Winners of the 2010-11 Round of the HKU Outstanding Researcher Awards Scheme

The winners of the latest round of HKU awards to recognise research excellence—announced by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Paul Tam, in December 2011—were honoured at the Award Presentation Ceremony for Excellence in Teaching and Research on February 9, 2012 at Rayson Huang Theatre.
Awards are presented under the following categories: Distinguished Research Achievement Award (DRAA), Outstanding Researcher Award (ORA), Outstanding Young Researcher Award (OYRA), Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award (ORSSA), and Research Output Prize (ROP).
The DRAA, the University’s highest research award, recognises academics who have exceptional research achievements of international distinction and are at the forefront of their discipline. The ORA and OYRA are awards to give recognition to experienced colleagues and young researchers, respectively, for their extremely outstanding accomplishments in research. The ORSSA is to accord recognition of colleagues’ highly effective supervisory guidance and support to their research postgraduate students. The ROP was established as a Faculty-based award to honour each Faculty’s best research output.
The recipients of the 2010-2011 Awards are as follows:
Professor N. Mok, Department of Mathematics
Professor F.Y.L. Chin, Department of Computer Science
Professor T.M.C. Lee, Department of Psychology
Professor W. Zang, Department of Mathematics
Dr. H.W. Choi, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dr. B.J. Cowling, School of Public Health
Dr. R.W.C. Pang, Department of Surgery
Dr. S.J. Matthews, School of Humanities (Linguistics)
Professor P.S.F. Yip, Department of Social Work and Social Administration
Details of the best output items and their authors are available at the ROP Winners page.
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