Spotlight Archive
Winners of Outstanding Researcher Awards 2013-14
The winners of the latest round of HKU awards to recognise research excellence were honoured at the award presentation ceremony for excellence in teaching, research and knowledge exchange on March 30, 2015 at Loke Yew Hall.
HKU to Co-ordinate 3 of the 4 New Theme-based Research Scheme Projects
Three large-scale projects co-ordinated by HKU have been funded in the latest round of this competitive scheme that focuses on themes key to the development of Hong Kong and beyond.
Forum on Strategic Research Themes (SRTs)
A forum for HKU's Strategic Research Themes (2013-16) was held on May 7, 2014. The initiative focuses on interdisciplinary research, and in this round comprises 21 themes in 5 areas.
Theme-based Research Scheme Public Symposia 2013
The first in a series of public symposia on Theme-based Research Scheme projects was held at The University of Hong Kong on December 14, 2013.
Responsible Conduct of Research – Ensuring Trust in Research through Good Practice
The essential role played by trust in research and the pursuit of truth was highlighted at the latest of HKU’s seminars on the responsible conduct of research (RCR).
Visit to HKU by New RGC Chairman, Professor Benjamin Wah
Professor Benjamin Wah – Chairman of the Research Grants Council since January this year – visited HKU on March 26, 2013 to talk about and receive input on research-related issues.
Award Presentation Ceremony for the Early Career Award and the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme
Nine HKU researchers were presented the Early Career Award and the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowships by the Research Grants Council in recognition of their achievements in research.
U21 Workshop on Dealing with Research Misconduct
This two-day workshop was hosted by HKU on December 10-11, 2012 to consider and discuss research integrity (RI) issues and explore how member institutions could work towards a shared Universitas 21 (U21) approach to RI.
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Seminar — Raising Awareness and Facilitating Discussion
Research integrity is a cornerstone of HKU’s research endeavours, and the RCR seminars provide an opportunity to enhance knowledge on pertinent issues, stimulate discussion, and share experience.
HKU Funding Success in Theme-based Research Scheme and New Fellowships under Humanities and Social Sciences
HKU recently received the most funding among the local institutions in both the Theme-based Research Scheme and the Prestigious Fellowship Scheme under the Humanities and Social Sciences Panel, results of which were announced in summer 2012.
Winners of the 2010-11 Round of the HKU Outstanding Researchers Award Scheme
The winners of the latest round of HKU awards to recognise research excellence were honoured at the Award Presentation Ceremony for Excellence in Teaching and Research on February 9, 2012 at Rayson Huang Theatre.
Status of HKU Development in the Mainland and Application for Mainland Research Grants
HKU’s developments in the Chinese mainland and applications for mainland research grants were the focus of a seminar for HKU researchers given by Professor Paul Cheung.
Induction Seminar on Research and Research Integrity
Pertinent issues on research at HKU, most importantly those on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), were the focus of this seminar, the latest in HKU’s ongoing RCR series.
HKU Funded the Largest Sum in 1st Round of RGC's Theme-based Research Scheme
HKU has done exceptionally well in the first round of the Research Grant Council’s (RGC) Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS), being co-ordinating institution of 3 of the 6 funded projects. These 3 projects look at cell-based heart regeneration, personalized medicine for cardiovascular diseases, and challenges in organic photo-voltaics and light emitting diodes.
Promoting RCR to New Staff
Following a series of seminars tailored to different HKU faculty groupings to promote Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), a session specifically for new staff was held on April 30, 2011.
RCR Seminar for Clinical Faculties
A seminar on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) for colleagues from the Faculty of Dentistry and the LKS Faculty of Medicine was organised on January 22, 2011, to enhance awareness and to share values and good practices. This is the fourth in a series of seminars to which academics from different faculty groupings have been invited.
Winners of the 2009-10 Round of the HKU Outstanding Researcher Awards Scheme
The winners of the latest round of HKU awards to recognise research excellence have been announced by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Paul Tam, who offered his heartiest congratulations to all the researchers concerned on their achievements.
Vivian Yam Honoured in Women in Science Awards 2011
HKU chemist Professor Vivian Yam Wing-wah has been named Laureate of the 13th L'Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science Awards 2011
Forum on Research Data Sharing
Organised by the University of Hong Kong, on behalf of the Heads of Universities Committee (HUCOM)