RCR Seminar for Clinical Faculties
A seminar on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) for colleagues from the Faculty of Dentistry and the LKS Faculty of Medicine was organised on January 22, 2011, to enhance awareness and to share values and good practices. This is the fourth in a series of seminars to which academics from different faculty groupings have been invited.
The latest seminar focused on issues relating to clinical disciplines, and discussed both generic and discipline-specific RCR concerns. Questionable practices in research and publication, and how such practices can be avoided, were discussed by Professor Yu-Lung Lau, Associate Dean (Research) of the LKS Faculty of Medicine and Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. When asked how the highest standard of RCR could be upheld, Professor Lau drew on the words of humanitarian and Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Schweitzer, as quoted by Professor Sir David Todd at the Faculty’s Graduation and Prize Presentation Ceremony in January 2011: “Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.”
Professor David Wong, Chair Professor and Director of the Eye Institute, discussed issues about human clinical research, including using placebos, clinical equipoise, randomisation, and surgical trials.
In addition, Professor Roland Chin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, spoke about conflict of interest, using his personal experience to illustrate decisions and measures taken in dealing with situations where conflict of interest had arisen.
To view the respective presentations, please click the links below:
- Questionable Research Conduct and Publication (Professor Y.L. Lau, Associate Dean (Research), LKS Faculty of Medicine)
- Human Clinical Research (Professor D.S.H. Wong, Chair Professor and Director of the Eye Institute)
- Conflict of Interest (Professor T.H.R. Chin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost)