External Honours & Awards

International recognition

HKU has a proud record of academic recognition through honours and awards bestowed by bodies in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and across the world. Our researchers receive external recognition for their work in numerous ways, including fellowships, prizes and awards; honorary degrees and professorships; keynote and invited speeches; and fellowships and memberships of prestigious academies. Notable international awards include the Porter Medal, the American Chemical Society National Award, the Bailar Medal, State Natural Science Awards, Future Science Prizes, Excellent Young Scientist Fund awards and Changjiang Scholarships (visit the Awards & Recognition section of the Academic Development website for more information).


Excellence in state and local awards

Some highlights of national and local honours and awards are listed below. Other notable examples include the first Changjiang Scholar named in the field of Mathematics Education, and the largest number of State Key Laboratories of any local institution.


HKU Performance

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) / Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) Members
State Science and Technology Awards (SSTAs) in the categories of State Natural Science Award, State Scientific and Technological Progress Award and State Technological Invention Award
  • One member became the first scientist from Hong Kong to receive the First Class Prize in the State Natural Science Award category; and a total of 39 awards have been received since 1989.
Ministry of Education (MOE) Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology)
  • The University has received 16 awards since 2009.
Croucher Foundation Senior Research Fellowships
  • Largest number of fellowships of any UGC-funded institution, with 63 fellowships out of a total of 138 awarded since 1997.
Croucher Tak Wah Mak Innovation Awards
  • Largest number of awards of any UGC-funded institution, with 11 awards out of a total of 33 awarded since 2012.

Note: The information above relates to honours/awards received whilst a member of HKU.

More examples of research-related honours and awards (along with other research achievements) can be found in the Awards & Recognition section of the Academic Development website, in the University's Annual Report and in the First & Foremost summary of achievements.