HKU Assessment Resource Centre
Investigator(s):Chan CKY, Corbet EF, Prosser MT
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:Teaching Development Grants
Start Date:02/2009

Project Title:Tackling Action Plans from HKUSLEQ Faculty Report by Building an Engineering Education Research Community to share Good Practices in Engineering Education.
Investigator(s):Chan CKY, Tam VWL, Yu ACH, Lam EYM, Wong KKY, Zeng M, Smith ST, Yiu SM, Young B, Lin Y, Choy MMY, Lau HYK, Ng TST, Fok WWT
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:Teaching Development Grants
Start Date:09/2010

Project Title:Developing, Assessing and Providing Direct Evidence of Student Learning in Generic Skills in the Context of Engineering Higher Education in Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Chan CKY
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:University Grants Committee - Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:04/2015

Project Title:The Development of Generic Skills Competency: A conceptual evidence-based model to effectively engage students from out-of-class, extra-curricular and in-class learning experiences in a discipline-specific context
Investigator(s):Chan CKY
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:General Research Fund (GRF)
Start Date:01/2016

Project Title:Outstanding Young Researcher Award 2014-15
Investigator(s):Chan CKY
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Start Date:02/2016

Project Title:The European Conference on Education; Shifting Education Culture From Focusing on Academic to Competencies
Investigator(s):Chan CKY
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:06/2017
Completion Date:07/2017

List of Research Outputs

Chan C.K.Y., 3rd Asia Pacific Educational Assessment Conference 2017, Invited Speaker “Assessing holistic competencies – Through the eyes of the students”. 2017.
Chan C.K.Y., 5th Education Nation Conference: Spotlight on Educators – Being the change, Pre-Conference Workshop Facilitator "Assessment, Reflection and Feedback for Higher Education – Combining the three fundamental elements to enhance student learning holistically". 2018.
Chan C.K.Y., 9th Asian Medical Education Association (AMEA) Symposium cum Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2017, Invited Speaker “Developing the Indispensable and Measuring the Un-measurable – Holistic Competencies Through an Evidence-Based Pedagogical Driven System”. 2017.
Chan C.K.Y., Fong T.Y.E., LUK Y.Y.L. and Ho R., A review of literature on challenges in the development and implementation of generic competencies in higher education curriculum, International Journal of Educational Development. 2017, 57: 1-10.
Chan C.K.Y., Blended Learning for University Enhancement: Sharing Promising Practices and Lessons Learnt, Invited Speaker “Blended learning sharing at The University of Hong Kong”. 2017.
Chan C.K.Y. and Fong T.Y.E., Disciplinary differences and implications for the development of generic skills: a study of engineering and business students’ perceptions of generic skills., European Journal of Engineering Education. 2018.
Chan C.K.Y. and Chan R.Y.Y., Nurturing Virtuous Minds in Gifted Engineering Learners, In: Keith S. Taber, Manabu Sumida, Lynne McClure, Teaching Gifted Learners in STEM Subjects, Developing Talent in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Routledge, 2017.
Chan C.K.Y., Workshop & Panel Discussion with Professor Marcia Delvin, Invited Panel Discussant "Policy, preparation, positioning learning and punishment – international trends in minimising student plagiarism". 2018.
Kutnick P., Chan Y.Y., Chan C.K.Y., Good D., Lee P.Y. and Lai K.W., Aspiring to become an engineer in Hong Kong: effects of engineering education and demographic background on secondary students’ expectation to become an engineer., European Journal of Engineering Education. 2018.
Kutnick P.J., Zhu Z.Y., Chan C.K.Y., Chan Y.Y., Lee P.Y. and Lai V.K.W., Attitudes and aspirations regarding engineering among Chinese secondary school students: comparisons between industrialising and post-industrial geo-engineering regions of Mainland China and Hong Kong, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 2017, 1-22.
Zhao Y., Kuan H.K., Chung O.K.J., Chan C.K.Y. and Li W.H.C., Students’ approaches to learning in a clinical practicum: A psychometric evaluation based on item response theory., Nurse Education Today. 2018, 66: 179-186.

Researcher : Ekaratne SUK

List of Research Outputs

Shum S.A., Lee O.Y.A. and Ekaratne S.U.K., Advancing Teaching and Learning Conceptions in Graduate Teaching Assistant Training, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction - 2017 [EARLI 2017]. Tampere, Finland, 2017.

Researcher : Fong TYE

List of Research Outputs

Chan C.K.Y., Fong T.Y.E., LUK Y.Y.L. and Ho R., A review of literature on challenges in the development and implementation of generic competencies in higher education curriculum, International Journal of Educational Development. 2017, 57: 1-10.
Chan C.K.Y. and Fong T.Y.E., Disciplinary differences and implications for the development of generic skills: a study of engineering and business students’ perceptions of generic skills., European Journal of Engineering Education. 2018.

Researcher : Fryer LK

Project Title:Measuring and supporting student engagement in large scale university lectures
Investigator(s):Fryer LK, Kwok TO, Zeng M
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff
Start Date:01/2017

Project Title:17th Biennial EARLI Conference; Stimulating and sustaining interest in a language course: An experimental comparison of AI and Human task partners/Bridging cross-cultural perspectives on how students study and learn university course materials/Spiraling developmental (reciprocal) links: Getting Interested and Competent ?
Investigator(s):Fryer LK
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2017
Completion Date:09/2017

List of Research Outputs

Dinsmore D.L.D. and Fryer L.K., The intersection between depth and the regulation of strategy use, British Journal of Educational Psychology. 2018, 88: 1-8.
Fryer L.K. and Ginns P., A reciprocal test of perceptions of teaching quality and approaches to learning: A longitudinal examination of teaching-learning connections, Educational Psychology. 2017, 1-18.
Fryer L.K., Ginns P., Howarth M., Anderson C. and Ozono S., Individual differences and course attendance: Why do students skip class?, Educational Psychology. 2017, 1-17.
Fryer L.K. and Vermunt J.D., Regulating approaches to learning: Testing learning strategy convergences across a year at university, British Journal of Educational Psychology. 2017.
Fryer L.K. and Bovee H.N., Staying motivated to e-learn: Person- and variable-centred perspectives on the longitudinal risks and support, Computers & Education. 2018.
Fryer L.K., Ainley M., Thompson A., Gibson A. and Zelinda S., Stimulating and sustaining interest in a language course: An experimental comparison of Chatbot and Human task partners, Computers in Human Behavior. 2017, 75: 461-468.
Fryer L.K. and Ainley M., Supporting interest in a study domain: A longitudinal test of the interplay between interest, utility-value, and competence beliefs, Learning and Instruction. 2017.
Oga-Baldwin W... .L... .Q... and Fryer L.K., Motivational profiles in public elementary school English classes: A pilot exploration., Tokyo, JALT, 2017, 153-159.
Oga-Baldwin W.L.Q. and Fryer L.K., Schools can improve motivational quality: Profile transitions across early foreign language learning experiences, Motivation and Emotion. 2018.
Shum S.A. and Fryer L.K., Transitions in Research Postgraduate Students' Teaching and Learning Profiles In a Training Course, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction - 2017 [EARLI 2017]. Tampere, Finland, 2017.

Researcher : Lee OYA

List of Research Outputs

Shum S.A., Lee O.Y.A. and Ekaratne S.U.K., Advancing Teaching and Learning Conceptions in Graduate Teaching Assistant Training, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction - 2017 [EARLI 2017]. Tampere, Finland, 2017.

Researcher : Moore FCT

Project Title:Developing learning environments
Investigator(s):Moore FCT, Kwo OWY
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:Other Funding Scheme
Start Date:05/2001

Researcher : Prosser MT

List of Research Outputs

Zhao Y., HUEN M.Y.J. and Prosser M.T., Comparing perceived learning experiences of two concurrent cohorts under curriculum reform in Hong Kong, Quality Assurance in Education. 2017, 25: 270-286.

Researcher : Yang M

Project Title:Investigating Hong Kong students’ moral identity development through service learning in higher education
Investigator(s):Yang M
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:Incentive Award for RGC GRF Fundable But Not Funded Projects
Start Date:07/2011

Researcher : Zeng M

Project Title:Non-local early career academics’ conceptions and experience of teaching at Hong Kong universities
Investigator(s):Zeng M
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff
Start Date:06/2016
Completion Date:06/2018

Project Title:The 17th Biennial EARLI Conference; What does research evidence say about peer review of teaching? The As, Bs, and Cs/Understanding student engagement in the universities across the Greater China
Investigator(s):Zeng M
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2017
Completion Date:09/2017

Researcher : Zou XT

Project Title:Teaching Development at a Meso Level and Beyond: Conceptualisations and Impact Analysis (note: this is a revised title based on the comments)
Investigator(s):Zou XT, Harfitt GJ
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:Seed Fund for Basic Research for Resubmission of GRF/ECS Proposals
Start Date:07/2017
Completion Date:11/2017

Project Title:17th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction; (1) A Study of Academics’ Perceptions of Knowledge Sharing on Teaching and Research/(2) Using the Double-edged Sword: Instructors’ Approaches to Diversity at a University in Hong Kong
Investigator(s):Zou XT
Department:Ctr for Enhance't of Teaching & Learning
Source(s) of Funding:URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff
Start Date:08/2017
Completion Date:09/2017

List of Research Outputs

Bilbow G.T., Hounsell D. and Zou X.T., Fostering dialogue about practices, In: Stensaker, B., Bilbow, G.T., Breslow, L., van der Vaart, R. , Strengthening Teaching and Learning in Research Universities. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, 161-185.
Zou X.T., A study of academics’ perceptions of knowledge sharing on teaching and research, The 17th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. 2017.
Zou X.T., Community-based professional development for academics: a phenomenographic study, Studies in Higher Education. 2018, 1-15.
Zou X.T., Using the double-edged sword: Instructors’ approach to diversity at a University in Hong Kong, The 17th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. 2017.

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