Researcher : Chan LK

Project Title:Perception by LKS Faculty of Medicine graduates on their university education
Investigator(s):Chan LK, Ip MSM, Patil NG, Prosser MT
Department:Bau Institute of Medical and Health Scie
Source(s) of Funding:Teaching Development Grants
Start Date:06/2008

Project Title:Identifying the English language and communicative demands of bedside learning on students in the clinical years
Investigator(s):Chan LK, Tse LK, Storey AM
Department:Bau Institute of Medical and Health Scie
Source(s) of Funding:Medical Faculty Research Grant Fund
Start Date:06/2008

Project Title:Assessing competency of dental graduates from problem-based learning and traditional curriculums: Graduates’ and Employers’ Perceptions
Investigator(s):Chan LK, Yiu CKY, Botelho MG, Bridges SM, Corbet EF, Dyson JE, McGrath CPJ, Wong RWK, Prosser MT
Department:Bau Institute of Medical and Health Scie
Source(s) of Funding:Teaching Development Grants
Start Date:12/2008

Project Title:Designing technology-rich environments for case-based instruction: a model for life-long learning
Investigator(s):Chan LK, Lu J
Department:Bau Institute of Medical and Health Scie
Source(s) of Funding:International Opportunities Fund
Start Date:03/2010

Project Title:Development of a fit-for-purpose Chinese-language course for the medical students
Investigator(s):Chan LK, Soo YC, Tse SK
Department:Bau Institute of Medical and Health Scie
Source(s) of Funding:Faculty Development Fund of Faculty of Medicine
Start Date:06/2011

Project Title:The use of mobile devices in problem-based learning
Investigator(s):Chan LK, Bridges SM, Doherty I, Jin J, Ng ML
Department:Bau Institute of Medical and Health Scie
Source(s) of Funding:Teaching Development Grants
Start Date:07/2013

List of Research Outputs

Chan L.K., Bridges S.M., Doherty I., Jin J., Ng M.L., Lai H.Y.Y. and Chan N.K., How Do Health Sciences Students Use Their Mobile Devices in Problem-Based Learning?, Educational Technologies in Contextual Learning: Research in Health Professions Education. Springer, 2015, 5: 99-116.
Lu J. and Chan L.K., Differ in cognitive processes? Some comparisons between paper and video-triggered PBL. , International Journal of Problem Based Learning. 2015, 9.
Lui T.H. and Chan L.K., Posterior ankle and hindfoot endoscopy: a cadaveric study, Foot and Ankle Surgery. 2015, Online: Online.

Researcher : Chan NK

List of Research Outputs

Chan L.K., Bridges S.M., Doherty I., Jin J., Ng M.L., Lai H.Y.Y. and Chan N.K., How Do Health Sciences Students Use Their Mobile Devices in Problem-Based Learning?, Educational Technologies in Contextual Learning: Research in Health Professions Education. Springer, 2015, 5: 99-116.

Researcher : Ganotice FJA

List of Research Outputs

Chan L.K. and Ganotice F.J.A., Interprofessional team-based learning checklist: Development and psychometric testing, Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education. 2015.
Chan L.K. and Ganotice F.J.A., The time for Interprofessional Team-based Learning (IPTBL) in Hong Kong: A baseline study, Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education. 2015.
Ganotice F.J.A., Yeung S., Beguina L.A. and Villarosa J.B., In search for H.E.R.O. among Filipino teachers: The relationship of positive psychological capital and work-related outcomes. , The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 2016, 25: 407-414.
Ganotice F.J.A. and Yeung S., The Conjoint Influence of Achievement Goals on Filipino Students’ Sense of Self, Facilitating Conditions, and School Outcomes: A Personal Investment Theory Analysis, 2016.
Ganotice F.J.A., Downing K., Mak T., Chan B. and Yip L.W., Translation and validation of the Chinese version of Parent-Child Relationship Inventory (PCRI-C) in Hong Kong. , Child Indicators Research. 2015, 8: 657-670.
King R.B. and Ganotice F.J.A., Does family obligation matter for students' motivation, engagement, and well-being? It depends on your self-construal. , Personality and Individual Differences. 2015, 86: 243-248.
Lui S.F., Berwick D., Chan L.K., Chau J., Chau P., Ganotice F.J.A., Lau W.C.S., Lee V., Leung A., Leung G.K.K., Perlo J., So H.Y., Strang C., Sun D.A.V.I.D., Tam I., Wong E. and Wong M., A novel way to engage healthcare students to explore patient safety – An inter-professional, interactive, experiential learning experience workshop, International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2016 . 2016.
McInerney D.M., Ganotice F.J.A., King R.B., Marsh H.W. and Morin A.J.S., Exploring commitment and turnover intentions among teachers: What we can learn from Hong Kong teachers. , Teaching and Teacher Education. 2015, 52: 11-23.
Shin K., Ganotice F.J.A., Downing K., Han F., Lee W.Y., Yeo W., Suen J.J.S., Lee K.M., Soong I., Kwok C. and Leung K., Profile of mood states and quality of life of Chinese postmastectomy women in Hong Kong: Integrating variable- and person-centered approaches., Health Care for Women International . 2016, 14: 1-16.

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