Research Output Prize Winners 2009–10
Faculty of Architecture
'Sick Building Syndrome and Perceived Indoor Environmental Quality: A Survey of Apartment Buildings in Hong Kong', Habitat International (2009), 33, 4, 463-471
by Siu-Kei Wong*, Lawrence Wai-Chung Lai*, Daniel Chi-Wing Ho*, Kwong-Wing Chau*, Cindy Lo-Kuen Lam*, Chris Hung-Fai Ng
Faculty of Arts
Contact Languages: Ecology and Evolution in Asia, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 257pp
by Umberto Ansaldo*
Faculty of Business and Economics
'The Effect of Regulatory Orientation and Decision Strategy on Brand Judgments', Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (April 2009), 1026-1038
by Echo Wen Wan*, Jiewen Hong, Brian Sternthal
Faculty of Dentistry
'Microbiology of Odontogenic Bacteremia: beyond Endocarditis', Clinical Microbiology Reviews 2009, 22: 46-64
by N.B. Parahitiyawa*, L.J. Jin*, W.K. Leung*, W.C. Yam*, L. P. Samaranayake*
Faculty of Education
'From the Horse’s Mouth: What Scientists Say About Scientific Investigation and Scientific Knowledge', Science Education, 93(1), 109-130, 2009
by Siu Ling Wong*, Derek Hodson
Faculty of Engineering
'Site Response to Multi-directional Earthquake Loading: A Practical Procedure', Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 29 (2009), pp 710-721
by J. Yang*, X.R. Yan*
Faculty of Law
'Customary Non-Refoulement of Refugees and Automatic Incorporation into the Common Law: a Hong Kong Perspective',International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 58, April 2009, 443-468
by Oliver Jones*
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
'A Mutation in Ihh that Causes Digit Abnormalities Alters Its Signaling Capacity and Range', Nature, 458 (April 2009), 1196-1200
by Bo Gao*, Jianxin Hu*, Sigmar Stricker, Martin Cheung*, Gang Ma, Kit Fong Law*, Florian Witte, James Briscoe, Stefan Mundlos, Lin He, Kathryn S.E. Cheah*, Danny Chan*
Faculty of Science
Secretin as a Neurohypophysial Factor Regulating Body Water Homeostasis', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 2009
by Jessica Y.S. Chu*, Leo T.O. Lee*, C.H. Lai*, H. Vaudry, Y.S. Chan*, W.H. Yung, Billy K.C. Chow*
Faculty of Social Sciences
'Invigorating the Content in Social Embeddedness: An Ethnography of Life Insurance Transactions in China', American Journal of Sociology Vol. 115, No. 3 (November 2009): 712-54
by Cheris Shun-ching Chan*
* HKU members