- About Us
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- Interdisciplinary Research at HKU
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- Summaries of Major Deliberations/Decisions of Committee Meetings
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- Research Integrity Sub-Committee
- Human Research Ethics Committee
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- Grant Application and Administration
- Funding Schemes Administered by RS
- Funding Schemes Not Administered by RS
- Submitting a Grant Application
- Preparing an External Grant Proposal
- Preparing a Budget
- Finalising an External Grant Proposal
- Editing Service for External Research Grant Proposals
- Checking and External Submission of an External Grant Proposal
- Severe Penalties for RGC Research Grant Application Improprieties
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- Monitoring Arrangements for Major Funding Schemes and Internal Grants
- Basic Information on Research
- Summary of Funding Results
- IPR & Contracts
- Intellectual Property Rights Policy (for Staff, Students and Visitors)
- Contract Research
- Research Related Agreement Templates
- Material Transfer Agreement
- Non-Disclosure Agreement
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- Responsible Conduct of Research
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- Procedures for Dealing with Alleged Staff Misconduct
- Regulations Governing Students' Academic Conduct Concerning Assessment
- RCR Information and Training
- RCR Seminars
- Research Integrity Online Learning Course on Epigeum
- Plagiarism Booklets
- Other Reference Materials
- Upcoming External Research Integrity Events
- Research Data and Records Management
- Research Ethics Compliance
- HREC: Sample Consent and Related Forms
- Human Research Ethics Application System (HREAS)
- HREC: Approved Projects
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- Safety Approval Process
- Safety Approval Guidelines
- Safety Approval Forms
- Honours & Awards
- External Honours & Awards
- CAS Members
- CAE Members
- SSTAs Recipients
- MOE Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) Recipients
- Croucher Fellowships Recipients
- Croucher Tak Wah Mak Innovation Awards Recipients
- HKU Internal Awards for Research Excellence
- DRAA Winners
- ORA Winners
- OYRA Winners
- ORSSA Winners
- ROP Winners
- Research Output Prize Winners Archive
- Research Output Prize Winners 2022-23
- Research Output Prize Winners 2021-22
- Research Output Prize Winners 2020-21
- Research Output Prize Winners 2019-20
- Research Output Prize Winners 2018-19
- Research Output Prize Winners 2017-18
- Research Output Prize Winners 2016-17
- Research Output Prize Winners 2015-16
- Research Output Prize Winners 2014-15
- Research Output Prize Winners 2013-14
- Research Output Prize Winners 2012-13
- Research Output Prize Winners 2011-12
- Research Output Prize Winners 2010-11
- Research Output Prize Winners 2009-10
- Research Output Prize Winners 2008-09
- Research Output Prize Winners 2007-08
- Research Output Prize Winners 2006-07
- Research Output Prize Winners 2005-06
- Visiting Professors Scheme
- Distinguished Visiting Professors at HKU
- Visiting Research Professors at HKU
- RAE 2026 & Other Info
- Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2026
- RAE 2020
- RAE 2014
- HKU RAE 2014 Internal Correspondence
- UK RAE 2008 Experience Sharing Sessions at HKU
- HKU Research Stories
- Task Force on Research Administration (TFRA)
- Memberships
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- Human Resources
- Research Grants
- Research Facilities
- Research Grants from the Mainland
- Information Technology
- Technology Transfer
- Safety
- Library Resources
- Interdisciplinary and Core Research Facilities at HKU
- Events
- News
- Research Information Management System (RIMS)
- HKU Scholars Hub (Research Repository)
- Spotlight
- HKU Coordinating Three New Theme-based Research Scheme Projects
- HKU Coordinating Two New Theme-based Research Scheme Projects
- HKU to Coordinate HIV Study in Theme-based Research Scheme
- HKU Coordinating Two of Five Projects in Latest Round of RGC’s Theme-based Research Scheme
- 2017 Research Management Colloquium – Citations, Impact & International Ranking
- Asian and Pacific Rim Research Integrity (APRI) Network Meeting 2017
- HKU Funded Most Projects and Largest Amount in Latest Round of RGC’s Theme-based Research Scheme
- HKU Centennial Distinguished Chinese Scholars Scheme - First Scholar Visits HKU
- King's/HKU Fellowship Awards - Fostering Interaction, Collaboration and Internationalisation
- HKU to Co-ordinate MERS Study in Theme-based Research Scheme
- Research Data and Records Management Policy Approved by Senate
- HKU to Co-ordinate 3 of the 4 New Theme-based Research Projects
- Visit to HKU by New RGC Chairman, Professor Benjamin Wah
- Award Presentation Ceremony for the Early Career Award and the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme
- U21 Workshop on Dealing with Research Misconduct
- Spotlight Archive
- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Seminar — Raising Awareness and Facilitating Discussion
- HKU Funding Success in Theme-based Research Scheme and New Fellowships under Humanities and Social Sciences
- TRS/HSSPFS: Project Information from the PCs/PIs
- Winners of the 2010-11 Round of the HKU Outstanding Researcher Awards Scheme
- Status of HKU Development in the Mainland and Application for Mainland Research Grants
- Seminar on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) for New Staff
- Induction Seminar on Research and Research Integrity
- HKU Funded the Largest Sum in 1st Round of RGC's Theme-based Research Scheme
- Promoting RCR to New Staff
- RCR Seminar for Clinical Faculties
- Winners of the 2009-10 Round of the HKU Outstanding Researcher Awards Scheme
- Vivian Yam Honoured in Women in Science Awards 2011
- Forum on Research Data Sharing
- Useful Documents/Links