Researcher : Chan HHL

List of Research Outputs

Leung M.C.P., Chan H.H.L. and So K.F., The effects of electroacupuncture to rats with induced glaucoma, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 81 CM5.

Researcher : Chan KC

List of Research Outputs

Chan K.C., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Longitudinal 1h Mrs Of Hamster Superior Colliculus Following Retinotectal Deafferentation, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 17, 1027. 2009.

Researcher : Chan OOC

List of Research Outputs

Chiu K., Zhou Y., Yeung S.C., Lok C.K.M., Chan O.O.C., Chang R.C.C., So K.F. and Chiu J., Up-regulation of crystallins is involved in the neuroprotective effect of wolfberry on survival of retinal ganglion cells in rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 65 P13.

Researcher : Chan WK

List of Research Outputs

Lee S.C., Chan W.K., Lee D.T.W., Lam W.H., Wang X., Chan T.H. and Wong Y.C., Effect of a prodrug of the green tea polyphenol (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate on the growth of androgen-independent prostate cancer in vivo, Nutrition and Cancer. 2008, 60(4): 483-491.

Researcher : Chang RCC

List of Research Outputs

Chang R.C.C., An important role of endoplasmic reticulum in b-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity in primary hippocampal neurons, The 6th Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium. 2009.
Chang R.C.C. and Lai S.W., An important role of endoplasmic reticulum in b-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity in primary hippocampal neurons, The 6th Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium. 2009, 40-41.
Chang R.C.C., Chairman, Workshop on Research Direction for HKU Alzheimer's Disease Research Network. 2009.
Chang R.C.C., Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Ho Y.S., Chan W. and So K.F., Interleukin-10 protects retinal ganglion cell from laser induced ocular hypertension in the rat glaucoma model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 143.7, Poster No. U1.
Chang R.C.C., Lai S.W., Preisler J., Yu M.S., Ng H.K., Hugon J. and Lee D.H.S., Low molecular weight b-amyloid peptides induce endoplasmic reticulum aggregation in primary hippocampal neurons, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2008, 4 Issue 4 Suppl 2: T638 P3-399.
Chang R.C.C., Neurons in ER! Does the ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum) be a central point in the degenerative process of Alzheimer's disease?, Department of Biology, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 2009.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases Advances, Concepts and New Challenges, Prague, March 2009. 2068.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Supp. 1: 2068.
Chang R.C.C., Session Chairman of Neurobiophysics, The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009.
Chang R.C.C., Session Chairman, The 9th International Conference of Alzheimer's / Parkinson's Diseases: Advances, Concepts and New Challenges. Prague, 2009.
Chang R.C.C., The Potential Impact of Herbal Medicine in Neurodegenerative Diseases, The 9th International Conference of Alzheimer's / Parkinson's Diseases: Advances, Concepts, and New Challenges. Prague, 2009.
Chang R.C.C. and So K.F., 枸杞子對青光眼和阿茲海默症神经保护作用的分子机制研究, 解剖学研究. 2009, 31(4): 310.
Chao J., Yu M.S., Ho Y.S., Wang M. and Chang R.C.C., Dietary oxyresveratrol prevents parkinsonian mimetic 6-hydroxydopamine neurotoxicity, Free Radical Biology and Medicine . 2008, 45: 1019-1026.
Chao J., Li H., Cheng K.W., Yu M.S., Chang R.C.C. and Wang M., Investigating the structural analog of resveratrol in an in vitro Parkinson's disease model, Fourth International symposium on Healthy Aging: Eerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 66 P19.
Chao J.F., Yu M.S., Ho Y.S., Wang M. and Chang R.C.C., Novel neuroprotective effects of oxyresveratrol preventing 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurotoxicity: antioxidant activity and up-regulation of sirt1, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 253.4, Program No. X5.
Cheung Y.T., Lau K.W., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma as in vitro model in neurotoxicity research, NeuroToxicology. 2009, 30: 127-135.
Cheung Y.T., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of apoptosis and autophagy by beta-amyloid peptide induced neurotoxicity, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 67 P23.
Chiu K., Chan H.C., Yeung S.C., Yuen W.H., Zee S.Y., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulating microglial morphology in the retina by wolfberry in a rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 64 P9.
Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Yuen W.H., Zee S.Y., Chang R.C.C. and So K.F., Modulation of microglia by Wolfberry on the survival of retinal ganglion cells in a rat ocular hypertension model, Journal of Ocular Biology, Disease and Informatics. 2009, 2: 47-56.
Chiu K., Chan H.C., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of microglial activation to protect retinal ganglion cell in a rat model of ocular hypertension by herbal medicine - Wolfberry, Hong Kong Society for Immunology 2009 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting. 2009, 28.
Chiu K., Zhou Y., Yeung S.C., Lok C.K.M., Chan O.O.C., Chang R.C.C., So K.F. and Chiu J., Up-regulation of crystallins is involved in the neuroprotective effect of wolfberry on survival of retinal ganglion cells in rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 65 P13.
Ho Y.S., Yik S.Y., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen A.W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Polysaccharides from lycium barbarum antagonize glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured cortical neurons, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 355.5, Poster No. AA28.
Ho Y.S., Yang X., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Use of wolfberry polysaccharides to reduce risk factor of Alzheimer's disease: Homocysteine, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 68 P26.
Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Yang X., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Wolfberry polysaccharide protects primary cortical neurons from homocysteine-induced neurotoxicity, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Suppl. 1: 2186.
Hong S., Ho Y.S., Che C., Lin Z. and Chang R.C.C., Novel Neuroprotective effect of a cognition-enhancing herb, alpinae oxyphyllae, on glutamate neurotoxicity, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Suppl. 1: 1630.
Hong S.J., Ho Y.S., Yi H., Che C.T., Lin Z.X. and Chang R.C.C., The neuroprotection effects of alpinae oxyphyllae, a new anti-aging chinese herb, on glutamate-induced toxicity , Fourth International symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 64 P11.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Cheung Y.T., Zhang Q., Baum L. and Chang R.C.C., Formation of autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes as a pathological consequence of endoplasmic reticulum collapse, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P6.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Baum L., Lee D.H.S., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Low molecular weight Ab induces collapse of endoplasmic reticulum, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 2009, 41: 32-43.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Baum L., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Low molecular weitht Ab peptide leads to endoplasmic reticulum aggregation by interfering the microtubule stability, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 829.1, Poster No. E19.
Lau K.F., Chan W.M., Perkinton M.S., Tudor E.L., Chang R.C.C., Chan H.Y.E., McLoughlin D.M. and Miller C.C.J., Dexras 1 interacts with FE65 to regulate FE65-amyloid precursor protein-dependent transcription, Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2008, 283(50): 34728-34737.
So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Molecular mechanism of neuroprotection in glaucoma and Alzheimer's disease using Gouqizi (Wolfberry), The 6th International Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists, Shanghai, China. 2008, 40.
So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Neuroprotective therapies for CNS injuries, The 3rd Beijing International Rehabilitation Forum. 2008.
So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Neuroprotective therapies for CNS injuries, Tje 2nd International Association of Neurorestoratology Annual Conference, Beijing, China, April 24-26, 2009.. 2009, 17.
So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Use of wolfberry and neuroprotection of retinal ganglion cells, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 81 CM-1.
Suen K.C., Chan W.K. and Chang R.C.C., Brain cell culture is an effective learning activity for high school students to acquire diverse kowledge and skills about neuroscience, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 222.17.
Suen K.C., Cheung T.W., Li L.M., Lo B.C.Y., Lam H.C., Wong Y.H., Yuen C.T. and Chang R.C.C., Immediate night-time sleep helps memory consolidation in adolescents aged 13-14, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 587.5, Poster No. SS67.
Yang X., Song J., Yeung S.C., Mak J.C.W. and Chang R.C.C., Alzheimer-like hyperphosphorylation of tau in animal model of secondary smoke, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2008, 4 Issue 4 Suppl 2: T702 P4-114.
Yang X., Yang Y., Luo Y., Li G., Chang R.C.C., Wang J. and Yang E.S., Beneficial effects of coenzyme Q10 against phosphorylation of tau in aged transgenic mice with Alzheimer presenilin 1 mutation, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 62 P2.
Yang X., Yang Y., Gu J., Chang R.C.C., Li G., Wang J. and Yang E.S., Coenzyme Q10 attenuates hyperphosphorylation of tau with up-regulation of AKT signaling in the aged transgenic mice with Alzheimer presenilin 1 mutation, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2008, 4 Issue 4 Suppl 2: T416-T417 P2-158.
Yang X., Ho Y.S., Yeung S.C., Mak J.C.W. and Chang R.C.C., Discovering Alzheimer pathology in rats exposed to smoke, Fourth International Symposium on Health Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P5.
Yang X., Ho Y.S., Baum L., Li G., Wang J. and Chang R.C.C., Endoplasmic reticulum stress in aged P301L Tau transgenic mice, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2009, 5 Suppl 1: P397 P3-185.
Yang X., Ho Y.S., Baum L., Wang J. and Chang R.C.C., Investigating endoplasmic reticulum stress in aged P301L tau transgenic mice, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P8.
Yeung C.M., Li S.Y., Chang R.C.C., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Neuroprotective Effects of Lycium barbarum Polysaccharides on Retinal Ischemic Injury, ARVO 2009 Annual Meeting. 2009.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Fadd (fas-associated death domain-containing protein) as a mediator of cell cycle dysregulation in beta-amyloid peptide-induced apoptosis?, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 829.11, Poster No. E29.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Baum L., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Involvement of FADD in beta-amyloid toxicity and in Alzheimer's disease, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 66 P20.
Zhang E., Chang R.C.C. and So K.F., Effects of wolfberry on hippocampal neurogenesis and depression-like behaviour in a rat depression model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 74 P52.

Researcher : Cheung A

List of Research Outputs

Cheung A., Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and He Q.Y., 1d-1 activation of P13K/Akt signaling pathway and its significance in promoting tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancel cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 4348.
Deng W., Cheung A. and Tsao G.S.W., HPV16-E6E7 expression leads to centromeric instability in human cervical epithelial cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 1299.
Deng W., Tsao G.S.W., Kwok K.Y., Wong E.S.Y., Huang X.R., Liu S., Tsang C.M., Ngan H.Y.S., Cheung A.N.Y., Lan H.Y., Guan X.Y. and Cheung A., Transforming growth factor b1 promotes chromosomal instability in human papillomavirus 16 E6E7-infected cervical epithelial cells, Cancer Research. 2008, 68: 7200-7209.
Fung K.L., Han H., Leung C.L., Cheung H.W., Cheung A., Wong Y.C., Ling M.T. and Wang X., MAD2 Interacts with DNA Repair Proteins and Negatively Regulates DNA Damage Repair., Journal of Molecular Biology. 2008, 381: 24-34.
Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C., He Q.Y. and Cheung A., Id-1 promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancer cells through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway, International Journal of Cancer. 2009, 125: 2576-2585.

Researcher : Cheung HW

List of Research Outputs

Fung K.L., Han H., Leung C.L., Cheung H.W., Cheung A., Wong Y.C., Ling M.T. and Wang X., MAD2 Interacts with DNA Repair Proteins and Negatively Regulates DNA Damage Repair., Journal of Molecular Biology. 2008, 381: 24-34.

Researcher : Cheung KHA

List of Research Outputs

Yeung C.M., Cheung K.H.A., Lo A.C.Y., Wong D.S.H., Chung S.S.M. and Chung S.K., Deletion of aldose reductase protects the diabetic db/db mouse from ischemic brain and retinal injuries, The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009.

Researcher : Cheung MPL

List of Research Outputs

Zeng H., Yeung W.S.B., Cheung M.P.L., Ho P.C., Lee C.K.F., Zhuang G.L., Liang X.Y., O W.S., Liang X.Y., Liang X.Y. and Liang X.Y., In vitro-matured rat oocytes have low mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid and adenosine triphosphate contents and have abnormal mitochondrial redistribution, Fertility and Sterility. 2009, 91 No. 3: 900-907.

Researcher : Cheung PY

List of Research Outputs

Cheung P.Y., Esophageal carcinogenesis: immortalization, transformation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. 2008, 206 pages.

Researcher : Cheung WH

List of Research Outputs

Cheung W.H., Ma S.F., Tay D.K.C., Lui Kau K.W.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., The control of tissue maintenance in the brain and spinal cord by extracellular nano matrix system, New York Academy of Sciences Regenerative Medicine conference, Beijing China . 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., Nanobiotechnology For The Functional Recovery Of The Nervous System, 5th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM). 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanohealing, 2nd European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanomedicine: The New Frontier Of Medicine, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanoparticles in Optic Nerve Trauma; Nano-Scaffolding and Regeneration , North American Neuro-Ophthalmic Society (NANOS) meeting. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., Nanoscale Technologies, Nano-Knitting and Healing Powers, North American Neuro-Ophthalmic Society (NANOS) meeting. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., The Control Of Growth And Differentiation Of Cells With Physical Interaction, 2nd Pan Pacific Symposium on Stem Cell Research (PPSCR). 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Using Nanotechnology For Tissue Bioengineering In Ophthalmology , Asia-Assoc for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Asia-ARVO) 2009, Hyderabad India. 2009.

Researcher : Cheung YH

List of Research Outputs

Cheung Y.H., Lai W.W.K., Lo A.C.Y., Kent D., Wong D.S.H. and Sheridan C.M., The effects of 5-fluorouracil and Agaricus bisporis lectin on regulating retinal pigment epithelial cell wound healing activities., Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting.. 2009.
Cheung Y.H., Lai W.W.K., Lo A.C.Y., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Sheridan C.M., The effects of 5-fluorouracil and agaricus bisporus lectin on regulating retinal pigment epithelial cell activities in proliferative vitreoretinopathy, The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009.
Cheung Y.H., Lai W.W.K., Lo A.C.Y., Wong D.S.H. and Sheridan C.M., The effects of 5-fluorouracil and agaricus bisporus lectin on regulating retinal pigment epithelial cell wound healing activities, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: "Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population". 2009.

Researcher : Cheung YT

List of Research Outputs

Cheung Y.T., Lau K.W., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma as in vitro model in neurotoxicity research, NeuroToxicology. 2009, 30: 127-135.
Cheung Y.T., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of apoptosis and autophagy by beta-amyloid peptide induced neurotoxicity, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 67 P23.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Cheung Y.T., Zhang Q., Baum L. and Chang R.C.C., Formation of autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes as a pathological consequence of endoplasmic reticulum collapse, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P6.

Researcher : Ching YP

List of Research Outputs

Ching Y.P., A potential molecular link for metabolic stress and carcinogenesis: AMP-activated protein kinase, Ehrlich II – 2nd World Conference on Magic Bullets Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Nobel Prize Award to Paul Ehrlich . 2008.
Ching Y.P., Centrosome, Aneuploidy And Cancer, In: The University of Hong Kong, 15th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress. 2008.
Ching Y.P., Editorial Broad Member, In: Lian-Sheng Ma, Professor, President and Editor-in-Chief , World Journal of Hepatology . Beijing Baishideng BioMed Scientific Co., Ltd., 2009.
Ching Y.P., Overexpression of p21-activated protein kinase promotes the metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma, In: Professor D.A. Spandidos The Medical School University of Crete, International Journal of Oncology, Oncology Reports, International Journal of Molecular Medicine and Molecular Medicine Reports , 13th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 11th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine. 2008.
Ching Y.P., Liu M.H.F., Lee C.W. and Ng I.O.L., The tumor suppressive function of AMPK in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, In: FASEB Summer Research Conferences, AMPK: In Sickness and Health From Molecule to Man. 2008.
Feng Y., Tong Y., Sze C.W., Tsao G.S.W. and Ching Y.P., Mechanism involved in inhibition of tumor cell invasion by berberine derived from Coptis, RGC GRF. 2008.
Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular Infusion Of Cytosine-arabinoside causes Prepulse Inhibition Disruption, NeuroReport. PHILADELPHIA, USA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 20: 371-377.
Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular infusion of cytosine-arabinoside causes prepulse inhibition disruption. , Neuroreport. 2009, 20: 371-377.
Ng M.H., Siu K.L., Ching Y.P. and Jin D., Roles and Regulation of MIPT3 in Interferon Signaling, 13th Research Postgraduate Symposium, HKU. Hong Kong December 10 & 11. 2008.
Siu Y.T., Ching Y.P. and Jin D., Activation of TORC1 transcriptional coactivator through MEKK1-induced phosphorylation, Molecular Biology Of The Cell. 2008, 19: 4750-61.
Sze M.F., Ching Y.P., Jin D. and Ng I.O.L., Role of a novel splice variant of mitotic arrest deficient 1 (MAD1), MAD1beta, in mitotic checkpoint control in liver cancer, In: American Association for Cancer Research, Cancer Research. 2008, 68: 9194-9201.
Tung K.K., Wong C.M., Yau T.O., Lee M.F., Ching Y.P. and Ng I.O.L., HAI-2 is epigenetically downregulated in human hepatocellular carcinoma, and its Kunitz domain type 1 is critical for anti-invasive functions. , International Journal of Cancer. 2009, 124: 1811.
Wang X., Lui E.L.H., Cai Q., Ching Y.P., Liu K.S.Y., Poon R.T.P. and Fan S.T., p27Kip1 promotes migration of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma cells, Tumor Biology. 2008, 29(4): 217-223.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W., Ching Y.P. and So K.F., Hipoocampal cell proliferation is involved in exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 195.3, Poster No. UU52.
Yau T.O., Chan C.F., Lam S.G.S., Cheung O.F., Ching Y.P., Jin D., Sham M.H. and Ng I.O.L., Hepatocyte-specific activation of NF-KB does not aggravate chemical hepatocarcinogenesis in transgenic mice, The Journal of Pathology. 2008, 217: 353-361.
Yuan Z., Mei Y., Zhou J., Tan M., Song B., Ma C., Ying C., Li D., Ching Y.P. and Li M., E2F1 is not essential for apoptosis induced by potassium deprivation in cerebellar granule neurons, Neuroscience Letter. 2008, 424: 155-9.

Researcher : Chiu J

List of Research Outputs

Chiu K., Zhou Y., Yeung S.C., Lok C.K.M., Chan O.O.C., Chang R.C.C., So K.F. and Chiu J., Up-regulation of crystallins is involved in the neuroprotective effect of wolfberry on survival of retinal ganglion cells in rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 65 P13.
He Q.Y., Yang H., Wong B.C.Y. and Chiu J., Serological Proteomics of Gastritis: Degradation of Apolipoprotein A-I and Alpha1-Antitrypsin Is a Common Response to Inflammation Irrespective of Helicobacter pylori Infection. , Dig Dis Sci. 2008, 53(12): 3112-8.
Qi Y., He Q.Y., Ma Y.F., Du Y.W., Liu G.C., Li Y.J., Tsao G.S.W., Ngai S.M. and Chiu J., Proteomic identification of malignant transformation-related proteins in esophageal squamous cell carcioma., J. Cell Biochem.. 2008, 104: 1625-1635.

Researcher : Chiu K

List of Research Outputs

Chang R.C.C., Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Ho Y.S., Chan W. and So K.F., Interleukin-10 protects retinal ganglion cell from laser induced ocular hypertension in the rat glaucoma model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 143.7, Poster No. U1.
Chiu K., Immune modulation on retinal ganglion cell survival in experimental galucoma. 2008.
Chiu K., Chan H.C., Yeung S.C., Yuen W.H., Zee S.Y., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulating microglial morphology in the retina by wolfberry in a rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 64 P9.
Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Yuen W.H., Zee S.Y., Chang R.C.C. and So K.F., Modulation of microglia by Wolfberry on the survival of retinal ganglion cells in a rat ocular hypertension model, Journal of Ocular Biology, Disease and Informatics. 2009, 2: 47-56.
Chiu K., Chan H.C., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of microglial activation to protect retinal ganglion cell in a rat model of ocular hypertension by herbal medicine - Wolfberry, Hong Kong Society for Immunology 2009 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting. 2009, 28.
Chiu K., Zhou Y., Yeung S.C., Lok C.K.M., Chan O.O.C., Chang R.C.C., So K.F. and Chiu J., Up-regulation of crystallins is involved in the neuroprotective effect of wolfberry on survival of retinal ganglion cells in rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 65 P13.
Luo X.G., Chiu K., Lau H.S., Lee V.W.H., Yung K.K.L. and So K.F., The Selective Vulnerability of Retinal Ganglion Cells in Rat Chronic Ocular Hypertension Model at Early Phase. , Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. Springer Netherlands, 2009.

Researcher : Chiu K

List of Research Outputs

Chang R.C.C., Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Ho Y.S., Chan W. and So K.F., Interleukin-10 protects retinal ganglion cell from laser induced ocular hypertension in the rat glaucoma model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 143.7, Poster No. U1.
Chiu K., Immune modulation on retinal ganglion cell survival in experimental galucoma. 2008.
Chiu K., Chan H.C., Yeung S.C., Yuen W.H., Zee S.Y., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulating microglial morphology in the retina by wolfberry in a rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 64 P9.
Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Yuen W.H., Zee S.Y., Chang R.C.C. and So K.F., Modulation of microglia by Wolfberry on the survival of retinal ganglion cells in a rat ocular hypertension model, Journal of Ocular Biology, Disease and Informatics. 2009, 2: 47-56.
Chiu K., Chan H.C., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of microglial activation to protect retinal ganglion cell in a rat model of ocular hypertension by herbal medicine - Wolfberry, Hong Kong Society for Immunology 2009 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting. 2009, 28.
Chiu K., Zhou Y., Yeung S.C., Lok C.K.M., Chan O.O.C., Chang R.C.C., So K.F. and Chiu J., Up-regulation of crystallins is involved in the neuroprotective effect of wolfberry on survival of retinal ganglion cells in rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 65 P13.
Luo X.G., Chiu K., Lau H.S., Lee V.W.H., Yung K.K.L. and So K.F., The Selective Vulnerability of Retinal Ganglion Cells in Rat Chronic Ocular Hypertension Model at Early Phase. , Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. Springer Netherlands, 2009.

Researcher : Chiu YT

List of Research Outputs

Ling M.T., Chiu Y.T., Lee K.W., Leung S.C., Fung K.L., Wang X., Wong K.F. and Wong Y.C., Id-1 induces proteasome-dependent degradation of the HBX protein, Journal of molecular Biology. 2008, 382: 34-43.

Researcher : Chu TH

List of Research Outputs

Chu T.H., Li S.Y., Guo A., Wong W.M., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Implantation of neurotrophic factor-treated sensory nerve graft enhances survival and axonal regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 2009, 68: 94-101.
Chu T.H., Du Y. and Wu W., Motor nerve graft is better than sensory nerve graft for survival and regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion in adult rats., Experimental Neurology. 2008, 212: 562-565.
Chu T.H. and Wu W., Neurotrophic Factor Treatment after Spinal Root Avulsion Injury, Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2009, 9: 40-55.
Chu T.H. and Wu W., Spinal root avulsion and repair, In: J. Chen, Z. Xu, X.-M. Xu and J. Zhang, Animal Models of Acute Neurological Injuries. Springer, 2009, 487-496.
Chu T.H., Trophic influences on axon regeneration in a rodent model of avulsion injury and repair. 2008, 70 pages.
Guo J., Leung G.K.K., Su H., Yuan Q.J., Wang L., Chu T.H., Zhang W., Pu J.K.S., Ng G.K.P., Wong W.M., Dai X. and Wu W., Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold promotes the reconstruction of acutely injured brain, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009, 5(3): 345-351.

Researcher : Chu TH

List of Research Outputs

Chu T.H., Li S.Y., Guo A., Wong W.M., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Implantation of neurotrophic factor-treated sensory nerve graft enhances survival and axonal regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 2009, 68: 94-101.
Chu T.H., Du Y. and Wu W., Motor nerve graft is better than sensory nerve graft for survival and regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion in adult rats., Experimental Neurology. 2008, 212: 562-565.
Chu T.H. and Wu W., Neurotrophic Factor Treatment after Spinal Root Avulsion Injury, Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2009, 9: 40-55.
Chu T.H. and Wu W., Spinal root avulsion and repair, In: J. Chen, Z. Xu, X.-M. Xu and J. Zhang, Animal Models of Acute Neurological Injuries. Springer, 2009, 487-496.
Chu T.H., Trophic influences on axon regeneration in a rodent model of avulsion injury and repair. 2008, 70 pages.
Guo J., Leung G.K.K., Su H., Yuan Q.J., Wang L., Chu T.H., Zhang W., Pu J.K.S., Ng G.K.P., Wong W.M., Dai X. and Wu W., Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold promotes the reconstruction of acutely injured brain, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009, 5(3): 345-351.

Researcher : Chua CW

List of Research Outputs

Chua C.W., Dissecting the therapeutic potential of FTY720, a fungus derived metabolite, on advanced prostate cancer. 2009, 205 pages.
Yuen H.F., Kwok W.K., Chan K.K., Chua C.W., Chan Y.P., Chu Y.Y., Wong Y.C., Wang X. and Chan K.W., TWIST modulates prostate cancer cell-mediated bone cell activity and is upregulated by osteogenic induction, Carcinogenesis. 2008, 29(8): 1509-18.

Researcher : Chua CW

List of Research Outputs

Chua C.W., Dissecting the therapeutic potential of FTY720, a fungus derived metabolite, on advanced prostate cancer. 2009, 205 pages.
Yuen H.F., Kwok W.K., Chan K.K., Chua C.W., Chan Y.P., Chu Y.Y., Wong Y.C., Wang X. and Chan K.W., TWIST modulates prostate cancer cell-mediated bone cell activity and is upregulated by osteogenic induction, Carcinogenesis. 2008, 29(8): 1509-18.

Researcher : Chung SK

List of Research Outputs

Chan W.H., Ho Y.S., Chung S.K. and Chung S.S.M., Synergistic effect of osmotic and oxidative stress in slow-developing cataract formation, Experimental Eye Research. 2008, 87: 454-461.
Fu Z., Li S.Y., Chung S.K., Chung S.S.M., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Effect of aldose reductase in an animal model of retinopathy of prematurity, The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009.
Fu Z., Li S.Y., Chung S.K., Chung S.S.M., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Role of aldose reductase in mouse model of retinopathy of prematurity, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: "Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population". 2009.
Hung K.L., Lai K.W., Chan C.H., Wu E.X., Lo A.C.Y. and Chung S.K., Over-expression of endothelin-1 in astrocytes leads to chronic cognitive deficit and brain edema after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion, 2008 Annual Meeting for Society for Neuroscience. Washington DC, 2008, No.748.11.
Leung W.C., Chung S.S.M. and Chung S.K., Endothelial Endothelin-1 Over-expression Using Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Tei-1 Promoter Leads To More Severe Vascular Permeability And Blood Brainbarrier Breakdown After Transient Middle Crebral Artery Occlusion , Brain Research. 2009, 1266.
Yeung C.M., Cheung K.H.A., Lo A.C.Y., Wong D.S.H., Chung S.S.M. and Chung S.K., Deletion of aldose reductase protects the diabetic db/db mouse from ischemic brain and retinal injuries, The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009.
Zhang X., Lam K.S.L., Zhou M., Chang J., Chung S.K. and Xu A., Inactivation Of Hypoxia Inducible Factor (hif) 1 Alpha Induces Obesity-associated Metabolic Disorders Through Brown Adipose Tissue Dysfunction , 14th Medical Research Conference-Hong Kong . 2009.
Zhang X., Zhou M., Chang J., Chung S.K., Xu A. and Lam K.S.L., Inactivation Of Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1apha Induces Obesity-associated Metabolic Disorders Through Brown Adipose Tissue Dysfunction , 1. The Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong Society of Endocrinology Metabolism and Reproduction, 30th November 2008.

Researcher : Deng W

List of Research Outputs

Deng W., Cheung A. and Tsao G.S.W., HPV16-E6E7 expression leads to centromeric instability in human cervical epithelial cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 1299.
Deng W., Tsao G.S.W., Kwok K.Y., Wong E.S.Y., Huang X.R., Liu S., Tsang C.M., Ngan H.Y.S., Cheung A.N.Y., Lan H.Y., Guan X.Y. and Cheung A., Transforming growth factor b1 promotes chromosomal instability in human papillomavirus 16 E6E7-infected cervical epithelial cells, Cancer Research. 2008, 68: 7200-7209.
Wu G., Deng W., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Characteristics Of Telomerase Expression In Neurogenic Sites Of Adult Central Nervous System (cns), the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Wu G., Deng W., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Characteristics of telomerase expression in neurogenic sites of adult central nervous system, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 208.17.
Zhuang Z., Tsao G.S.W., Deng W., Wang J., Xia H.H.X., He H., Feng H., Wang L., Gu Q., Lam S.K., Lin M.C., Kung H.F. and Wong B.C.Y., Early Upregulation of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Human Papillomavirus Type 16 and Telomerase-induced Immortalization of Human Esophageal Epithelial Cells, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2008, 23: 1613-1620.

Researcher : Deng W

List of Research Outputs

Deng W., Cheung A. and Tsao G.S.W., HPV16-E6E7 expression leads to centromeric instability in human cervical epithelial cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 1299.
Deng W., Tsao G.S.W., Kwok K.Y., Wong E.S.Y., Huang X.R., Liu S., Tsang C.M., Ngan H.Y.S., Cheung A.N.Y., Lan H.Y., Guan X.Y. and Cheung A., Transforming growth factor b1 promotes chromosomal instability in human papillomavirus 16 E6E7-infected cervical epithelial cells, Cancer Research. 2008, 68: 7200-7209.
Wu G., Deng W., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Characteristics Of Telomerase Expression In Neurogenic Sites Of Adult Central Nervous System (cns), the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Wu G., Deng W., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Characteristics of telomerase expression in neurogenic sites of adult central nervous system, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 208.17.
Zhuang Z., Tsao G.S.W., Deng W., Wang J., Xia H.H.X., He H., Feng H., Wang L., Gu Q., Lam S.K., Lin M.C., Kung H.F. and Wong B.C.Y., Early Upregulation of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Human Papillomavirus Type 16 and Telomerase-induced Immortalization of Human Esophageal Epithelial Cells, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2008, 23: 1613-1620.

Researcher : Di K

List of Research Outputs

Wang X., Zhang X., Di K., Han H., Wong Y.C., Leung C.L. and Ling M.T., Id1 promotes chromosomal instability through modification of APC/C activity during mitosis in response to microtubule disruption., Oncogene. 2008, 27: 4456-4466.

Researcher : Du Y

List of Research Outputs

Chu T.H., Du Y. and Wu W., Motor nerve graft is better than sensory nerve graft for survival and regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion in adult rats., Experimental Neurology. 2008, 212: 562-565.
Du Y. and Yip H.K.F., Retinal cell development is possibly mediated by BMP-Smad-Id pathway, the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Du Y. and Yip H.K.F., Retinal cell developments is possibly mediated by BMP-Smad-1D pathway, Fens Abstracts. 2008, 4: 009.3.
Yip H.K.F. and Du Y., Bone morphogenetic protein-4 induction of mouse retinal progenitor cell differentiation may involve the activation of Smad-1/5 and inhibitors of differentiation, USA Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2008.
Yip H.K.F. and Du Y., Bone morphogenetic protein-4 induction of mouse retinal progenitor cell differentiation may involve the activaton of smad-1/5 and inhibitors of differentiation, Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program/kPoster: 421.10/B13.

Researcher : Du Y

List of Research Outputs

Chu T.H., Du Y. and Wu W., Motor nerve graft is better than sensory nerve graft for survival and regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion in adult rats., Experimental Neurology. 2008, 212: 562-565.
Du Y. and Yip H.K.F., Retinal cell development is possibly mediated by BMP-Smad-Id pathway, the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Du Y. and Yip H.K.F., Retinal cell developments is possibly mediated by BMP-Smad-1D pathway, Fens Abstracts. 2008, 4: 009.3.
Yip H.K.F. and Du Y., Bone morphogenetic protein-4 induction of mouse retinal progenitor cell differentiation may involve the activation of Smad-1/5 and inhibitors of differentiation, USA Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2008.
Yip H.K.F. and Du Y., Bone morphogenetic protein-4 induction of mouse retinal progenitor cell differentiation may involve the activaton of smad-1/5 and inhibitors of differentiation, Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program/kPoster: 421.10/B13.

Researcher : Ellis-Behnke RG

List of Research Outputs

Chan K.C., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Longitudinal 1h Mrs Of Hamster Superior Colliculus Following Retinotectal Deafferentation, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 17, 1027. 2009.
Cheung W.H., Ma S.F., Tay D.K.C., Lui Kau K.W.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., The control of tissue maintenance in the brain and spinal cord by extracellular nano matrix system, New York Academy of Sciences Regenerative Medicine conference, Beijing China . 2009.
Ellenberg D., Shi J., Jain S., Chang J.H., Brady S., Melhem E., Lakkis F., Adamis A., Chen D.F., Ellis-Behnke R.G., Langer R.S., Strittmatter S. and Azar D.T., Impediments to eye transplantation: ocular viability following optic nerve transection or enucleation, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Breakthroughs in tissue-specific bioengineering , 24th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO-AAO) Congress, Bali Indonesia. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E., Wu W. and So K.F., Crystal Clear Surgery Using Self-assembling Molecules That Act As A Bio Barrier In The Brain And Spinal Cord, Society for Neuroscience 2008, Washington DC USA. 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Tay D.K.C., Liang Y., Schneider G.E. and So K.F., Crystal clear surgery using self-assembling molecules that act as a bio barrier in the brain and spinal cord, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 888.6, Poster No. VV8.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Forever Young: using nanotechnology to control the elongation, differentiation and proliferation of cells, Nanotechnology Symposium at the Hong Kong Eye Hospital, Hong Kong. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., In Vitro And In Vivo Cell Preservation For Brain And Spinal Cord Repair, 9th International Conference on Neuroprotective Agents, Woods Hole USA . 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., Nanobiotechnology For The Functional Recovery Of The Nervous System, 5th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM). 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Nanobiotechnology for the functional recovery of the nervous system, Plenary speaker, 5th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM), Istanbul, Turkey. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E. and So K.F., Nanohealing In Hamster Vision: nanomedicine For Functional Recovery Of Central Nervous System , 4th Meeting of the American Academy of Nanomedicine, Sept 4-7, Washington DC . 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanohealing, 2nd European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Nanohealing, 2nd European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine, Basel Switzerland. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanomedicine: The New Frontier Of Medicine, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanoparticles in Optic Nerve Trauma; Nano-Scaffolding and Regeneration , North American Neuro-Ophthalmic Society (NANOS) meeting. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Nanoparticles in Optic Nerve Trauma; Nano-Scaffolding and Regeneration, North American Neuro-Ophthalmic Society (NANOS) meeting, Las Vegas NV. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Nanoscale Technologies, Nano-Knitting and Healing Powers, North American Neuro-Ophthalmic Society (NANOS) meeting. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., Nanoscale Technologies, Nano-Knitting and Healing Powers, North American Neuro-Ophthalmic Society (NANOS) meeting. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Recent Breakthroughs In Tissue Bioengineering , 15th Annual Optic Nerve Rescue and Restoration Think Tank, New York USA, 2008 . 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., The Control Of Growth And Differentiation Of Cells With Physical Interaction, 2nd Pan Pacific Symposium on Stem Cell Research (PPSCR). 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., The control of growth and differentiation of cells with physical interaction, 2nd Pan Pacific Symposium on Stem Cell Research (PPSCR), Taichung, Taiwan. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Using Nanotechnology For Tissue Bioengineering In Ophthalmology , Asia-Assoc for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Asia-ARVO) 2009, Hyderabad India. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Wu E.X. and So K.F., Using a 7 Tesla fMRI and a Nano Contrast Agent to Visualize Regenerating Axons in vivo in Hamster Optic Tract Transection , 18th International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing, China. 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Using a 7 tesla FMRI and a nono contrast agent to visualize regenerating axons in vivo in hamster optic tract transection, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 107 GL-22.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Using nanotechnology for tissue bioengineering in ophthalmology , Asia-Assoc for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Asia-ARVO), Hyderabad India. 2009.
Guo J., Su H., Zeng Y., Liang Y., Wong W.M., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu W., Reknitting the injured spinal cord by self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold, The 21st Chinese SCI Academic Annual Meeting & The 3rd International SCI Treatments & Trials Symposium, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 7-8.
Liang Y., Cheung W.H., Ma S.F., Tay D.K.C., Lui Kau K.W.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., Repairing of damaged brain tissues with self-assembling nanofiber scaffold, New York Academy of Sciences Regenerative Medicine conference, Beijing China . 2009.
Sang Y., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Cheung R.T.F., Clot aspiration plus intrastriatal administration of a self-assembling peptide in a rat model of intracerebral hemorrhage, Neurology. 2009, 72 (suppl 3): A398.
Sang Y., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Cheung R.T.F., Evaluation of a self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold (SAPNS) in normotensive and hypertensive models of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in the rat, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population, Research Centre of Heart, Brain, Hormone & Healthy Aging. 2009, 73.
Sang Y., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Cheung R.T.F., Neuroprotective effects of self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold in a hypertension rat model of intracerebral haemorrhage, Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2009, 15 (suppl 1): 32.
Schneider G.E., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Tay D.K.C., So K.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., Self-assembled nanomaterial, chondroitinase ABC and CNTF combination treatment provides a permissive environment for optic-tract regeneration in hamster, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 725.28, Poster No. D2.
So K.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., The use of nanotechnology on axonal regeneration and hemostasis, First Educational Course of International Society of Reconstructive Neurosurgery, October 23-27, 2008, Indonesia. 2008, 14.
Xiao B., Nan Y., Zhang D., Chen B., Ren C., Yu E., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F., Guan Y. and Pu M., Physiological response properties of retinal ganglion cells indifferent retinal disease animal models, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 166 RN-11.

Researcher : Feng H

List of Research Outputs

Zhuang Z., Tsao G.S.W., Deng W., Wang J., Xia H.H.X., He H., Feng H., Wang L., Gu Q., Lam S.K., Lin M.C., Kung H.F. and Wong B.C.Y., Early Upregulation of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Human Papillomavirus Type 16 and Telomerase-induced Immortalization of Human Esophageal Epithelial Cells, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2008, 23: 1613-1620.

Researcher : Fu Q

List of Research Outputs

Chan K.C., Fu Q., Cheung M.M.H., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the visual cortexin a rat model of chronic glaucoma, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 885.11, Poster No. UU52.
Fu Q., Li X., Yip H.K.F., Shao Z., Wu W., Mi S. and So K.F., Combined effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and lingo-1 fusion protein on long-term survival of retinal ganglion cells in chronic glaucoma, Neuroscience. 2009, 162: 375-382.

Researcher : Fu Q

List of Research Outputs

Chan K.C., Fu Q., Cheung M.M.H., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the visual cortexin a rat model of chronic glaucoma, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 885.11, Poster No. UU52.
Fu Q., Li X., Yip H.K.F., Shao Z., Wu W., Mi S. and So K.F., Combined effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and lingo-1 fusion protein on long-term survival of retinal ganglion cells in chronic glaucoma, Neuroscience. 2009, 162: 375-382.

Researcher : Fu Z

List of Research Outputs

Fu Z., Li S.Y., Chung S.K., Chung S.S.M., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Effect of aldose reductase in an animal model of retinopathy of prematurity, The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009.
Fu Z., Li S.Y., Chung S.K., Chung S.S.M., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Role of aldose reductase in mouse model of retinopathy of prematurity, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: "Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population". 2009.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Beneficial Effect Of Lutein On Retina In A Model Of Acute Retinal Ischemia/reperfusion, Annual Meeting of The Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences. 2009.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Effect of lutein on retinal neurons and oxidative stress in a model of acute retinal ischemia/reperfusion, Investigative of Ophthalmology and Visual science. 2009, 50: 836-843.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Lutein rescued retinal neurons and decreased oxidative stress in a model of acute ischemia/reperfusion., Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: “Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population”. 2009.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Neuroprotective effects of lutein on inner retinal neurons in a model of acute retinal ischemia/reperfusion, The 38th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience. 2008.
Li S.Y., Lo A.C.Y., Fu Z., Ma H. and Wong D.S.H., Protection of retinal neurons and reduction of oxidative stress by lutein administration in a murine model of acute retinal ischemia/reperfusion, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress. 2009.

Researcher : Fung KL

List of Research Outputs

Fung K.L., Han H., Leung C.L., Cheung H.W., Cheung A., Wong Y.C., Ling M.T. and Wang X., MAD2 Interacts with DNA Repair Proteins and Negatively Regulates DNA Damage Repair., Journal of Molecular Biology. 2008, 381: 24-34.
Ling M.T., Chiu Y.T., Lee K.W., Leung S.C., Fung K.L., Wang X., Wong K.F. and Wong Y.C., Id-1 induces proteasome-dependent degradation of the HBX protein, Journal of molecular Biology. 2008, 382: 34-43.

Researcher : Fung KL

List of Research Outputs

Fung K.L., Han H., Leung C.L., Cheung H.W., Cheung A., Wong Y.C., Ling M.T. and Wang X., MAD2 Interacts with DNA Repair Proteins and Negatively Regulates DNA Damage Repair., Journal of Molecular Biology. 2008, 381: 24-34.
Ling M.T., Chiu Y.T., Lee K.W., Leung S.C., Fung K.L., Wang X., Wong K.F. and Wong Y.C., Id-1 induces proteasome-dependent degradation of the HBX protein, Journal of molecular Biology. 2008, 382: 34-43.

Researcher : Guo A

List of Research Outputs

Chu T.H., Li S.Y., Guo A., Wong W.M., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Implantation of neurotrophic factor-treated sensory nerve graft enhances survival and axonal regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 2009, 68: 94-101.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Lithium enhances the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells in vitro and after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats through the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Journal of Neurochemistry. 2009, 108: 1385-1398.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Neural progenitor cells enhance the survival and axonal regeneration of injured motoneurons after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats, Journal of Neurotrauma. 2009, 26(1): 67-80.

Researcher : Guo A

List of Research Outputs

Chu T.H., Li S.Y., Guo A., Wong W.M., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Implantation of neurotrophic factor-treated sensory nerve graft enhances survival and axonal regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 2009, 68: 94-101.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Lithium enhances the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells in vitro and after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats through the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Journal of Neurochemistry. 2009, 108: 1385-1398.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Neural progenitor cells enhance the survival and axonal regeneration of injured motoneurons after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats, Journal of Neurotrauma. 2009, 26(1): 67-80.

Researcher : Guo J

List of Research Outputs

Guo J., Su H., Zeng Y., Liang Y., Wong W.M., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu W., Reknitting the injured spinal cord by self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold, The 21st Chinese SCI Academic Annual Meeting & The 3rd International SCI Treatments & Trials Symposium, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 7-8.
Guo J., Leung G.K.K., Su H., Yuan Q.J., Wang L., Chu T.H., Zhang W., Pu J.K.S., Ng G.K.P., Wong W.M., Dai X. and Wu W., Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold promotes the reconstruction of acutely injured brain, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009, 5(3): 345-351.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Lithium enhances the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells in vitro and after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats through the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Journal of Neurochemistry. 2009, 108: 1385-1398.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Neural progenitor cells enhance the survival and axonal regeneration of injured motoneurons after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats, Journal of Neurotrauma. 2009, 26(1): 67-80.

Researcher : Han H

List of Research Outputs

Fung K.L., Han H., Leung C.L., Cheung H.W., Cheung A., Wong Y.C., Ling M.T. and Wang X., MAD2 Interacts with DNA Repair Proteins and Negatively Regulates DNA Damage Repair., Journal of Molecular Biology. 2008, 381: 24-34.
Han H., Wang X., Wang N.L., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and Yao X., Lignans isolated from Campylotropis hirtella (Franch.) Schindl. decreased prostate specific antigen and androgen receptor expression in LNCaP cells, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . 2008, 56: 6928-6935.
Wang X., Zhang X., Di K., Han H., Wong Y.C., Leung C.L. and Ling M.T., Id1 promotes chromosomal instability through modification of APC/C activity during mitosis in response to microtubule disruption., Oncogene. 2008, 27: 4456-4466.

Researcher : Hau PM

List of Research Outputs

Tsao G.S.W., Tsang C.M., Zhang G., Hau P.M., Man C.W.Y., Yip Y.L., Lee L.S., Seto E., Takada K., Cao Y., Chen H., Lo K.W., Jin D. and Kwong D.L.W., Establishment of stable infection of Epstein-Barr Virus in premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, Proceedings of EBV Symposium. 2008.

Researcher : Ho CT

List of Research Outputs

Tipoe G.L., Ho C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Green tea polyphenols (GTPS) reduced fibrogenesis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats, Hepatology. 2008, 48(4) Suppl: 841A 1195.
Tipoe G.L., Ho C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Voluntary oral feeding of rats not requiring a very high diet is a clinically relevant animal model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), Histology and Histopathology. 2009, 24: 1161-1169.

Researcher : Ho MCT

List of Research Outputs

Ho M.C.T., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Decreased adiponectin and antioxidant enzymes are associated with necroinflammatory changes and fibrosis in a rat model for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)International Shanghai-HK Liver Meeting, Hepatology International. 2008, 2: S151-152.
Tipoe G.L., Ho M.C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Green Tea Polyphenols (GTPs) Reduce Fibrogenesis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Rats. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA , (Hepatology 841A, Suppl. 2008, 48 (4).

Researcher : Ho YS

List of Research Outputs

Chang R.C.C., Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Ho Y.S., Chan W. and So K.F., Interleukin-10 protects retinal ganglion cell from laser induced ocular hypertension in the rat glaucoma model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 143.7, Poster No. U1.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases Advances, Concepts and New Challenges, Prague, March 2009. 2068.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Supp. 1: 2068.
Chao J., Yu M.S., Ho Y.S., Wang M. and Chang R.C.C., Dietary oxyresveratrol prevents parkinsonian mimetic 6-hydroxydopamine neurotoxicity, Free Radical Biology and Medicine . 2008, 45: 1019-1026.
Chao J.F., Yu M.S., Ho Y.S., Wang M. and Chang R.C.C., Novel neuroprotective effects of oxyresveratrol preventing 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurotoxicity: antioxidant activity and up-regulation of sirt1, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 253.4, Program No. X5.
Ho Y.S., Yik S.Y., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen A.W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Polysaccharides from lycium barbarum antagonize glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured cortical neurons, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 355.5, Poster No. AA28.
Ho Y.S., Yang X., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Use of wolfberry polysaccharides to reduce risk factor of Alzheimer's disease: Homocysteine, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 68 P26.
Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Yang X., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Wolfberry polysaccharide protects primary cortical neurons from homocysteine-induced neurotoxicity, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Suppl. 1: 2186.
Hong S., Ho Y.S., Che C., Lin Z. and Chang R.C.C., Novel Neuroprotective effect of a cognition-enhancing herb, alpinae oxyphyllae, on glutamate neurotoxicity, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Suppl. 1: 1630.
Hong S.J., Ho Y.S., Yi H., Che C.T., Lin Z.X. and Chang R.C.C., The neuroprotection effects of alpinae oxyphyllae, a new anti-aging chinese herb, on glutamate-induced toxicity , Fourth International symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 64 P11.
Yang X., Ho Y.S., Yeung S.C., Mak J.C.W. and Chang R.C.C., Discovering Alzheimer pathology in rats exposed to smoke, Fourth International Symposium on Health Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P5.
Yang X., Ho Y.S., Baum L., Li G., Wang J. and Chang R.C.C., Endoplasmic reticulum stress in aged P301L Tau transgenic mice, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2009, 5 Suppl 1: P397 P3-185.
Yang X., Ho Y.S., Baum L., Wang J. and Chang R.C.C., Investigating endoplasmic reticulum stress in aged P301L tau transgenic mice, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P8.

Researcher : Hu B

List of Research Outputs

Mi S., Miller R.H., Tang W., Lee X.H., Hu B., Wu W., Zhang Y.P., Shields C.B., Zhang Y.J., M,iklasz S., Shea D., Mason J., Franklin R.J.M., Ji B., Shao Z.H., Chedotal A., Bernard F., Roulois A., Xu J.F. and Jung V., Pepinsky B., Promotion of central nervous system remyelination by induced differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells, Annals of Neurology. 2009, 65: 304-315.
Wang L., Hu B., Wong W.M., Lu P., Wu W. and Xu X.M., Glial and axonal responses in areas of Wallerian degeneration of the corticospinal and dorsal ascending tracts after spinal cord dorsal funiculotomy, Neuropathology. 2008, 29(3): 230-241.

Researcher : Hung KL

List of Research Outputs

Hung K.L., Lai K.W., Chan C.H., Wu E.X., Lo A.C.Y. and Chung S.K., Over-expression of endothelin-1 in astrocytes leads to chronic cognitive deficit and brain edema after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion, 2008 Annual Meeting for Society for Neuroscience. Washington DC, 2008, No.748.11.
Hung K.L., The role of astrocytic Endothelin-1 in dementia associated with Alzheimer's disease and mild ischemic stroke. 2008, 208 pages.

Researcher : Jang WC

List of Research Outputs

Jang W.C., Kok K.H., Jin D., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Effects of Down-Regulating Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha on Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Under Hypoxia, ARVO 2009 Annual Meeting. 2009.
Jang W.C., Kok K.H., Jin D., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., The role of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 in choroidal neovascularization, The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Beneficial Effect Of Lutein On Retina In A Model Of Acute Retinal Ischemia/reperfusion, Annual Meeting of The Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences. 2009.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Effect of lutein on retinal neurons and oxidative stress in a model of acute retinal ischemia/reperfusion, Investigative of Ophthalmology and Visual science. 2009, 50: 836-843.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Lutein rescued retinal neurons and decreased oxidative stress in a model of acute ischemia/reperfusion., Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: “Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population”. 2009.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Neuroprotective effects of lutein on inner retinal neurons in a model of acute retinal ischemia/reperfusion, The 38th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience. 2008.

Researcher : Kai KLA

List of Research Outputs

Kai K.L.A., Targeted disruption of exchange protein directly activated by cAMP mice leads to altered glucose homeostasis. 2008, 143 pages.

Researcher : Kwok WK

List of Research Outputs

Yuen H.F., Kwok W.K., Chan K.K., Chua C.W., Chan Y.P., Chu Y.Y., Wong Y.C., Wang X. and Chan K.W., TWIST modulates prostate cancer cell-mediated bone cell activity and is upregulated by osteogenic induction, Carcinogenesis. 2008, 29(8): 1509-18.

Researcher : Lai KW

List of Research Outputs

Hung K.L., Lai K.W., Chan C.H., Wu E.X., Lo A.C.Y. and Chung S.K., Over-expression of endothelin-1 in astrocytes leads to chronic cognitive deficit and brain edema after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion, 2008 Annual Meeting for Society for Neuroscience. Washington DC, 2008, No.748.11.

Researcher : Lai SW

List of Research Outputs

Chang R.C.C. and Lai S.W., An important role of endoplasmic reticulum in b-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity in primary hippocampal neurons, The 6th Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium. 2009, 40-41.
Chang R.C.C., Lai S.W., Preisler J., Yu M.S., Ng H.K., Hugon J. and Lee D.H.S., Low molecular weight b-amyloid peptides induce endoplasmic reticulum aggregation in primary hippocampal neurons, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2008, 4 Issue 4 Suppl 2: T638 P3-399.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases Advances, Concepts and New Challenges, Prague, March 2009. 2068.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Supp. 1: 2068.
Cheung Y.T., Lau K.W., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma as in vitro model in neurotoxicity research, NeuroToxicology. 2009, 30: 127-135.
Cheung Y.T., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of apoptosis and autophagy by beta-amyloid peptide induced neurotoxicity, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 67 P23.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Cheung Y.T., Zhang Q., Baum L. and Chang R.C.C., Formation of autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes as a pathological consequence of endoplasmic reticulum collapse, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P6.
Lai S.W., Investigating beta-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity from neuronal apoptosis to endoplasmic reticulum collapse: Translational research back to basic science research. 2009, 202 pages.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Baum L., Lee D.H.S., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Low molecular weight Ab induces collapse of endoplasmic reticulum, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 2009, 41: 32-43.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Baum L., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Low molecular weitht Ab peptide leads to endoplasmic reticulum aggregation by interfering the microtubule stability, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 829.1, Poster No. E19.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Fadd (fas-associated death domain-containing protein) as a mediator of cell cycle dysregulation in beta-amyloid peptide-induced apoptosis?, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 829.11, Poster No. E29.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Baum L., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Involvement of FADD in beta-amyloid toxicity and in Alzheimer's disease, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 66 P20.

Researcher : Lai SW

List of Research Outputs

Chang R.C.C. and Lai S.W., An important role of endoplasmic reticulum in b-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity in primary hippocampal neurons, The 6th Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium. 2009, 40-41.
Chang R.C.C., Lai S.W., Preisler J., Yu M.S., Ng H.K., Hugon J. and Lee D.H.S., Low molecular weight b-amyloid peptides induce endoplasmic reticulum aggregation in primary hippocampal neurons, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2008, 4 Issue 4 Suppl 2: T638 P3-399.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases Advances, Concepts and New Challenges, Prague, March 2009. 2068.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Supp. 1: 2068.
Cheung Y.T., Lau K.W., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma as in vitro model in neurotoxicity research, NeuroToxicology. 2009, 30: 127-135.
Cheung Y.T., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of apoptosis and autophagy by beta-amyloid peptide induced neurotoxicity, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 67 P23.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Cheung Y.T., Zhang Q., Baum L. and Chang R.C.C., Formation of autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes as a pathological consequence of endoplasmic reticulum collapse, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P6.
Lai S.W., Investigating beta-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity from neuronal apoptosis to endoplasmic reticulum collapse: Translational research back to basic science research. 2009, 202 pages.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Baum L., Lee D.H.S., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Low molecular weight Ab induces collapse of endoplasmic reticulum, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 2009, 41: 32-43.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Baum L., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Low molecular weitht Ab peptide leads to endoplasmic reticulum aggregation by interfering the microtubule stability, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 829.1, Poster No. E19.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Fadd (fas-associated death domain-containing protein) as a mediator of cell cycle dysregulation in beta-amyloid peptide-induced apoptosis?, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 829.11, Poster No. E29.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Baum L., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Involvement of FADD in beta-amyloid toxicity and in Alzheimer's disease, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 66 P20.

Researcher : Lau KW

List of Research Outputs

Cheung Y.T., Lau K.W., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma as in vitro model in neurotoxicity research, NeuroToxicology. 2009, 30: 127-135.

Researcher : Lau WM

List of Research Outputs

Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular Infusion Of Cytosine-arabinoside causes Prepulse Inhibition Disruption, NeuroReport. PHILADELPHIA, USA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 20: 371-377.
Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular infusion of cytosine-arabinoside causes prepulse inhibition disruption. , Neuroreport. 2009, 20: 371-377.
Lau W.M., Wong A.O.L., Tsao G.S.W., So K.F. and Yip H.K.F., Molecular cloning and characterization of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) telomerase catalytic subunit (telomerase reverse transcriptase, TERT)., J. Mol. Neurosci.. 2008, 34: 63-75.
Lau W.M., Study of adult neurogenesis and molecular mechanism underlying sexual behavior in male rats following induction of depression-like behavior and pharmacological treatment. 2009, 194 pages.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum symposium, January 16-17, 2009.. 2009, 13.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W., Ching Y.P. and So K.F., Hipoocampal cell proliferation is involved in exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 195.3, Poster No. UU52.

Researcher : Lau WM

List of Research Outputs

Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular Infusion Of Cytosine-arabinoside causes Prepulse Inhibition Disruption, NeuroReport. PHILADELPHIA, USA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 20: 371-377.
Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular infusion of cytosine-arabinoside causes prepulse inhibition disruption. , Neuroreport. 2009, 20: 371-377.
Lau W.M., Wong A.O.L., Tsao G.S.W., So K.F. and Yip H.K.F., Molecular cloning and characterization of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) telomerase catalytic subunit (telomerase reverse transcriptase, TERT)., J. Mol. Neurosci.. 2008, 34: 63-75.
Lau W.M., Study of adult neurogenesis and molecular mechanism underlying sexual behavior in male rats following induction of depression-like behavior and pharmacological treatment. 2009, 194 pages.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum symposium, January 16-17, 2009.. 2009, 13.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W., Ching Y.P. and So K.F., Hipoocampal cell proliferation is involved in exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 195.3, Poster No. UU52.

Researcher : Lee CW

List of Research Outputs

Ching Y.P., Liu M.H.F., Lee C.W. and Ng I.O.L., The tumor suppressive function of AMPK in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, In: FASEB Summer Research Conferences, AMPK: In Sickness and Health From Molecule to Man. 2008.

Researcher : Lee DTW

List of Research Outputs

Lee S.C., Chan W.K., Lee D.T.W., Lam W.H., Wang X., Chan T.H. and Wong Y.C., Effect of a prodrug of the green tea polyphenol (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate on the growth of androgen-independent prostate cancer in vivo, Nutrition and Cancer. 2008, 60(4): 483-491.

Researcher : Lee LS

List of Research Outputs

Tsao G.S.W., Tsang C.M., Zhang G., Hau P.M., Man C.W.Y., Yip Y.L., Lee L.S., Seto E., Takada K., Cao Y., Chen H., Lo K.W., Jin D. and Kwong D.L.W., Establishment of stable infection of Epstein-Barr Virus in premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, Proceedings of EBV Symposium. 2008.

Researcher : Lee VWH

List of Research Outputs

Luo X.G., Chiu K., Lau H.S., Lee V.W.H., Yung K.K.L. and So K.F., The Selective Vulnerability of Retinal Ganglion Cells in Rat Chronic Ocular Hypertension Model at Early Phase. , Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. Springer Netherlands, 2009.

Researcher : Leung CL

List of Research Outputs

Fung K.L., Han H., Leung C.L., Cheung H.W., Cheung A., Wong Y.C., Ling M.T. and Wang X., MAD2 Interacts with DNA Repair Proteins and Negatively Regulates DNA Damage Repair., Journal of Molecular Biology. 2008, 381: 24-34.
Wang X., Zhang X., Di K., Han H., Wong Y.C., Leung C.L. and Ling M.T., Id1 promotes chromosomal instability through modification of APC/C activity during mitosis in response to microtubule disruption., Oncogene. 2008, 27: 4456-4466.

Researcher : Leung KM

List of Research Outputs

Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Lau K.S., Leung T.M., Leung K.M., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Sex differences in acute liver injury in cyclooxygenase-1 deficient mice. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA Suppl., 998A, Hepatology. 2008, 48(4).

Researcher : Leung MCP

List of Research Outputs

Leung M.C.P., Chan H.H.L. and So K.F., The effects of electroacupuncture to rats with induced glaucoma, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 81 CM5.

Researcher : Leung TM

List of Research Outputs

Ho M.C.T., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Decreased adiponectin and antioxidant enzymes are associated with necroinflammatory changes and fibrosis in a rat model for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)International Shanghai-HK Liver Meeting, Hepatology International. 2008, 2: S151-152.
Leung T.M., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is a critical factor in experimetnal liver fibrosis, International Journal of Experimental Pathology. 2008, 89: 241-250.
Leung T.M., Nanji A.A., Liong E.C., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Tipoe G.L., Green Tea Polyphenols (GTPs) protect against liver fibrosis in mice. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA, Suppl., 927A, Hepatology. 2008, 48 (4).
Tipoe G.L., Ho M.C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Green Tea Polyphenols (GTPs) Reduce Fibrogenesis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Rats. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA , (Hepatology 841A, Suppl. 2008, 48 (4).
Tipoe G.L., Ho C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Green tea polyphenols (GTPS) reduced fibrogenesis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats, Hepatology. 2008, 48(4) Suppl: 841A 1195.
Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Lau K.S., Leung T.M., Leung K.M., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Sex differences in acute liver injury in cyclooxygenase-1 deficient mice. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA Suppl., 998A, Hepatology. 2008, 48(4).
Tipoe G.L., Ho C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Voluntary oral feeding of rats not requiring a very high diet is a clinically relevant animal model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), Histology and Histopathology. 2009, 24: 1161-1169.

Researcher : Leung WC

List of Research Outputs

Leung W.C., Chung S.S.M. and Chung S.K., Endothelial Endothelin-1 Over-expression Using Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Tei-1 Promoter Leads To More Severe Vascular Permeability And Blood Brainbarrier Breakdown After Transient Middle Crebral Artery Occlusion , Brain Research. 2009, 1266.

Researcher : Li B

List of Research Outputs

Cheung A., Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and He Q.Y., 1d-1 activation of P13K/Akt signaling pathway and its significance in promoting tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancel cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 4348.
Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C., He Q.Y. and Cheung A., Id-1 promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancer cells through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway, International Journal of Cancer. 2009, 125: 2576-2585.

Researcher : Li G

List of Research Outputs

Yang X., Yang Y., Gu J., Chang R.C.C., Li G., Wang J. and Yang E.S., Coenzyme Q10 attenuates hyperphosphorylation of tau with up-regulation of AKT signaling in the aged transgenic mice with Alzheimer presenilin 1 mutation, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2008, 4 Issue 4 Suppl 2: T416-T417 P2-158.

Researcher : Li YY

List of Research Outputs

Cheung A., Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and He Q.Y., 1d-1 activation of P13K/Akt signaling pathway and its significance in promoting tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancel cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 4348.
Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C., He Q.Y. and Cheung A., Id-1 promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancer cells through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway, International Journal of Cancer. 2009, 125: 2576-2585.

Researcher : Liang Y

List of Research Outputs

Chan K.C., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Longitudinal 1h Mrs Of Hamster Superior Colliculus Following Retinotectal Deafferentation, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 17, 1027. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Breakthroughs in tissue-specific bioengineering , 24th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO-AAO) Congress, Bali Indonesia. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E., Wu W. and So K.F., Crystal Clear Surgery Using Self-assembling Molecules That Act As A Bio Barrier In The Brain And Spinal Cord, Society for Neuroscience 2008, Washington DC USA. 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Tay D.K.C., Liang Y., Schneider G.E. and So K.F., Crystal clear surgery using self-assembling molecules that act as a bio barrier in the brain and spinal cord, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 888.6, Poster No. VV8.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., Nanobiotechnology For The Functional Recovery Of The Nervous System, 5th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM). 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E. and So K.F., Nanohealing In Hamster Vision: nanomedicine For Functional Recovery Of Central Nervous System , 4th Meeting of the American Academy of Nanomedicine, Sept 4-7, Washington DC . 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanohealing, 2nd European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanomedicine: The New Frontier Of Medicine, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanoparticles in Optic Nerve Trauma; Nano-Scaffolding and Regeneration , North American Neuro-Ophthalmic Society (NANOS) meeting. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., Nanoscale Technologies, Nano-Knitting and Healing Powers, North American Neuro-Ophthalmic Society (NANOS) meeting. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., The Control Of Growth And Differentiation Of Cells With Physical Interaction, 2nd Pan Pacific Symposium on Stem Cell Research (PPSCR). 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Using Nanotechnology For Tissue Bioengineering In Ophthalmology , Asia-Assoc for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Asia-ARVO) 2009, Hyderabad India. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Wu E.X. and So K.F., Using a 7 Tesla fMRI and a Nano Contrast Agent to Visualize Regenerating Axons in vivo in Hamster Optic Tract Transection , 18th International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing, China. 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Using a 7 tesla FMRI and a nono contrast agent to visualize regenerating axons in vivo in hamster optic tract transection, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 107 GL-22.
Guo J., Su H., Zeng Y., Liang Y., Wong W.M., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu W., Reknitting the injured spinal cord by self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold, The 21st Chinese SCI Academic Annual Meeting & The 3rd International SCI Treatments & Trials Symposium, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 7-8.
Liang Y., Cheung W.H., Ma S.F., Tay D.K.C., Lui Kau K.W.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., Repairing of damaged brain tissues with self-assembling nanofiber scaffold, New York Academy of Sciences Regenerative Medicine conference, Beijing China . 2009.
Sang Y., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Cheung R.T.F., Clot aspiration plus intrastriatal administration of a self-assembling peptide in a rat model of intracerebral hemorrhage, Neurology. 2009, 72 (suppl 3): A398.
Sang Y., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Cheung R.T.F., Evaluation of a self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold (SAPNS) in normotensive and hypertensive models of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in the rat, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population, Research Centre of Heart, Brain, Hormone & Healthy Aging. 2009, 73.
Sang Y., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Cheung R.T.F., Neuroprotective effects of self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold in a hypertension rat model of intracerebral haemorrhage, Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2009, 15 (suppl 1): 32.
Schneider G.E., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Tay D.K.C., So K.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., Self-assembled nanomaterial, chondroitinase ABC and CNTF combination treatment provides a permissive environment for optic-tract regeneration in hamster, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 725.28, Poster No. D2.

Researcher : Ling MT

List of Research Outputs

Cheung A., Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and He Q.Y., 1d-1 activation of P13K/Akt signaling pathway and its significance in promoting tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancel cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 4348.
Fung K.L., Han H., Leung C.L., Cheung H.W., Cheung A., Wong Y.C., Ling M.T. and Wang X., MAD2 Interacts with DNA Repair Proteins and Negatively Regulates DNA Damage Repair., Journal of Molecular Biology. 2008, 381: 24-34.
Han H., Wang X., Wang N.L., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and Yao X., Lignans isolated from Campylotropis hirtella (Franch.) Schindl. decreased prostate specific antigen and androgen receptor expression in LNCaP cells, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . 2008, 56: 6928-6935.
Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C., He Q.Y. and Cheung A., Id-1 promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancer cells through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway, International Journal of Cancer. 2009, 125: 2576-2585.
Ling M.T., Chiu Y.T., Lee K.W., Leung S.C., Fung K.L., Wang X., Wong K.F. and Wong Y.C., Id-1 induces proteasome-dependent degradation of the HBX protein, Journal of molecular Biology. 2008, 382: 34-43.
Ma S.K.Y., Chan Y.P., Woolcock B., Hu L., Wong K.Y., Ling M.T., Bainbridge T., Webber D., Chan H.M., Guan X.Y., Lam W., Vielkind J. and Chan K.W., DNA fingerprinting tags novel altered chromosomal regions and identifies the involvement of SOX5 in the progression of prostate cancer, International Journal of Cancer. 2009, 124: 2323-2332.
Wang X., Zhang X., Di K., Han H., Wong Y.C., Leung C.L. and Ling M.T., Id1 promotes chromosomal instability through modification of APC/C activity during mitosis in response to microtubule disruption., Oncogene. 2008, 27: 4456-4466.
Wong Y.C., Zhang X., Ling M.T. and Wang X., Caveolin 1, a novel Id1 binding partner and its role on Id1-induced behavioral change in prostate cancer cells., 20th meeting of European Association for Cancer Research, Lyon, France, July 5-8, 2008. European Journal of Cancer, Supplements vol 6/9. 2008, 6/9: 24.

Researcher : Liong EC

List of Research Outputs

Ho M.C.T., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Decreased adiponectin and antioxidant enzymes are associated with necroinflammatory changes and fibrosis in a rat model for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)International Shanghai-HK Liver Meeting, Hepatology International. 2008, 2: S151-152.
Lam S.S.Y., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C. and Fung M.L., Chronic hypoxia upregulates the expression and function of proinflammatory cytokines in the rat carotid body, Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2008, 130(3): 549-559.
Lam S.S.Y., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C. and Fung M.L., Functional upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines in the rat carotid body during chronic intermittent hypoxia. Beijing Joint Conference of Physiological Sciences 2008, Beijing, China, (Acta Physiologica Sinica, 60(Suppl.1):. 2008, 357-8.
Leung T.M., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is a critical factor in experimetnal liver fibrosis, International Journal of Experimental Pathology. 2008, 89: 241-250.
Leung T.M., Nanji A.A., Liong E.C., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Tipoe G.L., Green Tea Polyphenols (GTPs) protect against liver fibrosis in mice. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA, Suppl., 927A, Hepatology. 2008, 48 (4).
Tipoe G.L., Ho M.C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Green Tea Polyphenols (GTPs) Reduce Fibrogenesis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Rats. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA , (Hepatology 841A, Suppl. 2008, 48 (4).
Tipoe G.L., Ho C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Green tea polyphenols (GTPS) reduced fibrogenesis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats, Hepatology. 2008, 48(4) Suppl: 841A 1195.
Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Lau K.S., Leung T.M., Leung K.M., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Sex differences in acute liver injury in cyclooxygenase-1 deficient mice. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA Suppl., 998A, Hepatology. 2008, 48(4).
Tipoe G.L., Ho C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Voluntary oral feeding of rats not requiring a very high diet is a clinically relevant animal model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), Histology and Histopathology. 2009, 24: 1161-1169.

Researcher : Liu MHF

List of Research Outputs

Ching Y.P., Liu M.H.F., Lee C.W. and Ng I.O.L., The tumor suppressive function of AMPK in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, In: FASEB Summer Research Conferences, AMPK: In Sickness and Health From Molecule to Man. 2008.

Researcher : Lok CKM

List of Research Outputs

Chiu K., Zhou Y., Yeung S.C., Lok C.K.M., Chan O.O.C., Chang R.C.C., So K.F. and Chiu J., Up-regulation of crystallins is involved in the neuroprotective effect of wolfberry on survival of retinal ganglion cells in rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 65 P13.

Researcher : Lui WC

List of Research Outputs

Lui W.C., WIlliams C., Ma D., Wong D.S.H., Lo A.C.Y. and Li K.K.W., Investigation on Biocompatibility of Silicone Oil With Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells and Fibroblasts, ARVO 2009 Annual Meeting. 2009.
Lui W.C., Ma D., Wong D.S.H., Lo A.C.Y. and Li K.K.W., Investigation on biocompatibility of silicone oil with retinal pigment epithelial cells, The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009.
Ma D., Lui W.C., Li S.Y., Lo A.C.Y., Wong D.S.H., Chan C.W., Wu E.X. and Li K.K.W., Study on the Safety of Internal Tamponades by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Electroretinography and Histology Techniques in Animal Models, ARVO 2009 Annual Meeting. 2009.

Researcher : Lui Kau KWF

List of Research Outputs

Cheung W.H., Ma S.F., Tay D.K.C., Lui Kau K.W.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., The control of tissue maintenance in the brain and spinal cord by extracellular nano matrix system, New York Academy of Sciences Regenerative Medicine conference, Beijing China . 2009.
Liang Y., Cheung W.H., Ma S.F., Tay D.K.C., Lui Kau K.W.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., Repairing of damaged brain tissues with self-assembling nanofiber scaffold, New York Academy of Sciences Regenerative Medicine conference, Beijing China . 2009.

Researcher : Ma D

List of Research Outputs

Lui W.C., WIlliams C., Ma D., Wong D.S.H., Lo A.C.Y. and Li K.K.W., Investigation on Biocompatibility of Silicone Oil With Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells and Fibroblasts, ARVO 2009 Annual Meeting. 2009.
Lui W.C., Ma D., Wong D.S.H., Lo A.C.Y. and Li K.K.W., Investigation on biocompatibility of silicone oil with retinal pigment epithelial cells, The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009.
Ma D., Lui W.C., Li S.Y., Lo A.C.Y., Wong D.S.H., Chan C.W., Wu E.X. and Li K.K.W., Study on the Safety of Internal Tamponades by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Electroretinography and Histology Techniques in Animal Models, ARVO 2009 Annual Meeting. 2009.

Researcher : Ma H

List of Research Outputs

Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Beneficial Effect Of Lutein On Retina In A Model Of Acute Retinal Ischemia/reperfusion, Annual Meeting of The Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences. 2009.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Effect of lutein on retinal neurons and oxidative stress in a model of acute retinal ischemia/reperfusion, Investigative of Ophthalmology and Visual science. 2009, 50: 836-843.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Lutein rescued retinal neurons and decreased oxidative stress in a model of acute ischemia/reperfusion., Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: “Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population”. 2009.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Neuroprotective effects of lutein on inner retinal neurons in a model of acute retinal ischemia/reperfusion, The 38th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience. 2008.
Li S.Y., Lo A.C.Y., Fu Z., Ma H. and Wong D.S.H., Protection of retinal neurons and reduction of oxidative stress by lutein administration in a murine model of acute retinal ischemia/reperfusion, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress. 2009.
Ma H., Lo A.C.Y., Wong D.S.H., Damato B.E. and Coupland S.E., Detection of Hypermethylation of Tumor Suppressor Genes in Ocular Adnexal Lymphoma Using Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification, ARVO 2009 Annual Meeting. 2009.
Ma H., Lo A.C.Y., Wong D.S.H., Damato B.E. and Coupland S.E., Detection of hypermethylation of tumour suppressor genes in Ocular Adnexal Lymphoma Using Multiplex Ligation- Dependent probe amplification, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: "Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population". 2009.

Researcher : Ma SF

List of Research Outputs

Cheung W.H., Ma S.F., Tay D.K.C., Lui Kau K.W.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., The control of tissue maintenance in the brain and spinal cord by extracellular nano matrix system, New York Academy of Sciences Regenerative Medicine conference, Beijing China . 2009.
Liang Y., Cheung W.H., Ma S.F., Tay D.K.C., Lui Kau K.W.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., Repairing of damaged brain tissues with self-assembling nanofiber scaffold, New York Academy of Sciences Regenerative Medicine conference, Beijing China . 2009.

Researcher : Mak MC

List of Research Outputs

Mak M.C., Characterization of transcription factor nuclear factor of activated T-cells 5, in knockout embryos and mice. 2009, 193 pages.

Researcher : Man CWY

List of Research Outputs

Koo C.K., Wong K.L., Man C.W.Y., Lam Y.W., So L.K., Tam H.L., Tsao G.S.W., Cheah K.W., Lau K.C. and Lam M.H., A bioaccumulative cyclometalated platinum (II) complex with two-photon-induced emission for live cell imaging, Inorganic Chemistry. 2009, 48(3): 872-878.
Lee V.H.Y., Chow B.K.C., Lo K.W., Chow L.S.N., Man C.W.Y., Tsao G.S.W. and Lee T.O., Regulation of RASSF1A in nasopharyngeal cells and its response to UV irradiation., Gene. 2009, 443: 55-63.
Man C.W.Y., Rosa J., Doxsey S. and Tsao G.S.W., Overexpression induces tetraploidization and multiple abnormal mitotic phenotypes by modulating Aurora A., The American Society of Cell Biology Annual Meeting . 2008.
Man C.W.Y., postdoctoral visiting fellowship, China Medical Grant, LKS Faculty of Medicine . 2009.
Tsao G.S.W., Tsang C.M., Zhang G., Hau P.M., Man C.W.Y., Yip Y.L., Lee L.S., Seto E., Takada K., Cao Y., Chen H., Lo K.W., Jin D. and Kwong D.L.W., Establishment of stable infection of Epstein-Barr Virus in premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, Proceedings of EBV Symposium. 2008.

Researcher : Niu C

List of Research Outputs

Niu C., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Neuronal Injury Affects Telomerase Activity And Expression In The Nervous System, the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Niu C., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Neuronal injury affects telomerase activity and expression in the nervous system, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 151.21.

Researcher : O WS

List of Research Outputs

Lee C.Y.L., Ng H.P., Lau K.S., Liu W., O W.S., Yeung W.S.B. and Kung A.W.C., Increased fetal abortion rate in autoimmune thyroid disease is related to circulating TPO autoantibodies in an autoimmune thyroiditis animal model. , Fertility and Sterility. 2008, 91 (5Suppl): 2104-2109.
Poon H.K., Lee K.H., Wong C.L., O W.S. and Chow P.H., Absence of paternal accessory sex gland secretions disturbs epigenetic reprogramming and expression of Igf2 and D1k1 in golden hamster embryos, Theriogenology. 2009, 71: 1367-1380.
Zeng H., Yeung W.S.B., Cheung M.P.L., Ho P.C., Lee C.K.F., Zhuang G.L., Liang X.Y., O W.S., Liang X.Y., Liang X.Y. and Liang X.Y., In vitro-matured rat oocytes have low mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid and adenosine triphosphate contents and have abnormal mitochondrial redistribution, Fertility and Sterility. 2009, 91 No. 3: 900-907.
Zhao W., O W.S. and Fung Y.S., Microfluidic Chip-Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser Induced Fluorescence Detection for Assessing Changes in Mitochondria from HepG2 Cells , 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separation and Analysis (APCE 2008), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 2-5, 2008 . 2008, P01-06, p100.

Researcher : Qiu G

List of Research Outputs

Qiu G., Assessment of the role of corticosterone and adiponectin in the neuroprotective effect of dietary restriction. 2008, 146 pages.

Researcher : Schneider GE

List of Research Outputs

Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E., Wu W. and So K.F., Crystal Clear Surgery Using Self-assembling Molecules That Act As A Bio Barrier In The Brain And Spinal Cord, Society for Neuroscience 2008, Washington DC USA. 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E. and So K.F., Nanohealing In Hamster Vision: nanomedicine For Functional Recovery Of Central Nervous System , 4th Meeting of the American Academy of Nanomedicine, Sept 4-7, Washington DC . 2008.

Researcher : So KF

List of Research Outputs

Chan B.P., Chan C.M. and So K.F., Collagen-based microspheres and methods of preparation and use thereof, US Regular Patent. 2008.
Chan B.P. and So K.F., Photochemically crosslinked collagen scaffolds and methods for their preparation, United States Patent. 2008, 1-20.
Chan K.C., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Longitudinal 1h Mrs Of Hamster Superior Colliculus Following Retinotectal Deafferentation, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 17, 1027. 2009.
Chan K.C., Fu Q., Cheung M.M.H., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the visual cortexin a rat model of chronic glaucoma, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 885.11, Poster No. UU52.
Chang R.C.C., Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Ho Y.S., Chan W. and So K.F., Interleukin-10 protects retinal ganglion cell from laser induced ocular hypertension in the rat glaucoma model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 143.7, Poster No. U1.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases Advances, Concepts and New Challenges, Prague, March 2009. 2068.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Supp. 1: 2068.
Chang R.C.C. and So K.F., 枸杞子對青光眼和阿茲海默症神经保护作用的分子机制研究, 解剖学研究. 2009, 31(4): 310.
Cheung Y.H., Lai W.W.K., Lo A.C.Y., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Sheridan C.M., The effects of 5-fluorouracil and agaricus bisporus lectin on regulating retinal pigment epithelial cell activities in proliferative vitreoretinopathy, The 27th Hong Kong Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2009.
Cheung Y.T., Lau K.W., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma as in vitro model in neurotoxicity research, NeuroToxicology. 2009, 30: 127-135.
Cheung Y.T., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of apoptosis and autophagy by beta-amyloid peptide induced neurotoxicity, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 67 P23.
Chiu K., Chan H.C., Yeung S.C., Yuen W.H., Zee S.Y., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulating microglial morphology in the retina by wolfberry in a rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 64 P9.
Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Yuen W.H., Zee S.Y., Chang R.C.C. and So K.F., Modulation of microglia by Wolfberry on the survival of retinal ganglion cells in a rat ocular hypertension model, Journal of Ocular Biology, Disease and Informatics. 2009, 2: 47-56.
Chiu K., Chan H.C., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of microglial activation to protect retinal ganglion cell in a rat model of ocular hypertension by herbal medicine - Wolfberry, Hong Kong Society for Immunology 2009 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting. 2009, 28.
Chiu K., Zhou Y., Yeung S.C., Lok C.K.M., Chan O.O.C., Chang R.C.C., So K.F. and Chiu J., Up-regulation of crystallins is involved in the neuroprotective effect of wolfberry on survival of retinal ganglion cells in rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 65 P13.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E., Wu W. and So K.F., Crystal Clear Surgery Using Self-assembling Molecules That Act As A Bio Barrier In The Brain And Spinal Cord, Society for Neuroscience 2008, Washington DC USA. 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Tay D.K.C., Liang Y., Schneider G.E. and So K.F., Crystal clear surgery using self-assembling molecules that act as a bio barrier in the brain and spinal cord, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 888.6, Poster No. VV8.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E. and So K.F., Nanohealing In Hamster Vision: nanomedicine For Functional Recovery Of Central Nervous System , 4th Meeting of the American Academy of Nanomedicine, Sept 4-7, Washington DC . 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Wu E.X. and So K.F., Using a 7 Tesla fMRI and a Nano Contrast Agent to Visualize Regenerating Axons in vivo in Hamster Optic Tract Transection , 18th International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing, China. 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Using a 7 tesla FMRI and a nono contrast agent to visualize regenerating axons in vivo in hamster optic tract transection, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 107 GL-22.
Fu Q., Li X., Yip H.K.F., Shao Z., Wu W., Mi S. and So K.F., Combined effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and lingo-1 fusion protein on long-term survival of retinal ganglion cells in chronic glaucoma, Neuroscience. 2009, 162: 375-382.
Guo J., Su H., Zeng Y., Liang Y., Wong W.M., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu W., Reknitting the injured spinal cord by self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold, The 21st Chinese SCI Academic Annual Meeting & The 3rd International SCI Treatments & Trials Symposium, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 7-8.
Ho Y.S., Yik S.Y., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen A.W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Polysaccharides from lycium barbarum antagonize glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured cortical neurons, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 355.5, Poster No. AA28.
Ho Y.S., Yang X., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Use of wolfberry polysaccharides to reduce risk factor of Alzheimer's disease: Homocysteine, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 68 P26.
Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Yang X., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Wolfberry polysaccharide protects primary cortical neurons from homocysteine-induced neurotoxicity, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Suppl. 1: 2186.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Baum L., Lee D.H.S., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Low molecular weight Ab induces collapse of endoplasmic reticulum, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 2009, 41: 32-43.
Lai S.W., Preisler J., Baum L., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Low molecular weitht Ab peptide leads to endoplasmic reticulum aggregation by interfering the microtubule stability, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 829.1, Poster No. E19.
Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular Infusion Of Cytosine-arabinoside causes Prepulse Inhibition Disruption, NeuroReport. PHILADELPHIA, USA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 20: 371-377.
Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular infusion of cytosine-arabinoside causes prepulse inhibition disruption. , Neuroreport. 2009, 20: 371-377.
Lau W.M., Wong A.O.L., Tsao G.S.W., So K.F. and Yip H.K.F., Molecular cloning and characterization of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) telomerase catalytic subunit (telomerase reverse transcriptase, TERT)., J. Mol. Neurosci.. 2008, 34: 63-75.
Leung M.C.P., Chan H.H.L. and So K.F., The effects of electroacupuncture to rats with induced glaucoma, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 81 CM5.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Effect of lutein on retinal neurons and oxidative stress in a model of acute retinal ischemia/reperfusion, Investigative of Ophthalmology and Visual science. 2009, 50: 836-843.
Li S.Y., Fu Z., Ma H., Jang W.C., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Lutein rescued retinal neurons and decreased oxidative stress in a model of acute ischemia/reperfusion., Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: “Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population”. 2009.
Luo X.G., Chiu K., Lau H.S., Lee V.W.H., Yung K.K.L. and So K.F., The Selective Vulnerability of Retinal Ganglion Cells in Rat Chronic Ocular Hypertension Model at Early Phase. , Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. Springer Netherlands, 2009.
Sang Y., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Cheung R.T.F., Clot aspiration plus intrastriatal administration of a self-assembling peptide in a rat model of intracerebral hemorrhage, Neurology. 2009, 72 (suppl 3): A398.
Sang Y., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Cheung R.T.F., Evaluation of a self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold (SAPNS) in normotensive and hypertensive models of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in the rat, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population, Research Centre of Heart, Brain, Hormone & Healthy Aging. 2009, 73.
Sang Y., Liang Y., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Cheung R.T.F., Neuroprotective effects of self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold in a hypertension rat model of intracerebral haemorrhage, Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2009, 15 (suppl 1): 32.
Schneider G.E., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Tay D.K.C., So K.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., Self-assembled nanomaterial, chondroitinase ABC and CNTF combination treatment provides a permissive environment for optic-tract regeneration in hamster, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 725.28, Poster No. D2.
So K.F., Exercise-derived beneficial effect on hippocampal neurogenesis in stressed rats, 2nd Pan Pacific Symposium on Stem Cells Research 2009, Taichung, Taiwan, April 10-13, 2009. 25.
So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Molecular mechanism of neuroprotection in glaucoma and Alzheimer's disease using Gouqizi (Wolfberry), The 6th International Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists, Shanghai, China. 2008, 40.
So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Neuroprotective therapies for CNS injuries, The 3rd Beijing International Rehabilitation Forum. 2008.
So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Neuroprotective therapies for CNS injuries, Tje 2nd International Association of Neurorestoratology Annual Conference, Beijing, China, April 24-26, 2009.. 2009, 17.
So K.F., Regeneration of Optic Nerve, The First Primary Eye Care Conference, September 18, 2008.
So K.F., The use of anti-aging chinese medicinal herb gouqizi (Wolfberry), exercise and self-assembling peptide (SAP) in promoting neuroprotection, Society on Neuroimmune Pharmacology, Wuhan, China, April 21-24, 2009. 41-42.
So K.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., The use of nanotechnology on axonal regeneration and hemostasis, First Educational Course of International Society of Reconstructive Neurosurgery, October 23-27, 2008, Indonesia. 2008, 14.
So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Use of wolfberry and neuroprotection of retinal ganglion cells, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 81 CM-1.
So K.F., 枸杞子對青光眼和阿茲海默症神絰保護作用的分子機制研究, 第五屆龐鼎元國際中醫藥研討會, 2008, 20.
Xiao B., Nan Y., Zhang D., Chen B., Ren C., Yu E., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F., Guan Y. and Pu M., Physiological response properties of retinal ganglion cells indifferent retinal disease animal models, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 166 RN-11.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum symposium, January 16-17, 2009.. 2009, 13.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W., Ching Y.P. and So K.F., Hipoocampal cell proliferation is involved in exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 195.3, Poster No. UU52.
Yeung C.M., Li S.Y., Chang R.C.C., So K.F., Wong D.S.H. and Lo A.C.Y., Neuroprotective Effects of Lycium barbarum Polysaccharides on Retinal Ischemic Injury, ARVO 2009 Annual Meeting. 2009.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Fadd (fas-associated death domain-containing protein) as a mediator of cell cycle dysregulation in beta-amyloid peptide-induced apoptosis?, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 829.11, Poster No. E29.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Baum L., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Involvement of FADD in beta-amyloid toxicity and in Alzheimer's disease, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 66 P20.
Yuan Q.J., Scott D.E., So K.F., Lin Z. and Wu W., The Potential Role of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Survival and Regeneration of Magnocellular Neurons of Hypothalamo-Neurohypophyseal System., Neurochemical Research. 2009, 34(11): 1907-1913.
Zhang E., Chang R.C.C. and So K.F., Effects of wolfberry on hippocampal neurogenesis and depression-like behaviour in a rat depression model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 74 P52.

Researcher : Su H

List of Research Outputs

Guo J., Su H., Zeng Y., Liang Y., Wong W.M., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu W., Reknitting the injured spinal cord by self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold, The 21st Chinese SCI Academic Annual Meeting & The 3rd International SCI Treatments & Trials Symposium, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 7-8.
Guo J., Leung G.K.K., Su H., Yuan Q.J., Wang L., Chu T.H., Zhang W., Pu J.K.S., Ng G.K.P., Wong W.M., Dai X. and Wu W., Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold promotes the reconstruction of acutely injured brain, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009, 5(3): 345-351.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Lithium enhances the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells in vitro and after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats through the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Journal of Neurochemistry. 2009, 108: 1385-1398.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Neural progenitor cells enhance the survival and axonal regeneration of injured motoneurons after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats, Journal of Neurotrauma. 2009, 26(1): 67-80.
Su H., Transplantation of neural stem cells for motoneuron degeneration due to axonal injury. 2008, 96 pages.

Researcher : Su H

List of Research Outputs

Guo J., Su H., Zeng Y., Liang Y., Wong W.M., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu W., Reknitting the injured spinal cord by self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold, The 21st Chinese SCI Academic Annual Meeting & The 3rd International SCI Treatments & Trials Symposium, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 7-8.
Guo J., Leung G.K.K., Su H., Yuan Q.J., Wang L., Chu T.H., Zhang W., Pu J.K.S., Ng G.K.P., Wong W.M., Dai X. and Wu W., Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold promotes the reconstruction of acutely injured brain, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009, 5(3): 345-351.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Lithium enhances the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells in vitro and after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats through the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Journal of Neurochemistry. 2009, 108: 1385-1398.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Neural progenitor cells enhance the survival and axonal regeneration of injured motoneurons after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats, Journal of Neurotrauma. 2009, 26(1): 67-80.
Su H., Transplantation of neural stem cells for motoneuron degeneration due to axonal injury. 2008, 96 pages.

Researcher : Tang SW

List of Research Outputs

Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular Infusion Of Cytosine-arabinoside causes Prepulse Inhibition Disruption, NeuroReport. PHILADELPHIA, USA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 20: 371-377.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum symposium, January 16-17, 2009.. 2009, 13.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W., Ching Y.P. and So K.F., Hipoocampal cell proliferation is involved in exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 195.3, Poster No. UU52.

Researcher : Tay DKC

List of Research Outputs

Cheung W.H., Ma S.F., Tay D.K.C., Lui Kau K.W.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., The control of tissue maintenance in the brain and spinal cord by extracellular nano matrix system, New York Academy of Sciences Regenerative Medicine conference, Beijing China . 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Breakthroughs in tissue-specific bioengineering , 24th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO-AAO) Congress, Bali Indonesia. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E., Wu W. and So K.F., Crystal Clear Surgery Using Self-assembling Molecules That Act As A Bio Barrier In The Brain And Spinal Cord, Society for Neuroscience 2008, Washington DC USA. 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Tay D.K.C., Liang Y., Schneider G.E. and So K.F., Crystal clear surgery using self-assembling molecules that act as a bio barrier in the brain and spinal cord, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 888.6, Poster No. VV8.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., Nanobiotechnology For The Functional Recovery Of The Nervous System, 5th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM). 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E. and So K.F., Nanohealing In Hamster Vision: nanomedicine For Functional Recovery Of Central Nervous System , 4th Meeting of the American Academy of Nanomedicine, Sept 4-7, Washington DC . 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanohealing, 2nd European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanomedicine: The New Frontier Of Medicine, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Nanoparticles in Optic Nerve Trauma; Nano-Scaffolding and Regeneration , North American Neuro-Ophthalmic Society (NANOS) meeting. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., Nanoscale Technologies, Nano-Knitting and Healing Powers, North American Neuro-Ophthalmic Society (NANOS) meeting. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Cheung W.H. and Tay D.K.C., The Control Of Growth And Differentiation Of Cells With Physical Interaction, 2nd Pan Pacific Symposium on Stem Cell Research (PPSCR). 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Cheung W.H., Liang Y. and Tay D.K.C., Using Nanotechnology For Tissue Bioengineering In Ophthalmology , Asia-Assoc for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (Asia-ARVO) 2009, Hyderabad India. 2009.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Wu E.X. and So K.F., Using a 7 Tesla fMRI and a Nano Contrast Agent to Visualize Regenerating Axons in vivo in Hamster Optic Tract Transection , 18th International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing, China. 2008.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Using a 7 tesla FMRI and a nono contrast agent to visualize regenerating axons in vivo in hamster optic tract transection, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 107 GL-22.
Liang Y., Cheung W.H., Ma S.F., Tay D.K.C., Lui Kau K.W.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., Repairing of damaged brain tissues with self-assembling nanofiber scaffold, New York Academy of Sciences Regenerative Medicine conference, Beijing China . 2009.
Schneider G.E., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Tay D.K.C., So K.F. and Ellis-Behnke R.G., Self-assembled nanomaterial, chondroitinase ABC and CNTF combination treatment provides a permissive environment for optic-tract regeneration in hamster, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 725.28, Poster No. D2.

Researcher : Tipoe GL

List of Research Outputs

Ho M.C.T., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Decreased adiponectin and antioxidant enzymes are associated with necroinflammatory changes and fibrosis in a rat model for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)International Shanghai-HK Liver Meeting, Hepatology International. 2008, 2: S151-152.
Lam S.S.Y., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C. and Fung M.L., Chronic hypoxia upregulates the expression and function of proinflammatory cytokines in the rat carotid body, Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2008, 130(3): 549-559.
Lam S.S.Y., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C. and Fung M.L., Functional upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines in the rat carotid body during chronic intermittent hypoxia. Beijing Joint Conference of Physiological Sciences 2008, Beijing, China, (Acta Physiologica Sinica, 60(Suppl.1):. 2008, 357-8.
Lam S.S.Y., Tipoe G.L. and Fung M.L., Upregulation of erythropoietin and its receptor expression in the rat carotid body during chronic and intermittent hypoxia, The 17th International Society for Arterial Chemoreception Meeting, Valladolid, Spain. 2008.
Lam S.Y.S., Tipoe G.L. and Fung M.L., Upregulation of erythropoietin and its receptor expression in the rat carotid body during chronic and intermittent hypoxia, In: C. Gonzalez, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Netherlands, Springer, 2009, 648: 207-214.
Lee M.Y., Cheung C.Y., Nicholls J.M., Hui P.Y., Leung C.Y.H., Uiprasertkul M., Tipoe G.L., Lau Y.L., Poon L.L.M., Ip N.Y., Guan Y. and Peiris J.S.M., Hyperinduction of Cyclooxygenase-2-Mediated Proinflammatory Cascade: A Mechanism for the Pathogenesis of Avian Influenza H5N1 Infection, The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2008, 198(4): 525-35.
Leung T.M., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is a critical factor in experimetnal liver fibrosis, International Journal of Experimental Pathology. 2008, 89: 241-250.
Leung T.M., Nanji A.A., Liong E.C., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Tipoe G.L., Green Tea Polyphenols (GTPs) protect against liver fibrosis in mice. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA, Suppl., 927A, Hepatology. 2008, 48 (4).
Ng K.T., Li J.P., Ng K.M., Tipoe G.L., Leung W.K. and Fung M.L., Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1-alpha in Healthy and Diseased Periodontium. 22nd International Association for Dental Research (SEA Division), 19th South East Asia Association for Dental Education, Manile. 2008.
Tipoe G.L., Ho M.C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Green Tea Polyphenols (GTPs) Reduce Fibrogenesis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Rats. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA , (Hepatology 841A, Suppl. 2008, 48 (4).
Tipoe G.L., Ho C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Green tea polyphenols (GTPS) reduced fibrogenesis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats, Hepatology. 2008, 48(4) Suppl: 841A 1195.
Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., Lau K.S., Leung T.M., Leung K.M., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Sex differences in acute liver injury in cyclooxygenase-1 deficient mice. AALSD Meeting 2008, San Francisco USA Suppl., 998A, Hepatology. 2008, 48(4).
Tipoe G.L., Ho C.T., Liong E.C., Leung T.M., Lau T.Y.H., Fung M.L. and Nanji A.A., Voluntary oral feeding of rats not requiring a very high diet is a clinically relevant animal model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), Histology and Histopathology. 2009, 24: 1161-1169.

Researcher : Tsang CM

List of Research Outputs

Choy Y.W.E., Siu K.L., Kok K.H., Lung R.W.M., Tsang C.M., To K.F., Kwong D.L.W., Tsao G.S.W. and Jin D., An Epstein-Barr virus-encoded microRNA targets PUMA to promote host cell survival, Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2008, 205: 2551-2560.
Deng W., Tsao G.S.W., Kwok K.Y., Wong E.S.Y., Huang X.R., Liu S., Tsang C.M., Ngan H.Y.S., Cheung A.N.Y., Lan H.Y., Guan X.Y. and Cheung A., Transforming growth factor b1 promotes chromosomal instability in human papillomavirus 16 E6E7-infected cervical epithelial cells, Cancer Research. 2008, 68: 7200-7209.
Tsang C.M., Epstein-Barr virus infection in nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. 2009, 211 pages.
Tsao G.S.W., Tsang C.M., Zhang G., Hau P.M., Man C.W.Y., Yip Y.L., Lee L.S., Seto E., Takada K., Cao Y., Chen H., Lo K.W., Jin D. and Kwong D.L.W., Establishment of stable infection of Epstein-Barr Virus in premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, Proceedings of EBV Symposium. 2008.

Researcher : Tsang CM

List of Research Outputs

Choy Y.W.E., Siu K.L., Kok K.H., Lung R.W.M., Tsang C.M., To K.F., Kwong D.L.W., Tsao G.S.W. and Jin D., An Epstein-Barr virus-encoded microRNA targets PUMA to promote host cell survival, Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2008, 205: 2551-2560.
Deng W., Tsao G.S.W., Kwok K.Y., Wong E.S.Y., Huang X.R., Liu S., Tsang C.M., Ngan H.Y.S., Cheung A.N.Y., Lan H.Y., Guan X.Y. and Cheung A., Transforming growth factor b1 promotes chromosomal instability in human papillomavirus 16 E6E7-infected cervical epithelial cells, Cancer Research. 2008, 68: 7200-7209.
Tsang C.M., Epstein-Barr virus infection in nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. 2009, 211 pages.
Tsao G.S.W., Tsang C.M., Zhang G., Hau P.M., Man C.W.Y., Yip Y.L., Lee L.S., Seto E., Takada K., Cao Y., Chen H., Lo K.W., Jin D. and Kwong D.L.W., Establishment of stable infection of Epstein-Barr Virus in premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, Proceedings of EBV Symposium. 2008.

Researcher : Tsao GSW

List of Research Outputs

Aflatoonian R., Lee C.K.F., Yeung W.S.B., Tsao G.S.W. and Fazeli A., Innate immunity is influenced by sex hormones in fallopian tube., 30th Annual 2008 BAS Meeting with the 9th Association Espanola Reproduction Animal Conference, 22 -25 Oct, Gijon, Spain.. 2008.
Aflatoonian R., Aboussahoud W., Lee C.K.F., Yeung W.S.B., Tsao G.S.W. and Fazeli A., Synergistic effects of sex hormone on the expression and function of TLRs in an immortalized fallopian tube cell line., Toll 2008 Meeting, 24-27 Sep, Lisbon, Portugal.. 2008.
Chan C.M., Wong S.C., Lam M.Y., Hui E.P., Chan J.K., Lo E.S., Cheuk W., Wong M.C., Tsao G.S.W. and Chan A.T., Proteomic comparison of nasopharyngeal cancer cell lines C666-1 and NP69 identifies down-regulation of annexin II and beta2-tubulin for nasopharyngeal carcinoma., Arch.Pathol.Lab Med.. 2008, 132: 675-683.
Chan D.W., Liu V.W.S., Tsao G.S.W., Yao K.M., Furukawa T., Chan K.K.L. and Ngan H.Y.S., Loss of MKP3 mediated by oxidative stress enhances tumorigenicity and chemoresistance of ovarian cancer cells , Carcinogenesis. 2008, 29(9): 1742-1750.
Chen L., Hu L., Chan H.M., Tsao G.S.W., Huo K.K., Fu L., Ma S.K.Y., Zheng B. and Guan X.Y., Chromodomain helicase/adenosine triphosphatase DNA binding protein 1-like (CHD1l) gene suppresses the nucleus-to-mitochondria translocation of nur77 to sustain hepatocellular carcinoma cell survival., Hepatology. 2009, 50: 122-129.
Cheung A., Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and He Q.Y., 1d-1 activation of P13K/Akt signaling pathway and its significance in promoting tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancel cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 4348.
Choy Y.W.E., Siu K.L., Kok K.H., Lung R.W.M., Tsang C.M., To K.F., Kwong D.L.W., Tsao G.S.W. and Jin D., An Epstein-Barr virus-encoded microRNA targets PUMA to promote host cell survival, Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2008, 205: 2551-2560.
Cui Y., Ying Y., van Hasselt A., Ng K.M., Yu J., Zhang Q., Jin J., Liu D., Rhim J.S., Rha S.Y., Loyo M., Chan A.T., Srivastava G., Tsao G.S.W., Sellar G.C., Sung J.J., Sidransky D. and Tao Q., OPCML is a broad tumor suppressor for multiple carcinomas and lymphomas with frequently epigenetic inactivation, PLoS ONE. 2008, 3(8): e2990.
Deng W., Cheung A. and Tsao G.S.W., HPV16-E6E7 expression leads to centromeric instability in human cervical epithelial cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 1299.
Deng W., Tsao G.S.W., Kwok K.Y., Wong E.S.Y., Huang X.R., Liu S., Tsang C.M., Ngan H.Y.S., Cheung A.N.Y., Lan H.Y., Guan X.Y. and Cheung A., Transforming growth factor b1 promotes chromosomal instability in human papillomavirus 16 E6E7-infected cervical epithelial cells, Cancer Research. 2008, 68: 7200-7209.
Feng Y., Siu G.K.Y., Wang N., Ng K.M., Tsao G.S.W., Nagamatsu T. and Tong Y., Bear bile: dilemma of traditional medicinal use and animal protection, In: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine , Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. BioMed Central, 2009, 5:2: 1-9.
Feng Y., Tong Y., Sze C.W., Tsao G.S.W. and Ching Y.P., Mechanism involved in inhibition of tumor cell invasion by berberine derived from Coptis, RGC GRF. 2008.
Gao W., Xiao S., Li H., Tsao G.S.W. and Chye M.L., Arabidopsis acyl-CoA-binding protein ACBP2 interacts with a heavy-metal-binding farnesylated protein AtFP6 , New Phytologist. 2009, 181: 89-102.
Koo C.K., Wong K.L., Man C.W.Y., Lam Y.W., So L.K., Tam H.L., Tsao G.S.W., Cheah K.W., Lau K.C. and Lam M.H., A bioaccumulative cyclometalated platinum (II) complex with two-photon-induced emission for live cell imaging, Inorganic Chemistry. 2009, 48(3): 872-878.
Lau W.M., Wong A.O.L., Tsao G.S.W., So K.F. and Yip H.K.F., Molecular cloning and characterization of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) telomerase catalytic subunit (telomerase reverse transcriptase, TERT)., J. Mol. Neurosci.. 2008, 34: 63-75.
Lee V.H.Y., Chow B.K.C., Lo K.W., Chow L.S.N., Man C.W.Y., Tsao G.S.W. and Lee T.O., Regulation of RASSF1A in nasopharyngeal cells and its response to UV irradiation., Gene. 2009, 443: 55-63.
Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C., He Q.Y. and Cheung A., Id-1 promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancer cells through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway, International Journal of Cancer. 2009, 125: 2576-2585.
Lung H.L., Lo C.C., Wong C.C., Cheung A.K., Cheong K.F., Wong N., Kwong F.M., Chan K.C., Law E.W., Tsao G.S.W., Chua D.T.T., Sham J.S.T., Cheng Y., Stanbridge E.J., Robertson G.P. and Lung M.L., Identification of tumor suppressive activity by irradiation microcell-mediated chromosome transfer and involvement of alpha B-crystallin in nasopharyngeal carcinoma., International Journal of Cancer. 2008, 122: 1288-1296.
Man C.W.Y., Rosa J., Doxsey S. and Tsao G.S.W., Overexpression induces tetraploidization and multiple abnormal mitotic phenotypes by modulating Aurora A., The American Society of Cell Biology Annual Meeting . 2008.
Nicholls J.M., Chan M.C.W., Chan W.Y., Cheung C.Y., Kwong D.L.W., Wong M.P., Poon L.L.M., Tsao G.S.W. and Guan Y., 2008 Research Output Prize/Faculty Outstanding Research Output Award, The University of Hong Kong. 2008.
Niu C., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Neuronal Injury Affects Telomerase Activity And Expression In The Nervous System, the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Niu C., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Neuronal injury affects telomerase activity and expression in the nervous system, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 151.21.
Qi Y., He Q.Y., Ma Y.F., Du Y.W., Liu G.C., Li Y.J., Tsao G.S.W., Ngai S.M. and Chiu J., Proteomic identification of malignant transformation-related proteins in esophageal squamous cell carcioma., J. Cell Biochem.. 2008, 104: 1625-1635.
Siu Y.L., Teoh K.T., Lo J.C.Y., Chan C.M., Kien F.S., Escriou N., Tsao G.S.W., Nicholls J.M., Altmeyer R.M., Peiris J.S.M., Bruzzone R. and Nal-Rogier B.T.M., The M, E and N structural proteins of the SARS coronavirus are required for efficient assembly, trafficking and release of virus-like particles., Journal of Virology. 2008.
Siu Y.L., Teoh K.T., Lo J.C.Y., Chan C.M., Kien F.S., Escriou N., Tsao G.S.W., Nicholls J.M., Altmeyer R.M., Peiris J.S.M., Bruzzone R. and Nal-Rogier B.T.M., The M, E, And N Structural Proteins Of The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Are Required For Efficient Assembly, Trafficking, And Release Of Virus-like Particles., Journal of Virology. 2008, 82(22): 11318-30.
Tsao G.S.W., Current Cancer Drug Targets. 2008.
Tsao G.S.W., Epstein-Barr virus infection in premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, 9th National Conference on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Kunming, China. 2009.
Tsao G.S.W., Tsang C.M., Zhang G., Hau P.M., Man C.W.Y., Yip Y.L., Lee L.S., Seto E., Takada K., Cao Y., Chen H., Lo K.W., Jin D. and Kwong D.L.W., Establishment of stable infection of Epstein-Barr Virus in premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, Proceedings of EBV Symposium. 2008.
Wong V.C.L., Chan P.L., Bernabeu C., Law S.Y.K., Wang L.D., Li J.L., Tsao G.S.W., Srivastava G. and Lung M.L., Identification of an invasion and tumor-suppressing gene, Endoglin (ENG), silenced by both epigenetic inactivation and allelic loss in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, International Journal of Cancer. 2008, 123(12): 2816-2823.
Wu G., Deng W., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Characteristics Of Telomerase Expression In Neurogenic Sites Of Adult Central Nervous System (cns), the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Wu G., Deng W., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Characteristics of telomerase expression in neurogenic sites of adult central nervous system, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 208.17.
Ye X., Feng Y., Tong Y., Ng K.M., Tsao G.S.W., Sze C.W., Zhang Y., Shen J. and Kobayashi S., Hepatoprotective effects of Coptidis Rhizoma aqueous extract on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver hepatotoxicity in rats, In: R. Verpoorte, Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherla, Elsevier, 2009, 124: 130-136.
Yip Y.L. and Tsao G.S.W., Regulation of p63 expression in primary and immortalized nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, International Journal of Oncology. 2008, 33: 713-724.
Zhuang Z., Tsao G.S.W., Deng W., Wang J., Xia H.H.X., He H., Feng H., Wang L., Gu Q., Lam S.K., Lin M.C., Kung H.F. and Wong B.C.Y., Early Upregulation of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Human Papillomavirus Type 16 and Telomerase-induced Immortalization of Human Esophageal Epithelial Cells, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2008, 23: 1613-1620.

Researcher : Tse WW

List of Research Outputs

Tse W.W., A sgtudy of genomic DNA methylation in immortalized human epithelial cell lines. 2008, 96 pages.

Researcher : Wang L

List of Research Outputs

Guo J., Leung G.K.K., Su H., Yuan Q.J., Wang L., Chu T.H., Zhang W., Pu J.K.S., Ng G.K.P., Wong W.M., Dai X. and Wu W., Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold promotes the reconstruction of acutely injured brain, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009, 5(3): 345-351.

Researcher : Wang X

List of Research Outputs

Blowers G.H. and Wang X., Freud’s China connections in the Republican era (1912-1949)., International Congress of Psychology. Berlin . 2008.
Cheung A., Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and He Q.Y., 1d-1 activation of P13K/Akt signaling pathway and its significance in promoting tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancel cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 4348.
Fung K.L., Han H., Leung C.L., Cheung H.W., Cheung A., Wong Y.C., Ling M.T. and Wang X., MAD2 Interacts with DNA Repair Proteins and Negatively Regulates DNA Damage Repair., Journal of Molecular Biology. 2008, 381: 24-34.
Han H., Wang X., Wang N.L., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and Yao X., Lignans isolated from Campylotropis hirtella (Franch.) Schindl. decreased prostate specific antigen and androgen receptor expression in LNCaP cells, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . 2008, 56: 6928-6935.
Lee S.C., Chan W.K., Lee D.T.W., Lam W.H., Wang X., Chan T.H. and Wong Y.C., Effect of a prodrug of the green tea polyphenol (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate on the growth of androgen-independent prostate cancer in vivo, Nutrition and Cancer. 2008, 60(4): 483-491.
Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C., He Q.Y. and Cheung A., Id-1 promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancer cells through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway, International Journal of Cancer. 2009, 125: 2576-2585.
Ling M.T., Chiu Y.T., Lee K.W., Leung S.C., Fung K.L., Wang X., Wong K.F. and Wong Y.C., Id-1 induces proteasome-dependent degradation of the HBX protein, Journal of molecular Biology. 2008, 382: 34-43.
Wang X., Zhang X., Di K., Han H., Wong Y.C., Leung C.L. and Ling M.T., Id1 promotes chromosomal instability through modification of APC/C activity during mitosis in response to microtubule disruption., Oncogene. 2008, 27: 4456-4466.
Wong Y.C., Zhang X., Ling M.T. and Wang X., Caveolin 1, a novel Id1 binding partner and its role on Id1-induced behavioral change in prostate cancer cells., 20th meeting of European Association for Cancer Research, Lyon, France, July 5-8, 2008. European Journal of Cancer, Supplements vol 6/9. 2008, 6/9: 24.
Yuen H.F., Kwok W.K., Chan K.K., Chua C.W., Chan Y.P., Chu Y.Y., Wong Y.C., Wang X. and Chan K.W., TWIST modulates prostate cancer cell-mediated bone cell activity and is upregulated by osteogenic induction, Carcinogenesis. 2008, 29(8): 1509-18.

Researcher : Wang X

List of Research Outputs

Blowers G.H. and Wang X., Freud’s China connections in the Republican era (1912-1949)., International Congress of Psychology. Berlin . 2008.
Cheung A., Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and He Q.Y., 1d-1 activation of P13K/Akt signaling pathway and its significance in promoting tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancel cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 4348.
Fung K.L., Han H., Leung C.L., Cheung H.W., Cheung A., Wong Y.C., Ling M.T. and Wang X., MAD2 Interacts with DNA Repair Proteins and Negatively Regulates DNA Damage Repair., Journal of Molecular Biology. 2008, 381: 24-34.
Han H., Wang X., Wang N.L., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and Yao X., Lignans isolated from Campylotropis hirtella (Franch.) Schindl. decreased prostate specific antigen and androgen receptor expression in LNCaP cells, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . 2008, 56: 6928-6935.
Lee S.C., Chan W.K., Lee D.T.W., Lam W.H., Wang X., Chan T.H. and Wong Y.C., Effect of a prodrug of the green tea polyphenol (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate on the growth of androgen-independent prostate cancer in vivo, Nutrition and Cancer. 2008, 60(4): 483-491.
Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C., He Q.Y. and Cheung A., Id-1 promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancer cells through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway, International Journal of Cancer. 2009, 125: 2576-2585.
Ling M.T., Chiu Y.T., Lee K.W., Leung S.C., Fung K.L., Wang X., Wong K.F. and Wong Y.C., Id-1 induces proteasome-dependent degradation of the HBX protein, Journal of molecular Biology. 2008, 382: 34-43.
Wang X., Zhang X., Di K., Han H., Wong Y.C., Leung C.L. and Ling M.T., Id1 promotes chromosomal instability through modification of APC/C activity during mitosis in response to microtubule disruption., Oncogene. 2008, 27: 4456-4466.
Wong Y.C., Zhang X., Ling M.T. and Wang X., Caveolin 1, a novel Id1 binding partner and its role on Id1-induced behavioral change in prostate cancer cells., 20th meeting of European Association for Cancer Research, Lyon, France, July 5-8, 2008. European Journal of Cancer, Supplements vol 6/9. 2008, 6/9: 24.
Yuen H.F., Kwok W.K., Chan K.K., Chua C.W., Chan Y.P., Chu Y.Y., Wong Y.C., Wang X. and Chan K.W., TWIST modulates prostate cancer cell-mediated bone cell activity and is upregulated by osteogenic induction, Carcinogenesis. 2008, 29(8): 1509-18.

Researcher : Wong WM

List of Research Outputs

Chu T.H., Li S.Y., Guo A., Wong W.M., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Implantation of neurotrophic factor-treated sensory nerve graft enhances survival and axonal regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 2009, 68: 94-101.
Guo J., Su H., Zeng Y., Liang Y., Wong W.M., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu W., Reknitting the injured spinal cord by self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold, The 21st Chinese SCI Academic Annual Meeting & The 3rd International SCI Treatments & Trials Symposium, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 7-8.
Guo J., Leung G.K.K., Su H., Yuan Q.J., Wang L., Chu T.H., Zhang W., Pu J.K.S., Ng G.K.P., Wong W.M., Dai X. and Wu W., Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold promotes the reconstruction of acutely injured brain, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009, 5(3): 345-351.
Wang L., Hu B., Wong W.M., Lu P., Wu W. and Xu X.M., Glial and axonal responses in areas of Wallerian degeneration of the corticospinal and dorsal ascending tracts after spinal cord dorsal funiculotomy, Neuropathology. 2008, 29(3): 230-241.

Researcher : Wong YC

List of Research Outputs

Cheung A., Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and He Q.Y., 1d-1 activation of P13K/Akt signaling pathway and its significance in promoting tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancel cells, 2009 AACR Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A.. 2009, Abstract No. 4348.
Fung K.L., Han H., Leung C.L., Cheung H.W., Cheung A., Wong Y.C., Ling M.T. and Wang X., MAD2 Interacts with DNA Repair Proteins and Negatively Regulates DNA Damage Repair., Journal of Molecular Biology. 2008, 381: 24-34.
Han H., Wang X., Wang N.L., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and Yao X., Lignans isolated from Campylotropis hirtella (Franch.) Schindl. decreased prostate specific antigen and androgen receptor expression in LNCaP cells, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . 2008, 56: 6928-6935.
Lee S.C., Chan W.K., Lee D.T.W., Lam W.H., Wang X., Chan T.H. and Wong Y.C., Effect of a prodrug of the green tea polyphenol (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate on the growth of androgen-independent prostate cancer in vivo, Nutrition and Cancer. 2008, 60(4): 483-491.
Li B., Tsao G.S.W., Li Y.Y., Wang X., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C., He Q.Y. and Cheung A., Id-1 promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis of human esophageal cancer cells through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway, International Journal of Cancer. 2009, 125: 2576-2585.
Ling M.T., Chiu Y.T., Lee K.W., Leung S.C., Fung K.L., Wang X., Wong K.F. and Wong Y.C., Id-1 induces proteasome-dependent degradation of the HBX protein, Journal of molecular Biology. 2008, 382: 34-43.
Wang X., Zhang X., Di K., Han H., Wong Y.C., Leung C.L. and Ling M.T., Id1 promotes chromosomal instability through modification of APC/C activity during mitosis in response to microtubule disruption., Oncogene. 2008, 27: 4456-4466.
Wong Y.C., Zhang X., Ling M.T. and Wang X., Caveolin 1, a novel Id1 binding partner and its role on Id1-induced behavioral change in prostate cancer cells., 20th meeting of European Association for Cancer Research, Lyon, France, July 5-8, 2008. European Journal of Cancer, Supplements vol 6/9. 2008, 6/9: 24.
Wong Y.C., Caveolin 1, a novel Id1 binding partner, and its role on Id1-induced behavioral change in prostate cancer cells., Annual meeting of Chinese Association for Anatomical Sciences in Xi’an, China from October 21-23, 2008. 2008.
Wong Y.C., Caveolin 1, a novel Id1 binding partner, and its role on Id1-induced behavioral change in prostate cancer cells, XXth International Symposium on Morphological Sciences in Timisaora, Romania, 12-16 September 2008. 2008.
Yuen H.F., Kwok W.K., Chan K.K., Chua C.W., Chan Y.P., Chu Y.Y., Wong Y.C., Wang X. and Chan K.W., TWIST modulates prostate cancer cell-mediated bone cell activity and is upregulated by osteogenic induction, Carcinogenesis. 2008, 29(8): 1509-18.

Researcher : Wu EX

List of Research Outputs

Chan K.C., Fu Q., Cheung M.M.H., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the visual cortexin a rat model of chronic glaucoma, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 885.11, Poster No. UU52.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G., So K.F. and Wu E.X., Using a 7 tesla FMRI and a nono contrast agent to visualize regenerating axons in vivo in hamster optic tract transection, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research, September 24-29, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 107 GL-22.

Researcher : Wu G

List of Research Outputs

Wu G., Deng W., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Characteristics Of Telomerase Expression In Neurogenic Sites Of Adult Central Nervous System (cns), the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Wu G., Deng W., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Characteristics of telomerase expression in neurogenic sites of adult central nervous system, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 208.17.
Wu G., Study of telomerase expression and telomeric characteristics of neural stem cell in neurogenic sites of the adult rodent central nervous system. 2008, 99 pages.

Researcher : Wu W

List of Research Outputs

Chu T.H., Li S.Y., Guo A., Wong W.M., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Implantation of neurotrophic factor-treated sensory nerve graft enhances survival and axonal regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 2009, 68: 94-101.
Chu T.H., Du Y. and Wu W., Motor nerve graft is better than sensory nerve graft for survival and regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion in adult rats., Experimental Neurology. 2008, 212: 562-565.
Chu T.H. and Wu W., Neurotrophic Factor Treatment after Spinal Root Avulsion Injury, Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2009, 9: 40-55.
Chu T.H. and Wu W., Spinal root avulsion and repair, In: J. Chen, Z. Xu, X.-M. Xu and J. Zhang, Animal Models of Acute Neurological Injuries. Springer, 2009, 487-496.
Ellis-Behnke R.G., Liang Y., Tay D.K.C., Schneider G.E., Wu W. and So K.F., Crystal Clear Surgery Using Self-assembling Molecules That Act As A Bio Barrier In The Brain And Spinal Cord, Society for Neuroscience 2008, Washington DC USA. 2008.
Fu Q., Li X., Yip H.K.F., Shao Z., Wu W., Mi S. and So K.F., Combined effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and lingo-1 fusion protein on long-term survival of retinal ganglion cells in chronic glaucoma, Neuroscience. 2009, 162: 375-382.
Guo J., Su H., Zeng Y., Liang Y., Wong W.M., Ellis-Behnke R.G., So K.F. and Wu W., Reknitting the injured spinal cord by self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold, The 21st Chinese SCI Academic Annual Meeting & The 3rd International SCI Treatments & Trials Symposium, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1, 2008 Beijing, China. 2008, 7-8.
Guo J., Leung G.K.K., Su H., Yuan Q.J., Wang L., Chu T.H., Zhang W., Pu J.K.S., Ng G.K.P., Wong W.M., Dai X. and Wu W., Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold promotes the reconstruction of acutely injured brain, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009, 5(3): 345-351.
Mi S., Miller R.H., Tang W., Lee X.H., Hu B., Wu W., Zhang Y.P., Shields C.B., Zhang Y.J., M,iklasz S., Shea D., Mason J., Franklin R.J.M., Ji B., Shao Z.H., Chedotal A., Bernard F., Roulois A., Xu J.F. and Jung V., Pepinsky B., Promotion of central nervous system remyelination by induced differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells, Annals of Neurology. 2009, 65: 304-315.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Lithium enhances the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells in vitro and after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats through the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Journal of Neurochemistry. 2009, 108: 1385-1398.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Neural progenitor cells enhance the survival and axonal regeneration of injured motoneurons after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats, Journal of Neurotrauma. 2009, 26(1): 67-80.
Wang L., Hu B., Wong W.M., Lu P., Wu W. and Xu X.M., Glial and axonal responses in areas of Wallerian degeneration of the corticospinal and dorsal ascending tracts after spinal cord dorsal funiculotomy, Neuropathology. 2008, 29(3): 230-241.
Wu W., Effect of lithium on neuronal differentiation of neural progenitor cells in vitro and in vivo, The 21st Chinese SCI Academic Annual Meeting & The 3rd International SCI Treatments & Trials Symposium, October 30 - November 1, 2008, Beijing, China. 2008.
Wu W., Potential application of neural stem cells for the treatment of spinal cord injury, BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell, Foshan, China, December 2-4, 2008. 2008.
Wu W., Promotion of remyelination and axonal integrity in MOG-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) animals, The 6th Asia-Pacific symposium on Neural Regeneration, Singapore, September 3-5, 2008. 2008.
Wu W., Promotion of remyelinaton for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, The 21st Chinese SCI Academic Annual Meeting & The 3rd International SCI Treatments & Trials Symposium, October 30 - November 1, 2008, Beijing, China. 2008.
Xiao Q., Wu W. and Yip H.K.F., The roles of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) in the acute spinal cord injury in adult mice, the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Xiao Q., Wu W. and Yip H.K.F., The roles of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPS) in the acute spinal cord injury in adult mice, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 151.31.
Yuan Q.J., Scott D.E., So K.F., Lin Z. and Wu W., The Potential Role of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Survival and Regeneration of Magnocellular Neurons of Hypothalamo-Neurohypophyseal System., Neurochemical Research. 2009, 34(11): 1907-1913.

Researcher : Xiao Q

List of Research Outputs

Xiao Q., Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) mediate cellular response and regulate neural stem cell differentiation after acute spinal injury in the adult mice. 2008, 112 pages.
Xiao Q., Wu W. and Yip H.K.F., The roles of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) in the acute spinal cord injury in adult mice, the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Xiao Q., Wu W. and Yip H.K.F., The roles of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPS) in the acute spinal cord injury in adult mice, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 151.31.

Researcher : Yang X

List of Research Outputs

Ho Y.S., Yang X., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Use of wolfberry polysaccharides to reduce risk factor of Alzheimer's disease: Homocysteine, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 68 P26.
Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Yang X., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Wolfberry polysaccharide protects primary cortical neurons from homocysteine-induced neurotoxicity, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Suppl. 1: 2186.
Yang X., Song J., Yeung S.C., Mak J.C.W. and Chang R.C.C., Alzheimer-like hyperphosphorylation of tau in animal model of secondary smoke, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2008, 4 Issue 4 Suppl 2: T702 P4-114.
Yang X., Yang Y., Luo Y., Li G., Chang R.C.C., Wang J. and Yang E.S., Beneficial effects of coenzyme Q10 against phosphorylation of tau in aged transgenic mice with Alzheimer presenilin 1 mutation, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 62 P2.
Yang X., Yang Y., Gu J., Chang R.C.C., Li G., Wang J. and Yang E.S., Coenzyme Q10 attenuates hyperphosphorylation of tau with up-regulation of AKT signaling in the aged transgenic mice with Alzheimer presenilin 1 mutation, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2008, 4 Issue 4 Suppl 2: T416-T417 P2-158.
Yang X., Ho Y.S., Yeung S.C., Mak J.C.W. and Chang R.C.C., Discovering Alzheimer pathology in rats exposed to smoke, Fourth International Symposium on Health Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P5.
Yang X., Ho Y.S., Baum L., Li G., Wang J. and Chang R.C.C., Endoplasmic reticulum stress in aged P301L Tau transgenic mice, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2009, 5 Suppl 1: P397 P3-185.
Yang X., Ho Y.S., Baum L., Wang J. and Chang R.C.C., Investigating endoplasmic reticulum stress in aged P301L tau transgenic mice, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P8.

Researcher : Yao X

List of Research Outputs

Han H., Wang X., Wang N.L., Ling M.T., Wong Y.C. and Yao X., Lignans isolated from Campylotropis hirtella (Franch.) Schindl. decreased prostate specific antigen and androgen receptor expression in LNCaP cells, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . 2008, 56: 6928-6935.

Researcher : Yau SY

List of Research Outputs

Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular Infusion Of Cytosine-arabinoside causes Prepulse Inhibition Disruption, NeuroReport. PHILADELPHIA, USA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 20: 371-377.
Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular infusion of cytosine-arabinoside causes prepulse inhibition disruption. , Neuroreport. 2009, 20: 371-377.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum symposium, January 16-17, 2009.. 2009, 13.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W., Ching Y.P. and So K.F., Hipoocampal cell proliferation is involved in exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 195.3, Poster No. UU52.

Researcher : Yau SY

List of Research Outputs

Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular Infusion Of Cytosine-arabinoside causes Prepulse Inhibition Disruption, NeuroReport. PHILADELPHIA, USA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009, 20: 371-377.
Lau W.M., Yau S.Y., Lee T.M.C., Ching Y.P., Tang S.W. and So K.F., Intracerebroventricular infusion of cytosine-arabinoside causes prepulse inhibition disruption. , Neuroreport. 2009, 20: 371-377.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Tang S.W., Lee T.M.C. and So K.F., Exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum symposium, January 16-17, 2009.. 2009, 13.
Yau S.Y., Lau W.M., Lee T.M.C., Tang S.W., Ching Y.P. and So K.F., Hipoocampal cell proliferation is involved in exercise-derived beneficial effect on stressed animal model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 195.3, Poster No. UU52.

Researcher : Yeung SC

List of Research Outputs

Chang R.C.C., Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Ho Y.S., Chan W. and So K.F., Interleukin-10 protects retinal ganglion cell from laser induced ocular hypertension in the rat glaucoma model, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 143.7, Poster No. U1.
Cheung Y.T., Lau K.W., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma as in vitro model in neurotoxicity research, NeuroToxicology. 2009, 30: 127-135.
Chiu K., Chan H.C., Yeung S.C., Yuen W.H., Zee S.Y., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulating microglial morphology in the retina by wolfberry in a rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 64 P9.
Chiu K., Yeung S.C., Yuen W.H., Zee S.Y., Chang R.C.C. and So K.F., Modulation of microglia by Wolfberry on the survival of retinal ganglion cells in a rat ocular hypertension model, Journal of Ocular Biology, Disease and Informatics. 2009, 2: 47-56.
Chiu K., Chan H.C., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of microglial activation to protect retinal ganglion cell in a rat model of ocular hypertension by herbal medicine - Wolfberry, Hong Kong Society for Immunology 2009 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting. 2009, 28.
Chiu K., Zhou Y., Yeung S.C., Lok C.K.M., Chan O.O.C., Chang R.C.C., So K.F. and Chiu J., Up-regulation of crystallins is involved in the neuroprotective effect of wolfberry on survival of retinal ganglion cells in rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 65 P13.
Yang X., Ho Y.S., Yeung S.C., Mak J.C.W. and Chang R.C.C., Discovering Alzheimer pathology in rats exposed to smoke, Fourth International Symposium on Health Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P5.

Researcher : Yik SY

List of Research Outputs

Ho Y.S., Yik S.Y., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen A.W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Polysaccharides from lycium barbarum antagonize glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured cortical neurons, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 355.5, Poster No. AA28.

Researcher : Yip HKF

List of Research Outputs

Du Y. and Yip H.K.F., Retinal cell development is possibly mediated by BMP-Smad-Id pathway, the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Du Y. and Yip H.K.F., Retinal cell developments is possibly mediated by BMP-Smad-1D pathway, Fens Abstracts. 2008, 4: 009.3.
Fu Q., Li X., Yip H.K.F., Shao Z., Wu W., Mi S. and So K.F., Combined effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and lingo-1 fusion protein on long-term survival of retinal ganglion cells in chronic glaucoma, Neuroscience. 2009, 162: 375-382.
Lau W.M., Wong A.O.L., Tsao G.S.W., So K.F. and Yip H.K.F., Molecular cloning and characterization of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) telomerase catalytic subunit (telomerase reverse transcriptase, TERT)., J. Mol. Neurosci.. 2008, 34: 63-75.
Niu C., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Neuronal Injury Affects Telomerase Activity And Expression In The Nervous System, the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Niu C., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Neuronal injury affects telomerase activity and expression in the nervous system, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 151.21.
Wu G., Deng W., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Characteristics Of Telomerase Expression In Neurogenic Sites Of Adult Central Nervous System (cns), the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Wu G., Deng W., Tsao G.S.W. and Yip H.K.F., Characteristics of telomerase expression in neurogenic sites of adult central nervous system, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 208.17.
Xiao Q., Wu W. and Yip H.K.F., The roles of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) in the acute spinal cord injury in adult mice, the 6th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. 2008.
Xiao Q., Wu W. and Yip H.K.F., The roles of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPS) in the acute spinal cord injury in adult mice, FENS Abstracts. 2008, 4: 151.31.
Yip H.K.F. and Du Y., Bone morphogenetic protein-4 induction of mouse retinal progenitor cell differentiation may involve the activation of Smad-1/5 and inhibitors of differentiation, USA Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting. 2008.
Yip H.K.F. and Du Y., Bone morphogenetic protein-4 induction of mouse retinal progenitor cell differentiation may involve the activaton of smad-1/5 and inhibitors of differentiation, Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program/kPoster: 421.10/B13.
Yip H.K.F., Review editor, Frontiers in Neurogenesis. 2009.

Researcher : Yip YL

List of Research Outputs

Tsao G.S.W., Tsang C.M., Zhang G., Hau P.M., Man C.W.Y., Yip Y.L., Lee L.S., Seto E., Takada K., Cao Y., Chen H., Lo K.W., Jin D. and Kwong D.L.W., Establishment of stable infection of Epstein-Barr Virus in premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, Proceedings of EBV Symposium. 2008.
Yip Y.L., Immortalization of human nasopharyngeal epithelial cells by defined genetic elements. 2008, 195 pages.
Yip Y.L. and Tsao G.S.W., Regulation of p63 expression in primary and immortalized nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, International Journal of Oncology. 2008, 33: 713-724.

Researcher : Yip YL

List of Research Outputs

Tsao G.S.W., Tsang C.M., Zhang G., Hau P.M., Man C.W.Y., Yip Y.L., Lee L.S., Seto E., Takada K., Cao Y., Chen H., Lo K.W., Jin D. and Kwong D.L.W., Establishment of stable infection of Epstein-Barr Virus in premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, Proceedings of EBV Symposium. 2008.
Yip Y.L., Immortalization of human nasopharyngeal epithelial cells by defined genetic elements. 2008, 195 pages.
Yip Y.L. and Tsao G.S.W., Regulation of p63 expression in primary and immortalized nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, International Journal of Oncology. 2008, 33: 713-724.

Researcher : Yu MS

List of Research Outputs

Chang R.C.C., Lai S.W., Preisler J., Yu M.S., Ng H.K., Hugon J. and Lee D.H.S., Low molecular weight b-amyloid peptides induce endoplasmic reticulum aggregation in primary hippocampal neurons, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2008, 4 Issue 4 Suppl 2: T638 P3-399.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases Advances, Concepts and New Challenges, Prague, March 2009. 2068.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Supp. 1: 2068.
Chao J., Yu M.S., Ho Y.S., Wang M. and Chang R.C.C., Dietary oxyresveratrol prevents parkinsonian mimetic 6-hydroxydopamine neurotoxicity, Free Radical Biology and Medicine . 2008, 45: 1019-1026.
Chao J., Li H., Cheng K.W., Yu M.S., Chang R.C.C. and Wang M., Investigating the structural analog of resveratrol in an in vitro Parkinson's disease model, Fourth International symposium on Healthy Aging: Eerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 66 P19.
Chao J.F., Yu M.S., Ho Y.S., Wang M. and Chang R.C.C., Novel neuroprotective effects of oxyresveratrol preventing 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurotoxicity: antioxidant activity and up-regulation of sirt1, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 253.4, Program No. X5.
Cheung Y.T., Lau K.W., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma as in vitro model in neurotoxicity research, NeuroToxicology. 2009, 30: 127-135.
Cheung Y.T., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of apoptosis and autophagy by beta-amyloid peptide induced neurotoxicity, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 67 P23.
Ho Y.S., Yik S.Y., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen A.W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Polysaccharides from lycium barbarum antagonize glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured cortical neurons, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 355.5, Poster No. AA28.
Ho Y.S., Yang X., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Use of wolfberry polysaccharides to reduce risk factor of Alzheimer's disease: Homocysteine, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 68 P26.
Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Yang X., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Wolfberry polysaccharide protects primary cortical neurons from homocysteine-induced neurotoxicity, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Suppl. 1: 2186.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Fadd (fas-associated death domain-containing protein) as a mediator of cell cycle dysregulation in beta-amyloid peptide-induced apoptosis?, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 829.11, Poster No. E29.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Baum L., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Involvement of FADD in beta-amyloid toxicity and in Alzheimer's disease, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 66 P20.

Researcher : Yu MS

List of Research Outputs

Chang R.C.C., Lai S.W., Preisler J., Yu M.S., Ng H.K., Hugon J. and Lee D.H.S., Low molecular weight b-amyloid peptides induce endoplasmic reticulum aggregation in primary hippocampal neurons, Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2008, 4 Issue 4 Suppl 2: T638 P3-399.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases Advances, Concepts and New Challenges, Prague, March 2009. 2068.
Chang R.C.C., Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Hong S.J., Lin Z.X. and So K.F., Potential of herbal medicine in protecting neurons in neurodegenerative diseases, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Supp. 1: 2068.
Chao J., Yu M.S., Ho Y.S., Wang M. and Chang R.C.C., Dietary oxyresveratrol prevents parkinsonian mimetic 6-hydroxydopamine neurotoxicity, Free Radical Biology and Medicine . 2008, 45: 1019-1026.
Chao J., Li H., Cheng K.W., Yu M.S., Chang R.C.C. and Wang M., Investigating the structural analog of resveratrol in an in vitro Parkinson's disease model, Fourth International symposium on Healthy Aging: Eerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 66 P19.
Chao J.F., Yu M.S., Ho Y.S., Wang M. and Chang R.C.C., Novel neuroprotective effects of oxyresveratrol preventing 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurotoxicity: antioxidant activity and up-regulation of sirt1, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 253.4, Program No. X5.
Cheung Y.T., Lau K.W., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., Yeung S.C., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Effects of all-trans-retinoic acid on human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma as in vitro model in neurotoxicity research, NeuroToxicology. 2009, 30: 127-135.
Cheung Y.T., Yu M.S., Lai S.W., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Modulation of apoptosis and autophagy by beta-amyloid peptide induced neurotoxicity, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 67 P23.
Ho Y.S., Yik S.Y., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen A.W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Polysaccharides from lycium barbarum antagonize glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured cortical neurons, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 355.5, Poster No. AA28.
Ho Y.S., Yang X., Yu M.S., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Use of wolfberry polysaccharides to reduce risk factor of Alzheimer's disease: Homocysteine, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 68 P26.
Ho Y.S., Yu M.S., Yang X., So K.F., Yuen W.H. and Chang R.C.C., Wolfberry polysaccharide protects primary cortical neurons from homocysteine-induced neurotoxicity, Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2009, 6 Suppl. 1: 2186.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Ng H.K., Hugon J., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Fadd (fas-associated death domain-containing protein) as a mediator of cell cycle dysregulation in beta-amyloid peptide-induced apoptosis?, The Society for Neuroscience 2008. Program No. 829.11, Poster No. E29.
Yu M.S., Preisler J., Lai S.W., Baum L., So K.F. and Chang R.C.C., Involvement of FADD in beta-amyloid toxicity and in Alzheimer's disease, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 66 P20.

Researcher : Yuan QJ

List of Research Outputs

Chu T.H., Li S.Y., Guo A., Wong W.M., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Implantation of neurotrophic factor-treated sensory nerve graft enhances survival and axonal regeneration of motoneurons after spinal root avulsion, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 2009, 68: 94-101.
Guo J., Leung G.K.K., Su H., Yuan Q.J., Wang L., Chu T.H., Zhang W., Pu J.K.S., Ng G.K.P., Wong W.M., Dai X. and Wu W., Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold promotes the reconstruction of acutely injured brain, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009, 5(3): 345-351.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Lithium enhances the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells in vitro and after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats through the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Journal of Neurochemistry. 2009, 108: 1385-1398.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Neural progenitor cells enhance the survival and axonal regeneration of injured motoneurons after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats, Journal of Neurotrauma. 2009, 26(1): 67-80.
Yuan Q.J., Scott D.E., So K.F., Lin Z. and Wu W., The Potential Role of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Survival and Regeneration of Magnocellular Neurons of Hypothalamo-Neurohypophyseal System., Neurochemical Research. 2009, 34(11): 1907-1913.

Researcher : Zhang E

List of Research Outputs

Zhang E., Chang R.C.C. and So K.F., Effects of wolfberry on hippocampal neurogenesis and depression-like behaviour in a rat depression model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 74 P52.

Researcher : Zhang G

List of Research Outputs

Tsao G.S.W., Tsang C.M., Zhang G., Hau P.M., Man C.W.Y., Yip Y.L., Lee L.S., Seto E., Takada K., Cao Y., Chen H., Lo K.W., Jin D. and Kwong D.L.W., Establishment of stable infection of Epstein-Barr Virus in premalignant nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, Proceedings of EBV Symposium. 2008.

Researcher : Zhang Q

List of Research Outputs

Lai S.W., Preisler J., Cheung Y.T., Zhang Q., Baum L. and Chang R.C.C., Formation of autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes as a pathological consequence of endoplasmic reticulum collapse, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 63 P6.

Researcher : Zhang W

List of Research Outputs

Guo J., Leung G.K.K., Su H., Yuan Q.J., Wang L., Chu T.H., Zhang W., Pu J.K.S., Ng G.K.P., Wong W.M., Dai X. and Wu W., Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold promotes the reconstruction of acutely injured brain, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2009, 5(3): 345-351.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Lithium enhances the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells in vitro and after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats through the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Journal of Neurochemistry. 2009, 108: 1385-1398.
Su H., Zhang W., Guo J., Guo A., Yuan Q.J. and Wu W., Neural progenitor cells enhance the survival and axonal regeneration of injured motoneurons after transplantation into the avulsed ventral horn of adult rats, Journal of Neurotrauma. 2009, 26(1): 67-80.

Researcher : Zhang X

List of Research Outputs

Wang X., Zhang X., Di K., Han H., Wong Y.C., Leung C.L. and Ling M.T., Id1 promotes chromosomal instability through modification of APC/C activity during mitosis in response to microtubule disruption., Oncogene. 2008, 27: 4456-4466.
Wong Y.C., Zhang X., Ling M.T. and Wang X., Caveolin 1, a novel Id1 binding partner and its role on Id1-induced behavioral change in prostate cancer cells., 20th meeting of European Association for Cancer Research, Lyon, France, July 5-8, 2008. European Journal of Cancer, Supplements vol 6/9. 2008, 6/9: 24.

Researcher : Zhou Y

List of Research Outputs

Chiu K., Zhou Y., Yeung S.C., Lok C.K.M., Chan O.O.C., Chang R.C.C., So K.F. and Chiu J., Up-regulation of crystallins is involved in the neuroprotective effect of wolfberry on survival of retinal ganglion cells in rat ocular hypertension model, Fourth International Symposium on Healthy Aging: Emerging Therapies for an Aging Population. 2009, 65 P13.

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